Which of the following is true of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises quizlet?

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Guidelines that promote principles and standards of behavior in the following areas: human rights, information disclosure, anticorruption, taxation, labor relations, environment, competition, and consumer protection; a governmental initiative endorsed by 30 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and 9 nonmembers (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Estonia, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovenia).

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following is a less preferred name, compared to the others, for a multinational corporation?

a) Global
b) Multidomestic
c) Transnational
d) International

b) Multidomestic

The main purpose of what code is to boost economic growth of its members by expanding trade.

a) The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
b) The Caux Round Table principles for business
c) The Business Charter for Sustainable Development
d) The FLA Workplace Code of Conduct

a) The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Most multinational corporations (MNCs) are:

a) public enterprises.
b) state-owned.
c) cooperatives.
d) private enterprises.

d) private enterprise

T/F As MNCs moved into the fifth tier of internationalization, their strategic thinking was more influenced by national boundaries.


All of the following are a part of global production EXCEPT:

a) research.
b) distribution.
c) logistics.
d) portfolio investment.

d) portfolio investment.

The most widely used index measure of a corporation's "multinationality" is called the:

a) LDC.
b) TNI.
c) FDI.
d) TNC.

b) TNI

What is a 1977 code of conduct that required multinational corporations in South Africa to do business in a nondiscriminatory way.

a) The MacBride Principles
b) The Equator Principles
c) The CERES Principles
d) The Sullivan Principles

d) The Sullivan Principles

This theory follows that maximum gain on a worldwide basis will be realized if there are no impediments to trade, if there is free competition in pricing, and if capital flows are unrestricted.

a) The marginalist theory
b) The law of comparative advantage
c) "Buy American" laws
d) The Doctrine of Protectionism

b) The law of comparative advantage

T/F Under GATT, the decision of a dispute body can be overturned only by the unanimous veto of all members.


Identify the force of globalization that comes under "ideas."

a) Wealth creation
b) Financial crises
c) Corporate citizenship
d) Health care

c) Corporate citizenship

The fundamental objective of what organization was to prevent a recurrence of Europe's devastating wars such as World War I and World War II.

a) IMF
b) EU
c) WTO

b) EU

Exporting a product at a price below the price it normally sells for in its home market is known as:

a) structural adjustment.
b) dumping.
c) free trade.
d) offshoring.

b) dumping

The first step in the formation of what organization was taken in 1987 when the United States and Canada signed a free trade agreement.

a) IMF
b) EU
c) WTO


All of the following countries are part of NAFTA except:

a) Argentina.
b) Canada.
c) the United States.
d) Mexico.

a) Argentina.

What is the mainspring of globalization?


Principle 9 of the Global Compact Principles urges a precautionary approach to environmental risks, a philosophy rising from the _____ and accepted by regulators in Europe, but less so in the United States.

a) Earth Summit
b) Convention on Biological Diversity
c) Earth Charter
d) Rio Declaration

d) Rio Declaration

Direct investment means:

a) buying or creating facilities in another country for producing in local markets.
b) buying or creating facilities in home country.
c) buying facilities based in home country for the purpose of exporting products.
d) buying facilities in home country for the sole purpose of importing essential goods.

a) buying or creating facilities in another country for producing in local markets.

Which of the following is true about the OECD Guidelines?

a) An informal process exists to "encourage" observance of the guidelines.
b) Each government that joins in the guidelines sets up an office, called a "national contact point."
c) Observance of the guidelines is obligatory.
d) There are legal sanctions and penalties for violations of the guidelines.

b) Each government that joins in the guidelines sets up an office, called a "national contact point."

The Global Compact:

a) is a code of conduct.
b) enforces its principles.
c) advances its principles as an "aspirational" set of "shared values."
d) requires mandatory participation.

c) advances its principles as an "aspirational" set of "shared values."

T/F In global production, a value chain can span two or more countries.


T/F Foreign direct investment is the limited, speculative purchase of stocks and bonds in a foreign company by individuals.


