Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager

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  • Pmp Exam Practice Test - 1f Project Human Resource Management

Pmp Exam Practice Test - 1F Project Human Resource Management

by danstanmorre2009, Mar. 2015

Subjects: Pmp Exam Practice Test - 1f

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Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager

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Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager

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Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager



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Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager
Which of the following statements best describes the role of the project manager

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You have been assigned as project manager on what could be a “bet the company” project. You realize that to be successful you need to exercise maximum control over project resources. Which form of project organization should you establish for this project?

a. Strong matrix
b. Projectized
c. Project coordinator
d. Weak matrix

b. Projectized

In a projectized organizational structure, all projectteam members report directly and solely to the project manager. He or she has complete control over these resources and, therefore, exercises more authority over them than when in any other project organizational structure. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 25

Which of the following is a ground rule for project team building?

a. Perform frequent performance appraisals
b. Ensure that each team member reports to his or her functional manager in addition to the project manager

c. Start early
d. Try to solve team political problems

c. Start early

Starting the team-building process early in the project is crucial for setting the right tone and preventing bad habits and patterns from developing. [Executing]
Adams et al. 1997, 137
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 514

Project A is being administered using a matrix form of organization. The project manager reports to a senior vice president who provides visible support to the project. In this scenario, which of the following statements best describes the relative power of the project manager?

a. The project manager will probably not be challenged by project stakeholders.
b. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the functional line managers.
c. In this tight matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.
d. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.

d. In this strong matrix, the balance of power is shifted to the project manager.

The project manager’s ability to influence project decisions increases the higher up he or she—and the person to whom he or she reports—is placed in the organization. In the strong matrix, the project manager’s authority ranges from moderate to high. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 22
Verma 1995, 156–157

You are leading a team to recommend an equitable reward and recognition system for project managers. Before finalizing the plan, you want to ensure that executivesunderstand the basic objective of reward systems. This objective is to—

a. Be comparable with the award system established for functional managers to indicate parity and to show the importance of project management to the company
b. Make the link between project performance and reward clear, explicit, and achievable
c. Motivate project managers to work toward common objectives and goals as defined by the company
d. Attract people to join the organization’s project management career path

b. Make the link between project performance and reward clear, explicit, and achievable

Reward and recognition systems are formal management actions that provide an incentive to behave in a particular way, usually with respect to achieving certain goals. Such systems are described in the staffing management plan. A best practice is to give the team recognition throughout the life cycle [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 266 and 277

Which of the following factors contributes the most to team communication?

a. External feedback
b. Performance appraisals
c. Smoothing over of team conflicts by the project manager
d. Collection

d. Collocation
Collocation is the placement of team members in the same physical location to enhance their ability to perform as a team, primarily through increased communication as well as improved working relationships and productivity. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 277, 532

You are managing a virtual team. The project has been under way for several months, and you believe your team members do not view themselves as a team or a unified group. To help rectify this situation, you should—

a. Ensure that every member of the project team uses e-mail as a form of communication
b. Mandate that the team follow the vision and mission statement of his or her organization
c. Enhance communications planning
d. Provide team members with the latest in communications technology and mandate its use

c. Enhance communications planning

Because the dispersed project team does not share the same physical space each day, the possibility for misunderstandings, isolationism, difficulty in sharing information, and the cost of technology can be key issues. The project manager must enhance communications planning in the virtual team as it requires even more communication than collocated teams. Additional time also may be needed to set expectations, determine how best to resolve conflicts, involve people in making decisions, understand cultural differences, and share credit for success.[Executing]
Kostner 1994, 53–54 and 170
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 271

Major difficulties arise when multiple projects need to be managed in the functional organizational structure because of—

a. The level of authority of the project manager
b. Conflicts over the relative priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources
c. Project team members who are focused on their functional specialty rather than on the project
d. The need for the project manager to use interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts informally

b. Conflicts over the relative priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources

When a finite group of resources must be distributed across multiple projects, conflicts in work assignments will occur. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 282–283, 518

