Which of the following statements by the graduate nurse shows an understanding of reality shock as it applies to nursing?

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The honeymoon phase for the new graduate nurse is short lived when the graduate identifies the conflicts between the way she or he was taught and the reality of what is done. Shock and rejection cause mental and emotional withdrawal, moral outrage, and a hypercritical attitude, which are just some of the symptoms of the realization that the honeymoon is over. Excessive mistrust, frequent pains and illness, a decrease in energy and fatigue, feeling like a failure and blaming oneself for every mistake, a hypercritical attitude, and feeling morally outraged are characteristics of the shock and rejection phase. The recovery phase is characterized by a beginning sense of humor (usually the first sigh), a decrease in tension, and an increase in the ability to cope with the situations that he/she is faced with. Role transformation is the process of transforming from student to nurse.

Sets with similar terms

What is reality shock in nursing?

Reality shock is the reaction of new graduate nurses when they discover that the work situation that they have prepared for does not exactly operate within the values and ideals they had anticipated.

Which statement by the new graduate shows an understanding of the nursing journey ahead?

The new graduate has an understanding of the nursing journey ahead when stating: "I know that I will make some mistakes, but I will learn and grow from them."

What occurs in the honeymoon phase of reality shock?

The honeymoon phase is a period of excitement and seeing the world through 'rose colored glasses,' new graduates are very excited to be joining the profession and eager to learn as much as possible.