Which of the following statements about a successful learning environment are true

Section 4: Sample Selected-Response Questions
School Counselor (252)

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This section presents some sample exam questions for you to review as part of your preparation for the exam. To demonstrate how each competency may be assessed, sample questions are accompanied by the competency that they measure. While studying, you may wish to read the competency before and after you consider each sample question. Please note that the competency statements do not appear on the actual exam.

For each sample exam question, there is a correct answer and a rationale for each answer option. The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions you will see on the exam; however, your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor of your performance on the actual exam.

Selected-Response Questions with Rationales

Each sample exam question here includes the correct answer and a rationale for each answer option.

Domain I—Knowledge of Learners

Competency 001—(Human Development and Learning): Understand theories and processes of human development and learning as well as factors that influence development and learning.

1. A middle school has identified a significant number of students who are at risk for academic failure and dropping out of school. In addition to academic supports for the students, the school counselor should advocate for programs that focus on which of the following goals?

  1. enhancing the development of the students' skills in the area of interpersonal communication
  2. providing opportunities for the students to mentor students at the elementary school level
  3. increasing the number of community-based enrichment experiences for the students
  4. helping the students develop a sense of connectedness and belonging within the school
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because a sense of connectedness is associated with enhanced levels of emotional well-being and increases in academic performance. A sense of connectedness and belonging is also associated with lower dropout rates. Option A is incorrect because a program focusing on the goals of enhancing the development of the students' skills in the area of interpersonal communication could help students with their interpersonal skills but would not necessarily help prevent them from dropping out of school. Option B is incorrect because mentoring programs for younger students help give middle school students a sense of purpose but are not associated with reduced dropout rates. Option C is incorrect because increasing the number of community-based enrichment experiences would encourage students' greater participation in the community but would not address the social and emotional support students need to remain in school.

2. A middle school includes a significant number of students who are recent refugees from political unrest and violence in their home countries. The school counselors can meet the needs of these students most effectively by taking which of the following steps?

  1. designing activities to facilitate the students' acculturation to their new communities
  2. conducting research on the social systems in the students' various home countries
  3. scheduling individual counseling sessions with the students and adult family members
  4. obtaining a migration narrative of students' lives before, during, and after leaving their home countries
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because obtaining a migration narrative of students' lives before, during, and after leaving their home countries would provide the school counselor with the insights needed to effectively meet the unique needs of students who are refugees by familiarizing themselves with the students' background information. Refugees often experience various traumas and basic needs being unmet. An understanding of students' unique experiences will help the school counselor effectively meet their needs. Option A is incorrect because acculturation is not a culturally responsive practice and does not address the needs of students who are new refugees. Option B is incorrect because this step provides background information on what students' lives might have been like generally, but it does not provide any individualized or specific information. Option C is incorrect because students and their families may or may not require individual counseling sessions. This could not be determined until the counselor is aware of the specific needs of individual students and their families.

Competency 002—(Diversity and Cultural Competence): Understand diversity issues and cultural competencies related to school counseling and environments that promote respect and affirmation for all students.

3. The demographics of a high school's population have changed over the past three years. In response to this trend, the school's achievement gap has widened. Which of the following schoolwide practices would best help the school counselor reverse this trend?

  1. ensuring equitable access for students to advanced learning opportunities through ongoing student readiness identification
  2. adopting a prescribed curriculum for students with pre-differentiated lessons and instructional sequences
  3. emphasizing homogeneous grouping practices to target skill needs related to grade-level standards
  4. incorporating social and emotional learning content into academic programs across grade levels
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because ensuring equitable access for students to advanced learning opportunities through ongoing student readiness identification as a schoolwide practice will enable the school counselor to address potential achievement gaps and identify necessary supports and interventions. In an equitable learning environment, students of all backgrounds have the same opportunities to learn and develop their knowledge. Identifying student readiness for various learning opportunities helps ensure that all students have the prerequisite knowledge and support to succeed. Option B is incorrect because adopting a prescribed curriculum for students with pre-differentiated lessons and instructional sequences may be responsive to the needs of some students but not to the needs of other students. Option C is incorrect because homogeneous grouping is most effective for targeted skill instruction and not as a schoolwide practice for promoting student achievement. Option D is incorrect because this step implies that students in demographic groups that are increasing have needs in the social and emotional domain that students in other groups do not have. This practice is useful for all students and does not address potential changes as a result of demographic trends.

4. A middle school counselor works with teachers to implement community conferencing in their classrooms. Community conferences involve the participation of each person affected by an inappropriate or hurtful behavior and allow all stakeholders to contribute to the conflict resolution process. The counselor's efforts in this area are most likely to contribute to which of the following schoolwide outcomes?

  1. helping reduce disciplinary referrals by engaging students in righting wrongs and repairing harm done
  2. adopting consistent strategies for de-escalating highly charged conflict situations
  3. promoting students' ability to function effectively in educational and workplace settings
  4. refocusing staff and students' attention on learning and academic achievement
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because the process of community conferencing allows students affected by the conflict to state their feelings and perspectives. This helps those students who have caused harm to acknowledge their actions and enables both parties to move forward in negotiating mutually agreeable outcomes or consequences. Community conferencing is one effective method of de-escalating conflicts. Option B is incorrect because strategies for de-escalation depend in large part on the nature of the charged situation. There is not a one-size-fits-all remedy to interpersonal conflicts. Option C is incorrect because effective functioning in educational and workplace settings requires a range of skills. Community conferencing focuses on skills for responding to a specific situation and its outcomes. Option D is incorrect because community conferencing focuses solely on interpersonal actions and conflict resolution, which by its nature directs attention to social issues rather than academic issues.