The team you have organized for your new project consists of three people who will work full-time and five people who will support the project on a part-time basis. All team members know one another and have worked together in the past. To ensure a successful project start-up, your first step should be to—

a. Meet with each team member individually to discuss assignments
b. Prepare a responsibility assignment matrix and distribute it to each team member
c. Distribute the project plan and WBS to the team
d. Hold a project kickoff meeting

d. Hold a project kickoff meeting

An indispensable tool in project management, the kickoff or launch meeting is held at the outset of the project and is designed to get the project rolling. The meeting provides the opportunity not only to present the project charter and discuss the project’s goals and objectives but also to establish rapport among team members. [Executing]
Kerzner, 2009, 421–422
Meredith and Mantel, 2012, 224–225

Your organization is characterized by hierarchical organizational structures with rigid rules and policies and strict supervisory controls. Individual team members are not expected to engage in problem solving or use creative approaches to plan and execute work; management does that. Your organization is characterized by which one of the following theories?

a. Ouchi’s Theory
b. McGregor’s Theory X
c. Maslow’s self-esteem level
d. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

b. McGregor’s Theory X

McGregor observed two types of managers and classified them by their perceptions of workers. Theory X managers thought that workers were lazy, needed to be watched and supervised closely, and were irresponsible. Theory Y managers thought that, given the correct conditions, workers could be trusted to seek responsibility and work hard at their jobs. [Executing]
McGregor 1960, 33–35
Verma 1996, 70–71
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 263

As you prepare your human resource plan, you need to determine the skill and capacity required to complete the activities in the project. This should be documented in the—

a. Roles and responsibilities section
b. Staffing management plan
c. Staff acquisition section
d. Compliance section

a. Roles and responsibilities section

Roles and responsibilities are listed in the human resource plan. This section describes roles and authority, responsibility, and competency or the skill and capacity required to complete project activities. When team members do not have the required competencies, project performance may be jeopardized and the project manager must have proactive responses to handle these situations. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 264

The primary result of effective team development is—

a. Improved project performance
b. An effective, smoothly running team
c. An understanding by project team members that the project manager is ultimately responsible for project performance
d. Enhancement of the ability of stakeholders to contribute as individuals and team members

a. Improved project performance

Improved project performance not only increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives, it also creates a positive team experience contributing to the enhancement of team capabilities. It results in improved teamwork, enhanced people skills and competencies, motivated employees, reduced staff turnover rates, and improved overall team performance. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 273

The team members on your project have been complaining that they do not have any sense of identity as a team because they are located in different areas of the building. To remedy this situation, you developed a project logo and had it printed on T-shirts to promote the project, but this action has not worked. Your next step is to—

a. Initiate a newsletter
b. Create an air of mystery about the project
c. Establish a “team meeting room”
d. Issue guidelines on how team members should interact with other stakeholders

c. Establish a “team meeting room”

Collocating team members, even on a temporary basis, enhances communications, thereby contributing to improved project performance. In addition, the “team meeting room” (often called a ‘war room’) provides a sense of identity to the project team and raises the visibility of the project within the organization. Creating a newsletter is simply applying another organizational process asset, which typically has proven ineffective. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 277

The project team directory is an output from which of the following processes?

a. Develop project team
b. Acquire project team
c. Develop human resource management plan
d. Manage project team

b. Acquire project team

The project team directory is part of project staff assignments, an output from the acquire project team process. Other outputs are resource calendars and updates to the project management plan. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 272

You realize that leadership without management or management without leadership probably will produce poor project results. Which one of the following key responsibilities best represents project leadership?
a. Developing a vision and strategy, and motivating people to achieve them
b. Getting things done through other people
c. Using charismatic power to motivate others even if they do not like the work
d. Using all types of power, as appropriate, as motivational tools

d. Developing a vision and strategy, and motivating people to achieve them

Leadership involves developing a vision of the future and strategies to achieve that vision, positioning people to carry out the vision, and helping people energize themselves to overcome any barriers to change. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 284, 513–514

Given that you are neighbors, you and the CEO of your company have established a friendly personal relationship. Recently your company appointed you project manager for a new project that is crucial to achieving next year’s financial targets. Which type of power available to project managers might you be able to rely upon?

a. Referent
b. Reward
c. Formal
d. Expert

a. Referent

Referent power is based on a less powerful person’s identification with a more powerful person. This type of power is useful in terms of persuasion and helps the project manager exert influence over individuals from whom he or she needs support. [Planning]
Adams et al., 1997, 174–180
Levin, 2010, 162–163

