Which of the following led most directly led to the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above

14. The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which thefollowing?a. The end of the second party systemb. The election of Lincoln in 1860c. The secession of the Southern states from the Uniond. The highly visible campaign of abolitionists against slavery

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Which of the following led most directly led to the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above

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A History of Modern Psychology


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P5-30ANS: BFeedbacka.The end of the second party system led indirectly to the situation that resulted in thisdocument. The sentiments expressed here did not result directly from that event,however.b.The sentiments expressed in this document were a direct result of the RepublicanAbraham Lincoln’s election to the presidency in 1860. The document’s assertion that“A sectional party has found within…the Executive Department, the means ofsubverting the Constitution itself” refers specifically to Abraham Lincoln’s election.c.The sentiments expressed in this document were the cause of the South’s secessionfrom the Union, not its result.d.The sentiments expressed in this excerpt resulted indirectly from abolitionism. Butabolitionists’ campaign against slavery did not lead directly to secession.

OBJ: POL-2|POL-6TOP: Historical Thinking Skills: Causation|Use of EvidenceMSC: Key Concepts: 5.2.II.CNAR: South Carolina SecessionNARRBEGIN:Nast CartoonThis question refers to the following 1874 political cartoon by Thomas Nast.[INSERT P05.02: The Union As It Was here]Library of Congress.NARREND15. The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result of

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P5-31d.The state of affairs Thomas Nast depicted in this cartoon resulted most directly fromSouthern whites’ determined resistance to Reconstruction. Organizations like theKKK and the paramilitary White League worked to challenge Reconstruction andmaintain black subordination in the South in the 1860s and 1870s.OBJ: ID-5|POL-6TOP: Historical Thinking Skills: Causation|Use of EvidenceMSC: Key Concepts: 5.3.II.CNAR: Nast CartoonNARRBEGIN:Nast CartoonThis question refers to the following 1874 political cartoon by Thomas Nast.

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