What has been the official policy of the United States since the end of World War II.

a) Global trade compliance
b) Free trade
c) Globalization
d) Sovereignty

b) Free trade

A tax or duty charged by a government on goods moved across a border is known as a:

a) tariff.
b) subsidy.
c) quota.
d) trade barrier.

a) tariff

T/F The great run of free trade ended with World War I, which inflamed global markets with national conflicts.


What is the primary mission of the International Monetary Fund?

a) To promote international economic stability.
b) To promote long-term development in the poorest countries.
c) To promote international fair trade.
d) To overcome shortages of private capital.

a) To promote international economic stability

T/F The "Buy American" laws seek to influence governments and agencies to purchase U.S.-made goods and services rather than foreign-made goods and services.


T/F "Competitive advantage of nations" is a phrase coined by Joseph Stiglitz, identifying a nation as having a cluster of similar producers which gives the nation a special advantage over other countries.


In the fight against corruption, what 1977 Act was the first major manifesto in the anti-corruption framework.

a) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
b) The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
c) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
d) The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

c) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

What is measured as the dollar value of funds invested by a parent corporation for starting, acquiring, or expanding an enterprise in a foreign nation.

a)Portfolio investment
b) FDI
c) Debt security
d) TNI

b) FDI

Business groups say that the Alien Tort Claims Act:

a) brings justice for the oppressed.
b) victimizes the world's poor "by imposing an enormous tax on investment in developing countries at a time the world desperately needs such investment."
c) will restrict U.S. officials from going to different corners of the globe and exploiting the local populations.
d) gives "people in foreign countries comfort that U.S. corporations will abide by international standards."

b) victimizes the world's poor "by imposing an enormous tax on investment in developing countries at a time the world desperately needs such investment."

According to leading progressive, David C. Korten:

a) power on earth was being transferred from national governments to transnational corporations which by their nature serve only the short-term interests of citizens.
b) "a few hundred" multinational corporations are making daily business decisions which have more impact than those of most sovereign governments.
c) developing nations should set up a stable and enabling regulatory environment that indulges the "concern of the business sector for national policies that are enabling but not overly regulating."
d) in seeking return on capital invested, MNCs may build or buy facilities, contract with local suppliers, and hire workers.

a) power on earth was being transferred from national governments to transnational corporations which by their nature serve only the short-term interests of citizens

The five tiers of internationalization in MNCs:

a) state a common method to enter foreign market in five stages.
b) represent alternate ways to extend business activity into foreign markets.
c) explain a common method to enter the domestic market in stages.
d) represent ways to expand business in the domestic market.

b) represent alternate ways to extend business activity into foreign markets.

T/F In many fifth-tier companies, there is a strong trend toward more centralized authority rather than more "statelessness."


Which of the following is a part of the tiers of internationalization?

a) Export sales
b) Indirect investments
c) Importing essential goods
d) Portfolio investment

a) Export sales

What laws seek to influence governments and agencies to purchase U.S.-made goods and services rather than foreign-made goods and services?

a) Blue laws
b) "Buy American" laws
c) The laws of comparative advantage
d) Soft laws

b) "Buy American" laws

One of the measures of political globalization is:

a) inflows of foreign direct investment as a percent of GDP.
b) newspaper and book sales.
c) participation in international organizations.
d) trade as a percent of GDP.

c) participation in international organizations.

T/F Studies show that as anti-bribery laws in developed nations are enforced, corrupt countries receive less FDI from MNCs headquartered in less corrupt countries.


What doctrine propounds that government should protect business interests from foreign competitors.

a) Protectionism
b) The law of comparative advantage
c) The marginalist theory
d) The Truman Doctrine

a) Protectionism

What is the national treatment principle?

a) Increasing national power by managing the economy to create a trade surplus.
b) A principle of national self-sufficiency and economic independence.
c) Equal treatment for imported and local goods in a domestic market.
d) A principle enacted in some trade agreements requiring that if one participant extends any benefit to another, that participant must extend the same benefit to all.

c) Equal treatment for imported and local goods in a domestic market

T/F Almost all FDI comes from multinational corporations.


This is the financial process by which a corporation takes partial or total control of foreign assets with the intention of having a long-term presence.

a) TPI
b) Indirect investment
c) Portfolio investment
d) FDI

d) FDI

T/F The Sullivan Principles was a 1977 code of conduct that required multinational corporations in South Africa to do business in a nondiscriminatory way.


