Which of the following leadership characteristics would not be a dimension of trait based theory

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Terms in this set (57)

According to John Kotter, leadership, in contrast to management, entails:
a. planning and budgeting.
b. organizing and staffing.
c. problem solving.
d. setting an organizational direction.


Kotter suggests that leadership and management:
a. consist of very similar activities.
b. cannot be combined in a synergistic way.
c. involve the management of major change efforts within the organization.
d. are two distinct, yet complementary systems of action in organizations.


According to Zaleznik's thinking on leaders as distinct personalities, leaders and managers differ along four different dimensions of personality. Which of the following is NOT one of those dimensions?
a. Attitudes toward goals
b. Relationships with others
c. Sense of self
d. Internal versus external orientation


Trait leader theories focus on all of the following except:
a. abilities.
b. personality characteristics.
c. physical attributes.
d. situational characteristics.


Which of the following statements best reflects the support for trait theories to identify universal distinguishing attributes of leaders?

a. Trait studies have identified physical attributes as being more important to leadership than personality or intelligence.
b. When looking at physical attributes, height has been the leader attribute with universal generalizability.
c. Findings on traits as a basis for explaining leader effectiveness are neither strong nor uniform.
d. Trait theory studies have tended to conclude that there are strong implications for training and development rather than selection.


Trait theories of leadership:
a. fit traits to various situations.
b. emphasize the situation in classifying approaches to leadership.
c. offer strong and uniform research findings.
d. focus on leaders' physical attributes, personality, and abilities.


Democratic leadership style differs from autocratic leadership style in that democratic leaders:
a. do not assume ultimate authority and responsibility.
b. force compliance to rules and procedures.
c. grant followers a high degree of discretionary influence.
d. require more structure in the work environment.


All of the following are characteristics of autocratic leadership style except:
a. strongly controlled work relationships.
b. explicit work orders and minimal follower flexibility in application of work rules.
c. highly structured work situation and close supervision.
d. discretionary influence over work environment granted to followers.


Which of the following is a consequence of laissez-faire leadership?
a. High job satisfaction
b. The leader's high demand for authority
c. Lower interpersonal conflict at work
d. Role ambiguity for followers


The important underlying dimensions of leader behaviors according to the Ohio State studies are:
a. autocratic and democratic.
b. task-centered and concern for production.
c. consideration and initiating structure.
d. P-oriented and M-oriented.


According to the Michigan studies on leadership, a leader in a(n)_______work environment uses direct, close supervision or written rules and regulations to control behavior.
a. autocratic
b. democratic
c. employee-oriented
d. production-oriented


Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid identifies a country club manager as someone who:
a. exerts minimal effort to get the work done.
b. builds a highly productive work team.
c. conforms to requirements and applies considerable pressure on employees to perform.
d. creates a pleasing, happy work environment and applies minimal supervision.


Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid research differs from the Ohio State studies in that the Leadership Grid:
a. does not address behavior.
b. is descriptive and non-evaluative.
c. found that the organizational man approach was more effective.
d. includes attitudinal overtones.


According to the Leadership Grid approach to leadership, a manager who exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired would be consistent with what position on the grid?
a. 9,9
b. 5,5
c. 1,1
d. 1,9


According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, an impoverished manager is one who:
a. avoids taking sides and stays out of conflicts.
b. creates a happy, comfortable work environment.
c. emphasizes efficient production.
d. maintains the status quo.


Which of the following is a new leadership style that has been added to the leadership grid?
a. "Middle of the road"
b. "If it isn't broke, don't fix it"
c. "Father knows best"
d. "If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't learning"


According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, a manager with a high concern for production and low concern for people would be in what position on the grid?
a. 1,1
b. 1,9
c. 9,1
d. 9,9


Contingency theories of leadership, in determining appropriate leader behavior and style, focus strongly on:
a. follower characteristics.
b. situational factors.
c. physical traits of the leader.
d. how leaders behave.


The theories of leadership concerned with identifying specific leadership styles that are most effective in specific leadership situations are the:
a. trait theories.
b. behavioral theories.
c. contingency theories.
d. transformational theories.


As a supervisor, you find yourself in a situation where you have good relationships with employees, the task is structured, and you have and can exercise strong position power. Your leadership behavior and style should be:
a. employee-centered.
b. very controlling.
c. task-oriented.
d. autocratic.