Domain II—The Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Competency 003—(Guidance): Understand instructional practices and strategies for facilitating students' educational, career, personal, and social growth and development as articulated in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

5. An elementary school counselor works with teachers to provide explicit instruction and reinforcement of social skills such as cooperation, self-regulation, and social communication. The counselor and teachers can best promote students' ability to apply these skills effectively by taking which of the following steps?

  1. focusing on one skill until students demonstrate mastery in varied contexts
  2. implementing peer evaluation of students' use of the targeted skills
  3. identifying ways to embed the targeted skills into daily classroom activities
  4. introducing skills through guidance lessons before implementing in the classroom
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because embedding the targeted skills into daily classroom activities gives students an opportunity to practice the skills in different contexts. This step also allows the teacher to provide immediate feedback on students' application of the skills. Option A is incorrect because many of the identified skills are interrelated. Learning skills in isolation is not considered best practice. Option B is incorrect because students who have not yet mastered the skills themselves are not in a position to evaluation their peers' use of the skills. Option D is incorrect because the school counselor is already working with teachers to provide explicit instruction and reinforcement of skills.

6. Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

Middle School Curriculum Survey
(Percentage of students rating each topic as very important)TopicGrade 6Grade 7Grade 8
Managing multiple deadlines 77 65 62
Study skills 75 58 55
Time-management skills 79 63 66
Organizational strategies 80 70 68
Attendance 60 52 48
Bully prevention 56 53 50
Friendship skills 52 48 46
Conflict resolution 49 47 43
Substance abuse 37 39 45
Career exploration 35 48 69

A middle school counselor reviews the results of a student survey to guide guidance curriculum planning. Based on these data, the counselor should plan to incorporate instruction across grade levels to build skills in which of the following areas?

  1. relationship formation
  2. stress management
  3. interpersonal communication
  4. executive functioning
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because a high percentage (60% or more) of students across all grade levels rated managing multiple deadlines, time management, and organizational strategies as high priorities. These skills are all components of executive functioning. Option A is incorrect because students did not rate either friendship skills or conflict resolution as high priorities. These are the only two options on the survey related to relationships. Option B is incorrect because stress management was not an area rated by students on the survey. Option C is incorrect because friendship skills, which involve interpersonal communication, was indicated as an area of interest or need by slightly more than half or less than half of students across grade levels.

Competency 004—(Responsive Services): Understand techniques for designing supports and interventions to address the needs, concerns, and challenges affecting students' continued educational, career, personal, and social development.

7. In response to an increase in the number of students demonstrating social and emotional challenges, an elementary school implements a schoolwide program to promote students' skills in these domains. The school counselor and teachers gather baseline data and then work together to identify student activities to help students develop targeted social and emotional skills. Near the end of the first year of implementation, the counselor would like to evaluate the effectiveness of the program in achieving its goals. The counselor can most effectively accomplish this task by including which of the following data-collection tools in the evaluation process?

  1. documentation of teachers' use of the program's activities in their classes
  2. assessments of students' academic performance across school settings
  3. records of disciplinary actions in classrooms and other school environments
  4. checklists of students' mindsets and behaviors with regard to the targeted skills
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because checklists of students' mindsets and behaviors with regard to targeted skills is an effective approach for assessing students' progress and growth. Areas in which students demonstrate progress or growth indicate that the program is working while areas in which students' development remained static indicate a need for modification of one or more aspects of the program. Option A is incorrect because documentation of teachers' use of the program's activities provides participation data rather than effectiveness data. Options B and C are incorrect because academic and disciplinary actions may be influenced by a multitude of factors beyond the program's activities. Additionally, the program's focus is on social and emotional skills, not specifically on academics or behavior.

8. A fourth-grade student is referred to the school counselor due to weekly behavioral referrals. The student has had altercations with classmates on the playground and states, "I want to be friends with classmates, but I don't know how to get their attention without making them mad." The counselor asks the student to imagine that a magic wand waves over the student and the actions that make classmates angry would be gone. The counselor then asks what would be the first change the classmates would observe. The counselor's technique is most clearly aligned with which of the following counseling approaches?

  1. reality therapy
  2. rational emotive behavior therapy
  3. systems therapy
  4. solution-focused brief therapy
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because solution-focused brief therapy is a short-term goal-oriented approach that helps individuals change by constructing solutions rather than dwelling on problems. The magic wand strategy is one technique associated with solution-focused brief therapy. Option A is incorrect because reality therapy is a form of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that focuses on improving present relationships and circumstances while avoiding discussion of past events. Option B is incorrect because rational emotive behavior therapy is a short-term form of psychotherapy that helps individuals identify self-defeating behaviors and thoughts and feelings, challenge the rationality of those feelings, and replace them with healthier, more productive beliefs. Option C is incorrect because systems therapy seeks to address how negative behavior is a component of the family system including interactional patterns and dynamics.

Competency 005—(Individual Planning): Understand techniques and strategies for guiding students in planning, monitoring, and managing their individual educational, career, personal, and social development.

9. High school counselors encourage students to consult the College Navigator Web site when applying for postsecondary programs. The counselors' advisement is appropriate because this resource enables students to:

  1. locate loans, scholarships, and grants to finance the cost of various programs.
  2. submit documents required by multiple programs through a single clearinghouse.
  3. compare similar programs in terms of cost, resources, and measures of quality.
  4. contact representatives of different programs directly for questions and support.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because the College Navigator Web site is a consumer tool created by the U.S. Department of Education and its National Center for Education statistics that includes institutional data on programs offered, retention and graduation rates, prices, degrees awarded, and campus safety. Teaching students to use the College Navigator Web site is beneficial to high school students because they will be able to explore and compare the characteristics of a range of institutions at a time and point of need as they make decisions about postsecondary paths. Option A is incorrect because the College Navigator Web site is not a database of financial aid sources. Option B is incorrect because the College Navigator Web site does not provide the option of submitting applications through its site. Option D is incorrect because the College Navigator Web site does not include links or contact information for representatives of postsecondary programs.

