Which of the following most accurately reflects the current thinking about the use of subliminal perception in marketing/promotion and advertising?

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    Which of the following comes closest to characterising the concept of hedonic consumption? A)Bill can't get an advertising jingle out of his mind when he enters a store and sees the product the jingle advertises. B)Kim can never buy fashionable clothes without looking carefully at their construction and then feeling the quality of the material with her fingers. C)Marcus often buys products just to make his wife angry.He thinks that since she is such a penny-pincher she ought to be punished.Buying unneeded items is how Marcus punishes her frugality. D)A new computer game rapidly replaced an older one because it had much faster action.

  • Q58:

    Which of the following most accurately reflects current thinking about the use of subliminal perception in marketing promotion and advertising? A)Subliminal messages are below the threshold of perception, so they cannot be utilised in marketing. B)Subliminal ads can be effective, but customers do not like them; therefore, marketers avoid them. C)There is some evidence that subliminal perception can have limited effects, but the effects are not specific enough to make subliminal messages effective in advertising. D)It comes down to a matter of attention.If a viewer will pay enough attention to a subliminal message, then it can have specific effects.

  • Q59:

    The first step in the perception process is exposure to a stimulus.Without exposure, there would be no perception.

  • Q60:

    Jin-Tae is browsing watches in a store.A sales representative sees Jin-Tae linger over a new, high-end fitness tracker watch.The sales rep approaches Jin-Tae and encourages him to hold the watch, to put it on, and to imagine that it is his and that he could use it on his daily jogs.The sales rep is engaging in [Blank]. A)subliminal perception B)perceptual vigilance C)the closure principle D)the endowment effect

  • Q61:

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Title: Part 1: Consumer Behavior Multiple Choice Questions Answers


Please Highlight in bold the answer you believe is best.

1) Some color combinations come to be so strongly associated with a corporation that they become known as the company's ________.

A) position

B) signature

C) trade dress

D) schema

2) When Jane shops, she must feel the fabric of any potential clothing buy before she even bothers to see what the design is. She has a high need to touch. Which sense system is important to Jane in her clothing shopping?

A) visual

B) auditory

C) haptic

D) liminal

3) When a stimulus comes within the range of someone's sensory receptors, ________ occurs.

A) just noticeable difference (j.n.d.)

B) retention

C) subliminal suggestion

D) exposure

4) Because the brain's capacity to process information is limited, consumers are very selective about what they pay attention to and tend to select stimuli that relate to their current needs. This type of perceptual filter is called ________.

A) perceptual defense

B) perceptual vigilance

C) subliminal perception

D) adaptation

5) ________ roughly means whole, pattern, or configuration; this perspective is best summarized by the saying "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

A) Freudian traits analysis

B) Weber's Law

C) Gestalt

D) Kinsei

6) When a grocery store blows "fresh bread smell" around the entrance to store to tempt customers to come inside for a cup, the gas station is using a form of ________ marketing to influence customers.

A) one-on-one

B) subliminal

C) differentiated

D) sensory

7) Which of the following most accurately reflects the current thinking about the use of subliminal perception in marketing promotion and advertising?

A) Subliminal messages are below the threshold of perception, so they cannot be utilized in marketing.

B) Subliminal ads can be effective, but customers do not like them; therefore, marketers avoid them.

C) There is some evidence that subliminal perception can have limited effects, but the effects are not specific enough to make subliminal messages effective in advertising.

D) It comes down to a matter of attention. If a viewer will pay enough attention to a subliminal message, then it can have specific effects.

8) Behavioral learning theorists do not focus on internal thought processes; rather, they look to external evidence to study learning. What aspects of the environment are of most concern to behaviorists in studying learning?

A) energy and work

B) stimulus and response

C) thought and memory

D) sensation and perception

9) Family branding, licensing, and look-alike packaging are all marketing strategies based on ________.

A) stimulus generalization

B) the spacing effect

C) stimulus discrimination

D) extinction

10) A woman no longer receives compliments on the perfume that she wears. In learning terms, the stimulus-response connection has weakened. Which of the following processes best explains what has occurred in the example?

A) negative reinforcement

B) extinction

C) discrimination

D) generalization

11) Almost any technique that increases the novelty of a stimulus also improves recall of the stimulus. This result is called the ________.

A) highlighting effect

B) von Restorff Effect C) spacing effect D) halo effect

12) Sam Bolton hums the Purina Cat Chow jingle as he drives down the expressway. A thought suddenly occurs to Sam: "Why am I humming this stupid jingle? I don't buy this stuff. In fact, I don't even have a cat." Sam knows this jingle through ________.

A) stimulus generalization

B) reinforcement modeling

C) incidental learning

D) operant conditioning

13) Claudia Norman, a marketing consultant, recommended that brand equity for a new environmentally-friendly product could be established by giving initial customers free memberships in the Sierra Club organization. Claudia used which of the following in her recommendation?

A) promotional conditioning

B) emotional learning

C) classical conditioning

D) instrumental conditioning

What is subliminal perception in marketing?

Subliminal perception is the perception of a series of stimulus which the person is not consciously aware of and gets under the influence involuntarily, in addition to the perception with the five sense organs.

What is meant by subliminal perception quizlet?

subliminal perception refers to. perceiving a stimulus without being aware of it. It involves the unconscious as the stimulus is enough for the brain to identify it but we are unable to know when its presented.

What is the influence of subliminal stimuli quizlet?

-subliminal stimuli: when stimuli are below one's absolute threshold for conscious awareness (we don't detect presence 50% of the time) -subliminal messages somehow bypass normal defense reactions. -do NOT influence our behavior. -priming effects of subliminal messages can influence judgments.

What are subliminal messages in psychology quizlet?

A subliminal message is a signal or message that is embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception.


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