According to Fiedler's contingency theory, which of the following are the three dimensions of situational
a. Initiating structure, position power, and leader-member relations
b. Initiating structure, task structure, and position power
c. Task structure, leader-member relations, and production orientation
d. Task structure, leader-member relations, and position power


According to Fiedler, the effectiveness of leaders is dependent on:
a. the favorableness of their situation.
b. the least preferred coworker.
c. task structure.
d. position power.


Fiedler recommends that managers, in order to be effective, should:
a. adjust the task structure to fit the situation.
b. change the situation to fit their leadership style.
c. adjust their position power.
d. treat employees differently depending upon the task.


According to the contingency theory developed by Fiedler, what is the most appropriate action where it is found there is a misfit between the leader and the situation?
a. Attempt to change the leader's behavior through training.
b. Remove the leader and replace him/her with someone that will result in a fit.
c. Reengineer the leader's situation to fit the leader's basic predisposition.
d. Develop better assessment techniques for leaders as well as group members.


Which of the following is NOT one of the leader behavior styles described in the path-goal theory of leader effectiveness?
a. Directive
b. Participative
c. Relationship-oriented
d. Achievement-oriented


The path-goal theory of leader effectiveness by Robert House is based on:
a. an equity theory of motivation.
b. a goal setting theory of motivation.
c. an expectancy theory of motivation.
d. McGregor's Theory Y approach to motivation.


In the context of the path-goal theory, a__________style of leadership is used when the leader must give specific guidance about work tasks, schedule work, and let followers know what is expected.
a. supportive
b. achievement-oriented
c. participative
d. directive


In the context of the Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model, the ________ form of decision making is where a manager permits a group to make decisions within prescribed limits, providing needed resources and encouragement.
a. consult individually
b. decide
c. delegate
d. consult group


The Vroom-Yetton-Jago normative decision model helps leaders and managers determine:

a. when to change the decision situation or style of the leader.
b. how to identify what leadership style is most appropriate through the administration of the LBDQ.
c. the appropriate level of employee participation in decision making.
d. how to focus on task characteristics, leader-member relations, or the position power of the leader.


The Situational Leadership model, developed by Hersey and Blanchard, suggests that the leader's behavior should
be adjusted according to the:
a. task structure.
b. type of power.
c. maturity level of followers.
d. leader-follower relationships.


According to the Situational Leadership model, a ___________ style of leadership is appropriate for tasks in which a follower is able and willing.
a. telling
b. delegating
c. selling
d. participating


In the context of Situational Leadership model, the telling style entails:
a. considerable task and relationship behaviors.
b. considerable task behavior and low relationship behavior.
c. low task behavior and considerable relationship behavior.
d. low task and relationship behaviors.


In the context of leadership theories, the ___________ theory recognizes that leaders may form different relationships with followers.
a. positional power
b. followership
c. LMX
d. transactional


The basic idea behind leader-member exchange theory is that:

a. followership is based on member perceptions of equity.
b. leaders form two groups of followers—ingroups and outgroups.
c. leaders develop relationships with followers based on the principle of who does what and how much for whom.
d. followership depends on the degree that a task is satisfying.


Transformational leaders:
a. inspire and stimulate followers to high performance levels.
b. use reward and punishment to shape employee behavior.
c. rely on contractual arrangements to manage employees.
d. use legitimate and reward power.


___________ results when a leader uses the force of personal abilities and talents to have profound and extraordinary effects on followers.
a. Situational leadership
b. Transactional leadership
c. Facilitative leadership
d. Charismatic leadership


Charismatic leadership relies heavily on power.
a. legitimate
b. reward
c. referent
d. expert


Charismatic leadership:
a. is based on coercive power.
b. is very different from transformational leadership.
c. becomes a very effective leadership approach in times of stability.
d. carries risks of destructive courses of action that might harm followers.


