Which of the following processes subdivides project deliverables and project work into smaller more manageable components?

1. Which of the following could be an appropriate WBS code for a work package at the fourth level in a WBS where the top level code is 1.0?

  1. 1.4
  4. a and c
  5. b and c

2. Which of the following Project Scope Management processes involves subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components?
  1. Scope Planning
  2. Initiation
  3. Scope Change Control
  4. Scope Definition
  5. none of the above

3. Project scope is:
  1. The work that must be done in order to deliver a product with the specified features and functions.
  2. The features and functions that are to be included in a product or service.
  3. A narrative description of work to be performed under contract.
  4. a and b
  5. all of the above
4. What is the purpose of the WBS?
  1. To show which work elements have been assigned to organizational units.
  2. To ensure that all work within a project is identified and defined within a common framework.
  3. To show the organizational structure of a program.
  4. all of the above
5. The unique identifiers assigned to each item of a WBS are often known collectively as:
  1. The work package codes
  2. The project identifiers
  3. The code of accounts
  4. The element accounts
6. Change requests can occur due to:
  1. An external event such as a change in government regulation.
  2. An error or omission in defining the scope of the product.
  3. An error or omission in defining the scope of the project.
  4. a and c
  5. all of the above
7. What is the difference between scope verification and quality control?
  1. There is no difference.
  2. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the correctness of work results while quality control is primarily concerned with the acceptance of work results.
  3. Scope verification is concerned with ensuring that changes are beneficial while quality control is concerned that the overall work results are correct.
  4. Scope verification is primarily concerned with the acceptance of work results while quality control is primarily concerned with the correctness of work results.
8. Which of the following are Output of the Scope Verification Process?
  1. Inspection
  2. Work results
  3. Formal acceptance
  4. Scope changes
  5. b and c
9. Which of the following are Output of the Scope Change Control Process?
  1. Scope changes
  2. Corrective action
  3. Lessons learned
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above
10. Which of the following tools and techniques are commonly used in the Scope Definition Process?
  1. Benefit / cost analysis
  2. Decomposition
  3. Inspection
  4. WBS templates
  5. b and d
11. A document which describes how project scope will be managed and how scope changes will be integrated into the project is: (choose the best answer)
  1. A project plan
  2. A risk analysis
  3. A scope management plan
  4. A scope statement
12. Which of the following statements concerning a scope statement are true?
  1. It provides a documented basis for making future project decisions and for developing common understanding of the project scope among stakeholders.
  2. Scope statement and Statement of work are synonymous.
  3. Project justification and project objectives are not included or referenced in the scope statement.
  4. Once written, the scope statement should never be revised.
  5. all of the above.
13. Project Scope Management includes which processes:
  1. Plan Development
  2. Project Plan Execution
  3. Integrated Change Control
  4. Performance Reporting
  5. Initiation
14. Developing a written scope statement that includes the project justification, the major deliverables, and the project objectives, is called:
  1. Scope Planning
  2. Scope Variance
  3. Scope Mitigation
  4. All of the above

15. Scope verification is ensuring that all identified product deliverables have been completed satisfactorily:
  1. True
  2. False

16. A clear definition of the users' needs serves as the direct basis for the __________.
  1. Work Breakdown Structure
  2. Functional Requirement
  3. Project Cost Estimate
  4. Selection of Personnel
  5. Termination Decision

17. A technical requirement has which of these characteristics?
  1. Easy to understand
  2. A communication tool between the user and the design team
  3. Written in non-technical language
  4. Developed in cooperation with the user
  5. Typically describe physical dimensions and performance requirements

18. A Gantt chart is useful in determining __________.
  1. the level of effort for a task
  2. when a task starts and stops
  3. how tasks are related to each other
  4. who is assigned to do a task
  5. all of the above

19. A work breakdown structure is most useful for __________.
  1. identifying individual tasks for a project
  2. scheduling the start of tasks
  3. developing a cost estimate
  4. determining potential delays
  5. A and C

20. Scope management __________.
  1. entails managing the project's work content
  2. is a subset of configuration management and as such is performed by CM specialists
  3. is concerned with defining and controlling what is or is not included in the project
  4. is not a concern of the project manager
  5. none of the above

21. The scope statement provides __________.
  1. a basis for future decisions about the project
  2. a baseline to accomplish verification measures
  3. a baseline to evaluate potential scope changes
  4. all of the above
  5. B and C only

22. Utilization of a Work Breakdown Structure __________.
  1. assures all work is identified
  2. subdivides the project into manageable segments
  3. provides the project sponsor with a time-phase task summary
  4. both A and B
  5. All of the above

23. The WBS is __________.
  1. an organization oriented family tree of the project
  2. a task oriented family tree of the project
  3. a cost center structure of the project
  4. only required on large complex projects where separately identifiable work packages are difficult to construct
  5. none of the above

24. Scope Management __________.
  1. involves controlling the project in terms of its goals
  2. involves naming all activities to be performed
  3. prepares the project for progress reporting
  4. B and C
  5. all of the above

25. Configuration or baseline control refers to __________.
  1. procedures monitoring work content and products against the original content and end product
  2. control over any effort that has been approved by a higher authority
  3. engineering tolerances
  4. acceptance control charts and their analysis
  5. A and D

26. Earned person-hours refers to __________.
  1. percent complete times budgeted hours
  2. percent complete times budgeted days
  3. earned cost
  4. BCWP
  5. actual value

