Which of the following is not predicted by the hedonic theory of wages, all else constant?

Hedonic analysis of home prices in the Twin Cities found that a shoreline location increased property value by $111000 and even being within 200ft of a lake added $61000 to a property's value (Moscovitch, 2007).

From: Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, 2014

Land-Use Modeling

B. Voigt, A. Troy, in Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008

Statistical Methods for Modeling Land Use

From a human economic perspective, one of the most pertinent factors in land-use decisions is land value. Determinants of land markets have been extensively studied to quantify individual preferences for property attributes. One commonly employed method, hedonic analysis, uses the sale price of a parcel as a proxy for measuring individual willingness to pay for structural and locational property variations. A multiple regression approach is used to estimate the property price based on a suite of attributes. Table 1 provides a list of common covariates grouped into three categories: structural, neighborhood, and environmental. Equation [1] illustrates a general specification of a hedonic model structure:


where Pi = price, β1 = an intercept variable, βn = vectors of coefficients for the model variables, and εi = standard regression error term.

Table 1. Commonly used covariates for hedonic analysis

Structural attributesNeighborhood attributesEcological/environmental attributes
Square footage Distance to downtown, airport, etc. Proximity to open space
No. of bedrooms Air quality
No. of bathrooms School district Water quality
Age of house Crime Landscape metrics
Type of garage Demographic profile

A multiple regression approach has also been used to estimate the demand for quantities of particular land-use types. The area of interest is divided into a set of discrete zones (e.g., block group, traffic analysis zone), and an array of predictor variables is used to estimate the area of land use by type. The dependent variable in this case, the area of each type of land use, is estimated with some combination of social, economic, and environmental variables specified in much the same way as the hedonic price model discussed above. While these approaches may be useful for explaining consumer preferences and historical land-use patterns, they have limited predictive ability to capture the nonlinear and emergent behavioral patterns that characterize urban transformation (e.g., edge cities).

Discrete choice analysis models the probability of a specific outcome from the set of alternatives that constrain a decision-making process. This technique commonly employs a binomial or multinomial statistical model, such as logit (see eqn [2]) or probit, where decisions are represented by a maximum likelihood or random utility function that is defined by independent variables whose values are estimated based on the actual decisions of individuals when faced with similar choices. Choice sets can be continuous or discrete and can occur as a single decision or within a nested structure. An example of the former would be representing a development event binomially, while the latter would be a choice between development and no development, followed by a nested choice within the development branch between commercial or residential.

The logistic regression or logit function is given by

[2]EY =expβ0+β1X1+⋯βp −1Xp−11+expβ0+β 1X1+⋯βp−1Xp−1

where E(Y) = the expected response value, β0 = an intercept variable, and βn = coefficient representing estimated odds ratios for variable Xn holding all else constant.

While these statistical approaches could serve as stand-alone models of land-use change, they are more commonly employed as components of more complex models. For example, the California Urban Futures (CUF) model uses a regression approach to calibrate the land-use change submodel against historical land-use changes using population and employment growth, proximity to employment, commercial and industrial land uses, and spatial and topographic factors as independent variables. Another example is UrbanSim, where hedonic analysis is used to estimate the land price model and a multinomial logit model is used to estimate probabilities that households and firms will occupy a particular parcel. Finally, discrete choice models are commonly employed in travel demand, cellular automata (CAs), and agent-based models, which are discussed below, and are particularly used to calibrate parameters from empirical data.

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Water Quality and Sustainability

L.A. Baker, R.M. Newman, in Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, 2014 Qualities of Lakes Associated with Property Value

Humans derive substantial pleasure from simply seeing lakes, from shorelines, and shorelines from lakes. Studies of landscape preferences consistently reveal that humans prefer landscapes that contain water features compared to similar landscapes that lack water features (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). This aesthetic value translates directly to economic value. Hedonic analysis of home prices in the Twin Cities found that a shoreline location increased property value by $111 000 and even being within 200 ft of a lake added $61 000 to a property's value (Moscovitch, 2007). In a study of several cities in the Netherlands, ‘overlooking water’ added 8–10% to the value of a house, and a ‘garden facing water’ added 28% (Luttik, 2000). Lansford and Jones (1995) concluded that recreational and aesthetic values reflected by hedonic analysis – amounted to 15% of the total property value within 2000 ft of Lake Travis. Some wetlands also increase the value of nearby property. Doss and Taff (1996) reported that property values increased with proximity to open water wetlands but not forested wetlands.

Given the large premium on property values associated with proximity to lakes, there has been surprisingly little analysis of environmental qualities of lakes in relation to property value. The few studies that have been done have focused primarily on the relationship between water clarity and property value, using hedonic analysis (Steinnes, 1992; Michael et al., 1996; Boyle et al., 1998; Gibbs et al., 2002; Krysel et al., 2003). The effect of a loss of 1 m clarity varies among lakes and can range from a few percent to as much as 34% (Long lake, in Michael et al., 1996). Gibbs et al. also reported that clarity influenced purchasing decisions of 46% of survey respondents. Dodds et al. (2009) estimated annual US lakeshore property value losses because of eutrophication of $0.3–$2.8 billion per year. To our knowledge, there are no hedonic model studies to relate lake clarity to property values in urban areas, and few that relate property values to other aspects of lake aesthetics, although some studies have evaluated effects of invasive species. For example, Horsch and Lewis (2009) found property values dropped an average of 13% after Eurasian watermilfoil (M. spicatum) invasion in Wisconsin lakes.

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Modeling Marine Ecosystem Services

Anne D. Guerry, ... Dan Holland, in Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Second Edition), 2013

Accounting Approaches and Basic Valuation Methods

The simplest approach to assessing ecosystem services for marine and terrestrial systems is a straightforward accounting of those services and their values. This approach is not one that explicitly models the ecological or human systems, but it has been used to assess marine ecosystem services (Beaumont et al., 2007, 2008). Generally, the approach begins by defining a particular geographic location and then identifying the set of ecosystem services flowing from that area. The assessment can then be as simple as compiling local information on each of these services for that region – e.g., using revenues from an area's fishery harvests as a measure of the economic value of that type of provisioning service.