In the context of transformational leadership, ____________ refers to how much concern the leader displays for each follower's needs and acts as a coach or a mentor.
a. intellectual stimulation
b. individualized consideration
c. individual consultation
d. facilitation


In the context of transformational leadership, the term ____________ refers to the ability of a leader to create a vision and convince even skeptics to support it.
a. authentic leadership
b. reality-distortion field
c. out-group leadership persuasion
d. selling style


A multidimensional construct that includes transformational, charismatic, or transactional leadership as the situation might demand is known as:

a. contingency leadership.
b. authentic leadership.
c. inspirational leadership.
d. leadership grid approach.


Authentic leaders are characterized by all of the following except:
a. high levels of hope.
b. optimism.
c. resilience.
d. benevolence.


Emotional intelligence is made up of all of the following competencies except:
a. higher technical skills.
b. higher self-awareness.
c. adaptability.
d. empathy.


Which of the following statements best characterizes emotional intelligence in the context of leadership?

a. While most leaders gain emotional intelligence as they age, everyone starts with an equal amount.
b. Technical skills and IQ are more important for emotional intelligence than for leadership.
c. Leaders can learn emotional intelligence through honest feedback from coworkers.
d. Leaders with low emotional intelligence don't necessarily make poor decisions or lose their effectiveness.


_________ refers to the willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of another and is an essential element in leadership.
a. Facilitation
b. Supervision
c. Followership
d. Trust


Which of the following is true of women managers?
a. Women are less suited to difficult leadership positions because they lack decision-making skills.
b. Women have to rely on position power to be effective leaders.
c. Women tend to be personally power-driven rather than socially power-driven.
d. Women tend to use a more people-oriented style that is more inclusive and empowering.


_______ leaders tend to trust nobody, leading to preventable mistakes.
a. Lone-wolf
b. Autocratic
c. Laissez-faire
d. Women


The glass cliff refers to:

a. preventing women from taking on difficult leadership situations.
b. men perceiving women as less suited to difficult leadership positions due to their lack of decision making experience.
c. a trend in organizations to place more women in difficult leadership situations.
d. women perceiving difficult leadership situations as situations to avoid due to inherent risk of failure.


One belief of_________ is that work exists for the person as much as the person exists for work.
a. transactional leadership
b. abusive leadership
c. servant leadership
d. charismatic leadership


In contrast to leadership, the topic of followership has:
a. been viewed as not highly differentiated versus leadership.
b. been viewed from a traditional perspective as active.
c. not been extensively researched.
d. not endorsed the view that the follower role is an active one with potential for leadership.


________ are followers who do not think independently or critically and are passive in their behavior.
a. Survivors
b. Alienated followers
c. Yes people
d. Sheep


Followers who tend to be passive but are capable of independent and critical thinking are:
a. alienated followers.
b. the yes people.
c. sheep.
d. survivors.


__________ are followers who are the most dangerous to a leader because they are the most likely to give a false positive reaction and give no warning of potential pitfalls.
a. Yes people
b. Survivors
c. Alienated followers
d. Sheep


In the context of followership, ____________ are potentially disruptive and a threat to the health of the organization.
a. alienated followers
b. survivors
c. sheep followers
d. yes people


Effective followers:
a. are courageous.
b. are self-aggrandizing.
c. uncritically reinforce leaders' ideas.
d. require close supervision.


"Better safe than sorry" is the motto of which type of followers?
a. Sheep
b. Survivors
c. Yes people
d. Alienated followers


Which of the following is NOT included in the guidelines for leadership?
a. Different situations call for different leadership styles and behavior.
b. No two leaders are the same.
c. There is no one best leadership style but there are organizational preferences in terms of style.
d. Good leaders are not likely to be good followers.


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What are the characteristics of trait theory of leadership?

The current theory, known as trait theory, focuses on five major leadership traits of intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability.

What is trait based theory?

Trait theory suggests that individual personalities are composed of broad dispositions. 2. Unlike many other theories of personality, such as psychoanalytic or humanistic theories, the trait approach to personality is focused on differences between individuals.

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The trait theory of leadership focuses on the leader and the traits he exhibits. Certain types of traits make leaders more effective. For example, the late Steve Jobs was known for his charisma. His ability to passionately articulate his visions made people want to follow his lead.

What is the trait theory of leadership quizlet?

Trait Theories of Leadership. Theories that propose traits - personality, social, physical or intellectual - differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Behavioural Theories of Leadership. Theories that propose that specific behaviours differentiate leaders from non-leaders.