Which of the following is NOT a common factor that would affect a 75-year-old patients vital signs

Total word count: 363

Pages: 1

Physical changes that typically occur in early adults include an:

increase in fatty tissue, which leads to weight gain.

The areas of the infant’s skull that have not yet fused together are called ________.


The risk of bleeding in the skull, which increases with age, is MOST directly related to:

shrinkage of the brain.

A 16-year-old female complains of vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping that began several hours ago. During your assessment interview, you should:

inquire about the possibility of pregnancy in private, if possible

The human body should be functioning at its optimal level between the ages of:

19 and 25 years.

A normal systolic blood pressure for a 30-year-old is between:

90 and 140 mm Hg.

What is the normal respiratory rate for an adult?

12-20 breaths/min

When you are communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that:

age-related changes diminish the effectiveness of the eyes and ears

You are dispatched to a call for a 4-month-old infant with respiratory distress. While you prepare to take care of this child, you must remember that:

small infants are nose breathers and require clear nasal passages at all times.

The respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute in an infant is ________.


Why do middle adults commonly experience financial concerns?

They are preparing for retirement but must still manage everyday financial demands.

The average pulse rate of persons between 19 and 60 years of age is typically:

70 beats/min.

Which of the following is NOT a common factor that would affect a 75-year-old patient’s vital signs?

Increased weight

An infant’s blood pressure typically increases with age because:

blood pressure directly corresponds to body weight.

Which of the following is a physical change that typically occurs in the adolescent age group?

Secondary sexual development begins.

Atherosclerosis is defined as ________.

the blockage of a coronary artery

Which of the following describes the Moro reflex?

The neonate opens his or her arms wide, spreads his or her fingers, and seems to grasp at something after being startled.

Children of which age group are considered toddlers?

1-3 years

In preconventional reasoning, children:

act almost purely to avoid punishment and to get what they want.

Older adults frequently ___________.

take multiple medications

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Which of the following is a physical change that typically occurs in the adolescent age group quizlet?

An infant's blood pressure typically increases with age because: blood pressure directly corresponds to body weight. Which of the following is a physical change that typically occurs in the adolescent age group? Secondary sexual development begins.

At what age do vital signs begin to level off?

At which stage do vital signs begin to level off within adult ranges? - Preschool. - Adolescence. In adolescents, vital signs level off: systolic blood pressure ranges from 90-110 mm Hg, pulse rate ranges from 60-100 beats/min, and respirations range from 12-20 breaths/min.

When you were communicating with an older patient is important to remember that?

When you are communicating with an older patient, it is important to remember that: most older people think clearly and are capable of answering questions.

What are the areas of the infant's skull that have not yet fused together are called?

The spaces between the bones that remain open in babies and young children are called fontanelles. Sometimes, they are called soft spots. These spaces are a part of normal development. The cranial bones remain separate for about 12 to 18 months.