A more common method that has been used for terrestrial systems is ecosystem-service mapping (Troy and Wilson, 2006). This method differentiates a particular area by land cover, biome, or some other set of ecologically based landscape or seascape type. Drawing from a standard set of ecosystem service categories (e.g., deGroot et al., 2002), each landscape type (e.g., forestland) is then linked to a set of services (e.g., recreation or carbon sequestration) believed to be provided by that type. The quantity of an ecosystem service produced is then assumed to be linearly related to the area of the landscape type.

From these starting points, local economic data, if they exist, can be used to transform the quantity of ecosystem services into economic values. Such data are not commonly available, however, and so the more typical approach to assigning economic value is to use what is known as benefit transfer. Benefit transfer is a method for taking economic data on benefits (or values in general) gathered from one site and applying the data to another site. This method is rarely the “first-best” choice for estimating economic values but the costs of gathering primary, site-specific data have made it a common practice for studies of ecosystem service value (e.g., see Rosenberger and Loomis (2001) and National Research Council (2005) for examples of recreational uses of natural sites). Using the assumption of a linear relation between ecosystem service quantities and landscape area, a “unit value” for a particular ecosystem service and landscape type can then be derived by taking an existing study's estimated value for a particular ecosystem service and dividing by the area of the studied site's landscape (e.g., recreation or carbon sequestration value per acre of forestland). These unit values can then be used to assess the value of ecosystem services at other sites for multiple services and landscape types if they are present.

This accounting approach was pioneered by Costanza and colleagues (1997), who estimated global values for 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes. Their effort included five marine and coastal biomes: open ocean, estuaries, seagrass or algae beds, coral reefs, and ocean shelf. These five biomes accounted for almost two-thirds of the estimated annual $33 trillion value of Earth's services. Their use of benefit transfer was almost universal; the original data used in the study were gathered in one or more locations and then projected worldwide.

Accounting approaches such as Costanza et al. (1997) are simple and play the important role of raising the awareness of the values of traditionally undervalued, nonmarket ecosystem services. They should be used cautiously, however, with important qualifications in mind. First, this approach imposes linearity on the valuation of ecosystem services, which has the potential to produce biased estimates. Human pressures on ecosystems and the services they provide can result in impacts that respond nonlinearly to changes in the scale of the pressure or change discontinuously if a threshold is crossed (Groffman et al., 2006). The valuation of ecosystems services should therefore account for such nonlinearities if the scale under consideration is more than minimal (Barbier et al., 2008; Koch et al., 2009). The human values that apply to ecosystem services can also exhibit nonlinearities as the quantity or quality of the ecosystem service available changes (Bockstael et al., 2000; Toman, 1998). Again, if the scale of a service under consideration is large, projecting a value estimated for a small change has the potential to produce significant bias. And if more than one service is evaluated, the aggregate value of the group of services is likely to be nonlinear with respect to considering more and more services. If estimates of individual ecosystem service values are used in such an exercise, simply adding them together will again produce a biased estimate of the group's value. These problems grow more and more significant as the scale of the ecosystem service valuation exercise increases. Given that this approach is often used to produce national or even global estimates (Anielski and Wilson, 2009; Beaumont et al., 2007, 2008; Ingraham and Foster, 2008; Naidoo et al., 2008), the issue of nonlinearities is an important one.

Second, the method requires rigid association of a particular set of ecosystem services to a particular landscape type; thus it does not allow assessment of how policies might change the flow of ecosystem services and affect their values, short of comparing values under wholesale destruction of the landscape type. Relying on landscape type to assign a fixed presence and quantity of services provides little information to evaluate how a policy will change ecosystem service values in any way other than a change in the landscape type. This “all or nothing” approach may make sense for some cases – for example, replacing forest with open agricultural fields – but not for others, as it is highly unlikely that any policy is capable of converting saltwater estuaries into upland forestland.

A third caution stems from the common use of benefit transfer for ecosystem service mapping exercises and other accounting approaches. The broad categories used in these types of exercises facilitate a comprehensive analysis of ecosystem service values for large geographic areas, but they also subject the analysis to a high likelihood of what is called generalization error (Plummer, 2009). As an example, consider the problem of estimating the value of providing “recreation” in a “marine area.” Recreation covers scores of possible market and nonmarket activities that take place in natural settings, and some may be present in one marine area but not in others. Also, the presence of human-built infrastructure and the accessibility of the marine area are important determinants of the economic value of the recreational activity. Because these factors can vary widely, using estimates of economic value from one site and applying them to another is likely to produce significant errors if the categories of “recreation” and “marine area” are treated at a high level of generalization.

Finally, existing estimates of economic values for ecosystem services are strongly influenced by the methodology employed to make the estimate. As the NRC report on valuing ecosystem services (2005) emphasizes, not all methodologies are equally good. Happily, several valuation approaches are accepted practice by economists, but the interpretation of the resulting values should be informed by the method used.

Revealed Preferences Methods

Standard economic theory is based on the assumption that observable choices made by individuals reveal their expected valuation of a good or activity (but it also allows for some goods with values that are independent of observable behavior) (Slesnick, 1998). The revealed preference approach is a collection of methods for estimating economic values that rely on observable behavior. The most obvious revealed preference method is the use of market data. The production of commercially harvested finfish and shellfish is a leading example of marine ecosystem services with values that can be estimated with market data. Another revealed preference method that uses market data is known as hedonic analysis (Palmquist, 1991; Freeman, 1993; Palmquist, 2003); it analyzes goods (e.g., housing) that are sold as a bundle of characteristics. In some cases, location-specific characteristics may be part of the bundle and include environmental amenities such as air and water quality or proximity to open space. If ecosystem services are a part of these bundled characteristics – for example, shoreline protection provided by nearshore ecological systems – the marginal value of such a service can be estimated with a hedonic analysis.

