Which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a loss of ion pump function in the cells lysosomes?

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Terms in this set (113)


fit= organisms that leave the greatest number of reproducing descendants, reproductive success


Bacteria have high genetic variability and reproductive rates

Ciprofloxacin is given as an antibiotic to healthy livestock to promote efficient weight gain. Strains of the bacterium Campylobacter jejuni naturally colonize the digestive tracts of livestocks, and the C. jejuni can be transferred to people through the handling and consumption of contaminated meat. People infected with C. jejuni are also treated with ciprofloxacin.

Which of the following is the most likely consequence of adding ciprofloxacin to animal feed?
(A)Naturally occurring strains of C. jejuni will reproduce more rapidly in the digestive tracts of livestock, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses in people
(B)Ciprofloxacin-resistant strains of C. jejuni will have a selective advantage in the digestive tracts of livestock, increasing the risk of serious infections in people.
(C)Ciprofloxacin-sensitive strains of C. jejuni will be consumed in meat that contains a chemical that inhibits bacterial growth, reducing the risk of food poisoning in people.
(D)Actively growing strains of C. jejuni will metabolize the nutrients in meat produced by livestock operations, increasing the risk of protein deficiencies in people.

(B)Ciprofloxacin-resistant strains of C. jejuni will have a selective advantage in the digestive tracts of livestock, increasing the risk of serious infections in people.

Dark moths more likely to be captured in polluted environment than in unpolluted

Suggesting increased chance of reproductive success

Darwin's Theory

not that mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variation, instead environment


glucose, galactose, fructose have different properties because they have atomic different arrangements


RNA and DNA differ only in their nitrogenous bases

The molecular structures of linoleic acid and palmitic acid, two naturally occurring substances, are shown in the figure.
Based on the molecular structures shown in the figure, which molecule is likely to be solid at room temperature?

A) Linoleic acid, because the absence of carbon-carbon double bonds allows the molecules to pack closely together.
B) Linoleic acid, because the presence of carbon-carbon double bonds prevents the molecules from packing closely together.
C) Palmitic acid, because the absence of carbon-carbon double bonds allows the molecules to pack closely together.
D) Palmitic acid, because the presence of carbon-carbon double bonds prevents the molecules from packing closely together.

C) Palmitic acid, because the absence of carbon-carbon double bonds allows the molecules to pack closely together.

hydrogen bond between nitrogen and ammonia

nitrogen has partial negative change, hydrogen attached to oxygen has a partial positive charge

Dehydration Synthesis

amino acids combine in dehydration synthesis, form covalent peptide bonds

Dehydration Synthesis

covalent bond forms between carbon and nitrogen with creation of water


carbs can be monomers, chains of monomers, and branched structures

Surface tension

Hydrogen bonds allow surface tension, allows bug to walk on water and not break it

Dehydration Synthesis

dehydration synthesis of proteins and carbs always produce water


unique properties of water from hydrogen bonds

Paramecia placed in salt solutions of increasing osmolarity (graph of rate at which contractile vacuole pumps out extra water vs osmolarity would show:)

contraction rate increases as osmolarity decreases because amount of water entering the paramecia by osmosis increases -pumps out water faster since solute potential is less outside (high to low potential)-then once all water moves outside, solute potential will be less inside the paramecia & osmosis will let water flow back in

Proof that prokaryotes were engulfed by eukaryotes

organelle has a double membrane

Net movement of water

Seen in tube 6, decrease in mass

Prokaryotic Cells

no centriole, no lysosomes, no mitochondria, no endoplasmic reticulum, has a plasma membrane (no membrane-bound organelles

A sample of human blood was placed in a test tube containing a physiological isotonic saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride). This type of solution is often used intravenously to quickly hydrate patients. A drop of the blood from the test tube was placed on a slide and red blood cells (RBC's) were observed under a micoscope. Which of the following best predicts which diagrammed microscope view the laboratory worker would see and best explains why?
a) view 1 because RBC membranes are freely permeable to water
b) view 2 because the RBCs use energy to allow sodium entry and to pump water out
c) view 2 because the rate of water movement into the RBCs equals the rate of water movement out of the cells
d) view 3 because the sodium potassium pumps in the RBC membranes use energy to keep the sodium out but allow water to freely flow into the cells

c) view 2 because the rate of water movement into the RBCs equals the rate of water movement out of the cells

