Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on urban entertainment in the early twentieth century?


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60 questions

How did baseball become America's most popular game? A. It was the only distinctively American game before the 1860s. B.Professional teams were started in dozens of cities as part of the National League. C. Baseball teams often allowed women to play. Professional teams were started in dozens of cities as part of the National League.
Who benefitted most from the General Mining Act of 1872, which allowed individuals who discovered minerals on federally owned land to work the claim and keep the proceeds? A, Powerful investors B.Mexican miners C, Small independent mining prospectors Powerful investors
New immigration patterns in the early twentieth century reflected growing emigration from A.north and central Europe. B,the British Isles. C. eastern Africa. D. southern and Eastern Europe. southern and Eastern Europe.
Iowans created the American Protective Organization in 1887 to A. protect Midwestern women from urban sex trafficking. B.prevent African Americans from moving into their state. C.oppose the influence of Catholics in the United States. D.protect black oppose the influence of Catholics in the United States.
As American industry expanded in the late nineteenth century, its energy source shifted from A.coal to iron. B.water to coal. C.steam to water. D.electricity to steam. water to coal.
Of the nine thousand overseas Protestant missionaries in 1915, the largest percentage of them served in A. Russia. B. Central America C. Asia D. Afroca Asia
Why was the strike by steelworkers at Homestead, Pennsylvania, significant? A. The steelworkers were led by immigrant German Marxists. B. The lockout represented Carnegie's effort to break the plant's union. C.The strike was the culmination of a long h The lockout represented Carnegie's effort to break the plant's union.
Which of the following became critical community institutions for African Americans throughout the South during Reconstruction? A, Local Boards of Health B. Churches C. New black colleges D. City Parks Churches
In 1891, the Texas Alliance proposed cooperative enterprise to A. Provide a safe place for farmers' savings. B. give farmers access to cheap credit. C. reduce the influence of government in agriculture. D. fight inflation. give farmers access to cheap credit.
The 1868 Burlingame Treaty achieved the American goal of A. annexing Hawaii. B. setting the terms of emigration for Chinese laborers. C. reopening international access to Japanese ports. D. Purchasing Alaska setting the terms of emigration for Chinese laborers.
Which of the following sports was invented by YMCA instructors in the 1890s? A. Basketball B. Lacrosse C, Football D. Baseball Basketball
Which of the following statements characterizes the economics of working-class family life in late-nineteenth-century America? A. As children grew older, their material needs increased, which strained family budgets and made supporting the children's ado Due to their dire economic circumstances, working-class families frequently sent their children out to work in mills, factories, or mines.
Which of the following was the official reason Congress cited for impeaching Andrew Johnson? A.He refused to support any of the Civil War amendments. B. He infringed on the powers of Congress. C. Johnson dismissed Secretary of State William Seward. D. He infringed on the powers of Congress.
Gustavus Swift boosted productivity in his Chicago slaughterhouses in the 1860s by using A. the foreman system. B. the closed shop. C. assembly lines. D. horizontal integration. Assembly lines.
Which of the following statements describes Radical Reconstruction? A. There was no way the South could have avoided the institution of Radical Reconstruction. B. It aimed to reform the South and increase federal power. C. The program gave each freed s It aimed to reform the South and increase federal power.
The urban revivalism of Billy Sunday represented A. a strong example of the Social Gospel. B. the fundamentalism movement. C. a Catholic challenge to Protestantism. D. the continuing appeal of Calvinist theology in American culture. the fundamentalism movement.
Why did the rate of college attendance quadruple between the 1880s and the 1920s? A. Increasing numbers of women attended college. B. The public university system expanded. C. Private colleges began to emphasize practical pursuits. D. State universiti The public university system expanded.
Why was the election of 1876 significant? A. The election was proof that most voters wanted to continue military Reconstruction in the South. B. It was disrupted by the third-party candidacy of Horace Greeley. C. It served as proof that southern Republ The election was proof that most voters wanted to continue military Reconstruction in the South.
The federal government's Civil War debt was paid off primarily through A. tariff revenues. B. corporate taxes. C. income taxes. D. Inflation tariff revenues.
In 1872, which of the following was established by Congress as the first national park? A. Yellostone' B. Yosemite C. The Grand Canyon D. The Black Hills Yellowstone
Which of the following statements describes women's experience in the West in the late nineteenth century? A. The Homestead Act reflected the attitudes of the day by excluding women as homesteaders. B. Most women living in the West rejected the eastern Single women made up between 5 and 20 percent of homesteaders in North Dakota.
Why was it necessary for railroads and land speculators to promote settlement of the Great Plains in the late nineteenth century? A. The region was heavily forested and hard to cultivate B. Americans thought of the area as the Great American Desert. C. Americans thought of the area as the Great American Desert.
