Which of the following organs will the nurse suspect to have a disorder if she has observed the patient with a jaundiced skin?

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A 30-year-old patient has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. What should the nurse expect to assess in this patient's integumentary system?
Warm, flushed skin, alopecia, and thin nails
General hyperpigmentation and loss of body hair
Pale skin, pale mucous membranes, hair loss, and nail dystrophy
Cold, dry, pale skin, dry, coarse hair, and brittle, slow growing nails

Cyanosis, pallor, and jaundice all indicate the presence of systemic diseases. The most reliable areas for assessing these signs are nail beds, lips, sclerae, and conjunctivae, because these areas contain the least amount of pigmentation. As a result, changes in color can be easily identified. The nail beds, sclera, and lips are easily accessible; however, that is not a reason for the choice of the area during color assessment. These areas may not have high blood flow or a high amount of sensory receptors.
Text Reference - p. 421

When assessing a 73-year-old female patient, the nurse found wrinkles, sagging breasts, and tenting of the skin, gray hair, and thick brittle toenails. The nurse knows that what normal changes of aging occur that can cause these changes in the integumentary system?
Decreased activity of apocrine and sebaceous glands, decreased density of hair, and increased keratin in nails
Decreased extracellular water, surface lipids, and sebaceous gland activity, decreased scalp oil, and decreased circulation
Muscle laxity, degeneration of elastic fibers, collagen stiffening, decreased melanin, and decreased peripheral blood supply
Increased capillary fragility and permeability, cumulative androgen effect and decreasing estrogen levels, and decreased circulation

On light-skinned individuals, cyanosis, or grayish blue tone, initially appears in lips, nail beds, earlobes, mucous membranes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It is not as likely on the legs, wrists, or sclera.
Text Reference - p. 421

Sets with similar terms

Which advice will the nurse give to a patient who has yellow discoloration of the skin but whose Sclerae are not yellow in color?

Therefore it is most important for the nurse to assess the patient's coagulation studies. Which advice will the nurse give to a patient who has yellow discoloration of the skin but whose sclerae are not yellow in color? Undergo a diagnostic test for jaundice.

Which test will the nurse prepare to check for a skin rash possibly from a fungal infection?

A Wood's lamp examination is a procedure that uses transillumination (light) to detect bacterial or fungal skin infections. It also can detect skin pigment disorders such as vitiligo and other skin irregularities.

Which change can be observed in the integumentary system as a result of aging?

Your skin is thinner, more fragile, and you lose some of the protective fat layer. You also may be less able to sense touch, pressure, vibration, heat, and cold.

When the nurse is assessing the skin of an older adult which factor is likely to contribute to dry skin?

When the nurse is assessing the skin of an older adult, which factor is likely to contribute to dry skin? c. In older adults the dermis loses volume and has fewer blood vessels, which contributes to decreased extracellular water. Some older people do not drink enough fluids and this can also contribute to dry skin.