Figure 1 shows a model of how a channel protein influences the movement of a particle across cell's plasma membrane. Extracellular Space O Channel Protein o Plasma Membrane O Intracellular Space (cytosol) Figure 1. A section of a cell's plasma membrane, showing a channel protein and a concentration gradient across the membrane.
An investigator wants to understand whether a newly found membrane protein is involved in membrane transport of a certain particle. Which investigation will help determine whether the new membrane protein is a channel protein involved in membrane transport?

A. Add small nonpolar molecules to the extracellular space and measure the direction of particle movement of the molecules.
B. Measure the rate of extracellular fluid movement into the intracellular space.
C. Add more of the proteins to the plasma membrane and measure the rate of the particle movement
D. Remove ATP from the intracellular space and measure the rate of the particle movement into the intracellular space.

add more of the protein to the membrane and measure rate of movment

An experiment is set up in which plant cells with mutated (nonfunctional) aquaporins and plant cells with normally functioning aquaporins are both placed in distilled water.Will a small amount of water still cross the cell membrane even with the dysfunctional aquaporins?

cells with mutated aquaporins exhibit moderate turgor pressure, have water inside (Even with mutated aquaporins, a small amount of water is able to enter and leave the cell.)


Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes for the digestion of macromolecules


Some eukaryotic organelles contain their own DNA that is similar to the DNA of certain prokaryotes
ex) mitochondria

Which organelle evolved from a photoautotropic prokaryote?

B) Mitochondria

Cell Organelle Efficiency

ER and mitochondria have highly folded membranes to increase efficiency

If ATP breakdown (hydrolysis) is inhibited, which of the following types of movement across cell membranes is also inhibited?
A) movement of oxygen into a cell
B) movement of water through aquaporins
C) facilitated diffusion
D) passage of a solute against its concentration gradient

A solute moving against the concentration gradient inhibited when ATP breakdown is inhibited- requires ATP to power channel

Animal v. Plant Cells

Animal cell swells and bursts in low NaCl concentration, plant cell swells but doesn't burst in low NaCl concentration

The figure shows a process by which a cell might absorb food from its surrounding environment and break it down for use as a source of energy and matter. The process involves lysosomes, which are are membrane-bound organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes. Activation of the hydrolytic enzymes requires an acidic pH, and lysosomes maintain an internal acidic pH by using ion pumps.
Which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a loss of ion pump function in the cell's lysosomes?
A. The internal pH of the lysosomes will decrease, which will prevent the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and interfere with the intracellular digestion of food.
B. The internal pH of the lysosomes will increase, which will prevent the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and interfere with the intracellular digestion of food.
C. The internal pH of the lysosomes will decrease, which will activate hydrolytic enzymes and enhance the intracellular digestion of food.
D. The internal pH of the lysosomes will increase, which will activate hydrolytic enzymes and enhance the intracellular digestion of food.

The internal pH of the lysosomes will increase, which will prevent the activation of hydrolytic enzymes and interfere with the intracellular digestion of food.

Potassium pump

If the k pump breaks, the k concentration will increase inside, and none leaks out of cell

Of the following, which additional investigation can be used to determine when the cells are in an isotonic solution?
A) Decreasing the salinity of the environment a little at a time until the ATP usage reaches a maximum
B) Decreasing the salinity of the environment a little at a time until ATP usage reaches a minimum
C) Increasing the salinity of the environment a little at a time until ATP usage reaches a maximum
D) Increasing the salinity of the environment a little at a time until the ATP usage reaches a minimum

B) decreasing salinity of environment little at a time until ATP usage reaches minimum

Dialysis Bag

Glucose molecules are too big to enter the pores of the dialysis bag, but starch is right size to seep in

Osmosis in Potato Slice

potato slice in glucose solution gains mass as the slices absorbs glucose


Sampling time goes on the x-axis because sampling is the independent variable


the folds in the inner membrane allow for efficiency because it gives it a high SA to V ratio

IV Solutions are normally isotonic.
Which of the following is most likely if an IV of distilled water is administered to a patient?