27. Your vice-president of projects wants a budget estimate on his desk by 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. As you work all night adding up elements in your WBS, you realize it must be accurate within __________.
  1. +75%, -25%
  2. +25%, -10%
  3. +10%, -5%
  4. impossible to determine from this information
  5. the risk tolerance of the project

28. Which of the following would you expect to see in a work package?
  1. duration
  2. cost
  3. resource
  4. quality objectives
  5. all of the above

29. The WBS is best described as a __________.
  1. schedule
  2. method
  3. organization
  4. task-oriented family tree of activities
  5. process

30. A key attribute of scope verification is __________.
  1. improved cost estimates
  2. improved schedule estimates
  3. the central role played by the accounting department
  4. the central roe played by the purchasing department
  5. customer acceptance of project efforts

31. Detailed descriptions of work packages are commonly contained in __________.
  1. the project charter
  2. competitive analyses
  3. requests for tenders
  4. WBS dictionaries
  5. statements of work

32. Which of the following is not an example of a source of scope change?
  1. a change in government regulations
  2. failure to include a required feature in the design of telecommunication system
  3. a design to incorporate a newly emerged technology into the project effort
  4. a need to engage in bottom-up cost estimating
  5. customers who change their minds about the desired nature of the deliverable

33. The subdivision of major project deliverables (as identified in the scope statement) into smaller, more manageable components is called __________.
  1. parametric estimation
  2. scope definition
  3. feasibility analysis
  4. market research
  5. benefit-cost analysis

34. Increasingly, in order to increase the quality of project deliverables, scope definition efforts:
  1. are carried out by teams of developers working with customers
  2. employ quality control charts to establish better scope statements
  3. are carried out by the organization's leading technical staff
  4. are written in symbolic notation in order to reduce ambiguity
  5. are closely supervised by upper management

35. In what phase are the project's scope and objectives determines?
  1. conceptual
  2. development
  3. implementation
  4. close-out
  5. operations and maintenance

36. The Delphi technique can be used for information forecasting. The chief characteristic of this technique is that it employs:
  1. simulation models
  2. extrapolation from historical data
  3. intuitive expert opinion
  4. Linear programming algorithms
  5. the analytical hierarchy process

37. As technology increases in complexity for a project, the level of uncertainty in the work definition:
  1. decreases
  2. remains the same
  3. increases
  4. is unimportant
  5. decrease, then increases

38. A WBS numbering system should allow project staff to:
  1. identify the level at which individual WBS elements are found
  2. estimate project completion dates
  3. identify configuration management milestones
  4. estimate the costs of WBS elements
  5. A and B

39. A role of the change control board is to:
  1. issue change requests
  2. represent top management interests in initiating innovation
  3. review the impact of change requests on project costs, schedule, and specifications
  4. schedule changes into PERT networks
  5. identify new areas of project work

40. Project objectives are used to describe the scope of a project and are expressed in terms of __________.
  1. manpower, materials, and money
  2. cost, time, and resources
  3. budget, schedule, and resources
  4. outputs, required resources, and timing
  5. needs, desires, and goals

41. There are usually several alternatives available to perform tasks. The purpose of alternative analysis in the project planning is to __________.
  1. determine the most cost-effective method
  2. determine the easiest method
  3. determine the least risk method
  4. determine the safest method
  5. all of the above

42. The work breakdown structure is a task-oriented "family tree" of activities that provides the basis for developing the __________.
  1. scope volume, cost of financing, and schedule durations
  2. scope definitions, cost control system, and detail schedule
  3. project objectives, project plan, and project charter
  4. project staff, labor rates, and skill requirements
  5. changes to the scope, cost of financing, and labor rates

43. The work breakdown structure comprises several levels of decomposition of the total project. The lowest level of definition is always the __________.
  1. build cycle
  2. planning element
  3. working interface
  4. work package
  5. price element

44. In planning for the accomplishment of work, the type of work that cannot be quantified as to the amount of time needed to produce an end product is __________.
  1. design engineering
  2. assembly operations
  3. planning operations
  4. level of effort tasks
  5. interrupted work operations

45. The planning of the project must include all work to be performed to complete the project, but the planning would not normally include __________.
  1. project termination
  2. contract changes
  3. earned value baseline changes
  4. project staffing level changes
  5. project material requirements

46. The degree of definition and the size of the project's scope affect the relationship between the project manager and the customer. The less defined the scope, the more the need for customer-project manager __________.
  1. improved contract administration
  2. conflict reward systems
  3. cooperation and communication
  4. contract negotiations and changes
  5. dispute escalation procedures

47. From a top management perspective, the progress of the project is measured in completion of blocks of work over time. The project manager plans to report the progress using the __________ as the basis for the budget, schedule, resource allocation, and scope definition.
  1. precedence diagramming method
  2. PERT or CPM
  3. project charter
  4. work breakdown schedule
  5. project management plan

What is the process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller more manageable components called?

Decomposition. Breaking down of the project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components is called decomposition. Breakdown should not be done until the cost and schedule for the work can be reliably estimated. The level of detail for work packages will depend on the size and complexity of the project.

Is the subdivision of the project deliverables into smaller more manageable components?

Decomposition is a technique used for dividing and subdividing the project scope and project deliverables into smaller, more manageable parts.

Which process is applied to break down the project into smaller more manageable elements?

Project decomposition is the process of dividing components of a large project into smaller, more manageable portions, often called deliverables.

Which project document subdivides the project work into manageable steps?

A WBS provides an efficient format for defining project work and for planning and tracking a project's progress. The WBS organizes the necessary work by decomposing it into smaller, manageable pieces that can be scheduled, cost-estimated, monitored, and controlled.