T/F When an MNC invests funds to acquire a foreign company, this is called a foreign direct investment.


FDI is an example of which force in globalization?

a) Ideas
b) Capital
c) Labor
d) Technology

b) Capital

T/F World Bank and IMF loans usually go to developing countries.


T/F Agreements reached under GATT were incorporated in the WTO.


A policy of national self-sufficiency and economic independence is called:

a) an embargo.
b) autarky.
c) free trade.
d) a tariff.

b) autarky

The World Bank is an example of which force in globalization?

a) Multilateral organizations
b) Technology
d) Labor

a) Multikaterak organizations

What is the purpose of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?

a) To devalue currencies and limit cross-border movement of funds.
b) To overcome shortages of private capital to make loans for rebuilding war-torn nations.
c) To raise the cost of imports, making them less competitive with similar domestic goods.
d) To expand trade by eliminating discriminatory barriers.

d) To expand trade by eliminating discriminatory barriers

Transnational corporations are defined as:

a) doing business in the state in which they are incorporated.
b) doing business in the state of incorporation as well as neighboring states in the same country.
c) parent entities that control assets of affiliated entities in foreign countries.
d) entities formed between two or more parties only to import essential goods.

c) parent entities that control assets of affiliated entities in foreign countries.

All of the following ratios are used to compute the TNI EXCEPT:

a) foreign employment to total employment.
b) foreign assets to total assets.
c) foreign sales to total sales.
d) foreign assets to total unemployment.

d) foreign assets to total unemployment

Which of the following statements about portfolio investments is true?

a) It is measured as the dollar value of funds invested by a parent corporation.
b) It is limited and speculative.
c) It confers a degree of control over the company.
d) It is a long-term investment that cannot be sold anytime.

b) It is limited and speculative.

A(n) _____ is a government entity that invests the savings of a nation.

a) angel investor
b) private investor
c) central bank
d) sovereign wealth fund

d) sovereign wealth fund

According to this theory, efficiency and the general economic welfare are optimized when each country produces that for which it enjoys a cost advantage.

a) The marginalist theory
b) The Doctrine of Protectionism
c) "Buy American" laws
d) The law of comparative advantage

d) The law of comparative advantage

Under which of the following forces of globalization does environmentalism come?

a) MNCs
b) Governments
c) Capital
d) Ideas

d) Ideas

In 2004, the United Nations added a tenth principle to the Global Compact requiring:

a) the effective abolition of child labor.
b) participant companies to adopt anti-corruption policies and controls.
c) respect for the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
d) the elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation.

b) participant companies to adopt anti-corruption policies and controls

Identify the tier that is a part of internationalization.

a) Indirect investments
b) Importing essential goods
c) Licensing franchises
d) Portfolio investment

c) Licensing franchises

Which of the following is NOT a general policy of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises?

a) Enterprises should encourage human capital formation, in particular by creating employment opportunities and facilitating training opportunities for employees.
b) Enterprises should take disciplinary action against employees who make bona fide reports to management.
c) Enterprises should refrain from seeking or accepting exemptions not contemplated in the statutory or regulatory framework related to environmental, taxation, or other issues.
d) Enterprises should respect the human rights of those affected by their activities consistent with the host government's international obligations and commitments.

b) Enterprises should take disciplinary action against employees who make bona fide reports to management.

Which Act makes it illegal for U.S. citizens anywhere in the world to bribe foreign officials?

a) The International Anti-Bribery Act
b) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
c) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
d) The Foreign Investment and National Security Act

a) The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Business entities in foreign countries controlled by parent transnational corporations are known as:

a) foreign affiliates.
b) indigenous producers.
c) domestically owned firms.
d) parent firms.

a) foreign affiliates

What was the original intent of the 1789 Alien Tort Claims Act?

a) To make it illegal for U.S. citizens anywhere in the world to bribe foreign officials.
b) To set criminal penalties in abetting the overthrow of the U.S. government.
c) To protect the United States from enemy aliens.
d) To protect the rights of ambassadors and to try pirates.

d) To protect the rights of ambassadors and to try pirates.

