Which of the following is one of the most difficult types of objections to overcome?

Today we’ve got a handful of books on overcoming objections. These hard-hitting, no-holds-barred books are the BEST books on sales objections that will INSPIRE you and bring out the BEST in your sales team. While it’s not a definitive guide, in my opinion these are the top books on sales objections and rebuttals. 

And let’s be honest, overcoming objections is one of the most important skills of any salesperson. Some will argue it’s the most important skill. So why not get your team to master objection handling?

After all, saying “NO” isn’t going out of style any time soon. Does any of this sound familiar?

It costs too much…

Let me think about it…

I don’t want to get stuck in a contract…

Thankfully, this is where the fun really begins. “No” isn’t final. Excuses aren’t final. In fact, somewhere in the ballpark of 60% of customers and clients say “NO” four times before they say “YES!” 

With that in mind, here’s a roundup of the best books on sales objections and getting to YES.

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My List of the Best Books on Sales Objections

#1 – Crush Price Objections: Sales Tactics for Holding Your Ground and Protecting Your Profit 

Tom Reilly writes this action-packed book and really hones in on the price objection “It’s too expensive.” 

The main thrust of Crush Price Objections is to redirect the prospect’s attention away from price and instead focus on value and quality. If your product or service packs a punch when it comes to quality, and you clearly communicate that to your prospect, then you shouldn’t have to haggle. 

Reilly talks of a “price-objection counterattack” that you must plan before meeting with your prospect. This preemptive warfare puts you in the driver’s seat. Some of the tactics are similar to Stephan Schiffman’s in his book 25 Toughest Sales Objections; for instance, Reilly and Schiffman both encourage the salesperson to ask poignant questions to keep the conversation going. 

Key Takeaway: Your price almost won’t matter if you have a quality product or service and are able to communicate it (which the author teaches). Quality almost always justifies price.   

Quick Stats

Rating: 4.6 stars

Pages: 190

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Price: $19.20

#2 Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering the Art and Science of Getting Past No

Jeb Blount brings us Objections, a tour-de-force sales book with loads of objection-handling tactics. In it, he reminds us that it’s natural for humans to say “NO”. And what I really like is that he goes into the science of objections, discussing the fear-based reaction of prospect’s and sellers alike (fear of rejection!). 

These are timeless negotiation techniques that will help any salesperson in their quest for YES. You’ll feast on examples, interesting stories, and practical lessons to overcome the most difficult objections and get your sales team closing more deals. I will say, though, Blount talks a lot of rejection proof. But I argue there is no such thing: you will experience rejection, but you can turn it into big opportunity.

Key takeaway: And objection isn’t really rejection. Rather, objections signify your prospect is either confused, concerned, attempting to organize their options, or simply afraid of change. 

Quick Stats

Rating: 4.7 stars

Pages: 240

Publisher: Wiley

Price: $18.99

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#3 – 25 Toughest Sales Objections (and how to overcome them)

The 25 Toughest Sales Objections by Stephan Schiffman doesn’t just list the most common sales objections and offer some rebuttals, it goes into great detail about the psychology behind the objections and how to overcome them. 

What I like about this highly-readable book is that it has some great role-playing sample dialogue. And Schiffman uses humor throughout the book to keep the reader engaged. While it’s not #1 on the list (there’s nothing truly ground-breaking in it), it certainly earned its spot in my top six books on sales objections.

Key takeaway: Always ask a question when your prospect gives you an objection, it keeps the dialogue going!

Quick Stats

Rating: 4.2 stars

Pages: 220

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Price: $15.65

#4 – Oren Klaff, Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal.

This is a mainstay sales book that is chock-full of selling psychology. In Pitch Anything, Klaff shares how to gain star-power status in your prospects mind by bypassing their thinking brain and selling to their lizard brain (or “croc” brain as he calls it). 

While Pitch Anything doesn’t go into great detail on sales objections, if your sales team applies his principles they should actually experience fewer objections in their pitches. Klaff himself has used his sales methodology to win over $400 million in business. 

Key takeaway: The S.T.R.O.N.G. method: Setting the Frame; Telling the Story; Revealing the Intrigue; Offering the Prize; Nailing the Hookpoint; Getting a Decision. 

Quick Stats:

Rating: 4.6 stars

Pages: 240

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Price: $20.49

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#5 SPIN Selling

In this seminal book, Neil Rackham offers a new method for selling called S.P.I.N., which stands for Situation, Problem, Implication, Need Payoff. What I love about this book is that it presents the information using real-world examples, engaging graphics, and actual case studies. Armed with the ideas in SPIN Selling, your sales team should land bigger accounts faster and get more from each new deal. 

One drawback of SPIN Selling, though, is that the book meanders at times. I won’t say it’s filled with fluff, but Rackham could have done a better job making his chapters and the overall book more succinct. Still, it more than earns a spot on our list of the best books on sales objections. 

Key takeaway: Do your homework before every sales call. The more intel you can gather on your prospect and their situation, the better you’ll be able to position your product or service as the best solution. 

Quick Stats:

Rating: 4.5 stars

Pages: 197

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Price: $20.65

Final Thoughts on the Best Sales Objections Books

So there you have it, some of the top books on overcoming sales objections and getting to “YES.” Just remember that each and every “No” is a gateway to sharpen your rebuttal skills. Never take “No” at face value. Use it as leverage to drive home the quality of your product or service and the overall value you deliver. 

And always keep the questions coming. This is something I teach emphatically in my own selling methodology. The more questions you ask, the better you can listen. The better you listen, the more pain points will be revealed and the better you can communicate that your product or service is not only the best solution, but the only solution for your prospect. 

So take these books and run with them. 

Until next time…

Johnny-Lee Reinoso

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If You've Handled All Of Your Prospect's Objections Correctly....
Define Prospect's NEED, DESIRE & STATUS..
Confirm that they PERCEIVE VALUE from your product..
Establish the VALUE of your product TO THEM, BEFORE you ask for the Sale..

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LAARC. A common objection handling technique is the LAARC system. LAARC stands for 'Listen, Acknowledge, Assess, Respond, Confirm'. It can be good practice to respond to objections in this way and having it laid out as an acronym can help focus sales reps' minds on each part of the process.


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