A final revealed preference method is useful for cultural ecosystem services such as recreation and other environmental experiences that take place outside any formal market. In this approach, the cost of engaging in the activity can be used to derive estimates of its economic value (Clawson, 1959; Knetsch, 1963). Similar to the assumptions for hedonic models, the recreation “good” can be viewed as a bundle of characteristics, some of which are the environmental features important to the recreational experience. If data are available for visits to multiple sites with varying levels of those features, one can then estimate the contribution of a particular feature to the demand for that recreation and from this estimate the feature's value (Morey, 1981).

Stated Preference Methods

Stated preference methods also can provide legitimate estimates of economic value. These methods rely on survey questions that ask individuals to make a choice, describe a behavior, or state directly what they would be willing to pay for specified changes in nonmarket goods or services. These methods are increasingly used in economic studies of environmental quality because they offer the opportunity to estimate the value for anything that can be presented as a credible and consequential choice. If conducted with attention to the many standards of care for its execution (Mitchell and Carson, 1989), this method can provide useful estimates of ecosystem service values.

Other Valuation Methods

Other methods are less reliable and particularly prone to misuse when estimating ecosystem service values. A prominent example is the replacement-cost or cost-of-treatment approach. For example, the cost of municipal water treatment for drinking water can be reduced by the presence of a wetland because the wetland system filters and removes pollutants (Day et al., 2004). Using the cost of a human-built alternative treatment method is an approach sometimes taken to estimate the “value” of the wetland, but in general this cost does not have any necessary relation to the actual services provided by a particular wetland. On the one hand, the wetland may not actually provide filtration services (e.g., because of the absence of contaminants that need filtering or biophysical features of the wetland that prevent filtering). On the other hand, the wetland might simultaneously provide a number of other services (such as carbon storage, nursery habitat support for fisheries) that are not captured by this form of valuation. As a result, the replacement-cost approach to estimating the value of an ecosystem service must be used with great care.

One final word about valuation: much of the dialogue about ecosystem services focuses on economic valuation. Economic valuation, however, is far from the only way to value ecosystem services. Although many services (e.g., provisioning services) are relatively straightforward to value in economic terms, others (e.g., cultural services) often defy economic valuation. The comparison of multiple ecosystem services in a single currency (e.g., dollars) is appealing in some contexts but not appropriate or even desirable in others. Cultural ecosystem services – diverse, nonmaterial benefits that people obtain through their interactions with ecosystems, including spiritual inspiration, cultural identity, and recreation – are difficult but not impossible to value. Various methods (e.g., narrative methods, paired comparisons, structured decision making) can be used to elicit the relative weight that people place on these services (Chan et al., in press).

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Ecosystems Services

M. Robertson, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011

Economic Valuation Methods

Much of the impetus to value ecosystem services comes from the US federal mandate to evaluate the environmental trade-offs present in any land-use or resource management policy decision. CBA was first used in the 1930s to justify budget allocations for US Army Corps of Engineers water resource development projects. In response to the tendency for CBA to count only benefits for which prices were readily available, Congress included in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 a stipulation that Environmental Impact Statements must also consider noneconomic values that might be impacted by given projects. Rather than encouraging policymakers to reach beyond economic valuation, this incentivized research into increasingly sophisticated valuation techniques that could capture the economic value of nonmarketed elements of nature. As attention has turned to the conservation of ecosystem services, these economic valuation tools have been applied to capture their value in environmental decision-making. Executive Order 12291, issued in 1981, required that CBA be undertaken for any new federal regulation, and required that, any regulation's benefits must outweigh the costs to society. This requirement is relaxed by Executive Order 13258, issued in 1996, which simply stated that the benefits of the regulations must justify the costs.

The monetary value of ecosystems can be measured in several ways; mainstream economists use the concept of ‘Total Economic Value’ to classify the values in ecosystem services. Methods used to find the value of ecosystem services may be classified into two categories. The first are known as revealed preference methods, and involve gathering data by observing the behavior of individuals in real-world situations involving interaction with ecosystem services. There are five main methods in this category:

Hedonic models: All other features being equal, price differentials between similar goods can be attributed to variance in the features of interest. In the case of ecosystem services, hedonic analysis has been used to observe costs for residential lots that are associated with differential access to aesthetic services provided by nearby wetlands. For identical housing lots, the difference in price should be due to the presence or absence of wetlands.

Travel cost: This approach tallies the costs in travel, fuel, and time that individuals expend to consume ecosystem services.

Averting behavior: The inverse of travel cost analysis is the assessment of the costs that individuals incur to avoid undesirable outcomes caused by the degradation of ecosystem services.

Replacement cost: An analysis of the expenditures required to perform the service provided by ecosystems.

Production function: This method is borrowed from standard analyses of industrial production. Assuming that ecosystem services provide inputs to certain kinds of commodity production (known as factor inputs), changes in ecosystem services can be linked to changes in the costs and supply of the final commodity. In traditional economic analysis, where an entire industrial production process is well understood and priced in noncontroversial ways, production function analysis is a powerful tool. To be used in the valuation of ecosystems services, it is crucial that underlying economic and ecological relationships be understood as well as, say, the factor inputs in steel production are understood in alloy manufacture. This is often not the case where ecological functions are concerned.