Which of the following is a measure of social globalization?

a) Telephone traffic
b) The number of embassies in a country
c) Tariff rates
d) Import barriers

a) Telephone traffic

The flow of goods and services across borders unhindered by government-imposed restrictions such as taxes, tariffs, quotas, and rules is known as:

free trade

T/F One main argument against protectionism is that a major cause of the rise in world trade is the widespread reduction in defensive barriers.


This is a treaty in which two or more nations agree to reduce or eliminate barriers, opening their borders to freer mutual trade.

a) Protectionism
b) Free trade agreement
c) Customs union
d) Global trade compliance

b) Free trade agreement

That businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining comes under which Global Compact principle?

a) Anti-corruption
b) Human rights
c) The environment
d) Labor standards

d) Labor standards

Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common reasons for corporations to make foreign direct investments?

a) They seek access to new markets.
b) They seek to introduce new management skills and technologies to foreign markets.
c) Companies in nations with small domestic markets enter foreign markets to grow.
d) Some companies create efficiencies and lower their costs by moving production across borders.

b) They seek to introduce new management skills and technologies to foreign markets.

T/F Sometimes those using the name multinational mean to imply that these companies have erased national allegiances, becoming itinerant firms that move investment and activity from nation to nation in search of profits.


_____ is based on trade and investment flows and restrictions; measures include trade as a percent of GDP, inflows of foreign direct investment as a percent of GDP, tariff rates, and import barriers.

a) Social globalization
b) Economic globalization
c) Democratic globalization
d) Alternative globalization

b) Economic globalization

Which of the following laws raised 890 tariff lines covering tens of thousands of items and increasing the average American duty on imported goods?

a) The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act
b) The Buy American Act
c) The Trade and Tariff Act
d) The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

d) The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

All of the following are governmental forces of globalization EXCEPT:

a) erosion of sovereignty by capital markets.
b) pressure to lower trade barriers.
c) pressure to reduce social welfare for citizens.
d) creation of externalities such as resource depletion.

d) creation of externalities such as resource depletion.

_____ occurs when networks of economic, political, social, military, scientific, and environmental interdependence grow to span worldwide distances.

a) Globalization
b) Sovereignty
c) Socialism
d) Protectionism

a) Globalization

_____ are aspirational statements of principles, policies, and rules for foreign operations that a multinational corporation voluntarily agrees to follow.

International codes of conduct

T/F MNCs are all similar in their organizational structures and operations.


When multinational corporations invest their funds to start a business in a foreign country, this is called a(n):

a) FDI.
b) TPI.
c) LDC.
d) TNI.

a) FDI

T/F Corporations are formed under national incorporation laws.


A set of economic policies prescribed to correct flaws in a national economy is known as:

a) the Washington Consensus.
b) a structural adjustment program.
c) autarky.
d) liberalization.

b) a structural adjustment program

Facilitating payments:

a) are small amounts of money demanded by minor officials to perform their regular duties.
b) refer to anything of value improperly requested or given in exchange for a corrupt action.
c) violate anti-bribery laws and are not tolerated in any nation.
d) are endemic and routine in most developed nations.

a) are small amounts of money demanded by minor officials to perform their regular duties

In the Uruguay Round, developed countries concluded an Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights that required participants to:

a) protect private property owners' rights in all countries.
b) protect property rights in products such as software, digital entertainment, and pharmaceuticals.
c) liberalize restrictions on direct investment in a wide range of areas.
d) limit the exportation of products by a business

b) protect property rights in products such as software, digital entertainment, and pharmaceuticals.

T/F The single measure that best captures the activity and power of MNCs is portfolio investment.


Creation of externalities such as pollution and resource depletion come under which force of globalization?

a) MNCs
b) Governments
c) Capital
d) NGOs

a) MNCs

The World Trade Organization (WTO):

a) allows the defendant in a dispute to veto a decision if it disagreed.
b) is not a full-fledged international organization.
c) has been unsuccessful in adding to the GATT legacy of trade liberalization.
d) succeeded in launching a new round at meetings in Seattle in 1999.

c) has been unsuccessful in adding to the GATT legacy of trade liberalization

What agreement was formed in 1967 by five countries—the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand?

a) EU
c) Mercosur


____ is the act of a corporation cloaking its lack of social responsibility by insincere membership in the UN Global Compact.