You have been a project manager for seven years. You now are managing the construction of a new facility that must comply with the government’s newly issued environmental standards. You want to ensure that your team members are able to select methods to complete various activities on the project without needing to involve you in each situation. As you prepare your human resource management plan, you should document this information in which of the following—

a. Roles and responsibilities section
b. Resource assignment matrix
c. Resource breakdown structure
d. Staffing management plan

a. Roles and responsibilities section

Authority refers to the right to apply project resources, make decisions, and sign approvals. Examples include selecting methods to complete activities, quality acceptance, and responding to variances in the project. The individual authority of each team member should match their individual responsibilities. This is documented in the roles and responsibilities section in the human resource management plan. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 264

It is important on all projects to determine when and how human resources will be met. Assume that you are managing a project to assess methods for streamlining the regulatory approval process for new medical devices in your government agency. Because the agency has undergone downsizing during the past three years, subject matter experts are in short supply. You must determine whether the needed subject matter experts can be acquired from inside the agency or whether you must use contractors. This information should be documented in the—

a. Make-or-buy decisions in the procurement management plan
b. Contracts management plan
c. Staffing management plan
d. Resource management plan

c. Staffing management plan

The staffing management plan is part of the human resource management plan. One section of it involves staff acquisition. Among other things, this section includes whether the human resources will come from within the organization or from external, contracted sources. These data then help to plan the acquisition of project team members. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 265

In both the weak and strong matrix organizational structures, the primary condition leading to conflict is—

a. Communication barriers
b. Conflicting interests
c. Need for consensus
d. Ambiguous jurisdictions

d. Ambiguous jurisdictions

Ambiguous jurisdictions exist when two or more parties have related responsibilities, but their work boundaries and role definitions are unclear. This situation is found frequently in weak and strong matrix organizations because of the “two-boss” concept. [Executing]
Filley 1975, 9
Meredith and Mantel, 2012, 148–151
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 23

As project manager, you are primarily responsible for implementing the project management plan by authorizing the execution of project activities. Because you do not work in a projectized organization, you do not have direct access to human resource administrative activities. Therefore you need to—

a. Outsource these functions
b. Prepare a project team charter that is signed off by a member of the human resources department to delineate responsibilities
c. Ensure that your team is sufficiently aware of administrative requirements to ensure compliance
d. Ask the head of human resources to approve your project human resource plan personally

c. Ensure that your team is sufficiently aware of administrative requirements to ensure compliance

A projectized work environment is unusual because project managers rarely have every function under their control. But compliance with administrative requirements, government regulations, union contract provisions, and other constraints is a consideration in human resource management. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 22, 267

Constant bickering, absenteeism, and substandard performance have characterized the behavior of certain members of your team. You have planned an off-site retreat for the team to engage in a variety of activities. Your primary objective for investing time and money in this event is to improve—

a. Team performance
b. Morale
c. Quality
d. Individual performance

a. Team performance

Team development leads to improved team performance, which ultimately results in improved project performance. Improvements in team performance can come from many sources and can affect many areas of project performance. For example, improved individual skill levels such as enhanced technical competence may enable team members to perform their assigned activities more effectively. Team development efforts have greater benefit when conducted early but should take place throughout the project life cycle. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 274, 278

Two team members on your project often disagree. You need a conflict resolution method that provides a long-term resolution. You decide to use which one of the following approaches?

a. Confronting
b. Problem solving
c. Collaborating
d. Smoothing

c. Collaborating

Collaborating or problem solving is an effective technique for managing conflict when a project is too important to be compromised. It involves incorporating multiple ideas and viewpoints from people with different perspectives and offers a good opportunity to learn from others. It provides a long-term resolution. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 283, 518
Verma 1996, 119–120

Which of the following is an enterprise environmental factor that may influence the development of the human resource management plan?

a. The organizational structure of the performing organization
b. Poor communication among team members
c. Ambiguous staffing requirements
d. Team morale

a. The organizational structure of the performing organization

Enterprise environmental factors can influence the develop human resource management plan process. The organizational structure of the performing organization determines whether the project manager’s role is a strong one (as in a strong matrix) or a weak one (as in a weak matrix). Other examples of enterprise environmental factors are the organization’s culture, geographic dispersion of team members, existing human resources, personnel administration functions, and marketplace conditions. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 260