The second category of monetary valuation methods is known as stated preference methods, in which data are collected through posing questions to individuals about hypothetical valuation scenarios, usually in survey form. They are usually applied where there is no market behavior to observe that bears on the ecosystem service. Since this is usually the case, stated preference models are extremely common in assigning price value to ecosystem services. There are two principal methods in this category:

Contingent valuation (CV): CV methods include willingness-to-pay (WTP) and willingness-to-accept (WTA) scenarios. In a WTP analysis, surveyors ask individuals what they would be willing to pay to experience or consume the ecosystem service in question. In a WTA analysis, surveyors ask individuals what they would be willing to accept as compensation for being prevented from experiencing or consuming or conserving a decrease or increase in the provision of an ecosystem service in question.

Conjoint valuation: This method involves the elicitation of monetary values for key components of an ecosystem, presenting many scenarios that vary in small ways.

A final source of ecosystem service value estimates is a technique known as benefits transfer. In this widespread, but controversial, method, researchers use data on ecosystem service values generated at one location to apply to many other locations. Thus, the value of flood abatement services defined through a CV survey in Arizona will be transferred to inform a policy debate on the value of wetlands in Oregon or Tunisia. It is perhaps the most broadly used method of asserting the monetary value of ecosystem services, but also subject to sharp criticism for poor calibration and validation.

There is a general understanding, even among enthusiasts for ecosystem services valuation, that economic valuation does not provide transparent policy prescriptions, and that it may not be possible to attach monetary value to all features of the environment. But, however many caveats are attached to ecosystem service valuation, the monetary value attached to an ecosystem function is often transmitted to the public or policy realm without qualification. For all the sophistication of these varied methods, the results can be frustrating for policymakers and ecosystem service providers (ESPs) on the ground. Estimates of theoretical value are often considerably inflated over what is realistically tradable by the owners or produces of ecosystem services. The disconnect between economic theory and policy practice in the ecosystem services literature is often jarring.

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Economic assessment of nature-based solutions as enablers of circularity in water systems

Mahdieh Ghafourian, ... Evina Katsou, in Science of The Total Environment, 2021

4 Discussion

The quantitative analysis of the bibliometric analysis between 2000 and 2020, shows that the LCC is by far the most used methodology in the economic assessment of nature-based solutions. CBA stands in second place; however, these methods have difficulties in monetizing external (environmental, social) impacts. The use of EEA models, even though limited, is increasing recently. This demonstrates a growing interest for a more integrated (economics and environmental) approach. Other types of approaches including probabilistic analysis, hedonic price method, empirical monitoring data, multiple linear regression models, inexact two-stage stochastic programming, and travel cost are less frequently used than those discussed earlier.

The results of the analysis of the economic impact assessment tools reveal that there is a wide range of methodologies and tools which are currently suggested to evaluate the impact of NBS in the water sector. Table 4 summarises the most widely applied economic indicators of impact assessment of NBS on water systems, which were discussed in this study. It is worth noting that indicators such as NPV or BCR can be considered as universal and common indicators shared in many studies and could be considered as Base parameters in a Systems Approach. Whilst indicators like the value of wood production, construction, and maintenance cost in the economic assessment of green infrastructure (Liquete et al., 2016) are considered as case-based parameters.

Table 4. List of economic indicators for sustainability assessment in water systems.

IndicatorsDefinition/measurementCriterionPositive or negativeCurrently achievable (CA)/aspirational (A)Qualitative (L) or quantitative (T)/model (M) or user (U) providedStudy
Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) The sum of discounted costs divided by the sum of discounted benefits (e.g. water savings) as they occur over the project's lifetime Sum of discounted costs divided by the sum of discounted benefits as they occur at a time, over the lifetime of the project Positive CA T/U Amos et al. (2018))
Net present value (NPV) The sum of the annual net cash flows (i.e. the difference between cash outflow and inflow reduced by an appropriate discount rate) over the project's lifetime The sum of present values (PVs) over the project life defines the NPV Positive T
Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) Sum of discounted costs (C) divided by the sum of discounted benefits (B) as they occur at a time (t) over the lifetime of the project N Sum of discounted costs divided by the sum of discounted benefits as they occur at a time, over the lifetime of the project Positive CA (Ql) Severis et al. (2019)
Internal rate of return (IRR) The internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of a project zero. Should be greater than the minimum required rate of return, typically the cost of capital, then the project or investment should be pursued Positive (Ql)
Net present value (NPV) The sum of present values (PVs) over the project life defines the NPV The sum of present values (PVs) over the project life defines the NPV Positive Qn
Lifecycle cost The present value of costs over the useful life of WSO divided by water produced. Cost includes capital, O&M. The lifecycle cost of water supply option to utility per unit of water produced Negative CA T/M Hadjikakou et al. (2019)
Income generation Income includes wages, salaries, proprietor income, profit/represents contribution of WSO to national income Impact of water supply option's construction and operation on U.S. resident income per unit of water produced Positive T/M
Outside capital cost Measures extent to which cost is shared with others thus reducing the financial impact to customers Fraction of capital cost to be paid by outside entities Positive T/U
Variable cost % of annualized capital and O&M cost that is variable over 1 to 3 years (chemicals, energy, and labour). Captures the financial flexibility of WSO. The variable cost percentage of the total cost Positive T/MU
Cost of import The annualized cost of imported capital, operation, and maintenance goods as a percent of total capital, operation, and maintenance cost Cost of imported capital and O&M as a percent of the total cost Negative T/M
Value of wood production Produce market goods Produce market goods Positive CA T Liquete et al. (2016)
Total construction costs The costs of the grey infrastructure were estimated from other existing infrastructures by the construction company. Economic benefit/reduce public costs Positive T
Total maintenance costs The actual construction and maintenance costs (for a 20-year lifespan) of the green infrastructure were reported by the funders (reduce public cost) Reduce public costs Positive T

The study reveals that despite the existence of a wide range of methods and tools for economic impact evaluation of NBS and Water Management Systems, there is still scope for a Systems Approach in establishing standards and protocols for a global economic impact assessment for modern Sustainability and Circularity initiatives. The use of haphazard case-based indicators alone may not necessarily convince policymakers and investors to shift from existing solutions.