10. A school counselor is working on individual planning with a student who has expressed a strong interest in earning a health science certificate offered at the high school. The counselor and the student work together to complete a four-year plan that includes graduation requirements as well as the required coursework to obtain the desired certification. The counselor's approach is likely to be most effective in helping the student build which of the following skills?

  1. understanding how to develop academic potential
  2. enhancing the ability to manage responsibility
  3. connecting educational goals and academic achievement
  4. establishing long-term goals for career development
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the process of creating a four-year plan to accomplish a specific outcome is part of the student's long-term plan to earn the health science certificate. This approach prompts the student to think beyond the immediate school year. Option A is incorrect because the four-year plan and course selections do not focus on the student's academic potential, but on ensuring the student has the appropriate qualifications to earn the health science certificate. Option B is incorrect because the school counselor is guiding the student in the development of the four-year plan and course selection. The student is not assuming specific responsibilities in this process. Option C is incorrect because there is no interaction between the student and the school counselor on the topic of academic achievement.

Competency 006—(Systems Support): Understand procedures, processes, and strategies for providing systems support.

11. A school counselor is a member of the school improvement committee focused on school safety. The counselor wants to integrate guidance and classroom lessons on strategies related to conflict resolution, personal safety, and problem solving as part of the plan, but the committee is hesitant about giving up instructional time for these lessons. Which of the following statements provides the best rationale for integrating the lessons?

  1. Students' school attendance will increase as a result of the integrated lessons.
  2. Many parents/guardians are not teaching these strategies in the home.
  3. Discipline referrals will decrease as a result of the integrated lessons.
  4. More students will have the opportunity to learn and apply these strategies.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because classroom guidance lessons are one of the most effective ways for the school counselor to implement instruction on specific topics. Students in all classes would be introduced to the same skills and would be able to apply them in various classroom scenarios. Option A is incorrect because there is no research linking students' school attendance to the development of skills related to conflict resolution, personal safety, and problem solving. Option B is incorrect because it is not the parents'/guardians' responsibility to provide primary instruction on topics related to school safety. Option C is incorrect because even though there may be some effects from the integrated lessons on student behavior, reducing discipline referrals is not the primary goal of the integrated lessons.

12. An elementary school has identified the need for a schoolwide antiviolence program based on a significant increase in discipline referrals for fighting. The school counselor will be involved in this effort. During the initial planning phase of the program, the counselor should take which of the following steps?

  1. meeting with classroom teachers to gather ideas about the potential root causes of students' use of violence
  2. consulting with colleagues in other schools about the methods that they have employed to address students' use of violence
  3. reviewing current research in violence prevention to identify strategies that have proven effective with similar student populations
  4. seeking guidance from local law enforcement agencies on techniques for preventing violence between students
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because school programs should be research-based. Reviewing current research about violence-prevention strategies that have been effective with similar student populations would enable the school counselor to determine and provide school staff with information about which strategies are likely to be most effective for the school's student population. Option A is incorrect because hypothesizing about root causes of students' discipline issues, though an important part of program development, would most appropriately occur following collection and analysis of data related to increased fighting across grade levels and school settings. It is in this program development phase that prevention programs are matched to the school's specific needs. Option B is incorrect because strategies included in the program will be most effective if they are tailored to the needs of the school's student population. Consulting with colleagues in other schools may or may not provide appropriate information. Option D is incorrect because law enforcement agencies do not have expertise in how to prevent violence in educational settings. Agencies address community-wide violence prevention.

Competency 007—(Program Management): Understand the foundational components of and procedures for developing, implementing, and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program.

13. Use the school district's mission statement below to answer the question that follows.

Our purpose, in partnership with families and the community, is to provide a safe and equitable educational environment that supports all students in developing essential academic skills, practicing lifelong learning and complex thinking, and becoming contributing citizens locally and globally.

Which of the following mission statements for a school counseling program most closely aligns with the school district's mission statement?

  1. The purpose of the school counseling program is to create an inclusive learning environment that helps students reach high levels of achievement and academic competence.
  2. The purpose of the school counseling program is to improve academic outcomes across all grade levels, enhance well-being for students and staff, and promote continuous learning for the school community.
  3. The purpose of the school counseling program is to respond to students' needs in the academic, college and career, and personal and social domains at time and point of need.
  4. The purpose of the school counseling program is to provide equitable access to curricula and services that support and empower all students to achieve their full academic and developmental potential.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because this statement includes all elements of an appropriate mission statement—the reason for the program's existence, its core purpose, who is served by the program, and desired outcomes. This statement aligns with the school's mission in the areas of equity, environment, and student potential. Option A is incorrect because this statement supports only high levels of academic achievement and competence and does not address students' total developmental needs. Option B is incorrect because this statement does not address the educational environment. Option C is incorrect because this statement does not address equity or lifelong learning and does not provide the goal of the program.

14. A school counselor is meeting with the principal to discuss reassigning noncounseling duties to other staff as appropriate. The counselor can best make the case for the reassignment of duties by using which of the following approaches?

  1. offering to make a presentation at a staff meeting on the distinction between noncounseling and counseling duties
  2. identifying counseling activities that would replace the noncounseling duties and the expected benefits for students
  3. providing weekly and monthly counseling calendars showing the amount of time spent on noncounseling duties
  4. sharing state and national standards for school counseling along with descriptions of what constitutes noncounseling duties
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because this approach provides the principal with information that directly links changes in the school counselor's duties to improved outcomes for the school and for students. Option A is incorrect because offering to make a presentation at a staff meeting on the distinction between noncounseling and counseling duties would not be effective since other staff members do not have authority to change the school counselor's duties. Option C is incorrect because the calendars would document the amount of time spent on noncounseling duties but offer no rationale for making any changes to the school counselor's duties. Option D is incorrect because, while providing useful information to the principal, this approach does not provide any reasoning for change or describe how changes would support the students and the school.

15. Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

Program AssessmentTable 1 ConditionsConditionsYesNoSomewhat
Professionally certified school counselor checkmark  blank  blank
Access to the program by all students, teachers, and families checkmark  blank  blank
Parents/guardians as full educational partners  blank  blank checkmark
Administrative commitment and support  blank  blank checkmark
Positive work environment checkmark  blank  blank
Program Assessment Table 2 ResourcesResourcesYesNoSomewhat
Time and opportunity for designing and evaluating the program  blank checkmark  blank
Adequate budget checkmark  blank  blank
Adequate materials, supplies, and equipment  blank  blank checkmark
Sufficient and appropriate facilities checkmark  blank  blank

A new school counselor recently completed an informal assessment of the current programmatic conditions and resources for the school counseling program. Based on the data provided, the counselor should make which of the following issues the program's first priority?

  1. informing members of the school community about the school counseling program's goals and objectives
  2. reallocating funding for ancillary materials to support the school counseling program's guidance curriculum and instruction
  3. improving communication with students' families about available school counseling resources and support
  4. establishing an understanding with the school principal regarding the integral role of the school counseling program
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the commitment and support of the school principal provides the foundation for how the school counseling program will function within the school. Without this support, the school counselor is likely to find it difficult to allocate time and resources appropriately. Option A is incorrect because informing the school community about the school counseling program's goals and objectives is not one of the areas assessed by the school counselor. Option B is incorrect because the data in the assessment do not indicate that there is a need to reallocate funding. This would not be the school counselor's first priority. Option C is incorrect because working in partnership with parents/guardians was rated as "Somewhat" by the school counselor and areas rated as "No" would be higher priorities.

Domain III—The Professional School Counselor

Competency 008—(Communication, Consultation, and Collaboration): Understand practices and strategies for effective communication, consultation, and collaboration within the school and community.

16. A teacher consults the school counselor about a student whose behavior is causing the teacher to lose patience. The teacher asks the counselor for ideas about how to help the student, explaining that the student is very active and is causing problems by disrupting quiet work times in the classroom. Which of the following responses by the counselor best illustrates the appropriate consultant role?

  1. "Maybe you can stop the behavior by turning the student's desk away from peers' desks."
  2. "Yes, I can sympathize with that. I used to have students who behaved like that when I was a teacher."
  3. "Have you contacted the student's parents? They can often make sure that their child behaves at school."
  4. "You seem really bothered by this student's actions. Can you give me a specific example of this behavior?"
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because in the behavioral consultation model, the first step for the school counselor and the teacher to take is define the behavior in question as specifically and concretely as possible. Another feature of effective consultation is to take a collaborative approach to solving a problem. Option A is incorrect because the school counselor is providing a recommendation for addressing a situation without being fully informed. Option B is incorrect because expressing sympathy is not a feature of effective consultation and does not promote a solution to the problem at hand. Option C is incorrect because this response puts the responsibility for addressing the student's behavior at school on the parents/guardians when the teacher, with the support of the school counselor, should address the problem at school. 

17. A school counselor can best ensure that the developmental school counseling program is responsive to the needs of all students by taking which of the following actions?

  1. encouraging the principal to meet with teachers to discuss current ineffective instructional practices
  2. providing regular classroom instruction to students on explicit test-taking strategies to use on assessments
  3. arranging for school specialist staff to participate with teachers in instructional planning meetings
  4. providing professional development on strategies for promoting school success for diverse groups of students
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because the school counselor has extensive knowledge of strategies for meeting the needs of many students. Providing professional development enables the school counselor to share this knowledge with school staff, which will ultimately help ensure that the school is able to meet the diverse needs of its students. Option A is incorrect because it is not the school counselor's role to evaluate teachers' instructional practices or to suggest to the principal how to perform administrative duties. Option B is incorrect because this action supports students in only a very focused area—test taking strategies—and provides the same support to all students rather than meeting individual needs. Option C is incorrect because this action is not within the school counselor's authority to implement.

18. When coordinating out-of-school referrals for students, school counselors have which of the following obligations?

  1. providing the referral agency or individual with an informal diagnosis of the student's key issues and needs
  2. making formal introductions of the student, the student's parents/guardians, and parties who will be providing outside services
  3. assembling data related to the student's functioning and the interventions that have been implemented to date
  4. conducting an exit interview with the student and the student's parents/guardians for the referral agency or individual
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because referrals are generally made only after in-school interventions have been tried. It will be important to the providing agency or individual to know the student's current level of functioning and what strategies have already been implemented. This enables the agency or individual to determine where to start when addressing the student's needs. Option A is incorrect because school counselors do not make diagnoses, either informally or formally, of student's issues and needs. Diagnoses are beyond the scope of the school counselor's role. Option B is incorrect because, though it is a good way to facilitate the transition to a provider, the school counselor is not obligated to take this step. Option D is incorrect because an exit interview is not required or recommended. The providing agency or individual will conduct intake interviews as needed.

Competency 009—(Professional Practice): Understand the roles, responsibilities, and orientation of the professional school counselor and legal and ethical standards of practice in school counseling.

19. A high school counselor who is analyzing enrollment data for advanced courses offered by the school notes that students who are members of minority populations are significantly underrepresented in these courses. The counselor can best advocate for educational equity for these students by taking which of the following initial approaches?