Which of the following is true about typical MNCs?

a) Most MNCs are said to be stateless.
b) Corporations are formed under international incorporation laws.
c) They remain national rather than international.
d) MNCs have become too transnational.

c) They remain national rather than international. .

Which of the following is a negative economic effect of FDI?

a) Governments protect politically powerful industries with characteristic control.
b) MNCs in manufacturing are accused of exploiting factory workers.
c) Although competition from a new foreign affiliate can stimulate local firms, the new entry can also overwhelm them.
d) Multinational corporations are criticized for repatriating profits to host countries, so that local residents get limited benefit from their presence.

c) Although competition from a new foreign affiliate can stimulate local firms, the new entry can also overwhelm them.

T/F One basic action that multinational corporations should take to fight corruption is to use face-to-face payments in place of electronic transfers.


T/F Only developed countries have been receptive to free market ideas.


T/F Voluntary CSR is the full corrective for flaws in markets.


T/F NGOs are a major force in the ways that government and business operate.


T/F The current WTO-led multilateral trading system has yet to produce a major advance in trade liberalization.


The economic policy of lowering tariffs and other barriers to encourage trade and investment is known as:

a) liberalization.
b) globalization.
c) capitalism.
d) multinationality.

a) liberalization

T/F The typical MNC is international rather than national.


Almost all FDI comes from:

a) hedge funds.
b) sovereign wealth funds.
c) multinational corporations.
d) private equity.

b) multinational corporations

____ is an agreement negotiated in 1991 among Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

a) EU
c) Mercosur

b) Mercosur

Which of the following refers to a policy of increasing national power by managing the economy to create a trade surplus?

a) Capitalism
b) Laissez-faire
c) Mercantilism
d) Free trade

c) Mercantilism

T/F For corruption to exist there must be both demand and supply.


This is a part of the tiers of internationalization.

a) Indirect investments
b) Establishment of foreign sales offices
c) Portfolio investment
d) Importing essential goods

b) Establishment of foreign sales offices

T/F The OECD is a group of 33 nations formed in 1961 as an outgrowth of cooperation to rebuild Europe after World War II.


T/F Facilitation payments violate anti-bribery laws in almost every nation but are still widely tolerated.


T/F Bluewashing is a report from a corporation about its actions in support of the 10 Global Compact principles.


____ is a 1789 law permitting foreign citizens to litigate alleged violations of international law in U.S. federal district courts.

a) The Alien Tort Claims Act
b) The Sherman Antitrust Act
c) The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
d) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

a) The Alien Tort Claims Act

With regard to MNCs in the United States:

a) it is still rare for top executives to be naturalized citizens.
b) boards of directors are dominated by foreign country majorities.
c) most employees at company headquarters are foreign country nationals.
d) each company must be chartered by a state.

d) each company must be chartered by a state

T/F The primary motive of companies investing in LDCs is getting an adequate return on capital invested.


Social globalization is based on:

a) specialization and international exchange.
b) trade and investment flows and restrictions.
c) measures of political cooperation between countries.
d) the flow of ideas, images, and information.

d) the flow of ideas, images, and information .

The debasement of integrity for money, position, privilege, or other self-benefit is termed as:

a) manipulation.
b) exploitation.
c) lobbying.
d) corruption.

d) corruption

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises:

a) are a set of 16 broadly worded principles about protecting and conserving the natural environment.
b) reinforces capitalism by making it moral.
c) are global guidelines for socially responsible and ethical behavior based on ethical ideas in the great religions.
d) is the only comprehensive global code of corporate conduct endorsed by governments.

d) is the only comprehensive global code of corporate conduct endorsed by governments

Which of the following refers to a set of free market policies imposed on developing nations by the IMF and the World Bank as loan conditions?

a) Structural adjustment program
b) Autarky
c) The Bretton Woods system
d) Washington Consensus

d) Washington Consensus

T/F Globalization has been the official policy of the United States throughout most of its history.