The LCC and CBA are the most applied approaches for the economic evaluation of NBS. Although the results of this study revealed that both the LCC and a CBA can be used within a sustainability assessment framework, there are some key parameters, that should be taken into account. The dissimilarity between LCC, and CBA is the first point. While LCC can be classified as product-related evaluation, CBA focuses more on programmes or policies (Ness et al., 2007; Rorarius, 2007). The timespan is a second dissimilarity factor. LCC concentrates on the economic life cycles of the target products, while CBA first focuses on the lifetime of a specific project and then the lifetime of the target products will be considered (Hoogmartens et al., 2014). The third dissimilarity of LCC and CBA is about their usage for comparison purposes. LCC is a comparative assessment method that evaluate goods, while CBA is usually used for an independent evaluation of projects. For example, the estimation of the NPV give a clear result for CBA analysis of the system without requiring a comparison with other alternative systems. Therefore, the integrated application of LCC and CBA is important for a sustainability assessment study. The paper contributes to the understanding of contradictory assessment outcomes and the harmonisation of assessment methodologies by clarifying the main aspects and the relationships between the various methods and tools.

Additionally, in order to estimate the economic impact of a water system in a circularity and sustainability assessment, environmental and social costs and benefits should be taken into account along with economic cost and benefit in the quantification of externalities principles. The environmental (actual impacts, e.g., increase or loss of biodiversity, and potential impacts, e.g., global warming potential) and social (health, job creation) aspects should be translated to a monetary value in order to be considered in an evaluation. Fig. 4 presents the data and indicators required to obtain a comprehensive economic impact evaluation of moving toward a circular water system following a systemic approach. This latter considers the economic, environmental, and social costs and benefits at the same time. The estimation of the monetary value of environmental and social impacts should be obtained through some pricing methods including shadow pricing and hedonic pricing. An integrated method of life cycle cost-benefit analysis (LCCB) can be employed to analyse the collected data and present the results to investors and decision-makers.

Fig. 4. Steps of formulating an economic assessment tool following a systems approach.

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Valuing recreational services: A review of methods with application to New South Wales National Parks

Marie-Chantale Pelletier, ... Mladen Kovač, in Ecosystem Services, 2021

4.2 Outcomes of Evaluation

Our evaluation of methods found that each of the recreation accounting techniques tested require some degree of trade-off amongst the conceptual fit, information cost, and sensitivity evaluation criteria we have investigated. This was particularly true for production-based methods. Table 4 summarises the outcomes of the evaluation process.

Table 4. Summary of the methods evaluation

Evaluation criteriaMethodService valueConceptual fitInformation costSpatially explicitSensitivity*Source of sensitivity**RUM$2,108MActivity-based$4,216MCosts of Production$228MSimulated Exchange Value$465MResource Rent$824MSimilar Markets$826MFinal Consumption$7,027MMixed Contributions$7,027M
+ ++ − − Model selection
Model specification
+ ++ + Subjective assignment to ecosystem vs. infrastructure
+ ++ ++ Costs fluctuate in response to external factors (e.g. funding cycles)
+ ++ ++ Requires costs of production – as above
++ − − Rent is a ‘residual’ sensitive to capital and labour cost fluctuations
++ Choice of proxy (private recreation parks, gyms, children’s activities)
+ ^ ++ ++ +
++ ^ ++ + +

*Negative sign indicates high sensitivity to exogenous factors.

**In many cases, sensitivity to assumptions is not an insurmountable obstacle to accounting, but it may require further standardisation and harmonisation to be built in to SEEA EEA revisions. Sensitivity to exogenous factors inherent in some of the methods is more problematic.

^Consumption based methods are consistent with other SNA processes as discussed in Section 4 and we argue that consumption based methods are suitable for SEEA-EA.

We found that, from a conceptual perspective, the RUM method clearly allocates value to ecosystem and infrastructure but fails to account for tourism sector contributions. The method meets the need for spatial differences as it captures service provision per individual park. Modelling effort associated with this technique is substantial and requires a statewide travel cost analysis with random utility modelling. In NSW, we have a similar large-scale hedonic analysis of the amenity-type values of greenspaces currently underway. We estimate that together these two pieces of work (which would both be required to account for recreation and tourism services as described below) would take approximately two years to complete for the 700+ protected areas in the NSW National Parks Estate. This approach clearly cannot meet an annual accounting schedule to inform real-time decision-making. Such large empirical studies could be carried out at inter-annual intervals of 5 to 10 years instead, when it is reasonable to expect structural variables to have changed. For intervening annual accounting periods, parameters determining accounting prices are kept fixed. But to our knowledge, this type of all-parks study has only been undertaken to date in NSW, the U.K and the U.S.A., an indication that other jurisdictions may find the information cost to be prohibitive.

The information required for the Activity-Based and the Costs of Production Methods is already routinely and regularly collected in NSW, so the additional information cost would be minimal. But from a conceptual perspective, both these methods fail to identify the ecosystem contribution to tourism sectors (Activity-based) or to capture those contributions altogether (Costs of Production). The Simulated Exchange Value is based on concepts of supply and demand and benefits from a good conceptual fit with standard economic theory (although it is unclear what the equilibrium quantity represents), but again, the conceptual fit with Logic Chain 3 is problematic as the method does not account for the contributions of tourism sectors.

Compared to the Activity-Based and Costs of Production Methods, we consider the Resource Rent to be a poorer conceptual fit for nature-based recreation; it captures the ecosystem service flowing to supporting sectors rather than the main beneficiaries, and the monetary value of the service is obtained from business operating surpluses even though the service was obtained for free (Horlings et al 2019b). This method does not allow spatial differentiation as the information required for tourism sectors is not available at fine regional scale and statewide industry averages were used. An additional technical issue is that resource rent (and RUM) approaches may yield negative values for ecosystem contribution to recreation services, when clearly a benefit was obtained by visitors. Fenichel and Obst (2019) point out that negative rents may provide a useful indicator of problems with the management of the asset, but in the case of recreation services in NSW national parks, the level of investment in the asset is mostly driven by conservation objectives and available budget rather than being informed by visitation (i.e. these methods are sensitive to external factors rather than to asset condition).