As a project manager, you believe in using a “personal touch” to further team development. One approach that has proven effective toward this goal is—

a. Creating a team name
b. Providing flexible work time
c. Issuing a project charter
d. Celebrating special occasions

d. Celebrating special occasions

Project managers can show interest in their team members by celebrating occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries with the organization, and special achievements. Other approaches include being supportive, being clear, learning some information about each team member, and being accessible. Through observation and conversation, the project management team monitors indicators such as progress toward project deliverables, accomplishments that are a source of pride for team members, and interpersonal issues. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 277, 282, 514

Your project has been under way for some time, but indicators show that it is in trouble. You have observed all the following symptoms of poor teamwork in your project team EXCEPT—

a. Frustration
b. Excessive meetings
c. Lack of trust or confidence in the project manager
d. Unproductive meetings

b. Excessive meetings

The problem is not too many meetings, but unproductive ones. The purpose of project meetings is to focus the skills and resources of the project team on project performance. Meetings that are considered “gripe sessions” or a time for the project manager to “lay down the law” are demoralizing to the team. [Executing]
Adams et al. 1997, 131
Meredith and Mantel, 2012, 448–449

You are the project manager for a two-year project that is now beginning its second year. The mix of team members has changed, and there is confusion as to roles and responsibilities. In addition, several of the completed work packages have not received the required sign-offs, and three work packages are five weeks behind schedule. To gain control of this project, you need to—

a. Rebaseline your original human resource plan with current resource requirements
b. Change to a projectized organizational structure for maximum control over resource assignments
c. Work with your team to prepare a responsibility assignment matrix
d. Create a new division of labor by assigning technical leads to the most critical activities

c. Work with your team to prepare a responsibility assignment matrix

The responsibility assignment matrix defines project roles and responsibilities in terms of work packages and activities. It can be used to show who is a participant, who is accountable, who handles review, who provides input, and who must sign off on specific work packages or project phases. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 262

You are part of a team that is working to develop a new medical implant device. Your project manager is an expert in medical implantation devices, yet he continually seeks opinions from the team about a wide variety of project and product issues. Team members often run project meetings while he sits silently at the head of the table. Which one of the following best characterizes his leadership style?

a. Laissez-faire
b. Team directed
c. Collaborative
d. Shared leadership

d. Shared leadership

Shared leadership is more than participatory management or collaboration; it involves letting the project team take over as much of the leadership role as it will accept. [Executing]
Verma 1997, 159
Kerzner, 2009, 224
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 294, 513–514

The major difference between the project coordinator and project expeditor forms of organization is that—

a. Strong commitment to the project usually does not exist in the project expeditor form of organization
b. The project coordinator cannot personally make or enforce decisions
c. The project expeditor acts only as an intermediary between management and the project team
d. The project coordinator reports to a higher-level manager in the organization

d. The project coordinator reports to a higher-level manager in the organization

The relative position of the project coordinator in the organization is thought to lead to an increased level of authority and responsibility. [Executing]
Adams et al. 1997, 15–17
Verma 1995, 153–156
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 23

Which one of the following represents a constraint on the acquire project team process?

a. Preassignment of staff to the project
b. Recruitment practices of the organizations involved
c. Use of outsourcing
d. Team member training requirements

b. Recruitment practices of the organizations involved

Staff assignments in organizations are governed by the policies, procedures, or guidelines of individual components. These policies will constrain the project manager’s actions in acquiring a project team. The more familiar the project manager is with such policies, the easier it will be for him/her to assemble a team. Such recruitment practices are examples of personnel administration policies; an enterprise environmental factor, which is an input to acquire project team. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 268

According to Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory, when achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement, or promotion, are not present, employees will—

a. Become alienated with the organization and leave
b. Lack motivation but will not be dissatisfied with their work
c. Lack motivation and become dissatisfied with their work
d. Become dissatisfied only if they do not receive salary increases

c. Lack motivation and become dissatisfied with their work

Herzberg advanced the theory that hygiene factors, such as the poor attitude of a supervisor, lead to dissatisfaction but not usually to decreased motivation. When motivators, such as responsibility and recognition, are lacking, they lead to job dissatisfaction, but when such motivators are present, they tend to motivate a person in the performance of his or her work. [Executing]
Verma 1996, 64–65
Kerzner, 2009, 196
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 263