Which of the following phenomena led the U.S. government to dismantle the Indian reservation system it had previously established? A. White land hunger B.The Office of Indian Affairs C. Indian schools D. Indian resistance White land hunger B.The Office of Indian Affairs
Why were late-nineteenth-century farms on the Great Plains much larger than eastern farms? A. European immigrant farmers were accustomed to caring for large farms. B. Dry-farming techniques required about three hundred acres to support a family. C.The Dry-farming techniques required about three hundred acres to support a family.
How was the Wade-Davis Bill of 1864 different from Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan? A. This more generous plan specified that former slaveholders would receive compensation for their property losses. B. It required loyalty oaths from 90 percent of a southern It stipulated that new southern governments could be formed only by those who had not fought against the North in the Civil War.
Those who participated in the creation and implementation of Radical Reconstruction intended to A. rebuild the South's shattered infrastructure. B. bring the South back into the Union with minimal bitterness. C. achieve a new southern society in the No Rebuild the South's shattered infrastructure.
What was the purpose of the Hatch Act, passed by Congress and President Grover Cleveland in 1887? A. To provide federal funding for agricultural research and education B. To fund large corporate farms, encouraging the growth of the farming industry C. To provide federal funding for agricultural research and education
In the late nineteenth century, the American Catholic hierarchy was dominated by A. Polish Americans. B. German Americans. C. Hispanic Americans. D. Irish Americans. Irish Americans.
The Heterodoxy Club, founded in Greenwich Village in 1912, was open to any woman who pledged A. support for domesticity and separate spheres. B. work assiduously for women's rights. C. not to be orthodox in her opinions. D. her belief in the centralit not to be orthodox in her opinions.
Which of these late-nineteenth-century U.S. Supreme Court rulings settled the question of African Americans' access to regular first-class seats on American railroad cars until the 1950s? A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Montana Railway Co. v. Warren C. Allen Plessy v. Ferguson
Which of the following explains the inability of the Populists to become a major national political party alongside the Republicans and the Democrats in the late 1890s? A. Their embrace of women's suffrage B. Their disdain for organized labor C. The ec The economic depression of the 1890s
In Abrams v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that A. civilians may not attempt to negotiate with foreign nations. B. restrictions on habeas corpus during wartime are legal. C. civilians cannot be tried in military courts if a civilian court is a authorities may prosecute speech when it represents a clear and present danger.
Organized in 1905, the Niagara Movement embraced A. environmental protection, including clean water. B. equal opportunity for African Americans. C. federal payments to impoverished women and children. D. a ten-hour workday for public utilities workers equal opportunity for African Americans.
Which of the following statements accurately describes the state of American military preparedness in 1898? A.  McKinley's preparations made troop deployment efficient. B.  The navy was better prepared than the ground forces. C.  Volunteer The navy was better prepared than the ground forces.
Which of the following politicians won tremendous political support during the strikes of 1919, when he claimed, “There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime”? A.  Herbert Hoover B.  Woodrow Wilson C.  Calvin Calvin Coolidge
Which of the following contributed to America expanding its markets into Latin America and Asia in the 1890s? A.  The need to import manufactured items B.  A shortage of agricultural products internationally C.  The wide-reaching impact of the Panic The wide-reaching impact of the Panic of 1893
The City Beautiful movement is associated with which of the following activities? A.  Efforts by municipal commissioners to preserve green space in rapidly expanding industrial cities B.  Efforts to clean up the mud rivers created by spring rains in m Attempts to build more and better urban park spaces, including playgrounds and gardens
Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on urban entertainment in the early twentieth century? A.  Opera houses B.  Middle-class reformers' priorities C.  Saloons D.  Black music Black music
Why did the newly organized Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) come under attack in the 1920s? A.  The group supported feminist goals. B.  Socialist women were among its members. C.  The WILPF proposed social justice measures Socialist women were among its members.
Which of the following is correct about the Scopes trial? A.  Clarence Darrow defended the right to teach evolution in schools. B.  The American Civil Liberties Union challenged the constitutionality of the trial. C.  William Jennings Bryan defended Clarence Darrow defended the right to teach evolution in schools.
The rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Origins Act represented a resurgence of A.  nativism. B.  religious revival. C.  fundamentalism. D.  jingoism. nativism.
Which president advocated measures to protect black voting rights in the South after the end of Reconstruction? A.  Benjamin Harrison B.  James Garfield C.  William McKinley D.  Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison
The open door note, composed by U.S. Secretary of State John Hay, called for A.  an end to all foreign spheres of influence in China. B.  an end to the Chinese taxing system. C.  a repeal of the extraterritoriality agreements with China. D.  equal equal access for all countries seeking to trade with China.