Similarly to the Resource Rent method, we found the Similar Markets provide a poor conceptual fit as ecosystem, infrastructure and tourism sector inputs to the service are not clearly distinguished. Moreover, it is less likely that changes in the natural condition of the ecosystem lead to changes in service flows, as the economic inputs (accommodation, guided activities) appear to be the main driver of private supply and use. There is currently insufficient information to support spatial differences in ecosystem service supply between regions. The main advantage of this method is that it is relatively simple to implement with limited information required.

From a conceptual perspective, the final consumption approach differs from production-based methods by attributing all of the service value to the ecosystem, accounting for the tourism and infrastructure contributions only indirectly through additional sector output. Since the method is based on actual expenditure, it is not sensitive to exogenous factors, it is spatially explicit and the information cost is the same as the Activity-based, Simulated Exchange and Resource Rent methods. With the Final Consumption Method, contributions from infrastructure and tourism sectors are only accounted for in the main national accounts and not readily apparent in ecosystem accounts. The Mixed Contributions Method provides the additional advantage of clearly isolating all three inputs described in Logic Chain 5.

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Consumers’ perceptions, preferences and willingness-to-pay for wine with sustainability characteristics: A review

Isabel Schäufele, Ulrich Hamm, in Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017

5.6 Behaviour

Eventually, all above described constructs will constitute aspects of consumers’ purchasing behaviour regarding wine with sustainability characteristics. As none of the reviewed articles analysed purchase behaviour in real market scenarios (with real market transactions), most of the studies implemented one of the following experimental designs to get more realistic preferences and WTP values: choice experiment, conjoint analysis, best worst scaling, different methods of auctions and contingent valuation (see Table A.1: method). Two studies implied the hedonic price method to observe consumers’ value for product characteristics indirectly through market supply data. Results of experimental and hedonic analysis are close antecedents of purchase behaviour, although they are still of a hypothetical nature. Studies applying incentive compatible scenarios with real wines sold and real money paid (Ay et al., 2014; Bazoche et al., 2008, 2015; Grebitus et al., 2013; Schmit et al., 2013; Vecchio, 2013) deliver consumer preferences and/or a WTP which can be considered consumers’ actual purchase behaviour (revealed preference). Because it is difficult to compare WTP values across studies from different countries applying different methods on wines with different sustainability characteristics, we did not report concrete WTP values.

Wiedmann et al. (2014) identified higher willingness to recommend organic wine as well as higher WTP for organic wine compared to conventional wine through an open-ended question. The studies by Pagliarini et al. (2013) and Brugarolas et al. (2010) basically confirmed this result. Most of the participants stated, when directly questioned, that they would be willing to pay a premium for organic wine (Pagliarini et al., 2013) and a large percentage of consumers would pay more for an organic wine in a study applying contingent valuation (Brugarolas et al., 2010). Furthermore, the WTP for organic wine was significantly higher compared to conventional non-local wine in a French study applying the auction mechanism. For local wine, the organic premium was even higher (Ay et al., 2014). Moreover Kwong et al. (2011) found that organic wines command significantly higher prices in a hedonic price analysis on all wines produced in Ontario (Canada) and released for sale. They concluded that Canadian consumers care about viticulture techniques used in the cultivation of the grapes. In addition, organic wine was preferred over conventional wine in a conjoint study on Italian (Chiodo et al., 2011) and Spanish consumers (Bernabéu et al., 2008). However, in a conjoint study on Swiss consumers, most consumers preferred conventional wine over organic wine (Mann et al., 2012). Furthermore, Bazoche et al. (2008) found that the probability to buy and the WTP for Bordeaux wine was not significantly influenced by the organic label in a study applying an auction mechanism. For other environmental labels, no significant result or even a negative relation to purchase probability and willingness to buy was found. Bazoche et al. (2015) also found, in a choice experiment, no positive effect of the organic label on the purchase frequency, but a significant influence of the biodynamic label. Basically the same was revealed in a hedonic price analysis of Delmas and Grant (2008) on Californian wines. Eco-labels had a negative impact on prices, while a price premium for the eco-certification was detected. The result was attributed to consumers’ negative connotation with organic wine. Regarding organic wines without added sulphites, the majority of Italian respondents stated that they would not pay a premium. Instead, they would pay higher prices for naturalness and designation of origin (D’Amico et al., 2016). Conflicting results regarding WTP and preferences for organic wine may be explained to a certain extent by different study countries and varying research designs and methods.

Spanish consumers were willing to pay a price premium for sustainable wine in a study applying contingent valuation (Sellers, 2016) and for three different sustainable wines (environmental, social and ethical) in an Italian study employing an auction mechanism (Vecchio, 2013). Additionally, most of the respondents indicated an intention to pay more for an environmentally sustainable wine in a study on New Zealand consumers where respondents were asked directly if they were willing to pay a higher price for a sustainably produced wine (Forbes et al., 2009). For environmentally friendly wine, US consumers’ WTP was higher compared to regular Colorado wine, but fairly low in a study implementing contingent valuation (Loureiro, 2003). To compare consumers’ WTP for different sustainability logos, Mueller Loose and Remaud (2013) conducted a cross-national study applying a discrete choice experiment. The environmental corporate responsibility label showed a higher marginal WTP than the label related to social responsibility. The organic food logo received the highest implicit valuation by consumers on average, and in each analysed country; the highest WTP values were observed for France, followed by Germany.

