Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptance Test scripts

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Which of the following tools is most likely to contain a comparator? Dynamic Analysis tool Test Execution tool. Static Analysis tool. Security tool.
What is the main purpose of impact analysis for testers? To determine the programming effort needed to make the changes. To determine what proportion of the changes need to be tested. To determine how much the planned changes will affect users. To determine how the existing system may be affected by changes.
Which of the following is a major task of test planning? Determining the test approach. Preparing test specifications. Evaluating exit criteria and reporting. Measuring and analyzing results.
Which of the following defines the sequence in which tests should be executed? Test plan. Test procedure specification. Test case specification. Test design specification.
What is the MAIN purpose of a Master Test Plan? To communicate how incidents will be managed. To communicate how testing will be performed. To produce a test schedule. To produce a work breakdown structure.
During which fundamental test process activity do we determine if MORE tests are needed? Test implementation and execution. Evaluating test exit criteria. Test analysis and design. Test planning and control.
What is the difference between a project risk and a product risk? Project risks are potential failure areas in the software or system; product risks are risks that surround the project’s capability to deliver its objectives. Project risks are the risks that surround the project’s capability to deliver its objectives; product risks are potential failure areas in the software or system. Project risks are typically related to supplier issues, organizational factors and technical issues; product risks are typically related to skill and staff shortages. Project risks are risks that delivered software will not work; product risks are typically related to supplier issues, organizational factors and technical issues.
Given the following specification, which of the following values for age are in the SAME equivalence partition? If you are less than 18, you are too young to be insured. Between 18 and 30 inclusive, you will receive a 20% discount. Anyone over 30 is not eligible for a discount. 17, 18, 19. 29, 30, 31. 18, 29, 30. 17, 29, 31.
Which is the MOST important advantage of independence in testing? An independent tester may find defects more quickly than the person who wrote the software. An independent tester may be more focused on showing how the software works than the person who wrote the software. An independent tester may be more effective and efficient because they are less familiar with the software than the person who wrote it. An independent tester may be more effective at finding defects missed by the person who wrote the software.
The process of designing test cases consists of the following activities: i. Elaborate and describe test cases in detail by using test design techniques. ii. Specify the order of test case execution. iii. Analyse requirements and specifications to determine test conditions. iv. Specify expected results. According to the process of identifying and designing tests, what is the correct order of these activities? iii, i, iv, ii. iii, iv, i, ii. iii, ii, i, iv. ii, iii, i, iv.
Which of the following is a characteristic of good testing in any life cycle model? All document reviews involve the development team. Some, but not all, development activities have corresponding test activities. Each test level has test objectives specific to that level. Analysis and design of tests begins as soon as development is complete.
Which of the following are disadvantages of capturing tests by recording the actions of a manual tester? i The script may be unstable when unexpected events occur. ii Data for a number of similar tests is automatically stored separately from the script. iii Expected results must be added to the captured script. iv The captured script documents the exact inputs entered by the tester. v When replaying a captured test, the tester may need to debug the script if it doesn’t play correctly. i, iii, iv, v. ii, iv and v. i, ii and iv. i and v.
Which of the following is the best source of Expected Outcomes for User Acceptance Test scripts? Actual results Program specification User requirements System specification.
Enough testing has been performed when: Time runs out. The required level of confidence has been achieved. No more faults are found. The users won’t find any serious faults.
Which of the following should NOT normally be an objective for a test? To find faults in the software. To assess whether the software is ready for release. To demonstrate that the software doesn’t work. To prove that the software is correct.
Which of the following is NOT true of test coverage criteria? Test coverage criteria can be measured in terms of items exercised by a test suite. A measure of test coverage criteria is the percentage of user requirements covered. A measure of test coverage criteria is the percentage of faults found. Test coverage criteria are often used when specifying test completion criteria.
Test cases are designed during: Test recording. Test planning. Test configuration. Test specification.
A configuration management system would NOT normally provide: Linkage of customer requirements to version numbers. Facilities to compare test results with expected results. The precise differences in versions of software component source code. Restricted access to the source code library.