The United States was cleared to begin an American-controlled Central American canal project as a result of A.  the successful revolution in Nicaragua. B.  its purchase of the rights from France. C.  the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. D.  congressional pa the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty.
Which of the following was true of race relations during World War I? A.  Blacks and whites were kept separate, eliminating racial violence in the army during the war. B.  Native Americans were not allowed into combat during the war in Europe. C.  A Almost 25 percent of the adult male Native American population served in World War I.
Where did almost 90 percent of African Americans live in 1900? A.  The South B.  Northern cities C.  The western states D.  Mississippi and Alabama The South
David Graham Phillips established his credentials as a muckraker when he wrote a scathing analysis on which subject? A.  The U.S. Senate B.  Tammany Hall C.  Child labor D.  Standard Oil Company The U.S. Senate
Welfare capitalism emerged in the 1920s in part to A.  improve workers' productivity. B.  stop unionization. C.  ensure workers' health. D.  win government pensions for the elderly. stop unionization.
In general, progressives differed from labor and farm advocates because the progressives A.  were part of a much more unified and cohesive movement. B.  were mostly middle-class urban reformers. C.  generally had less success on the national level. were mostly middle-class urban reformers.
In the early 1900s, the Industrial Workers of the World were committed to achieving A.  support for the American Federation of Labor. B.  a new society run by and for workers. C.  government regulation of trusts. D.  wage and hour concessions for a new society run by and for workers.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, which nation's growing power in East Asia most surprised Europe and the United States? A.  Japan B.  Russia C.  China D.  Korea Japan
During the mid-1890s, many middle-class and prosperous Americans reformers neglected A.  labor uprisings such as the Pennsylvania coal strike. B.  the political strength of the farmer-labor political movement. C.  women's suffrage. D.  the economi women's suffrage.
Herbert Hoover emerged from World War I as one of the nation's most admired men because of his leadership of the A.  Food Administration. B.  Railway War Board. C.  Fuel Administration. D.  National War Labor Board. Food Administration.
After the explosion of the battleship Maine, a U.S. naval board of inquiry blamed the sinking on A.  an underwater mine. B.  a preemptive strike by the Spanish against U.S. intervention. C.  an unfortunate accident. D.  Cuban patriots who were hop an underwater mine.
What was Woodrow Wilson's primary reason for wanting to keep the United States neutral at the outbreak of World War I? A.  Wilson admired and hoped to emulate German culture and the German university system. B.  The president could not commit to fight He wanted to arbitrate among the combatants and to influence the settlement of the war.
As a result of the war with Spain in 1898, the United States gained A.  Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Panama. B.  Guam, Hawaii, and Bermuda. C.  the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. D.  the Philippines, Cuba, and the Virgin Islands. the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
Between 1876 and 1892, Americans could be described as A.  independent-minded voters. B.  highly partisan and politically active. C.  reluctant to join parties. D.  apathetic about politics. highly partisan and politically active.
Which of the following statements characterizes the Republican victory in the 1928 election? A.  Given America's prosperity, it was unlikely that any Democrat could have defeated Herbert Hoover. B.  Hoover attracted the votes of many immigrant Catholi Given America's prosperity, it was unlikely that any Democrat could have defeated Herbert Hoover.
What was the outcome of the 1912 presidential election? A.  Roosevelt's popular appeal faded by election day, enabling Wilson to beat Taft with a solid majority. B.  Wilson won a bare majority of the popular vote but an overwhelming majority of the el Wilson won with a minority of the popular vote because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.
Which prominent politician fanned fears of domestic radicalism after a bomb exploded outside his home in 1919? A.  Warren G. Harding B.  Henry Cabot Lodge C.  Calvin Coolidge D.  Mitchell Palmer Mitchell Palmer

Which invention transformed urban and suburban communications in the United States after 1876?

The telephone, patented in 1876, greatly transformed communication both regionally and nationally.

Which of the following describes the urban political machines of the late 19th century?

Which of the following describes the urban political machines of the late nineteenth century? D. Machines acted as social service agencies, providing assistance in times of trouble.

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspaper in the period after the Civil War?

Which of the following describes metropolitan newspapers in the period after the Civil War? They expanded to include human-interest stories and society and sport sections.

Which of the following statements characterized US foreign policy during the 1920s?

Which of the following statements characterized U.S. foreign policy during the 1920s? The United States actively sought to facilitate American economic expansion abroad. Nicaragua. the tremendous growth of cities from immigration and rural migration.


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