Grebitus et al. (2013) found that German consumers were willing to pay more for local wine in a study adopting an auction mechanism: average WTP decreased when the distance of transportation, indicated through a food miles label, increased. Furthermore, Burgundian consumers’ WTP for local wine (Marsannay, a GI from Burgundy) was higher compared to the non-local wine (Vacqueyras, a GI from the Rhône Valley) (Ay et al., 2014). Castilla-La Mancha consumers showed the highest preference for wine from their local area followed by other wines from Castilla-La Mancha, and the lowest preference for national wine (Bernabéu et al., 2008). In contrast, Swiss wine consumers preferred wines from France over wines from Switzerland. They ascribed this to France’s longer tradition for high quality wine and concluded that wine purchasing decisions are made with a clear focus on quality (Mann et al., 2012). Furthermore, Ay et al. (2014) showed that living closer to a vineyard (participants lived 3–11 km away from the nearest vineyard) decreased the WTP for local, organic or conventional wine. This result could be due to the short supply chain facing consumers, the available social networks, and the presence of least-cost alternatives if they buy their wines directly from the closely located producers. However, focusing on organic premiums, participants living far from vineyards showed a smaller premium for organic wine than those living close to a vineyard. Basically, the same result was found by Brugarolas et al. (2010). They found that WTP for organic wine was higher for Spanish consumers from regions where wine production shares a larger proportion of the regional economy. Hence, for local wine purchases the demographic characteristic ‘place of residence’ is an important parameter.

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URL: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652617301336

Cost-effective conservation planning: Lessons from economics

Joshua M. Duke, ... Kent D. Messer, in Journal of Environmental Management, 2013

3.2 Benefits

3.2.1 Lesson 3: measure conservation benefits that are external to the market

Gardner (1977) provided an early summary of economic perspectives about preservation policy. Because some points remain underappreciated or misunderstood, revisiting these arguments is worthwhile. Gardner notes that policy interventions in land markets can increase total social benefits if there is a market failure, but they reduce the overall productivity of scarce resources if no failure exists. Gardner identified a failure in the under-provision of public goods—i.e., land markets provide too few ecosystem services. Termed external benefits in economics, such services include wildlife habitat, water quality protection, scenic views, and carbon sequestration. Landowners typically undersupply these services because markets only capture some of the social benefits of their decisions. Gardner's argument implies that external benefits should be measured (i.e., “valued”) and then policy should internalize them by incentivizing conservation. Gardner correctly anticipated that planners would incentivize easy-to-measure benefits such as soil quality and cautioned that increasing the supply of such benefits does not enhance efficiency because no obvious market failure exists (i.e., farmers already pay more for high-quality land). Instead, Gardner argued that valid benefit measures should only reflect factors external to markets.

3.2.2 Lesson 4: measure benefits to the public, not to experts

The public, not experts, receive the benefits of CEC. Evidence suggests that conservation preferences of experts may diverge from the public (Strager and Rosenberger, 2006; Columbo, 2009). While this lesson may not affect private conservation organizations that are driven solely by their donor priorities, it does apply to government agencies and some private organizations. Innovative techniques exist to measure public conservation preferences (see Kline, 2006). This lesson nevertheless may be inappropriate in settings where the public fails to fully understand received conservation benefits, such as implications of risk from toxic loading or habitat needs for an endangered species.

3.2.3 Lesson 5: monetize benefit measures rather than using benefit indices

CEC requires monetized conservation benefit measures because only then can benefits be fully balanced with costs, which are largely monetized (see, for instance, Kido and Seidl, 2008 who apply such techniques to develop optimal protected area entry fees). Programs tend to use benefit indices derived from agri-environmental criteria such as soil quality, crop productivity, soil erosion, water quality, and carbon sequestration (Hajkowicz et al., 2009). CRP, for example, uses the Environmental Benefits Index while some land preservation programs use the Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) system. EQIP uses a ratio of value of the benefit index (BI) to the cost to achieve statutorily mandated cost effectiveness (Cattaneo, 2003). These indices measure the services that landowners supply; however, they do not necessarily capture the social value of the services (Smith, 2006). As in any benefit-cost analysis, efforts to monetize public values can lead to systematic biases if income and net-benefit incidence are correlated and if wealth is unequally distributed. Further, as noted in Section 1, some scholars simply reject the idea that these values can be measured.

Despite those objections, monetized benefit measurement through nonmarket valuation has recently made considerable advances. For instance, many studies measure the external benefits of preserved land, finding that it increases on-parcel and off-parcel human welfare (Bastian et al., 2002). Valuation techniques include revealed preferences (such as hedonic analysis) and stated preferences (such as contingent valuation and choice modeling). In preserved land benefit research, studies examine the marginal benefits of certain amenities, such as public access, spatial relationships, and different land uses (Bergstrom and Ready, 2009).

Some may incorrectly perceive that nonmonetized benefit measures (benefit indices) lead equally to CEC, particularly if the indices use cardinal measures (i.e., not a ranking index). Economists and other environmental researchers have employed sophisticated cardinal techniques for aggregating preferences. Techniques include the analytic hierarchy process (see Ananda and Herath, 2009) and the logic scoring of preferences (Allen et al., 2011), which can be used with groups of experts or the general public. Yet, benefit indices do not produce CEC. First, Messer and Allen (2010:45–46) demonstrate how indices, which are often averaged for the conservation project as a whole rather than assigned per acre, can lead to scaling problems. In effect, an averaged benefit index will be biased against large projects.

Second, benefit indices also might map poorly into monetized benefits. The example in Table 2 demonstrated this effect. Assume monetized benefits ($B) are a linear function of the benefit index (BI): $B = 7 + BI (column D). Even with this simple, monotonically increasing relationship of just adding 7 (one can readily imagine a more complex relationships between $B and BI), the example shows that the BI-cost ratio (column K) produces a smaller total net benefit of $40 than CEC of $44 (column L). This result may be counterintuitive, but it occurs because systematic mismeasurement of monetized benefits reverses the rank of the selected projects. Although Table 2 uses values selected to demonstrate these points, the example proves that an ostensibly reasonable cardinal BI does not generally lead to CEC.

