Which of the following statements describes the anti black race riots that occurred in cities in the early 20th century quizlet?

"When I first saw Yosemite, and read the notices posted by the State Commissioners, forbidding the cutting or marring the beauty in any way of the trees and shrubs, etc., I said, 'How fine it is that this grand valley has been made a park, for the enjoyment of all the world! Here we shall have a section of the wonderful flora of the mountains of California....' But instead of enjoying special protection...it has suffered special destruction, for lack of the extraordinary care that so much trampling travel in it required. Therefore, now, instead of being most preciously cared for as the finest of all the park-gardens, it looks like a frowzy, neglected backwoods pasture. The best meadows are enclosed for hay-fields by unsightly fences, and all the rest of the floor of the valley is given up to the destructive pasturage of horses."

The point of view expressed in the passage above is most consistent with the sentiments of which of the following groups?

"When I first saw Yosemite, and read the notices posted by the State Commissioners, forbidding the cutting or marring the beauty in any way of the trees and shrubs, etc., I said, 'How fine it is that this grand valley has been made a park, for the enjoyment of all the world! Here we shall have a section of the wonderful flora of the mountains of California....' But instead of enjoying special protection...it has suffered special destruction, for lack of the extraordinary care that so much trampling travel in it required. Therefore, now, instead of being most preciously cared for as the finest of all the park-gardens, it looks like a frowzy, neglected backwoods pasture. The best meadows are enclosed for hay-fields by unsightly fences, and all the rest of the floor of the valley is given up to the destructive pasturage of horses."

Which of the following most often stood in the way of attempts to achieve the broader goals suggested in the excerpt above?

"Question: Is there any difference between the conditions under which machinery is made now and those which existed ten years ago?Answer:...Well, the trade has been subdivided and those subdivisions have been again subdivided, so a man never learns the machinist trade now....In fact, through this system of work, 100 men are able to do now what it took 300 to 400 men to do fifteen years ago. By the use of machinery and the subdivisions of the trade they so simplify the work that it is made a great deal easier and put together a great deal faster. There is no system of apprenticeship, I may say, in the business. You simply go in and learn whatever branch you are put at, and you stay at that unless you are changed to another...."
Testimony of machinist John Morrison to a U.S. Senate committee, 1883Report of the Committee of the Senate upon the Relations between Labor and Capital, 48th Cong. (1885), 755-59.

The quote above illustrates growing unrest between

Sets with similar terms

Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's attitude toward the muckrakers?

a. Admiring them, Roosevelt urged the muckrakers on by exclaiming, "Bully!"
b. Appalled, he dismissed them as muckrakers who overemphasized America's negative aspects.
c. Inspired, he declared that their stories "gripped my heart until I felt I must tell of them, or burst, or turn anarchist."
d. Impressed, Roosevelt commended the muckrakers for being good followers of
his own progressive principles.