Which of the following is possible danger of a poorly implemented performance management system?

Which of the following is possible danger of a poorly implemented performance management system?

Chapter 1—Performance Management and Reward Systems in Context

True/False Questions

1. A performance management system is the systematic description of an employee’s

strengths and weaknesses.


2. Linking each individual’s performance to the organization’s mission involves

explaining to each employee how the employee’s activities are helping the

organization gain a competitive advantage.


3. Feedback often decreases motivation to perform because it points out what an

employee does wrong.


4.Dangers of a poorly implemented performance management system include wasted time and

money, lack of standardized employee ratings, and confusion on how ratings are obtained.


5. Intangible returns include benefits and work/life programs.


6 Exempt employees are often employees in managerial or professional roles on salaries, and are

not eligible for overtime pay.


7 Short-term incentives are one-time payments typically given quarterly or annually.


8 The strategic purpose of PM systems involves constructing the strategic vision for the organization.


9 A reliable performance management system includes all relevant performance facets and does not

include irrelevant performance facets.

False (this is a function of valid PM)

10 Distributive justice is the perception that the performance evaluation received is fair relative to the

work performed.


11 Performance management systems in foreign subsidiaries often differ from those in home country

headquarters as differences in the power distance (i.e., the degree to which a society accepts

unequal distribution of power) increase between/among countries.


Multiple-Choice Questions

_____________ focuses on positions and duties, rather than on an individual’s contribution.

In what manner is performance management typically similar around the world?

Standardization of performance measurement

When employees of an organization do not see the PM system as fair, the organization may witness from its employees all of the following EXCEPT:

"Lowered self-esteem." The reason this is the correct option is because the book explicitly notes that the other three result because of the system being seen as unfair. This option was a result of feedback being given in an inappropriate or inaccurate (not necessarily unfair) way

The strategic purpose of PM systems involves constructing the strategic vision for the organization. (t or f)

Which of the following are examples of work/life focus?

Counseling and

Financial planning

A performance management system is the systematic description of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses. (t or f)

Linking each individual’s performance to the organization’s mission involves explaining to each employee how the employee’s activities are helping the organization gain a competitive advantage (t or f)

Pay added to base pay that depends upon an employee’s performance is called:

PM system information is important for the effective implementation of which of the following HR function(s)?

Workforce planning, Training, Recruitment and selection

Relational returns include all of the following EXCEPT:

Distributive justice is the perception that the performance evaluation received is fair relative to the work performed. (T or F)

Which of the following does the text identify as a possible danger of a poorly implemented performance management system?

Motivation to perform is decreased

In the context of performance management, validity means that all the employees agree with the rating process. (T or F)

Dangers of a poorly implemented performance management system include wasted time and money, lack of standardized employee ratings, and confusion on how ratings are obtained.

Information gained from the organizational maintenance purpose of a PM system is used for all of the following EXCEPT:

Evaluating the effectiveness of job descriptions

An ideal performance management system is correctable. What does this mean?

If an employee is dissatisfied with a rating, there is a process to appeal the rating decision

In which country is PM usually adapted to the country’s unique culture?

Income protection programs include:

Pension Plans, Medical Insurance, Social Security and etc.

________________ is a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization

Feedback often decreases motivation to perform because it points out what an employee does wrong.  (T or F)

What are the dangers of a poorly implemented performance management system?

Manager-employee relationships are also at risk under weak performance management systems. Employees subject to ineffective systems and performance review practices are likely to feel upset, demoralized, and demotivated. This can lead to personal relationships that are damaged, sometimes permanently.

What are the consequences of poor performance?

The poor performance of one individual can have a damaging, ripple effect across your entire business, resulting in a wide-spread loss of motivation, productivity and a decrease in customer satisfaction. Other employees may become disengaged and resentful, leading to an increase in absence and staff turnover.

What are the problems with performance management systems?

A few common performance management problems that managers see are: Poor prioritizing and time management. Lost time (coming into work late, excessive absences, phone use, break time, etc.) Slow response times to incoming requests.

What are the reasons for poor performance management system?

6 Most Common Reasons Why Performance Management System Fail.
Unstructured Performance Management Process..
No Or Wrong Selection Of Employee Goals..
Barriers In Communication..
Overemphasises On Recent Performances..
Annual Performance Evaluation..
No Employee Recognition And Rewards..