The cells that are exposed to hypotonic solutions will expand as water moves osmotically into the cells from the blood.

Which of the following claims is scientifically accurate and consistent with an observation that a decrease in lysosome production within a cell leads to a decline in mitochondrial activity?
A) A lack of lysosomes will cause a decrease in the synthesis of enzymes necessary for cellular respiration.
B) Fewer lysosomes will be available to break down macromolecules to provide the necessary nutrients for cellular respiration.
C) Fewer lysosomes will be available to store materials required for the functioning of the mitochondria.
D) Lysosomes will not be available to modify proteins so that they are targeted to the mitochondria.

B) Fewer lysosomes will be available to break down macromolecules to provide the necessary nutrients for cellular respiration.

Simple diffusion

small, nonpolar molecules passing directly through the lipid bilayer

Cell membrane

hydrophillic heads on outside are attracted to water molecules inside and outside of cell

Unit 2 FRQ

Given organelles, determine type of cell

Unit 1 FRQ

Macromolecule information, darwin's theory (fitness)

Enzyme function

Enzyme speeds up reaction by binding to and stabilizing transition state, decreasing activation energy

products of photosynthesis

O2 + C6H12O6


intermediate electron acceptor for glycolysis and krebs cycle

A researcher claims that some bacteria contain things the change the function of a particular enzyme. To test this, they will grow 2 different bacteria in separate cultures and isolate the contents of the cells from each. They will add different combinations of cell contents, substrate, and enzyme to test tubes at the optimal pH for the enzyme and then measure the rate of product formation.

Which of the following statements best justifies the inclusion of test tubes 3 and 7 in the experiment?

A) They will show whether the isolated cellular contents have enzymatic activity
B) They will show whether environmental pH affects the function of the enzyme
C) They will show the rate of product formation in the absence of bacterial factors
D) They will show the rate of product formation in the absence of the substrate

A) They will show whether the isolated cellular contents have enzymatic activity

A researcher claims that only a portion of the light energy captured by green plants is available for growth and repair. Which of the following observations best helps justify the researcher's claim?

Only a portion of light captured by green plants is available for growth and repair because as light energy is converted by metabolic processes, some energy is lost as heat.

Calvin Cycle

Requires products of light-dependent reactions(where carbon is synthesized)

Green light

With green light, more phycoerythrin molecules are produced, allowing more green light to be absorbed, thus increasing photosynthesis

Enzyme Experiment

If an experiment tests the effect of environmental temperature on enzyme activity, the initial concentration must remain the same (of substrate)

Cellular respiration

ATP is formed by net movement of protons down concentration gradient

Gelatin is a protein that is derived from collagen which is found in the bones, skin, and connective tissue of animals. To investigate the ability of various enzymes to digest gelatin, a group of students set up an assay involving camera film. Camera film contains gelatin and appears black when exposed to light but turns clear as the gelatin gets broken down.
The students incubated pieces of exposed camera film in test tubes, each containing one of three different enzyme solutions (trypsin, lipase, or amylase) as indicated in Figure 1. The students recorded the time it took for the enzymes to digest the gelatin in each test tube, turning the film from black to clear.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate control for this experiment?
A) A test tube containing no camera film
B) A test tube containing only a piece of exposed camera film
C) A test tube containing a piece of exposed camera film submerged in water
D) A test tube containing a piece of exposed camera film and all three enzyme solutions

A test tube containing a piece of exposed camera film submerged in water. (Having one test tube with only water and camera film will show that water is not the substance that causes the film to change color)

In an experiment, a scientist isolates mitochondria from living cells and suspends them in two different buffered solutions. One solution is maintained at pH 4, while the other solution is maintained at pH 9. The scientist finds that mitochondria in the solution at pH 4 continue to produce ATP but those in the pH 9 solution do not.The results of the experiment can be used as evidence in support of which of the following scientific claims about mitochondrial activity?

ATP production in the mitochondria requires a hydrogen ion gradient that favors the movement of protons into the mitochondial matrix.

