Which of the following is the main objective of the unity in direction principle?

Do you know about the best technique of motivating the workforce to work with uniformity and coordination to accomplish the common objectives of the company? – Unity of direction ensures this in an impactful manner.

Running and managing a business on your own can be a difficult thing for sure. Well, that is one of the main reasons why there are so many different principles of management to help you out on the process.

Here we are going to talk about one such management principle, i.e., Unity of Direction, which is being practiced all over the world by different companies and organizations in the best way.

It is undoubtedly one of the most important principles that one needs to know about when it comes to the management in an organization.

Unity of Direction states that a particular team of employees with the same goals as well as the same objectives need to work together to achieve those common goals for the success of the company.

It has facilitated several organizations in achieving the objectives of firms that they want to have in the industry.

For those who want more details about the amazing principle and how it helps the companies, this is the perfect place to be. Let us get further into the details so that we can know more about it in the best way-

  • Introduction
  • Why is Unity of Direction important for the Businesses?
    • #1. It ensures Uniformity and Coordination
    • #2. Unity of Direction decreases the duplications
  • Difference between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction
  • What are the key benefits of Unity of Direction in your Business Management?
  • #1. Guarantees easy and effective Accomplishments of Company Goals
  • #2. Removes Duplication of Work
  • #3. Ensures better motivation and cooperation
  • #4. Unity of Direction ensures effective team building
  • #5. Unity of direction channelizes better Communication and Goal Accomplishments
    • Wrapping it up!


The unity of direction principle is one of the most common principles of Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of managing a business in the best way. It states that there should be a single plan and a single head for the organization.

Don’t know what that means?

Well, it means that if there is a group of people who have the same thoughts and goals about the success of the company, then these people should work under one team, one plan and headed by a single supervisor to make sure that these goals and objectives that they have been met for the growth and success of the company.

This principle certifies that there should be a certain unity when there is a course of action to be decided for the success of the company in the best way.

We all know that companies tend to have a lot of departments which work to make sure that the business can run in the direction of success. So, it is essential to ensure that all the efforts which are being made by the employees and the workers are all towards the single goal of the growth and success of the company.

To do that, the company will also have to take into account all the issues and threats which can threaten the success of the company as well.

So, there is no doubt that with the help of Unity of Direction principle, the company will be able to work a singular unit to ensure better results.

Why is Unity of Direction important for the Businesses?

The unity of direction principle is one of the most common principles which are being practiced all over the world. The concept is a theory of management, and people must get to know about it a little more.

Hence, we are here to provide a little bit of the details of the concept right here. The principle in question here states that there should be one head and one plan for every single organization.

This means that many employees have the same kind of goals and objectives with their work and these are the employees who should be completely directed towards one common goal and then also must have the same plan headed by a single person or a particular head.

This is the principle which states that it is important to have unity when it comes to the course of action for a particular company.

When we are talking about a particular company, there can be many different divisions for the company, and there are different employees who are working in the divisions of the company.

So, there are many different activities which are being performed in the company by the employees. Hence, it is really important that all the efforts which are being made by the employees working in a single division need to have a particular common objective and their efforts should be directed towards achieving that particular objective and nothing else.

There is also a need to ensure that the threats and opportunities are also taken into action when it comes to the betterment of the division in question here.

When a particular company applies the principle in the working environment, there is no doubt that there are some different benefits which are being achieved at a certain point. Some other key reasons why Unity of Direction matters are-

#1. It ensures Uniformity and Coordination

This particular principle is known to help the companies in achieving the uniformity and the coordination, which is important for the organization.

#2. Unity of Direction decreases the duplications

There is also a decrease in the duplication of the work which is being done by the employees of the organization, and that is one of the most common benefits of the principle.

So, there is simply not a single doubt about the fact that it is one of the most useful principles that the company must use to achieve success.

Difference between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction

Now, most people might confuse the principle of Unity of Direction with the principle of Unity of Command. These two principles do sound a bit similar to each other, but there is a pretty clear difference in between these two principles and the companies must understand the difference that is present in these two.

To be honest, the principle of unity of command deals with the person taking the command from a single person and the principle of Unity of Direction deals with the direction or planning of certain efforts which are being made by the employees in a particular division of an organization. This is to achieve the objectives that one might have in common in the division.

What are the key benefits of Unity of Direction in your Business Management?

The unity of direction technique which is being used by a particular company will make sure that the members and the employees of the organization are more concerned about achieving a particular goal or a common objective of the organization.

This principle motivates all the employees of a particular organization to achieve the common objective that the organization has.

There are many different divisions in a particular organization, and most of them have their very own strategies which always contribute towards the organization’s success.

With the application of the principle, the results can be great, and it also fulfills the complete reasons that the firm or the company might have about the success.

Now that you have come to understand the principle as a whole, it is time to focus on some of the other important aspects of the principle.

Here we are going to talk a bit about the benefits of the principle and how it helps the organization in achieving the goals and objectives that it has. So, for those who want to know all about the benefits of the principle, reading this part will be the best idea for sure.

#1. Guarantees easy and effective Accomplishments of Company Goals

This principle helps in achieving the common goals and the objectives of the company. Unity of Direction is a great help when it comes to achieving all the common goals that certain teams might have for the growth and success of the company

#2. Removes Duplication of Work

There is also no unnecessary duplication of the efforts which are being made by the employee. So, if one employee is doing one particular task, then another employee would never do the same task if the unity of direction principle is implemented.

#3. Ensures better motivation and cooperation

With the help of this principle, the employees are motivated to cooperate in the teamwork. The employees that work in a team would understand the importance of working together with the unity of direction principle. The activities that happen in the company are more synchronized than ever.

#4. Unity of Direction ensures effective team building

This principle also helps in the development of a very powerful team. There can also be an improvement in the team-building capacity of the company when it practices this principle. There is more coordination in the activities which are being performed by the people in the company.

#5. Unity of direction channelizes better Communication and Goal Accomplishments

The unity of direction principle also ascertains that the company can have proper communication between the employees and hence plays a very important role in the achieving of goals.

There is betterment in the achievement of goals with the help of proper communication between the employees.

Wrapping it up!

So, this is all that you need to know about the unity of direction. We hope that this article helped you understand how significant it is for the businesses to include the unity of direction in their business management strategy.

It will help you have a more dedicated and focused team whose every member would be accountable for the specific tasks that they are supposed to perform adeptly, so your company can achieve a particular goal.

This ensures a better mechanism in which every member is well aware of their role. Unity of direction empowers the workforce to stay motivated, dedicated, and productive.

So, how important do you find unity of direction for any business for ensuring success in today’s time? Share your views with us in the comment section below.

If you are facing any doubts in incorporating unity of direction in your business management strategy, then feel free to share your business details with us, so M91 experts can help you in the process.

Which one of the following is an principle of directing?

One of the main principles of directing is the contribution of individuals. Management should adopt such directing policies that motivate the employees to contribute their maximum potential for the attainment of organizational goals.

What is the purpose of unity of direction?

Unity of Direction: All members of an organization must work together to accomplish common objectives. Unity of Direction: This principle informs that each group of activities with the same objective must have one head and one plan.

What is unity of direction in principle of management?

(i) Unity of direction: 'One unit and one plan' for the group of activities having the same objective is the essence of this principle. It implies that there should be one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective.

What are the main principles of direction?

Principles of direction are goal allocation, initiating action, accountability, decisiveness, and scalar chain. When it becomes leading, the principles undergo several metamorphoses. ADVERTISEMENTS: For instance, goal allocation becomes participatory goal setting; accountability becomes joint accountability, and so on.


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