Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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  • Planes of Motion

    • Reference

      • scapular plane is 30 degrees anterior to coronal plane.

    • Abduction

      • abduction requires external rotation to clear the greater tuberosity from impinging on the acromion.

        • therefore if someone has an internal rotation contracture they can not abduct > 120

      • 180° of abduction present in shoulder

        • motion occurs at two joints

          • 120° from the glenohumeral joint (2/3)

          • 60° from the scapulothoracic joint (1/3)

  • Glenohumeral Stability

    • Static restraints

      • glenohumeral ligaments (below)

      • glenoid labrum (below)

      • articular congruity and version

      • negative intraarticular pressure

        • if release head will sublux inferiorly

    • Dynamic restraints

      • rotator cuff muscles

        • the primary biomechanical role of the rotator cuff is stabilizing the glenohumeral joint by compressing the humeral head against the glenoid

      • rotator interval

      • biceps long head

      • periscapular muscles

  • Glenohumeral Ligaments (static)

      • Ligamentous Restraints in different Arm Positions

      • Arm position

      • Anterior restraint 

      • Inferior restraint

      • Posterior restraint

      • 0° (side) and adduction

      • SGHL/CHL

      • 45° (ER) and 45° abducted

      • MGHL

      • MGHL

      • 90° (ER)

      • Anterior band IGHL

      • Anterior band IGHL

      • Posterior band IGHL

      • 90° (forward flexed, abduction, and IR)

      • Anterior band IGHL

      • SGHL/CHL

    • SGHL

      • from anteriosuperior labrum to humerus

      • restraint to inferior translation at 0° degrees of abduction (neutral rotation)

      • prevents anteroinferior translation of long head of biceps (biceps pulley)

    • MGHL

      • resist anterior and posterior translation in the midrange of abduction (~45°) in ER

    • IGHL

      • posterior band IGHL

        • most important restraint to posterior subluxation at 90° flexion and IR

        • tightness leads to internal impingement and increased shear forces on superior labrum (linked to SLAP lesions)

      • anterior band IGHL

        • stability

          • primary restraint to anterior/inferior translation 90° abduction and maximum ER (late cocking phase of throwing)

        • anatomy

          • anchors into anterior labrum

          • forms weak link that predisposes to Bankart lesions

      • superior band IGHL

        • most important static stabilizer about the joint

        • 100% increased strain on superior band of IGHL in presence of a SLAP lesion

    • Coracohumeral ligament (CHL)

      • from coracoid to rotator cable

      • limits posterior translation with shoulder in flexion,adduction, and internal rotation

      • limits inferior translation and external rotation at adducted position

  • Glenoid Labrum (static)

    • Function

      • helps create cavity-compression and creates 50% of the glenoid socket depth

    • Composition

      • composed of fibrocartilagenous tissue

    • Blood supply

      • suprascapular artery

      • anterior humeral circumflex scapular

      • posterior humeral circumflex arteries

      • labrum receives blood from capsule and periosteal vessels and not from underlying bone

      • anterior-superior labrum has poorest blood supply

    • Stability

      • anterior labrum

        • anchors IGHL (weak link that leads to Bankart lesion)

      • superior labrum

        • anchors biceps tendon (weak link that leads to SLAP lesion)

    • Anatomic variants

      • normal variant

        • the labrum attached to the glenoid rim and a flat/broad middle glenohumeral ligament is the most common “normal” variation.

        • a cord-like middle glenohumeral ligament is present in 86% of population

      • sublabral foramen

        • seen in ~12% if population

      • sublabral foramen + cordlike MGHL

      • Buford complex (absent anterosuperior labrum + cordlike MGHL)

        • seen in ~1.5% of population

        • cordlike middle glenohumeral ligament with attachment to base of biceps anchor and complete absence of the anterosuperior labrum

        • attaching a Buford complex will lead to painful and restricted external rotation and elevation.

      • meniscoid appearance (1%)

  • Soft Tissue Stabilizers

    • Posterior capsule(static)

      • thin (< 1mm) with no ligaments

    • Rotator Interval (static)

      • contracture of the rotator interval is seen with adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)

      • laxity of the rotator interval results in a visible sulcus sign with inferior laxity with the shoulder in adduction

      • includes the capsule, SGHL, coracohumeral ligament and long head biceps tendon that bridge the gap between the supraspinatus and the subscapularis.

      • boundaries

        • medially by lateral coracoid base

        • superiorly by anterior edge of supraspinatus

        • inferiorly by superior border of subscapularis

        • lateral apex formed by transverse humeral ligament

    • Rotator cuff(dynamic)

      • the primary biomechanical role of the rotator cuff is stabilizing the glenohumeral joint by compressing the humeral head against the glenoid 

    • Biceps Long Head(dynamic)

      • long head of biceps acts as humeral head depressor.

      • variable origin from superior labrum

      • forms weak links that predisposes to SLAP tear

      • SGHL and subscapularis thought to play role in stabilizing long head of biceps

  • Osteology

    • Humeral head

      • greater and lesser tuberosities are attachment sites for the rotator cuff

      • spheroidal in shape in 90% of individuals

      • average diameter is 43 mm

      • approximate retroversion 20° from transepicondylar axis of the distal humerus

      • articular surface inclined upward 130° from the shaft

    • Glenoid

      • pear-shaped surface with average upward tilt of 5°

      • average version is 5° of retroversion in relation to the axis of the scapular body and varies from 7° of retroversion to 10° of anteversion

    • Coracoid

      • serves as an anatomic landmark or "lighthouse" for the deltopectoral approach

      • coracobrachialis, pectoralis minor, and short head of the biceps attach to the coracoid

    • Acromion

      • 3 ossification centers

        • meta (base), meso (mid), and pre-acromion (tip)

      • acromiohumeral interval is 7-8mm

        • AHI may be normal on Xray but decreased on MRI when pt is supine and weight of arm is removed. This usually signifies multiple tendon tear.