Substance X

Substance X is an inhibitor, pyruvic acid formation steps

In chloroplasts, ATP is synthesized from ADP plus inorganic phosphate (P) in a reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase molecules that are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. Which of the following statements provides evidence to support the claim that no ATP will be synthesized in the absence of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane?
A. Blocking electron flow from one carrier to the next in the electron transport chains blocks formation of a proton gradient in the thylakoid.
B. Increasing the proton concentration difference across the thylakoid membrane is not associated with a parallel increase in the rate of ATP synthesis.
C. No ATP is synthesized when channel proteins that allow the free passage of protons are inserted into the thylakoid membrane.
D. No ATP is synthesized while the Calvin cycle is synthesizing carbohydrates and using ATP and NADPH at a high rate.

No ATP is synthesized when channel proteins that allow the free passage of protons are inserted into the thylakoid membrane.

Pigment Adaptation

A species is better adapted if it has more pigments so it can absorb more wavelengths of light, because it helps them gain more energy

oxidative phsophorylation

Oxygen use is a measure of metabolic rate because oxygen is necessary for ATP synthesis by oxydative phosphorylation


Enzymes will be denatured after a certain range of pH


Photosynthesis and cellular respiration use chemiosmosis

Calvin cycle

The carbon from carbon dioxide is incorporated into organic molecules

Cellular respiration

changes in mass without light, organisms lose mass

Photosynthesis- Light Reaction

water split, electrons and protons removed, oxygen released

Light Dependent Reaction

ATP and NADPH produced during light dependent reaction and used during calvin cycle

Mitochondria Double Membrane

inner membrane has proteins to create a hydrogen ion concentration gradient between inner membrane space and matrix

Cricket and Mouse

different organisms have different modes of internal temperature regulation

Hydrogen peroxide expirement

30s plus because more time needed when enzymes are denatured

What is most likely the role of ADH in maintaining blood osmolarity?

ADH promotes an increase in the movement of water into the bloodstream- increases blood pressure

Which of the following best describes the role of p53 in response to DNA damage?

Phoporylated p53 stimulates transcription of p21, resulting p21 protein suppresses cell division until DNA damage is repaired

Which of the following is most likely to reduce the binding of the active ligand to its receptor?

A mutation in the receptor gene that cause a substitution of a changed amino acid for a nonpolar amino acid in the ligand binding site of the receptor

Neuromuscular Junction with Autoimmune Disorder
Which is most likely the result of the continued presence of the antibody?

A decrease in action potentials in the muscle, causing muscle weakness and fatigue

Graph of Action Potential in Neurotransmitter

Plant Cell has condensed sister chromatids, kinechtocores with attached microtubules, and individual chromosomes aligned at the equitorial plate. What is the next process?

Paired chromosomes will separate, new daughter chromosome will move toward opposite poles of the cell.

Which justifies the claim that hESC-B implants can functionally replace the mouse's naturally occurring B-Cells?

The mouse with the hESC-B implant successfully regulated blood glucose levels after the STZ treatment but not after implant was removed.

Why does the number of chromosomes double in Anaphase and Telophase? (Given chart)

Chromosomes enter metaphase containing two chromatids attached by a centromere. During anaphase the chromatids are separated, each becoming...

Which prediction about platelet activity is an example of a positive feedback mechanism?

Activated platelets release chemicals that activate more platelets.

When does DNA replication occur in the cell cycle?

During the S phase of the cell cycle.

Which statement describes the epinephrine signaling pathway?

Includes enzymes activating other enzymes.

What is the role of adenylyl cyclase in the epinephrine signaling pathway?

It accelerates the production of a second messenger.

Which of the following statements best predicts the effect of a mutation that results in a loss of the glucocorticoid receptor's ligand binding function?

The glucocorticoid receptor will remain associated with the accessory proteins.

Which of the following statements best explains how cell surface proteins like MHC proteins or T Cell receptors mediate cell communication over short distances?

Proteins interact directly with proteins on the surfaces of other cells.

Cancer Cells

Most cells transformed into cancer cells have a shorter cell cycle compared to normally functioning cells.

Which of the following statements describes an outcome of B-cell activaton?

Activated B-cells differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells.

Which of the following statements describes a drug interaction that directly interferes with a signal transduction pathway?

