Which of the following is true about the product line administrative services and transactions group of answer choices?

  • School Oklahoma State University
  • Course Title MGMT 3313
  • Pages 28
  • Ratings 89% (9) 8 out of 9 people found this document helpful

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3.Which of the following is true about the product line administrative services andtransactions?A. It deals with implementation of business plans and talentmanagement.B. It emphasizes knowing the business and exercisinginfluence.C. It emphasizes the knowledge of HR and of the business andcompetition.D. It contributes to the business strategy based on considerations of businesscapabilities.E.It deals with functions such as compensation, hiring, andstaffing.

4.Organizations that pursue a _____ strategy pursue the "triple bottom line" of economic,social, and environmental benefits

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5.Over the next decade, which of the following people will have the most difficultyattracting talented employees due to a skills deficit?

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6.Which of the following is true of a balanced scorecard?

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7.Which of the following people would be categorized as part of the external labor marketwith regard to Phoenix Inc.?A. Ahmad, who works for Phoenix Inc. as a full-timeemployeeB. Tamika, who works for Phoenix Inc. and is looking for anew jobC. Pete, who is an employee at a direct competitor of Phoenix and is not lookingfor a new jobD. Rogerio, who is unemployed and not looking foremploymentE.Karla, who works for Jupiter Inc. and is seeking employmentelsewhere

8.Which of the following statements is true about the composition of the U.S. labor force inthe next decade?

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9.Which of the following, if true, would support reshoring as a strategy for a U.S. firm?

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10. Which of the following activities is part of the assessment and development of thehuman resource dimension of HRM practices?

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