  1. conducting focus groups with students who are members of minority populations to identify reasons for their disinterest in selecting advanced courses
  2. presenting the data at a faculty meeting and providing suggestions for expanding the criteria for admission to advanced courses
  3. surveying members of the faculty to understand their perceptions of students from minority populations with regard to advanced courses
  4. providing the data to school administrators and developing outreach strategies targeting specific students for enrollment in advanced courses
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because faculty may not be aware of the underrepresentation, and expanding criteria for admission to advanced courses will give more students the opportunity to participate in advanced learning opportunities. Advanced course requirements often focus on students' grades in prerequisite courses to the exclusion of other qualifying abilities such as creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. Option A is incorrect because this approach assumes that students who are members of minority populations lack interest in pursuing advanced coursework. Option C is incorrect because students' admission to advanced courses is usually not a subjective decision on the part of teachers; rather, schools or districts have specific policies related to enrollment in advanced courses. Option D is incorrect because, even though it is important for the administrator to be aware of the data, this approach is very narrow in targeting only certain students rather than broadening opportunities for all students. 

20. An emerging issue of importance in the field of school counseling is developing ways to enhance services in which of the following areas?

  1. supporting school administrators in formulating school improvement plans
  2. evaluating the effectiveness of various instructional strategies in classrooms
  3. promoting the ethical use of information and technologies within the educational environment
  4. providing preventive and responsive programs that address mental health needs
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because today's students and families experience a wide range of challenges. The provision of school mental health services is essential to safe schools. Increasing issues such as anxiety, depression, bullying, school violence, abuse, and poverty present barriers to students' and families' effective functioning. Building resilience and promoting social and emotional learning as part of addressing mental health needs provides students and families with the skills they need to meet challenges in many areas. Option A is incorrect because school counselors are only one group that participates in formulating school improvement plans by providing input related to the school counseling program. Option B is incorrect because this area is beyond the scope of the school counselor's professional role. Option C is incorrect because, though a worthy service area, promoting the ethical use of information and technologies in the educational environment is an issue that should be addressed by all school professionals.

21. An exemplary comprehensive school counseling program is most appropriately described in which of the following ways?

  1. developmental, systematic, and sequential in nature
  2. process oriented in the provision of services
  3. defined, organized, and implemented independently
  4. reactive in addressing challenges as they arise
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct because, according to the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, exemplary programs are developmentally appropriate for students at different grade levels and follow a systematic and sequential service model designed to ensure that students achieve their full academic, personal, social, and career potential. Option B is incorrect because exemplary school counseling programs are outcome-oriented and student-centered in their focus. Option C is incorrect because exemplary school counseling programs are implemented as a core element of the overall school program. Exemplary programs are flexible in meeting the needs of students and families. Option D is incorrect because exemplary comprehensive school counseling programs strive to be proactive by providing preventive programs and building resilience in students, families, and the community.

Clustered Questions

Use the information below to answer the four questions that follow.

A high school counselor's use-of-time tracking table for the first six months of the school year is shown below as well as a summary of a midyear evaluation of the counselor by the school principal.

School Counselor Use of Time
(Percentage of time)MonthGuidance CurriculumIndividual PlanningResponsive ServicesSupport SystemNon-Counseling DutiesSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryAverage
30 25 20 7 18
26 24 30 9 11
22 25 33 10 10
23 20 29 13 15
26 20 31 10 13
30 19 29 10 12
26 22 29 8.2 13
School Counselor Evaluation SummaryDomainRating
Program Management 2
Guidance 2
Counseling 3
Consultation 5
Coordination 4
Student Assessment 5
Advocacy 2
Leadership 2
Professional Behavior 4
Professional Standards 5

5 = Clearly outstanding
4 = Exceeds standard
3 = Meets standard
2 = Below expectation
1 = Unsatisfactory

Competency 007—(Program Management): Understand the foundational components of and procedures for developing, implementing, and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program.

22. Analysis of the data provided suggests that the school counselor can bring the school counseling program into better alignment with recommendations for program balance in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs by taking which of the following actions?

  1. providing additional support to school administrators in the area of student assessment
  2. increasing collaborative activities with instructional staff on defining classroom guidance topics and needs
  3. dedicating a larger number of weekly slots for teacher and parent/guardian consultation
  4. reevaluating the time spent on non-counseling duties to identify tasks that could be performed by other available school staff
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct because The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs recommends minimizing noncounseling duties to the greatest extent possible in order to free more time for school counseling services in the primary domains. According to the data provided, the school counselor is spending a disproportionate amount of time on noncounseling duties. Option A is incorrect because The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs makes recommendations related to systems support, but this component does not include support to school administrators in the area of student assessment. Option B is incorrect because the data show that the school counselor is devoting an appropriate amount of time to guidance activities and is rated as clearly outstanding in the area of consultation. Option C is incorrect because the school counselor is already engaged in responsive services at a level that is aligned with The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

23. These data suggest that the school counselor should primarily focus on which of the following goals for improving the services offered by the school counseling program?

  1. implementing small-group counseling sessions in response to student needs
  2. increasing emphasis on the individual planning component of the program
  3. taking a more active role in the creation of the school's mission and vision
  4. meeting regularly with the principal to discuss ongoing school needs
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct because, at the high school level, a greater proportion of the school counselor's time should be devoted to individual planning and advisement of students than to other components. Option A is incorrect because small-group counseling sessions fall under the domain of responsive services, an area in which the school counselor is devoting an appropriate proportion of time. Option C is incorrect because the school's mission and vision do not directly influence the quality of the services offered by the school counseling program. The school's mission and vision serve as a broad framework for the school counseling program. Option D is incorrect because meeting with the principal to discuss school needs is part of system support and would not necessarily improve the quality of services offered by the school counseling program.

Competency 009—(Professional Practice): Understand the roles, responsibilities, and orientation of the professional school counselor and legal and ethical standards of practice in school counseling.