In prioritising what to test, the most important objective is to: Find as many faults as possible. Test high risk areas. Obtain good test coverage. Test whatever is easiest to test.
Which one of the following statements, about capture-replay tools, is NOT correct? They are used to support multi-user testing. They are used to capture and animate user requirements. They are the most frequently purchased types of CAST tool. They capture aspects of user behaviour.
Which of the following statements about reviews is true? Reviews cannot be performed on user requirements specifications. Reviews are the least effective way of testing code. Reviews are unlikely to find faults in test plans. Reviews should be performed on specifications, code, and test plans.
Static analysis is best described as: The analysis of batch programs. The reviewing of test plans. The analysis of program code. The use of black box testing.
Which of the following is likely to benefit most from the use of test tools providing test capture and replay facilities? Regression testing Integration testing System testing User acceptance testing.
Which of the following is not described in a unit test standard? Syntax testing Equivalence partitioning Stress testing Modified condition/decision coverage.
Which one of the following describes the major benefit of verification early in the life cycle? It allows the identification of changes in user requirements. It facilitates timely set up of the test environment. It reduces defect multiplication. It allows testers to become involved early in the project.
Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail and verifies that data recovery is properly performed. The following should be checked for correctness 1. Re-initialization 2. Restart 3. Data Recovery 4. Check Point Mechanism 1 and 2 1, 2 and 3 1, 2, 3 and 4 2 and 4.
Which testing technique do you prefer for the following situations? 1. Severe time pressure 2. Inadequate specification Decision testing Error guessing Statement testing Exploratory testing.
Path coverage includes Statement coverage Condition coverage Decision coverage None of these.
User Acceptance Testing Same as Alpha Testing Same as Beta Testing Combination of Alpha and Beta Testing None of the above.
Test Plan Road map for testing Tells about the actual results and expected results Both a and b None of the above.
Random Testing Program is tested randomly sampling the input. A black-box testing technique Both A. and B. None of the above.
Following are some of the testing risks Budget, Test environment Budget, Number of qualified test resources Budget, Number of qualified test resources, Test environment None of the above.
The _________ may facilitate the testing of components or part of a system by simulation the environment in which the test object will run Test Design tool Test data preparation too Test execution tool Test harness None of the above.
In formal review, Rework: fixing defects found typically done by _________ Moderator Author Reviewer Recorder.
If the application is complex, but NOT data intensive and is to be tested on one configuration and 2 rounds, the easiest method to test is Manual testing Automation testing Both None.
What are the 2 major components taken into consideration with risk analysis? The probability the negative event will occur The potential loss or impact associated with the event Both A. and B. Neither A. nor B.
Risk analysis talks about The data required for testing, the infrastructure requirements to manage the data as well as the methods for preparing test data, requirements, converters and sources Details what types of tests must be conducted, what stages of testing are required and outlines the sequence and timing of tests A testing goal. It is a statement of what the tester is expected to accomplish or validate during a testing activity. These guide the development of test cases and procedures None of the above.
Code Walkthrough Type of dynamic testing Type of static testing Neither dynamic nor static Performed by the testing team.
Which one is not characteristic of test management tool? Support for the management of tests and the testing activities carried out Interfaces to test execution tools Quantitative analysis related to tests Check for consistency and undefined requirements.
Preparing and automating test cases before coding is called Test first approach Test-driven development Both A. & B. None of the above.

What is a user acceptance test Script?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a type of testing performed by the end user or the client to verify/accept the software system before moving the software application to the production environment. UAT is done in the final phase of testing after functional, integration and system testing is done.

What are the 4 types of acceptance testing?

Types of acceptance testing include:.
Alpha & Beta Testing..
Contract Acceptance Testing..
Regulation Acceptance Testing..
Operational Acceptance testing..

Which tool is used for user acceptance testing?

UsabilityHub is a platform with a suite of tools that help you identify bugs and issues as you run user acceptance testing.

What is the main objective of acceptance testing?

The major aim of this test is to evaluate the compliance of the system with the business requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery or not.


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