Objectives for conducting performance appraisals during the course of a project can include all the following EXCEPT—

a. Initial establishment of roles and responsibilities
b. Discovery of unknown and unresolved issues
c. Development of individual training plans
d. Establishment of goals for future time periods

a. Initial establishment of roles and responsibilities

Project performance appraisals are a tool and technique for the manage project team process and are used, among other objectives, to reclarify roles and responsibilities. It is critical that team members receive positive feedback in what might otherwise be a hectic environment. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 282

Your organization is adopting a project-based approach to business, which has been difficult. Although project teams have been created, they are little more than a collection of functional and technical experts who focus on their specialties. You are managing the company’s most important project. As you begin this project, you must place a high priority on—

a. Creating an effective team
b. Identifying the resources needed to finish the project on time
c. The best way to communicate status to the CEO
d. Establishing firm project requirements

a. Creating an effective team

An effective team is critical to project success, but such a team is not born spontaneously. In early project phases, it is vitally important for the project manager to place a high priority on initiating and implementing the team-building process. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 273–274
Verma 1997, 137

In organizing a project, a project manager must deal with conflict. Which statement is TRUE regarding conflict in projects?

a. A matrix form of organization can produce a lack of clear role definitions and lead to ambiguous jurisdictions between and among functional leaders and project managers
b. Sources of conflict include project priorities, PERT/CPM schedules, contract administrative procedures, and type of contract
c. Conflict is to be avoided whenever possible
d. Strong matrix project managers have few human resource conflicts, because they can dictate their needs to functional managers

a. A matrix form of organization can produce a lack of clear role definitions and lead to ambiguous jurisdictions between and among functional leaders and project managers

Matrix management is useful but complex, involving difficult communication because of the use of borrowed and often part-time resources who are spread throughout the organization. [Executing]
Adams et al. 1997, 189–194
PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 22–23

The chances for successful completion of a multidisciplinary project are increased if project team members are—

a. Problem oriented
b. Politically sensitive to top management’s needs
c. Focused on individual project activities
d. Focused on customer demands

a. Problem oriented

Problem-oriented people tend to learn and use whatever problem-solving techniques appear helpful. Although the project manager must be politically sensitive, team members need not have developed this skill to the extent required of the project manager; and rather than focusing on individual activities, team members should take a systems approach focusing on the entire project. [Executing]
Meredith and Mantel 2012, 102–103

The terms strong matrix, balanced matrix, and weak matrix when applied to the matrix structure in project organization refer to the—

a. Ability of the organization to achieve its goals
b. Physical proximity of project team members to one another and to the project manager
c. Degree of the project manager’s authority
d. Degree to which team members bond together

c. Degree of the project manager’s authority

In a strong matrix organization, the balance of power shifts toward the project manager. In a weak matrix organization, the balance of power shifts toward the functional or line manager. [Planning]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 22

The key way for a project manager to promote optimum team performance in project teams whose members are not collocated is to—

a. Build trust
b. Establish a reward and recognition system
c. Obtain the support of the functional managers in the other locations
d. Exercise his or her right to control all aspects of the project

a. Build trust

Team members who are physically separate from one another tend not to know each other well. They have few opportunities to develop trust in the traditional way, and they tend to communicate poorly with one another. Trust then must become the foundation upon which all team-building activities are built. [Executing]
PMI®, PMBOK® Guide, 2013, 271, 517–518

Hierarchical-type charts are a tool and technique for use in human resource planning. Which one of the following is helpful in tracking project costs and can be aligned with the organization’s accounting system?

Which of the following best describes the role of the project manager?

The role of the project manager is limited to Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing a project.

What are the 4 main roles of a project manager?

Specific responsibilities of the project manager managing the production of the required deliverables. planning and monitoring the project. adopting any delegation and use of project assurance roles within agreed reporting structures. preparing and maintaining project, stage and exception plans as required.

Which one of the following best describes project management?

Application of processes and methods throughout the project life cycle.

What is the role of a project manager quizlet?

The project manager is the person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives. Relationship skills involving the development of extensive networks of people throughout the project manager's spheres of influence.