24. Which of the following professional development topics would best support the school counselor in addressing identified areas of need?

  1. Giving Students a Voice—Advocacy Strategies for School Counselors
  2. New Applications for Counseling Theory in Public Schools
  3. Integrating Service Learning and School Counseling Programs
  4. Emerging Roles for School Counselors in the School Organization
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expanded Option A is correct because advocacy is one of the areas in which the school counselor is rated lowest and below expectations. Advocacy is necessary to assure students' needs are addressed and the counseling program is a priority. Option B is incorrect because the school counselor is currently meeting standards in the area of counseling. Option C is incorrect because the school counselor is currently meeting or exceeding standards in areas related to service learning, such as counseling and coordination. Option D is incorrect because the school counselor appears to have a good understanding of the counselor's role in the school organization, given high ratings in professional standards, coordination, and consultation. 

25. The school counselor has identified two professional development workshops to address areas of need revealed by the data. Which of the following additional strategies would best help the counselor improve professional practice in the second half of the school year?

  1. making video recordings of counseling sessions with individual students given appropriate permissions
  2. subscribing to one or more peer-reviewed journals on school counseling techniques and practices
  3. engaging in ongoing reflection and self-assessment of performance in relation to school counseling standards
  4. surveying teachers and other school staff periodically to determine levels of satisfaction
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct because reflection and self-assessment will allow the school counselor to focus on developing existing strengths or addressing gaps in skills to enhance future professional practice. Using professional, legal, and ethical standards as a guide for this reflection and self-assessment helps ensure that the school counselor is focusing on best practice. Option A is incorrect because this strategy is inappropriate. It places confidentiality of the counseling relationship at risk, jeopardizes parental permission for counseling, and may be in violation of district policy. Option B is incorrect because journals provide high-quality information, but there is no guarantee that the journals and their articles will address the school counselor's specific professional needs. Option D is incorrect because perception data gathered from teachers and other school staff do not provide information about the school counselor's skills and professional expertise in different areas. 

Additional Selected-Response Questions

This section includes additional sample selected-response questions for you to review in preparation for the exam. The correct answer is provided for each question below.

Domain I—Knowledge of Learners

Competency 001—(Human Development and Learning): Understand theories and processes of human development and learning as well as factors that influence development and learning.

26. A four-year-old student is attending prekindergarten for the first time. During the first two weeks of school, the student cries to go home upon arrival at school. The student also throws or stomps on blocks. Which of the following responses by the school counselor to the student's parent/guardian would be most helpful?

  1. expressing concern that the student may be too young and should perhaps wait until the following year for school
  2. suggesting that the student see an outside therapist to address issues related to separation anxiety
  3. providing reassurance that the student's behaviors are age appropriate and will likely diminish over time
  4. recommending several alternate educational settings that might be more suitable for the student
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct.

27. A school counselor is working with a student who has above-average intelligence but consistently underachieves and feels discouraged. The counselor can work most effectively with this student to improve learning outcomes by engaging the student in which of the following tasks first?

  1. developing concrete plans for the future
  2. articulating needs and wants clearly
  3. improving communication with peers
  4. identifying personal strengths and abilities
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

Competency 002—(Diversity and Cultural Competence): Understand diversity issues and cultural competencies related to school counseling and environments that promote respect and affirmation for all students.

28. A high school counselor is concerned that a very competent senior is not pursuing college. The English teacher reports that the student refuses to write a college admissions essay for a class assignment. In a meeting with the counselor, the student explains that it is necessary for the student to work since the father has been deported and the family needs immediate income. The student states that there is no point in planning for college. The counselor can best help the student by:

  1. advising the student to join a peer support group and checking in with the student on a regular basis.
  2. explaining that this mindset toward college is likely to have a significant negative effect on the student's long-term success.
  3. putting the student in contact with an immigration lawyer who can provide assistance to the family.
  4. discussing how going to college could benefit the family in the long run and facilitating access to needed resources.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

29. A school counselor can most effectively promote appreciation among school staff for students' diverse characteristics by consistently communicating which of the following concepts?

  1. Teachers are in the best position to uncover students' talents and abilities.
  2. Each student has unique strengths and assets that they bring to the educational process.
  3. Every student is capable of the highest level of academic achievement.
  4. Educators have an obligation to take whatever steps needed to ensure student success.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

Domain II—The Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Competency 003—(Guidance): Understand instructional practices and strategies for facilitating students' educational, career, personal, and social growth and development as articulated in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

30. A student is working to achieve behavioral goals. Which of the following approaches to providing feedback is likely to be most effective in promoting the student's continued progress?

  1. acknowledging specific positive actions the student has taken related to targeted behaviors
  2. sending the student occasional notes recognizing an overall improvement in behavior
  3. commenting on general behavior traits, such as persistence, that the student has demonstrated
  4. inviting the student to a lunch to discuss ongoing challenges and successes in improving behavior
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

31. According to The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, which of the following competency indicators in the area of postsecondary and career readiness would be most appropriate to introduce at the primary level?

  1. Define the steps in the goal-setting process related to college and careers.
  2. Identify personal skills, interests, and abilities that may affect career choice.
  3. Evaluate the importance of setting realistic career goals and striving toward them.
  4. Distinguish between short-, intermediate-, and long-term career goals.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

32. A school counselor is presenting a guidance lesson on wellness to a class of seventh-grade students who are gifted and talented. The students describe their average days as beginning early with school, transitioning to school-related extracurricular activities, participating in volunteering or language/music lessons, and finally having dinner and studying before bedtime. Which of the following student learning objectives would most appropriately address wellness for these students?

