Which of the following leadership profiles describes the degree to which the leader is self centered and uses a face saving approach?

This dimension refers to the degree to which people in a culture are determined, assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their social relationships

Assertiveness is concerned with how much a culture or society encourages people to be forceful, aggressive, and tough, as opposed to encouraging them to be timid, submissive, and tender in social relationships

For example:
Germany is high in the assertiveness dimension

In a study on upper-level managers in Germany, Brodbeck, Frese, and Javidan (2002) found that German managers used straightforward and direct language and that conflict and confrontational debate were acceptable approaches in a work environment

Which cultural dimension describes the degree to which decisions are based on individual needs and interests?

Cultural Dimension 2: Individualism and Collectivism Individualism refers to the degree to which a society focuses on the relationship of the individual to the group.

Which term in the GLOBE framework refers to the degree to which a society rewards individuals for being altruistic generous and kind to others?

The ninth dimension refers to the degree to which a culture encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring, and kind to others.

What is GLOBE leadership model?

Leadership and GLOBE's Culturally Endorsed Leadership Theory (CLT) The GLOBE research team defined leadership as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members (House et al, 2004).

What is GLOBE theory?

GLOBE is a multi-phase, multi-method project in which investigators spanning the world are examining the interrelationships between societal culture, organizational culture, and organizational leadership.