Which of the following is NOT a factor in the changes occurring in todays marketing communications

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the changes occurring in today's marketing communications? 

A) Mass markets have fragmented, and marketers are shifting away from mass marketing.
B) Improvements in communication technologies are changing how companies and customers communicate with each other.
C) Companies routinely invest millions of dollars in the mass media.
D) Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.
E) Consumers are better informed about products and services.


Answer: D) Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.

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Which of the following is NOT a factor in the changes occurring in today's marketing communications? Concept of Public Relations

  • Improvements in communication technologies are changing how companies and customers communicate with each other.
  • Companies routinely invest millions of dollars in the mass media.
  • Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.
  • Consumers are better informed about products and services.

Answer: Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.

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Exam Question

Which of the following is not a factor in the changes occurring in today’s marketing communications?

  • 1. Mass markets have fragmented, and marketers are shifting away from mass marketing
  • 2. Changes in communication technologies are changing how companies and customers communicate with each other
  • 3. Mass-media companies routinely invest millions of dollars in the mass media
  • 4. Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets
  • 5. Consumers are better informed about products and services

Answer 4. Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets

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Which of the following is not a factor in the changes occurring in today's marketing communications Mcq?

Answer: Mass media no longer capture the majority of promotional budgets.

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Which of the following is not included in the market communication?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Telemarketing is NOT a part of marketing communication mix.