  1. Evaluate current ability to manage multiple responsibilities.
  2. Identify personal limits and boundaries necessary for effective self-care.
  3. Evaluate the benefits derived from self-care practices.
  4. Identify methods for controlling internal and external factors that create stress.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

33. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates effective integration of guidance and academic curricula for elementary school students?

  1. The school counselor and classroom teacher co-teach a lesson on classroom rules and behavior expectations.
  2. Students who are studying a current event survey others about their opinions of the event and present the information to the class.
  3. The school counselor leads a guidance lesson on cooperation to help prepare students for an upcoming small-group project in social studies.
  4. Students use a variety of art materials to create individual vision boards that include at least one learning goal.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct.

Competency 004—(Responsive Services): Understand techniques for designing supports and interventions to address the needs, concerns, and challenges affecting students' continued educational, career, personal, and social development.

34. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates an elementary school counselor providing responsive services at the remedial level?

  1. A school counselor meets with a student who has begun having temper outbursts in the classroom to determine what may be causing the behavior.
  2. A school counselor works with a student whose grades have recently declined to develop a study plan.
  3. A school counselor contacts Child Protective Services to report suspicions of physical abuse and neglect.
  4. A school counselor presents lessons on making friends to primary students at the beginning of the school year.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

35. A school counselor is working with a sixth-grade student who becomes easily aggravated and verbally and physically aggressive when things do not go the student's way. The counselor and the student are working on a plan to develop the student's interpersonal effectiveness across settings. An effective plan for this purpose should focus on which of the following goals?

  1. assisting the student in identifying strategies to apply when interacting with others in the school
  2. working with the student and family to locate an outside behavioral therapist
  3. asking the student to reflect on personal values and beliefs
  4. helping the student develop awareness of how to generalize behaviors to different settings
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

Competency 005—(Individual Planning): Understand techniques and strategies for guiding students in planning, monitoring, and managing their individual educational, career, personal, and social development.

36. A high school junior expresses interest in a career in architectural engineering or computer programming. The student's grade point average is 3.2, with As in drafting, mathematics, and science and mostly Cs in English, history, and Spanish. Which of the following suggestions by the school counselor would best help the student in determining which of the following career paths would be most suitable?

  1. conducting research on postsecondary options in the selected careers
  2. participating in a job-shadowing program
  3. taking a personality assessment and career interest inventory
  4. completing a generic college application
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct.

37. Not long after course selections have been made, a student comes to the school counselor requesting to drop one elective and add a construction course in its place. Which of the following questions would be most important for the counselor to consider before placing the student in the construction course?

  1. Does the course match the student's interests and desired endorsement?
  2. What is the number of requests for the course schoolwide?
  3. Are there peers already taking the course with whom the student is familiar?
  4. Is the course taught by an engaging and flexible teacher?
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

38. A high school student meets with the school counselor to select courses for the upcoming school year. The student plans to attend college to become a biologist after graduation. The student has excelled in all of the science courses taken at the high school while maintaining a B average in other courses. Given this information, which of the following actions by the counselor would best support the student?

  1. working with the student and nearby colleges to arrange dual enrollment in science courses
  2. registering the student for the next administration of college entrance exams
  3. helping the student research summer enrichment programs in the sciences offered by colleges in the area
  4. exploring options with the student for early graduation and college entrance
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

Competency 006—(Systems Support): Understand procedures, processes, and strategies for providing systems support.

39. In which of the following situations is a school counselor most clearly providing systems support?

  1. To address a teacher's concerns about negative interactions between students, a school counselor provides a guidance lesson on effective communication.
  2. Following a serious flooding event in the community, a school counselor provides small-group counseling to students who are having trouble coping.
  3. As part of the postsecondary planning process, a school counselor instructs high school students in the use of various online career exploration tools.
  4. A school counselor participates as a member of the school's data-analysis team to identify achievement gaps and develop plans for addressing the gaps.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

40. A school counselor has designed a program of professional growth activities for staff on strategies for creating caring and supportive learning communities. The counselor can most effectively promote use of the strategies presented by including which of the following elements in the program?

  1. research supporting the strategies highlighted during the training
  2. techniques that teachers can apply immediately in their classrooms
  3. instructions for creating materials needed to implement the strategies
  4. lists of resources on related topics that teachers can investigate as needed
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

41. A school counselor will be leading a new collaboration with a team of teachers, parents/guardians, and community members to support students' academic success. The counselor can best promote effective teamwork among group members by taking which of the following actions?

  1. rotating responsibility for facilitating discussions among group members
  2. helping the group select one team member to be a final authority when decision making has reached a stalemate
  3. requesting that team members submit topics to be included on the meeting agenda
  4. working with team members to establish group norms for communication and interaction that enable each member to provide input
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

Competency 007—(Program Management): Understand the foundational components of and procedures for developing, implementing, and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program.

42. Use the excerpt below from a needs assessment survey for elementary school teachers to answer the question that follows.

Needs Assessment Survey
Please indicate how important it is to address the following topics with students.TopicVerySomewhatNot at All1.   Getting along with others2.   Teasing and bullying3.   Dealing with change4.   Stress5.   Inattention6.   Not accepting people's differences7.   Understanding personal abilities
78% 12% 10%
70% 15% 15%
38% 34% 28%
30% 25% 45%
25% 35% 40%
68% 15% 17%
32% 20% 48%

Based on the survey, the data most clearly suggest that the school counseling program should make which of the following overarching goals for students a priority?