3.2.4 Lesson 6: targeting conservation benefits leads to greater cost-effectiveness when thresholds are present

Conservation thresholds complicate CEC and exist when the benefit depends on achieving some minimum level of conservation (Wu et al., 2000; Wu and Skelton-Groth, 2002; Wu, 2004). Examples include a minimum amount of habitat needed to sustain an endangered species or a critical mass of farmland to sustain a regionally viable agricultural industry. Wu and Boggess (1999) first assessed how thresholds complicate CEC. Wu et al. (2000) and Wu and Skelton-Groth (2002) extended that work with empirical evidence about how targeting conservation leads to greater cost effectiveness in the case of fish habitat thresholds.

3.2.5 Lesson 7: interrelationships (correlations and interactions) among conservation projects are often unobserved

This concern is especially relevant when readily available benefit measures (such as soil quality) drive the selection process. Studies examine how targeting conservation can lead to CEC when projects are interrelated (Wu and Boggess, 1999). Interrelationships can take many forms. For instance, preserving habitat on contiguous parcels likely delivers greater benefits than discontiguous parcels, all else equal. In other words, spatial scale matters and there may be a spatial benefit agglomeration. An interrelationship also may exist between two different types of ecosystem services, such as riparian protection that improves the land-based and the aquatic habitat. Several studies examine efforts to incentivize landowners to coordinate their behavior using agglomeration bonuses (see Parkhurst et al., 2002; Parkhurst and Shogren, 2007; Drechsler et al., 2010).

Although many studies model environmental benefits spatially (see van der Horst, 2007), fewer studies examined monetized benefits spatially (Bateman et al., 2003; Hynes et al., 2010; Campbell et al., 2009). van der Horst (2006, 2007) developed a method for assessing multiple spatial benefits and calculating gains from spatial targeting, which in turn was analyzed with Scotland's Farmland Woodland Premium Scheme. Wu (2004) argued that lack of information, rather than a failure to recognize the interrelationships, created the current planning environment that focuses on specific resources rather than the more complex ecosystems relationships.

3.2.6 Lesson 8: CEC accounts for development risk and the policy process

Planning typically occurs with uncertainty about future conservation. Some projects in the absence of conservation will still supply benefits, while others will be destroyed. Therefore, many argue for targeting conservation at the most vulnerable projects, though no consensus exists on how best to do this. In one approach, Messer (2006) evaluates results when development threat is predicted from observable parcel characteristics (location, soil quality, proximity to highways, etc.) that alter the weights of various benefit measures prior to optimization. Because development risk tends to vary directly with cost, Newburn et al. (2005) offered an approach to optimal selection (benefit–loss-cost targeting) that allows risk and costs to be assessed jointly. Costello and Polasky (2004) developed an optimal dynamic selection model that accounts for development risk and found that heuristic selection performs reasonably well when a dynamic problem becomes too large. Nonmarket valuation offers an additional perspective as it directly estimates the marginal benefit of preserving lands at various levels of development risk. Johnston and Duke (2007) estimated higher external benefits from preserving parcels at the highest risk of development.

The policy process impacts the conservation benefit received. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the public cares about how and by whom conservation benefits are secured. Different policies can deliver the same conservation benefit (say, 100 undisturbed wetland acres) and, similarly, different governmental agencies or nongovernmental organizations. For instance, many public and private groups preserve land with easements or fee simple ownership, and governments can use zoning/regulatory mechanisms. Water quality may be enhanced by regulations, incentive programs such as CRP, tax/subsidy instruments, or nutrient trading. Johnston and Duke (2007) found that land preserved by mandatory zoning produced less benefits than a voluntary state easement program. Of course, the costs of these efforts also vary; some studies have shown zoning to be relatively low-cost and effective (Ozawa and Yeakley, 2007).

3.2.7 Lesson 9: markets will tend to capitalize location-specific benefits

Housing prices tend to increase if a nearby nature preserve or farm is protected (Geoghagan, 2002; Irwin, 2002; Netusil, 2005; Geoghegan et al., 2003). Property values increase further if proximity to a preserved area allows for access through nature trails. Although this potential effect, referred to as “capitalization” of benefits by economists, does not diminish the services, competitive rental markets might drive renters to indifference (Landsburg, 1993:34–37). This means that owners may increase rent to account for the enhanced environment. Capitalization represents a potential equity problem: because capital owners tend to be wealthier than nonowners, capitalization may cause benefit mismeasurement (Duke and Johnston, 2011). This is an area for future research, as researchers have not yet devised definitive policy advice that addresses capitalization. Also, not all conservation benefits will be location-specific (e.g., endangered species protection) so potential capitalization does not complicate all project-selection settings.

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What is the hedonic theory of wages?

The hedonic wage model treats jobs as various combinations of risk, working conditions, and other attributes. The wage that the worker is willing to accept reflects the utility expected from the job characteristics.

Which of the following is not a reason for compensating wage differentials?

Which of the following is not a reason for compensating wage differentials? The quantity of labor supplied by a particular wage earner will always increase as long as the wage rate increases.

How is hedonic wage theory fit to the compensating wage differential theory?

A hedonic wage function reflect the relationship between wages and job characteristics. It matches workers with different risk preferences with firms that can provide jobs that match these different risk preferences. Different workers have different preferences for risk.

What is hedonic wage theory and risk of injury?

Hedonic wage theory (HWT) - ) enables us to analyze the theory of CWDs for negative job characteristics (where the probability of the risk injury is very high) and draw policy conclusions and/or implications with respect to government safety regulations (e.g. regulations by OSHA and other agencies).


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