Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of behavior therapy quizlet?

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Main techniques are reinforcement, shaping, modeling, systematic desensitization, relaxation methods, flooding, eye movement and desensitization reprocessing, cognitive restructuring, assertion and social skills training, self-management programs, mindfulness and acceptance methods, behavioral rehearsal, coaching, and various multimodal therapy techniques. Diagnosis or assessment is done at the outset to determine a treatment plan. Questions concentrate on "what" "how" and "when" (but not "why"). Typically contracts or homework.

A pragmatic approach based on empirical validation of results. Enjoys wide applicability to individual, group, couples, and family counseling. Some problems to which the approach is well suited are phobic disorders, depression, trauma, sexual disorders, children's behavioral disorders, stuttering, and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Beyond clinical practice, its principles are applied in fields such as pediatrics, stress management, behavioral medicine, education, and geriatrics.

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For Test #3

Terms in this set (50)

Behavior therapy assumes that:

Behavior is learned.

Behavior therapy is characterized by:

A focus on overt specific behavior; a formulation of precise treatment goals; the design of an appropriate treatment plan; the objective assessment of the results of therapy.

The A-B-C Model of functional analysis of behavior:

Is a tool used to identify the conditions that maintain a behavior pattern and identifies behavioral cues.

The main goal of behavior therapy is:

Eliminating maladaptive learning and providing for more effective learning.

Which of the following interventions is NOT associated with the third wave of behavior therapy?

Relaxation training

Social skills training:

Is a psychoeducational approach to interpersonal growth; involves modeling and reinforcement technique; uses role playing exercises to simulate social situations.

Which anxiety reduction technique involves creating a hierarchy of the client's fearful experiences?

Systematic Desensitization

Behavior therapy techniques:

Must be suited to the client's problems; typically have empirical support; incorporate mindfulness, acceptance and spirituality into treatment.

Behavior therapy is suited for:

Individual therapy; group therapy; institutions and clinics; classroom learning situations

What are the contributions of behavior therapy?

It makes explicit the role of the therapist as a reinforce and it blends behavior modification techniques with meditation and acceptance.

Which statement is untrue?

Contemporary behavior therapy is increasingly concerned with behavioral control.

Which of the following is NOT a basic characteristic of behavior therapy?

The therapist is manipulative and controlling.

Who has done most of the work in the area of modeling?

Albert Bandura

B. F. Skinner is associated with which of the following trends in the behavioral approach?

Operant Conditioning.

Which of the following is NOT true about how behavior therapists function in the therapeutic setting?

They use techniques such as summarizing, reflection, clarification, and open-ended questioning; they focus on specific aspects of problems; they systematically assess for information about all aspects of the problem; they serve as a model for the client.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective self-management program?

External reinforcement is essential in maintaining behavioral changes.

What is NOT a part of the steps in a self-directed change program?

Exploration of one's family constellation.

Which of the following is true about "technical eclecticism" in multimodal therapy?

It is encouraged.

In terms of ethical accountability, behavior therapy:

Provides a basis for responsible practice.

Which of the following behavior therapists is credited with developing the social cognitive learning model, doing much work on observational learning and modeling, and writing about self-efficacy?


Which of the following distinguishes the cognitive trend in behavior therapy from the trends of classical and operant conditioning?

The integration of thoughts and feelings int he process of behavior change.

Multimodal therapy is therapeutic approach that is grounded on:

Social learning theory.

According to Bandura, which of the following are characteristic of effective models (whether they be live, symbolic, or multiple)?

Similar to the observer with regard to age, sex, race and attitudes; possessing a degree of prestige and status; exhibiting warmth.

Which of the following clinical strategies is NOT necessarily employed during assertion training?


Which of the following would NOT be considered a feature of a good self-contract?

It is a verbal agreement between client and therapist.

During the second wave of behavior therapy, therapists:

Continued to emphasize empirically supported treatments; increased their focus on the role of emotion in behavior change; adopted a stronger biological perspective; applied behavior therapy principles to prevention of disease and illness.

Behavior therapy emerged as a major force in psychotherapy and experienced a significant growth spurt during the:


Wolpe's systematic desensitization is based on the principles of:

Classical Conditioning.

The situation in which behaviors are influenced by the consequences that follow them is:

Operant Conditioning.

Skinner's view of shaping behavior is based on the principle of:

Operant conditioning.

BLANK involves the removal of unpleasant stimuli from a situation once a certain behavior has occurred

Negative reinforcement.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy:

Stands alone as a unique approach to psychotherapy.

All of the following are characteristics of the behavioral approaches except:

Behavior therapy employs the same procedures to every client with a particular dysfunctional behavior.

In conducting a behavioral assessment, the client's functioning is taken into account in which areas?

Emotional dimensions; Cognitive dimensions; Behavioral dimensions; Interpersonal dimensions

The goal of acceptance in ACT is:

Encouraging clients to engage in nonjudgmental observation of cognitions and feelings and creating psychological flexibility.

Behavior therapists tend to:

Be active and directive; function as consultants; function as problem solvers.

All of the following are steps in the use of systematic desensitization


Techniques used in mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy include all but:


In working with diverse clients, strengths of the behavioral approach include:

Specificity; action orientation; careful consideration of environmental conditions in the client's life.

Self-management strategies include:

Self-monitoring; self-award; self-contracting; stimulus control.

If your client wanted to change a behavior, for instance, learning to control smoking, drinking, or eating, which behavioral technique would be most appropriate to employ?


Techniques that differentiate behavioral group therapy from other models of group work include all but:

A time-limited intervention.

From a multimodal therapy perspective, enduring change is seen as a function of:

Combined techniques, strategies, and modalities.

Lazarus argues in favor of:

Strict adherence to treatment manuals to ensure standardization.

Who is the developer of multimodal therapy?

Arnold Lazarus.

In group settings, behavior therapists provide:

Modeling; teaching of new skills; directive support of clients.

The key principle in applied behavior analysis is:

To use the least aversive means to change behavior.

In vivo flooding consists of:

Intense and prolonged exposure to the actual anxiety-producing stimuli

EMDR is typically used to help clients;

Restructure their cognitions regarding traumatic events.

Dialectical behavior therapy:

Is a promising blend of behavioral and psychoanalytic techniques and is a treatment for depression.

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Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of behavior therapy?

behavior therapy is characterized by all of the following, except: -focus on overt specific behavior.

Which of the following is not true of behavior therapy quizlet?

Which of the following is not true regarding behavior therapy? The client is merely passive while the therapist uses techniques. All of the following are true about social skills training except: it requires clients to engage in catharsis.

What are the main characteristics of Behavioural therapy?

Behavioral therapy techniques use reinforcement, punishment, shaping, modeling, and related techniques to alter behavior. These methods have the benefit of being highly focused, which means they can produce fast and effective results.

Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapy quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true of behavior therapies? They strive to eliminate individuals' depressed symptoms or behaviors.