  1. developing positive social skills
  2. understanding self
  3. learning effective coping strategies
  4. self-regulating behavior
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

43. Within the context of The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, the primary purpose of the responsive services component of a school counseling program is to:

  1. guide students as they manage their individual educational, career, personal, and social development.
  2. intervene on behalf of students whose immediate concerns or circumstances put them at risk.
  3. use differentiated instructional approaches and lessons to teach students transferrable skills.
  4. coordinate resources and activities on campus and in the community that indirectly benefit students.
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

44. Use the information below to answer the question that follows.

Percentage of Time on Program Delivery Some cells are shaded Light Gray for Recommended Time or Dark Gray for Actual TimePercentGuidance
Counseling100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
 blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 blank  blank  blank  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 blank  blank  blank  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 Recommended Time (Light Gray)  blank  blank  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 Recommended Time (Light Gray)  blank  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank  blank
 Recommended Time (Light Gray)  blank  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  blank  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  blank  blank  blank
 Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  Recommended Time (Light Gray)  Actual Time (Dark Gray)  blank  Actual Time (Dark Gray)

Recommended Time 

 (Light Gray)

Actual Time

 (Dark Gray)

An elementary school counselor recently gathered data related to time spent in the four service delivery components for the previous school year. Based on these data, a decrease in the amount of time dedicated to responsive services would be appropriately redirected toward which of the following components of the comprehensive school counseling program?

  1. Guidance Curriculum
  2. Individual Planning
  3. System Support
  4. Noncounseling
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

Domain III—The Professional School Counselor

Competency 008—(Communication, Consultation, and Collaboration): Understand practices and strategies for effective communication, consultation, and collaboration within the school and community.

45. At the beginning of each school year, a school counselor works with the school principal to arrange brief presentations to teachers, families, and community partners about the school counseling program. In tailoring these presentations for each stakeholder audience, the counselor should emphasize which of the following approaches?

  1. distributing handouts that outline how to access counseling services at the school and district levels
  2. reassuring stakeholders of the school counselor's expertise in providing effective counseling services
  3. using an open format that allows individual stakeholders to pose questions about needed counseling services
  4. describing the integral role of various counseling services in helping students achieve school success
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

46. An elementary school counselor who has been working with a student on self-regulation in the classroom setting wants to bring the student's parents/guardians into the process. Which of the following approaches by the counselor would best facilitate the parents'/guardians' involvement?

  1. arranging for the parents/guardians to observe how the strategies are being implemented in the classroom
  2. sharing with the parents/guardians specific strategies that are being used at school that are applicable to the home environment
  3. asking the parents/guardians to provide feedback on any changes in the student's behavior outside of school
  4. holding a meeting with the parents/guardians to discuss the relationship between the student's behavior and school success
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption B is correct.

Competency 009—(Professional Practice): Understand the roles, responsibilities, and orientation of the professional school counselor and legal and ethical standards of practice in school counseling.

47. According to The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, a school counselor's activities within the Program Management Domain should primarily focus on which of the following goals?

  1. promoting understanding and application of professional rules, policies, regulations, and guidelines in programs
  2. providing proactive guidance to assist students in developing and applying skills for optimal growth during the school years and beyond
  3. using professional expertise to help stakeholders understand individual behavior and human relationships
  4. organizing resources and activities in response to identified needs and priorities to support the total educational program
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption D is correct.

48. A middle school counselor regularly participates in grade-level planning teams. In this context, it would be most important for the counselor to take the lead in which of the following areas?

  1. providing resources related to current topics being discussed to facilitate the team's decision making
  2. negotiating a positive resolution of conflicts that arise between members of the team
  3. helping the team identify strategies for integrating guidance-related learning goals into the academic curriculum
  4. maintaining written notes of discussions as documentation of the team's processes and decisions
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct.

Clustered Questions

Use the information below to answer the two questions that follow.

A middle school counselor is determining topics to include as part of the guidance curriculum. The counselor surveyed students about the relevance of several potential topics. The survey results for sixth-grade students are shown below.

Student Survey Results
(144 students responding)4 3 2 1 1. Substance Abuse2. Dealing with Stress3. Study Skills4. Making Friends5. Career Decisions6. Social Media7. Understanding Myself8. Getting Along with Parents/Guardians
30 38 44 32
92 23 10 19
67 45 32 0
71 28 31 14
24 85 20 15
26 33 42 43
18 48 57 21
43 29 34 38

4 = Very Important
3 = Somewhat Important
2 = Not Very Important
1 = Not Important

Competency 003—(Guidance): Understand instructional practices and strategies for facilitating students' educational, career, personal, and social growth and development as articulated in The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs.

49. The survey data suggest that sixth-grade students would benefit most from guidance lessons that focus on which of the following broad topics?

  1. adjusting to the middle school environment
  2. developing communication skills
  3. choosing appropriate middle school courses
  4. being safe in an online environment
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption A is correct.

Competency 007—(Program Management): Understand the foundational components of and procedures for developing, implementing, and evaluating the comprehensive school counseling program.

50. The school counselor is considering implementation of a grade-level program to address students' primary areas of need. Which of the following grade-level programs is most justified by these data?

  1. a drug education program to help students develop and practice strategies for resisting pressure to use drugs or alcohol
  2. a character education program to promote students' ability to make sound personal decisions
  3. an advisory program to help students form connections and develop strategies for managing academic responsibilities
  4. an after-school guest speaker program to introduce students to resources in the community
Enter to expand or collapse answer.Answer expandedOption C is correct.

Which of the following statements is true of organizing as learning strategy?

Which of the following statements is true of organizing as a learning strategy? It focuses on learning through repetition of training content.

Which of the following is true of the presentation method of training?

Which of the following is true of the presentation method of training? This method of training can be used to transfer alternative problem-solving solutions.

Which of the following are the factors influencing transfer of training?

The three main factors that influence the transfer of training are work environment, training design and trainee characteristics (Baldwin and Ford, 1988; Cheng and Hampson, 2008).

Which of the following statements is true about application assignments that are used in training programs?

Which of the following statements is true about application assignments that are used in training programs? They help trainees understand the relation between the learned skills and their applications in the real world.


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