Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

It is necessary to monitor forecast errors to check for nonrandom patterns in forecast errors.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more accurate than forecasts for individual items.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Quantitative forecasting techniques are generally superior to qualitative forecasting techniques.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Due to randomness, forecasts cannot be expected to be completely accurate.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Error measures such as MAD and MSE should not be used with a naïve forecast.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

It is reasonable to expect that about half of the errors of a good forecast will be positive, and half negative.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

A tracking signal can be useful in detecting bias in forecast errors.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Forecast accuracy generally increases as the forecast horizon increases because shorter time horizons tend to be more influenced by random variations.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Naïve forecasts can be classified as subjective forecasts.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Forecasts based on consumer surveys are classified as quantitative because they use numerical data.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

If the sum of forecast errors for a series of forecasts is zero, that implies excellent forecasting.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

MAD is used in computing values of a tracking signal.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

When sales in a particular time period are above average for the year, a seasonal relative that is less than 1.00 is used to bring that period's sales into line.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

The SA method for computing seasonal relatives should not be used if seasonal variations are large relative the slope of the data.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which exponential smoothing factor would produce the most smoothing?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Averaging techniques are useful for:
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
distinguishing between random and non-random variations
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
smoothing out fluctuations in time series
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
both (a) and (b)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
providing technically accurate forecasts
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
all of the above
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which one of the following is a qualitative forecasting technique?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Moving average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Exponential smoothing
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which approach to forecasting uses a series of questionnaires?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Moving average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Exponential smoothing
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which term is most closely associated with simple exponential smoothing?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
seasonal relative
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
moving average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
predictor variable
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which is not a typical approach for improving forecasts?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
search for a better technique
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
shorten product development time
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
shorten lead times
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
build flexibility into the system
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which would not generally be considered as a feature common to all forecasts?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Assumption of a stable underlying causal system
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Actual results will differ somewhat from predicted values.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Historical data are available on which to base the forecast.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Forecasts for groups of items tend to be more accurate than forecasts for individual items.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Accuracy decreases as the time horizon increases.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

If an analyst wants to make a moving average more responsive to change, the analyst should
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
increase the number of data points in the average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
decrease the number of data points in the average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
increase the value of the smoothing constant
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
decrease the value of the smoothing constant
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
None of these
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which phrase or term does not relate to the Delphi method of forecasting?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
moving average
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
long range
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

What is the MAD for this set of data? –1 +3 0 –2 +3
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

What is the MSE for this set of data? –1 +3 0 –2 +3
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
None of these
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which term is most closely associated with a tracking signal?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)

Which one would be considered a reason for using a salesforce composite forecast?
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Sales people often communicate with each other.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
They are not likely to be affected by recent events
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
They are very aware of the importance of forecast accuracy.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
They are often aware of customers' future plans.
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following is true about forecasting errors? (Select all that apply)
Better forecasts mean more money for them.

Which of the following is not true about forecasting?

Answer: ans is d - short range forecast are less accurate than long range forecast.

Which of the following statements is true about forecasting approaches quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true about forecasting approaches? -Associative models use explanatory variables to predict the future.

Which of the following is a possible source of a forecast error?

Which of the following are possible sources of forecast errors? -Irregular variations. -Incorrect forecasting method or interpretation. -Random variation.

What is the definition of a forecast error quizlet?

What is the definition of a forecast error? The difference between the forecast and the actual outcome.