Which of the following statements about the presidency is most accurate? quizlet

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Which of the following statements about the presidency is most accurate? quizlet

American Government

1st EditionGlen Krutz

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Which of the following statements about the presidency is most accurate? quizlet

Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition

16th EditionGeorge C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry

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Which of the following statements about the presidency is most accurate? quizlet

Criminal Justice in America

9th EditionChristina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole

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Which of the following statements about the presidency is most accurate? quizlet

American Corrections

11th EditionMichael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

160 solutions

How has the process of selecting the president changed during the history of the United States?

-Election has become somewhat less direct by allowing states to grant its electoral votes in a "winner-take-all" method.
-Changes in the election process have made presidents weaker as they have become more dependent on state legislatures.
-Election has gone from indirect to direct; presidents are now directly elected by the people.
-Election has become somewhat more direct by giving over selection of electors to the people.

-Election has become somewhat more direct by giving over selection of electors to the people.

Which of the following statements about the president's Cabinet are correct?

-The Cabinet is provided for by the Constitution, but the wording about its makeup is vague.
-The Cabinet makes no formal group decisions.
-The Cabinet is partially responsible to the Senate.
-The Cabinet consists of the secretaries of the major departments of the federal government.

Correct Answer(s)
-The Cabinet makes no formal group decisions.
-The Cabinet consists of the secretaries of the major departments of the federal government.

Incorrect Answer(s)
-The Cabinet is provided for by the Constitution, but the wording about its makeup is vague.
-The Cabinet is partially responsible to the Senate.

Which aspect of the Executive Office of the President gives the president the most influence over the nation's legislative policy?

-Office of Management and Budget
-Council of Economic Advisers
-Department of Justice
-White House staff

Office of Management and Budget

What is the difference between the implied and inherent powers of the presidency?

-Inherent powers are those that are expressed in the Constitution, while implied powers are found in statutes and laws.
-Inherent powers were established early in U.S. history, whereas implied powers were established only in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
-Implied powers are needed to carry out a president's expressed powers, while inherent powers go beyond implied ones.
-Inherent powers apply to all presidents, whereas implied powers are used by only one president in a unique situation.

-Implied powers are needed to carry out a president's expressed powers, while inherent powers go beyond implied ones.

Review the veto process, and complete the following statements.

After a bill passes Congress, it is presented to the president and reviewed. If the president finds the bill unacceptable and takes no action on the bill after 10 working days, while Congress is adjourned, the result is -. If the president takes no action after 10 working days while Congress is in session, the result is -. If the president vetoes the bill outright, the result is -.

-passage of the law
-a pocket veto
-the bill is overridden by Congress
-the bill's return to Congress
-a vote by two-thirds of both houses

-a pocket veto
-passage of the law
-the bill's return to Congress

Which form of presidential selection would make for the most powerful executive?

-selection by electoral college
-direct popular election
-selection by Congress
-selection by state legislatures

-direct popular election

Complete the following statement.

The vice president plays a role in the legislative process by serving as the presiding officer of the -, where he or she can -.

-break a filibuster
-cast a vote in the event of a tie
-bring bills to the floor

-Cast a vote in the event of a tie

Which of the following characteristics describe the electoral college?

-A state's number of electors is equal to its number of House representatives.
-Most states give all of their electoral votes to whichever candidate receives the most popular votes in the state.
-The candidate with the majority of the popular vote wins.
-The electoral college overrepresents small states.

Correct Answer(s)
-The electoral college overrepresents small states.
-Most states give all of their electoral votes to whichever candidate receives the most popular votes in the state.

Incorrect Answer(s)
-A state's number of electors is equal to its number of House representatives.
-The candidate with the majority of the popular vote wins.

Which of the following statements about the evolution of the presidential tactic of "going public" is accurate?

-Most presidents since FDR have "gone public" only reluctantly, preferring to rely instead on polished press secretaries.
-FDR benefited from a friendly press establishment when he came to office, which helped him reach out directly to the people.
-Reaching out directly to the people in the nineteenth century was considered uncouth and could damage a president politically.
-President Lincoln pioneered the tactic as a means of getting northern citizens on board for his attempt to preserve the Union.

-Reaching out directly to the people in the nineteenth century was considered uncouth and could damage a president politically.

Complete the following statement.

Increasing the size of the Executive Office of the President, using - to control rule-making agencies, and issuing - at the time of a bill becoming a law are all examples of presidents using the administrative strategy to increase their power and authority.

-signing statements
-executive agreements
-executive orders
-regulatory review

-regulatory review
-signing statements

How does the White House staff differ from the Executive Office of the President?

