Which of the following sociological terms refers to the recognize violation of cultural norms?

  • What is the term Merton would use to classify the behavior of a bank robber?
  • What does the chapter opening story about the conviction and imprisonment of Bruce Glover suggest about punishment in the United States group of answer choices?
  • What is the term for crime committed by persons of high social position in the course of their occupations?
  • What is the sociological term for the following definition the recognized violation of cultural norms?
  • What term does Robert Merton use to describe criminals?
  • What are Merton’s 5 categories?
  • What does Merton say about crime?
  • What does anomie mean in Merton’s work?
  • Which of the following is Erving Goffman’s concept that refers to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a person’s self and social identity?
  • What is the basic idea behind labeling theory?
  • What is the oldest justification for punishing an offender?
  • Which of the following concepts refers to the biological distinction between males and females?
  • What is an example of tertiary deviance?
  • Which of the following terms refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf?
  • What is sociology of crime?
  • What refers to the recognized violation of cultural norms?
  • Is defined as the violation of social norms?
  • What does deviance mean in sociology?
  • What are the 4 types of deviance?
  • What term did Merton use?
  • What did Merton mean by the term anomie?
  • What is Robert Merton’s theory?
  • What are Merton’s 5 modes of adaptation?
  • What are the 5 functions of deviance?
  • What are the 5 reactions to strain?

Rebel. According to Robert Mertons strain theory, how would you classify a low-paid, yet compulsively conforming bank teller who never seems to want to get ahead but never seems to do anything wrong? Ritualist. You just studied 10 terms! 1/10.

What does the chapter opening story about the conviction and imprisonment of Bruce Glover suggest about punishment in the United States group of answer choices?

What does the story about the conviction and imprisonment of Bruce Glover suggest about punishment in the United States? Convicts can lose everything important to them while in prison and, after release, they often struggle to fit back into society.

What is the term for crime committed by persons of high social position in the course of their occupations?

Crime committed by persons of high social position during the course of their occupations is called. white collar crimes

What is the sociological term for the following definition the recognized violation of cultural norms?

Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a societys formally enacted criminal law.

What term does Robert Merton use to describe criminals?

Critical appreciation relevance. Mertons anomie theory is predominantly utilitarian in nature: people act criminally because they lack alternative possibilities. In this context, Merton explains monetary crimes such as robbery or burglary, but not crimes such as murder or rape.

What are Merton’s 5 categories?

According to Merton, there are five types of deviance based upon these criteria: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion.

What does Merton say about crime?

According to Mertons strain theory, societal structures can pressure individuals into committing crimes. Classic Strain Theory predicts that deviance is likely to happen when there is a misalignment between the cultural goals of a society (such as monetary wealth) and the opportunities people have to obtain them.

What does anomie mean in Merton’s work?

Anomie is a strain placed upon people to behave in ways that are not conducive to societal stability.

Which of the following is Erving Goffman’s concept that refers to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a person’s self and social identity?

In his sub-cultural theory of deviance, Albert Cohen claimed that street criminality is most common among Low-income youth. Which of the following is Erving Goffmans concept that refers to a powerful and negative label that greatly changes a persons self-concept and social identity? Stigma.

What is the basic idea behind labeling theory?

The basic idea behind labeling theory is that: Deviance arises not so much from what people do as how others respond to what they do. Later offenses by people previously convicted of crimes.

What is the oldest justification for punishing an offender?

Retribution. Retribution is probably the oldest justification of punishment and can be found in the theories offered by Kant and Hegel (Brooks, 2001). It is the fact that the individual has committed a wrongful act that justifies punishment, and that the punishment should be proportional to the wrong committed.

Which of the following concepts refers to the biological distinction between males and females?

Sex refers to biological differences between males and females (e.g. gonads, sexual organs, chromosomes, hormones). Sex is usually assigned at birth (there are examples when it is assigned later, when sex characteristics do not clearly indicate the sex of the baby, for example in the case of intersex people).

What is an example of tertiary deviance?

Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a societys formally enacted criminal law.

Which of the following terms refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf?

For example, a person who has shoplifted and does not get caught they may subsequently decide to forgo such behavior in the future. On the other hand if that person is caught and is labeled as a thief, and they accept this label, then the person may repeat this behavior.

What is sociology of crime?

Corporate crime refers to stealing or other crimes committed against a corporation or other large business.

What refers to the recognized violation of cultural norms?

What Is Deviance? Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a societys formally enacted criminal law.

Is defined as the violation of social norms?

The act of violating a social norm is called deviance. Individuals usually have a much easier time identifying the transgression of norms than the norms themselves.

What does deviance mean in sociology?

violation of social rules and conventions

What are the 4 types of deviance?

According to Merton, there are five types of deviance based upon these criteria: conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism and rebellion. Structural functionalism argues that deviant behavior plays an active, constructive role in society by ultimately helping cohere different populations within a society.

What term did Merton use?

anomie, derived from mile Durkheim, for Merton means a discord between cultural goals and the legitimate means available to reach them.Theory of deviance.Attitude to GoalsAttitude to MeansModes of Adaptationreject/acceptreject/acceptRebellion4 more rows

What did Merton mean by the term anomie?

Originating in the tradition of classical sociology (Durkheim, Merton), anomie, or normlessness, is the breakdown and blurring of societal norms which regulate individual conduct.

What is Robert Merton’s theory?

Strain theory is a sociology and criminology theory developed in 1938 by Robert K. Merton. The theory states that society puts pressure on individuals to achieve socially accepted goals (such as the American dream), though they lack the means.

What are Merton’s 5 modes of adaptation?

Merton developed five modes of adaptation to cultural strain: Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion.

What are the 5 functions of deviance?

Terms in this set (5)

  • clarify moral boundaries and affirm norms. deviant acts challenge these boundaries.
  • unifying the group.
  • deviance promotes social change.
  • diffusing tension.
  • providing jobs.

What are the 5 reactions to strain?

Five Responses to Strain He referred to such deviance as innovation while identifying the other responses to strain as conformity, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.

What is defined as a recognized violation of cultural norms?

Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms. Norms guide virtually all human activities, so the concept of deviance is quite broad. One category of deviance is crime, the violation of a society's formally enacted criminal law.

Which of the following sociological terms refers to the violation of significant cultural norms?

Which of the following sociological terms refers to the recognized violation of cultural norms? a coercive organization.

Is the violation of cultural norms?

Deviance: is the recognized violation of cultural norms.

What refers to the illegal actions of a corporation or people acting on its behalf?

In criminology, corporate crime refers to crimes committed either by a corporation (i.e., a business entity having a separate legal personality from the natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals acting on behalf of a corporation or other business entity (see vicarious liability and corporate ...


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