      • acromial morphology

        • I=flat

        • II=curved

        • III=hooked

  • Blood Supply

    • Humeral head

      • ascending branch of anterior humeral circumflex artery and arcuate artery

        • provides blood supply to humeral head 

        • vessel runs parallel to lateral aspect of tendon of long head of biceps in the bicipital groove

          • beware not to injure when plating proximal humerus fractures

        • arcuate artery is the interosseous continuation of ascending branch of anterior humeral circumflex artery and penetrates the bone of the humeral head

      • posterior humeral circumflex artery

        • most current literature supports this as providing the main blood supply to humeral head

  • Free Body Analysis of Deltoid

    • Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement
      Free body diagram if the arm was at 90 degs of abduction (not pictured)

      • assuming A = 3cm and B = 30 cm

      • sum of moment M = 0

      • (A x D) - (B x 0.5W) = 0

        • 3D = 0.5W (30)

        • D = 5W

    • Arthrodesis

      • optimal position

        • 15-20° of abduction

        • 20-25° of forward flexion

        • 40-50° of internal rotation

Flashcards (60)
Questions (18)

(OBQ18.253) What is the function of the structure indicated by the arrow in Figure A, visualized through the posterior portal in the lateral decubitus position?

QID: 213149

Resists inferior translation of the humerus at 0 degrees abduction

Resists anterior and posterior translation of the humerus at 45 degrees abduction

Resists posterior translation of the humerus at 90 degrees flexion and internal rotation

Resists posterior translation of the humerus with shoulder in flexion, adduction, and internal rotation

Functions to internally rotate the humerus


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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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(OBQ12.154) What is the primary function of the structure labeled with an asterisk in Figure A?

QID: 4514

Prevents inferior translation of the humerus with the arm by the side

Provides internal rotation of the humerus

Prevents anterior translation of the humerus with the arm in 45 degrees of abduction

Prevents anterior translation of the humerus with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction

Provides supination of the forearm and elbow flexion

L 1 A

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(OBQ12.62) A 67-year-old female who sustained a proximal humerus fracture as a result of a fall goes on to develop avascular necrosis (AVN). An injury was most likely sustained to which of the following arteries labeled 1-5 in Figure A?

QID: 4422

L 1 B

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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(OBQ09.64) What structure provides dynamic glenohumeral stability by compressing the humeral head against the glenoid?

QID: 2877

Superior glenohumeral ligament

Middle glenohumeral ligament

L 1 C

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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(OBQ08.261) Besides the biceps tendon, which of the following structures also pass through the rotator interval?

QID: 647

The coracohumeral ligament only

The coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral ligaments

The coracohumeral, superior and middle glenohumeral ligaments

The superior and middle glenohumeral ligaments

The superior glenohumeral ligament only

L 1 C

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(SAE07SM.95) A 15-year-old wrestler sustains an abduction, hyperextension, and external rotation injury to his right shoulder. The MRI scan findings shown in Figures 27a and 27b are most consistent with

QID: 8757

an avulsion of the lesser tuberosity.

a midsubstance tear of the capsule.

a tear of the anterior inferior labrum.

a tear of the subscapularis.

a tear of the humeral insertion of the inferior glenohumeral ligament.

L 3 E

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(SBQ07SM.47) The superior glenohumeral ligament is under the greatest stress when the humeral head and arm are in which of the following positions?

QID: 1432

Anteriorly translated with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction and externally rotated

Inferiorly translated with the arm in 5 degrees of adduction

Anteriorly translated with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction and internally rotated

Inferiorly translated with the arm in 45 degrees of abduction and internal rotation

Inferiorly translated with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction and neutral rotation

L 1 C

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a spheroidal type of movement

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(OBQ04.89) Which of the following is considered the primary static restraint to anterior gleno-humeral translation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction?

QID: 1194

Shape of the bony articulation

Negative intra-articular pressure

Superior gleno-humeral ligament complex

Middle gleno-humeral ligament complex

Inferior gleno-humeral ligament complex

L 1 D

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Which of the following joints is considered to have a ball

3f). The hip joint and the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint are the only ball-and-socket joints of the body. At the hip joint, the head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone, and at the shoulder joint, the head of the humerus articulates with the glenoid cavity of the scapula.

Which of the following describes the humerus?

The humerus is a long bone located in the upper arm, between the shoulder joint and elbow joint. The proximal humerus connects to the shoulder through the glenoid fossa of the scapula, forming the glenohumeral joint. The distal humerus articulates at the elbow to the radius and ulna in the forearm.

What is the name of the insertion point for the deltoid muscle located on the anterolateral surface of the humerus?

The deltoid inserts into the deltoid tubercle/tuberosity around the middle of the surface. The lateral portion of the brachialis muscle originates from the distal part of this surface, as well as from the proximal two third of the lateral supracondylar ridge.

What is the name of the large fossa within the anterior surface of the scapula?

It serves as an attachment point for the long head of the triceps brachii muscle. Subscapular fossa (Fossa subscapularis) is a large, slightly depressed region in the middle of scapula's anterior surface. The subscapularis muscle attaches to this region of the bone.