Which of the following methods of filing paper medical records involves placing newer reports on top of older reports?

Module 15: Administrative AssistingQuiz 15:Which of the following terms describes a collection of associated files that functions as a basisfor retrieving information?-cookies-cache-queries-database

A medical assistant is performing inventory for a clinic which of the following actions should theassistant take while performing inventory?

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Which of the following allows a patient to confirm or cancel an appointment remotely?

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Which of the following methods of filing paper medical records involves placing newer reportson top of order reports?

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Which of the following terms describes the act of unlawfully increasing the reimbursementamount from a third-party payer?-Down coding-E/M codes-Add-on codes-upcoding

Which of the following is the best way to update information in a paper record quizlet?

Which of the following is the best way to update information in a paper record? Draw a single line through the information and add a note, the date, and your initials.

What is name is given to the filing method where the most recent item pertaining to a patient is on the top and older items are filed farther back?

Reverse chronologic order is where the most recent item is on the top and older items are filed farther back.

When filing records in a new file cabinet it is recommended that you quizlet?

When filing alphabetically, if two names are identical, the address is used to make the filing decision in which order? When filing records in a new file cabinet, it is recommended that you: Place the files in the bottom drawers first.

What type of information does a medical record contain quizlet?

Information on a patient such as, demographics, progress notes, problems, medication, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data, radiology pictures, and other personal data (height, weight, and billing information).


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