The single most conspicuous effort to promote MNC social responsibility and to harness FDI for economic development is the:

a) social contract.
b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
c) Global Compact.
d) transnationality index.

c) Global Compact

T/F Bribes paid by managers of one corporation to managers of another are legal under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).


All of the following are true of protectionism EXCEPT:

a) industries must be shielded from foreign competition.
b) large trade deficits of the United States must be reduced.
c) maximum gain on a worldwide basis will be realized if capital flows are unrestricted.
d) trade barriers in foreign countries restrict American imports to them.

c) maximum gain on a worldwide basis will be realized if capital flows are unrestricted.

All of the following statements are true of FDI EXCEPT:

a) it is the financial process by which a corporation takes partial or total control of foreign assets.
b) it is measured as the dollar value of funds invested by a parent corporation.
c) it is a short-term investment that can be sold anytime.
d) it is almost always made by transnational corporations.

c) it is a short-term investment that can be sold anytime.

Human rights are an example of which force in globalization?


T/F Protectionism is principally an economic issue.


The United Nations defines transnational corporations (TNCs) as:

a) doing business in the state in which they are incorporated.
b) doing business in the state of incorporation as well as neighboring states in the same country.
c) companies that have erased national allegiances and become itinerant firms that move investment and activity from nation to nation in search of profits.
d) parent firms that control the assets of affiliated entities in foreign countries including branches, subsidiaries, and joint ventures.

d) parent firms that control the assets of affiliated entities in foreign countries including branches, subsidiaries, and joint ventures

An entity headquartered in one country that does business in one or more foreign countries is called a(n):

a) MNC.
b) LDC.
c) TNI.
d) FDI.

a) MNC

Transportation is an example of which force in globalization?

a) Capital
b) Ideas
c) NGOs
d) Technology

d) Technology

T/F The Global Compact is a code of conduct that enforces its principles.


T/F The Association of Southeast Asian Nations was formed in 1967 by the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and China.


T/F The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises is a set of 16 broadly worded principles about protecting and conserving the natural environment.


T/F Though TNCs differ greatly in international dimensions, a single measure has been created that can capture the definitive meaning of "transnational."


The treaty that requires nations to preserve biological diversity by promoting sustainable economic activity is known as the:

a) Convention on Biological Diversity.
b) 2010 Biodiversity Target.
c) Global Biodiversity Information Facility.
d) Pacific Biodiversity Information Forum.

a) Convention on Biological Diversity

____ is the limited, speculative purchase of stocks and bonds of a foreign company by individuals or mutual funds.

a) Portfolio investment
b) FDI
c) TNI
d) Direct investment

a) Portfolio investment

T/F Even without making direct investments in a nation, powerful MNCs can shake its economy.


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA):

a) can fine individuals up to $2 million and five years in prison for violations of the law's bribery provisions.
b) makes it a criminal rather than a civil offense to bribe an official of a foreign government.
c) makes it legal for bribes paid by managers of one corporation to managers of another.
d) contains an exception for facilitating paym

c) makes it legal for bribes paid by managers of one corporation to managers of another

T/F Even as nations' nontariff barriers have generally fallen, tariffs have multiplied.


The uniform currency used by the European Union (EU) is called the:


Which of the following is true of the guidelines offered by Richard DeGeorge for organizations doing business in other countries?

Which of the following statements is true of the guidelines offered by Richard DeGeorge for organizations doing business in other countries? They represented an ethical ideal that, at best, provided a conceptual foundation.

Which of the following actions does the Computer Ethics Institute consider unethical quizlet?

Which of the following actions does the Computer Ethics Institute consider unethical? Packet-sniffing software can intercept and archieve all communications on a network. Which of the following is true of the technology used to monitor employees at the workplace?

Which of the following is true of the concept of global ethics?

Which of the following is true of the concept of global ethics? The correct answer is: It is a highly complex subject. How can an organization move its ethical commitment to a global scale successfully? The correct answer is: By creating an ethical standard that respects the local customs of the other countries.

What is the reason for the increased monitoring of employees at work by organizations quizlet?

What is the reason for the increased monitoring of employees at work by organizations? The evidence gathered from the electronic trail of e-mails from employees can cause potential damage to an organization.


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