-The White House staff stays consistent in size, but presidents frequently grow or reduce the EOP based on personal preference.
-The White House staff gives more technical advice on complex issues like the budget and macroeconomics.
-The White House staff is more formal and structured in nature.
-The White House staff performs work and gives advice that is generally broader and more political in nature.

-The White House staff performs work and gives advice that is generally broader and more political in nature.

Match the type of power on the left to the relevant example on the right.

-judicial power
-presidential emergency power
-executive privilege

*President Eisenhower sends federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, against the wishes of the governor.
*President Obama denies a congressional request for records concerning Operation Fast and Furious.
*President Ford pardons President Nixon for his Watergate-related crimes.

President Ford pardons President Nixon for his Watergate-related crimes.
-judicial power

President Obama denies a congressional request for records concerning Operation Fast and Furious.
-executive privilege

President Eisenhower sends federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas, against the wishes of the governor.
-presidential emergency power

Match the example of presidential power on the left to the type of power it demonstrates on the right.

-send U.S. troops into military engagements
-veto acts of Congress
-set rules concerning fair competition in key economic sectors
-command the nation's armed forces
-adjust duties on manufactured goods
-appoint, remove, and supervise all executive officers, and appoint all federal judges (with Senate approval)

*expressed power
*inherent power
*delegated power

Inherent power:
-Send US troops into military engagements

Expressed Power:
-Appoint, remove, and supervise all executive officers, and appoint all federal judges (with Senate approval),
-Veto acts of Congress,
-Command the nation's armed forces

Delegated Power:
-Set rules concerning fair competition in key economic sectors,
-Adjust duties on manufactured goods

In which of the following ways does the use of signing statements by presidents differ from the use of executive orders?

-Executive orders require the consent of Congress, while signing statements do not.
-Executive orders usually create new policies, while signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress.
-Presidents can issue only a limited number of executive orders but can issue unlimited signing statements.
-Executive orders rarely result in policy changes, while signing statements result in changes to an already implemented law.

Executive orders usually create new policies while signing statements alter a policy already passed by Congress

In which of the following ways can a vice president help a president?

-run important policy endeavors on behalf of the president
-strengthen a presidential candidate in policy areas where they lack experience
-vote for presidential legislation as it moves to the floor of the House of Representatives
-provide electoral support in regions of the country where a presidential candidate is weak

Correct Answer(s)
-provide electoral support in regions of the country where a presidential candidate is weak
-strengthen a presidential candidate in policy areas where they lack experience
-run important policy endeavors on behalf of the president

Incorrect Answer(s)
-vote for presidential legislation as it moves to the floor of the House of Representatives

The War Powers Resolution includes which of the following provisions?

-The president must have congressional authorization to keep troops deployed after 60 days.
-The military must withdraw within six months unless Congress acts to extend the engagement.
-The president must notify Congress before deploying the military.
-The president can deploy the military for short-term engagements without congressional support.

Correct Answer(s)
- The president must have congressional authorization to keep troops deployed after 60 days.
- The president must notify Congress before deploying the military.
- The president can deploy the military for short-term engagements without congressional support.

Incorrect Answer(s)
-The military must withdraw within six months unless Congress acts to extend the engagement.

Which of the following statements best describe the role of the first spouses in executive government today?

-First spouses typically manage the day-to-day affairs of the White House staff.
-Their role is most related to the head-of-state function of the presidency.
-Most first spouses adopt an area of policy focus to champion.
-Their role is most related to the head-of-government function of the presidency.

Correct Answer(s)
-Their role is most related to the head-of-state function of the presidency.
-Most first spouses adopt an area of policy focus to champion.

Incorrect Answer(s)
-First spouses typically manage the day-to-day affairs of the White House staff.
-Their role is most related to the head-of-government function of the presidency.

Complete the following statement.

Modern vice presidents are typically - than their predecessors. - was probably the most influential vice president in U.S. history.

-as influential
-less influential
-Dick Cheney
-Harry Truman
-more influential
-Thomas Jefferson

-more influential
-Dick Chenney

Complete the following statements to accurately describe the evolving methods by which presidential candidates have been chosen.

Prior to the 1830s, a party's presidential nominee was decided through the - system. This was replaced by the national convention system, in which choices about who would attend the national convention were made at the - party level. Later, in the twentieth century, -elections were adopted to introduce greater popular selection of presidential candidates.

-electoral college


Analyze the information in the graph, and answer the following question.

Which presidents most likely faced opposition control of Congress for most of their tenure and which most likely enjoyed same-party control of Congress for most of their tenure?

-Gerald Ford
-George W. Bush
-Barack Obama
-Dwight D. Eisenhower

*same-party Congress
*opposition-party Congress

same-party Congress
-Barack Obama
-George W. Bush

opposition-party Congress
-Gerald Ford
-Dwight D. Eisenhower