A medication enters the target cell and inhibits an enzyme that normally synthesizes a second messenger.

What percent of the time does a cell spend in interphase?


Which of the following statements best describes what occurs when an action potential reaches a chemical synapse at the end of an axon?

The action potential causes a release of neurotransmitters that travel across the synapse.

Which of the following best explains how treatment with a drug that stimulates production of insulin receptors on target cells will affect the insulin signaling pathway in an individual with Type 1 Diabetes?

The drug will have little to no affect on he signaling pathway because the insulin receptors are not activated in the absence of insulin.

Which of the following describes the role of mitosis in the cell cycle?

Distributing replicated chromosomes to daughter nuclei.

Which of the following best explains how small molecules move between adjacent cells in plant shoots?

Molecules pass freely through plasmodesmata.

Which of the following best predicts the effect of cell cycle arrest on proliferating yeast cells?

Yeast cells will replicate chromosomes but fail to complete cytokinesis.

What is the expected percent change in DNA content of a typical eukaryotic cell as it progresses through the cell cycle from the start of the G1 phase to the end of the G2 phase?


Which of the following is least likely to result in the inhibition of a cancerous tumor?

A defect in a cell cycle checkpoint prevents a cell from entering S phase.

FRQ Unit 4

glucose/insulin, cell cycle phases

What is the best explanation for the pink-flowered offspring?

The pink flower color is a trait that is recessive to blue flower color.

Which of the following questions would best help a genetic counselor evaluate the risk of a young man developing Huntington's disease and transmitting it to his children?

Were your parents or grandparents ever diagnosed with Huntington's disease?

Explanation of 4:4:1:1 ratio in fly chart

Genes are linked on an autosome

At what phase does nondisjuction error occur is the resulting cells are... (n+1) (n+1) (n-1) (n-1)?

Meiosis 1

All of the following are true about meiosis in mammals except...

It produces four genetically identical gametes.

Which of the following best explains why there are no individuals with constricted pods in the F1 generation?

Inflated pod shape is dominant to constricted pod shape.

If the probability of gene A is 1/2 and the probability of gene B is 1/2, what is the probability of gene A and B occurring at the same time?

1/2 x 1/2

Chi square value = 4.6
Critical value = 7.8
P value = 0.05

Null hypothesis cannot be rejected because the chi square value is less than the critical value

What is a testable question generated regarding synapsis and genetic variability?

Is the distance between two gene loci related to the crossover rate?

Which of the following best describes the mode of inheritance for eye-color (red or sepia) gene (3:1 ratio)?

Eye-color gene is likely autosomal because the males and females have similar phenotypic ratios.

If 2n=48 for a particular cell, then the chromosome number in each cell after meiosis would be ____.

(2n=48, 48/2=24)

If the same chracteristics in both male and female are present, it is safe to assume that the trait for eye color and wing length...

are autosomal characteristics

If individual 2 were to marry a woman with no family history of the disease, which of the following would be true of their children?

None of the children would have the disease.

For a rr x Rr cross, what is the probability that their first child would have the disease?


In cross 2, the genotype of the dark, short haired parent is...


If a man and a woman produce a color-blind son, which of the following must be true?

The mother carries the allele for color blindness.

Which of the following are most likely genotrypes of the parents when "a cross between two plants results in 296 tall yellow and 104 tall green?"

TtYy x TTYy

Which of the following questions could most appropriately be answered by the model in figure 1?

How does the independent assortment of two sets of a homologous chromosome increase genetic diversity?

2n=24 organism
Which of the following statements describes the chromosomes in each daughter cell at the end of meiosis 1?

Each daughter cell contains 12 chromosomes, each composed of 2 chromatids. Each chromosome is one of a pair of homologous chromosomes from the parent cell, with the other homologue found in the other daughter cell.

Chi square value = 1.53 (must be calculated)
Critical value = 5.99
P value = 0.05

The null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

What is the probability that a TTSs offspring is produced by a TTSs x TtSS cross?

(1/2 x 1/2)

(Diagram of the karyotype of an individual human)
Which of the following statements is true?

The diagram illustrates the results of nondisjuction during gamete formation.

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Which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a change in the shape?

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