Which of the following is not an example of an independent regulatory agency?


Regulators have a crucial role to play in the economy and society. They ensure that clean water runs in our taps, the lights remain on, and that financial markets are sound. However, they can fail to deliver these public services if their activities are unduly influenced, whether by the regulated industry, government, politicians or outside interest groups. For example, an electricity rate hike that is justified by the operator’s costs can be opposed by consumer groups or politicians wishing to make hay. Equally, the operator may lobby for higher prices, unnecessarily prioritising shareholders over consumers. There is broad consensus on the need for safeguards against undue influence to maintain regulatory neutrality, and appropriate interactions and mechanisms for engaging with stakeholders, but less on what this means in practice.


Building on its work on the Governance of Regulators and performance assessments of regulatory agencies, in conjunction with its Network of Economic Regulators (NER), the OECD has developed practical guidelines for governments and regulators on how to protect economic regulatory agencies from undue influence. The guidance also aims at helping the executive, legislature, judiciary, industry, consumers, media and interest groups better understand and appreciate the role of regulators and how to interact with them.  


The guidance is structured into five dimensions and proposes some basic and necessary institutional measures as well as more aspirational steps towards bolstering a culture of independence.

Which of the following is not an example of an independent regulatory agency?

This work is based on an analysis of regulators’ institutional processes set out in the Being an Independent Regulator report that discusses the results of a unique and confidential survey of 48 regulators across 26 OECD and non-OECD countries, representing a diverse sectoral and institutional mix.


For further information, please contact Anna Pietikainen, Regulatory Policy Division, OECD.

  • Regulatory independence is not an end in itself but a means toward ensuring effective and efficient public service delivery by market players.
  • Independence is not static, but is an active objective which regulators must be prepared to approach continuously, requiring a mix of formal and informal, de jure and de facto elements.
  • The life of a regulatory agency is fraught with potential entry points for undue influence, from issues related to finance, leadership, staff behaviour to links to the political cycle. A real culture of independence will help navigate these “pinch points”.
  • Independence cannot come at the price of accountability or engagement. Regulators need to be part of a well-functioning and transparent governance-ecosystem, keeping their fingers on the pulse of the market through interaction with industry and consumers and having effective engagement with government institutions. 

Which of the following is not an example of an independent regulatory agency?

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What is an example of an independent regulatory agency?

The term 'independent regulatory agency' means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Federal ...

Is the CIA an independent regulatory agency?

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is an independent federal agency responsible for providing national security intelligence to our nation's policymakers.

What are the 5 regulatory agencies in the US?

These include the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Which of the following are examples of independent agencies quizlet?

What are some examples of independent agencies? Examples of Independent Agencies are the ICC, FCC, NLRB, and NRC. The National Labor Relations Board, the FEC, the FTC, the Federal Reserve Board, and the FCC.