Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command theory?

Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command theory?


Problems with Conventionalism


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Which of the following observations poses a challenge to the

cultural differences argument?

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Which of the following examples contains a disagreement

Some cultures are utilitarian,

while others are egoist.

Each culture thinks its own

moral framework is universal.

Many cultures disagree on the

ultimate purpose of morality.

A lot of cultures agree that

murder, stealing, and lying are





PHI 2000 Introduction to Ethics Unit 2 Challenges Sophia Course Click below link for Answers https://www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/207162-phi-2000-introduction-to-ethics-unit- 2-challenges... More

PHI 2000 Introduction to Ethics Unit 2 Challenges Sophia Course Click below link for Answers https://www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/207162-phi-2000-introduction-to-ethics-unit- 2-challenges https://www.sobtell.com/q/tutorial/default/207162-phi-2000-introduction-to-ethics-unit- 2-challenges Challenge 1 Which of the following statements about divine command theory is true? a.) Divine command theory is the basis of all religious morality. b.) Divine command theory states that what is right or wrong is based on the individual's judgement. c.) Divine command theory states that what is right is wholly determined from God's command. d.) Divine command theory is a relativist moral theory. Which of the following statements about divine command theory is true? a.) Divine command theory states that God's commands can be interpreted in different ways depending on the individual. b.) Divine command theory states that anything that isn't explicitly forbidden is obligatory. c.) Divine comm Less

Divine command theory offers a firm basis for ethics.

Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command


Answer: If God changes, what is good and what is evil could also change.

Which of the following represents a challenge to the intellectualist option of divine command


Answer: It goes against divine command theory's principle that God's command is free.

Which of the following represents a challenge to divine command theory?

Answer: Divine command theory does not offer directives for every situation.

In a well-known Biblical story, Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden. They were allowed to

eat anything they wished, except God forbade them from eating the fruit from one particular tree.

Since Eve and Adam sampled the fruit from the forbidden tree, according to divine command

theory, was this a right action or a wrong action?

Answer: A wrong action because they disobeyed God’s command

In a well-known Biblical story, God sent Jonah on an errand to deliver a message. Instead, Jonah

went to sea on a ship. There was a terrible storm and Jonah was thrown overboard to save the

others. Then God sent a great fish to swallow Jonah and save him.

According to divine command theory, was Jonah’s decision to go to sea a right or a wrong


Answer: A wrong action because God had commanded Jonah to do something else

In a popular Bible story, God intends to flood the earth and commands Noah to build an ark to

preserve his family and all the animals.

According to divine command theory, if Noah had refused to build the ark, would that have been

a right action or a wrong action?

Answer: A wrong action because that would have been denying God’s command

Unit 2 Challenge 2

Which of the following ideas does conventionalism profess?

Answer: What is good in one culture could be evil in another.

Which of the following is true of conventionalism?

Answer: Conventionalism is not a single ethical theory, but a family of theories.

What is the voluntarist option of divine command theory?

Divine voluntarism (Divine command theory) is a series of theories that claim that God is prior to moral obligation and that moral obligation is determined by God's will.

Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command theory quizlet?

Which of the following represents a challenge to the voluntarist option of divine command theory? God's commands have no basis in reason.

What are the problems with the divine command theory?

Thus, divine command theory gives us reason to worry that God's commands are arbitrary as universal moral standards of action. They may or may not be benevolent, loving, or have any other property we consider morally praiseworthy, and they may in fact be cruel and harsh. Divine command theory makes no guarantees.

What is an objection to the divine command theory?

Of the many objections to this theory, the four main ones are that it makes morality arbitrary, that it cannot work in a pluralistic society, that it makes morality infantile, and that it is viciously circular.