Which of the following movements would illustrate the effect in the market for paper napkins

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Terms in this set (10)

A movement upward and to the left along a demand curve is called a(n)

decrease in quantity demanded.

Which of the following demonstrates the law of demand?

Dave buys more donuts at $0.25 per donut than at $0.50 per donut,
other things equal.

Which of the following would shift the demand curve for gasoline to the right?

an increase in consumer income, assuming gasoline is a normal good

If American cheese and cheddar cheese are substitutes, then which of the following would increase the
demand for cheddar cheese?

an increase in the price of American cheese

Refer to Figure 4-20. Which of the following movements would illustrate the effect in the
market for paper napkins as a result of a "Go Green" advertising campaign encouraging people to use cloth

Point C to Point B

Which of the following events must result in a higher price in the market for Snickers?

Demand for Snickers increases, and supply of Snickers decreases

What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of lattés if consumers' incomes rise and lattés are
a normal good?

Both the equilibrium price and quantity would increase.

Refer to Figure 4-18. All else equal, buyers expecting turkey to be more expensive in the
future would cause a current move from

DB to DA.

If consumers view cappuccinos and lattés as substitutes, what would happen to the equilibrium price and
quantity of lattés if the price of cappuccinos rises?

Both the equilibrium price and quantity would increase.

Suppose that consumer preference for apples increases (one a day does keep the doctor away) while, at the
same time, workers in the apple industry receive wage increases. Everything else held constant, the
equilibrium price of apples will_____ and the equilibrium quantity of apples transacted will_____.

increase; be ambiguous

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Which of the following movements would illustrate the effect in the market for cars of a decrease in the price of gas?

Which of the following movements would illustrate the effect in the market for cars of a decrease in the price of gas? Point A to Point D (correct. Gas is a complement to cars. When the price of gas decreases, the demand for cars increases, as shown by movement from Point A to Point D.)

Which of the following events would cause the supply curve to shift to the right?

If the cost of production is lower, the profits available at a given price will increase, and producers will produce more. With more produced at every price, the supply curve will shift to the right, meaning an increase in supply.

Which of the following demonstrates the law of demand?

The correct answer is C. Dave buys more donuts at $0.25 per donut than at $0.50 per donut, other things equal. The law of demand states that the quantity demanded increases as the price falls because the quantity demanded is inversely correlated with price.

What might cause the supply curve for an inferior good to shift to the right?

Supply Curve Shift Prices of other goods - the supply of one good may decrease if the price of another good increases, causing producers to reallocate resources to produce larger quantities of the more profitable good. Number of sellers - more sellers result in more supply, shifting the supply curve to the right.


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