Which of the following statements about the southern homestead act of 1866 is most accurate?





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Terms in this set (40)

Which black southern university was named after the head of the Freedmen's Bureau?

Howard University

During Reconstruction, black churchgoers and ministers generally

took a leading role in funding schools and providing social services.

In the mid 1870s, a black militia maintained by Governor Adelbert Ames clashed frequently with paramilitary White Leagues in an intermittent civil war fought in which state?


Economically, most freedpeople in agricultural regions associated freedom primarily with

the ownership of land

Compared to the 2% of married white women who worked for wages, what percentage of married black women were employed outside the home in 1870?


All of the following factors contributed to the end of Reconstruction EXCEPT

the Republican Party's new generation of political leadership proved even more radical than its predecessor, and sacrificed political support in favor of ideological purity.

Which state elected the largest number of black members to the House of Representatives?

south carolina

Which constitutional amendment ostensibly guaranteed black men throughout the nation the right to vote on an equal basis with white men?


How many black men served in the House of Representatives between 1869 and 1901?


Which of the following statements about the Southern Homestead Act of 1866 is MOST accurate?

Thanks in part to the act, roughly 6% of all freed families owned their own land by the mid-1870s.

Which of the following statements about gender and race in the Reconstruction South is MOST accurate?

Whites criticized black women who emulated white women by staying at home instead of working for wages.

What effect did the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment have on suffrage in the South?

It threatened to expand the influence of the southern states in the federal government by nullifying the Three-fifths Compromise.

The Civil Rights Act, passed in 1875, stipulated that

African Americans could not be denied equal access to public houses and public transportation.

A persistent rumor spread through the South in 1865 and 1866 that the federal government would provide freedpeople with

forty acres of land and a mule.

When he ascended to the presidency in 1865, Andrew Johnson

extended pardons to thousands of Confederates.

After gaining their freedom, black families preferred that female members

stay home and tend to their household.

Which of the following statements BEST captures attitudes toward the education of freedpeople during Reconstruction?

Freedpeople often took the initiative of creating their own schools, but depended on financial assistance from the Freedmen's Bureau and northern churches.

With regard to politics, black women during Reconstruction

vocally expressed their opinion on important matters and tried to influence political decisions.

What is the claim to fame of Hiram Revels and Blanche K. Bruce?

They were the only black men to serve in the U.S. Senate until the second half of the twentieth century.

The two most powerful white supremacist terrorist organizations during Reconstruction were the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and

the Knights of the White Camelia.

During Reconstruction, black men in Mississippi served in all of the following positions in the state government EXCEPT


What contributed MOST to the collapse of the Freedmen's Bank in 1874?

Rich industrialists manipulated the bank for their own profit, weakening the bank's finances before a general depression brought it down.

The Fourteenth Amendment divided the members of the abolitionist movement primarily because it

penalized states for abridging the voting rights of men but not those of women.

Whose inauguration in 1877 is generally used to mark the end of Reconstruction?

Rutherford B. Hayes

For over a month, P. B. S. Pinchback served as the acting governor of which state?


Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan

Conflict between President and Congress over who was to set conditions of South's readmission

Lincoln's plan allowed states to be readmitted if one-tenth of eligible voters swore loyalty to the U.S. and accepted abolition of slavery; gave general amnesty to certain high-ranking civil and military officers

Criticized by some members of Congress as too lenient

Also disagreed over status of freedpeople

Andrew Johnson's Policies

Conflict between two branches continued after Andrew Johnson became president

Johnson wanted to leave black suffrage up to the states and began to dictate Reconstruction policy

Extended general amnesty; seen as a champion of the South

Congress Takes Charge

Conditions for freedpeople terrible; southern whites waging a kind of guerilla warfare on blacks

The Black Conventions

Blacks politically mobilized against presidential Reconstruction

Statewide conventions in South convened in 1865-6

Demanded "Equal Rights before the Law"

Black Mobilization

Churches and fraternal societies provided infrastructure for political activism in southern cities

Mobilization more advanced in places where federal troops remained the longest

Reconstruction Act of 1867

Ex-Confederate states divided into five military districts under martial law

Each state required to hold a constitutional convention based on universal male suffrage

All states required to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment before admittance

Blacks as State Legislators

Blacks served with varying success as state legislators

Wielded greatest influence in South Carolina

Black Women and the Black Community

Black women active in "getting out the vote" and vocal in political discussion

Civil Rights Act of 1875 clarified rights of African Americans to freely use public accommodations

Declared unconstitutional in 1883

The Freedmen's Bureau

Responsible for relief and rehabilitation programs for the newly emancipated

Provided food and medical services, established schools, supervised contracts, managed land

First large-scale federal welfare program

Educators, Black and White

Teachers came from North; many were missionaries; number of black teachers steadily increased

By 1870, task of education completely transferred to local communities and religious organizations

The Desire for Land

Ex-slaves resisted signing labor contracts, fearing a new form of enslavement

Saw landownership as a source of economic independence; landownership considered more favorable than wage labor

Changing Conditions of Farm Labor

Blacks resisted conditions placed on agricultural workers

Overall per capita labor hours reduced by

Incentives and flexibility were provided to blacks to meet urgent labor needs

The Freedmen's Bank

Chartered by federal government for use by blacks; encouraged blacks to save money

Some of its financiers acted unscrupulously

Frederick Douglass unable to save it; closed in 1874

The Reign of Violence

White supremacist secret societies grew

Used legal and extra-legal means to deny blacks equality

Camelias and Klan most powerful; used violent means to stop blacks from participating in politics

Supreme Court Decisions

1875 Supreme Court decisions weakened black voting rights

United States v. Cruikshank

United States v. Reese

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