Which of the following statements describes the reason you would want to record a macro with absolute references rather than relative?

Which feature enables you to preview headers and footers, page breaks, and other features that will print?

a. Page Layout
b. Print Layout
c. Synchronous Scrolling
d. ScreenTips

Which of the following can you drag or double-click to change the width of a column?

a. Cell pointer
b. Column marker
c. Fill handle
d. Formula bar

Which of the following is where you can save, select a template, change document properties, and close or exit Excel?

a. Backstage
b. Print
c. Edit
d. Windows

To change printer, layout, or margin settings, you click the File tab and use which of the following options?

a. Info
b. Options
c. Print
d. Open

Which of the following is not an arithmetic operator?

a. +
b. −
c. *
d. ]

Which of the following is an acceptable name for a named range?

a. C7
b. subtotal_west
c. subtotal west
d. subtotal/west

Which of the following is an example of an absolute cell reference?

a. A9
b. A$9
c. $A$9
d. A9:E9

Which of the following is an example of a mixed cell reference?

a. A9
b. A$9
c. $A$9
d. A9:E9

Which of the following calculates the total from the adjacent cell through the first nonnumeric cell by default, using the SUM function in its formula?

b. AutoSum
d. MAX

You want to add a range of cells and then divide by the number of cell entries, determining the mean value of all values in the range. Which function should be used?

a. MIN
d. MAX

The COUNT and MIN functions are examples of which category of functions?

a. text
b. statistical
c. financial
d. logical

Which of the following can you not copy using Format Painter?

a. Font color
b. Bold
c. Font size
d. Cell content

You don’t like the cell style you just applied. Which of the following is the least effective way to remove or replace the style?

a. Apply another style to the cell.
b. Use the Undo command.
c. Clear the cell’s content.
d. Apply the Normal style to the cell.

c. Clear the cell’s content.

Which of the following statements about hidden and unhidden worksheets is correct?

a. Unhidden worksheets cannot contain formulas that refer to hidden worksheets.
b. When you click Find All, the Find and Replace dialog box will show matched contents within hidden worksheets as well as unhidden ones.
c. A hidden worksheet cannot be inadvertently deleted.
d. Excel creates a minimized window for each hidden worksheet.

c. A hidden worksheet cannot be inadvertently deleted.

Which of the following steps is not a method for inserting a worksheet into a workbook?

a. Click the Insert sheet (+) button to the right of the worksheet tabs.
b. On the Home tab, click Insert and then click Insert Sheet.
c. On the Insert tab, click Worksheet.
d. In the Insert dialog box, click Worksheet and then click OK.

b. On the Home tab, click Insert and then click Insert Sheet.

In order for you to freeze the first column of a worksheet into a frozen pane:

a. The entire contents of the column must be visible.
b. The first row of the column must be non-blank.
c. Duplicate worksheets must also be able to have their first columns frozen.
d. You can click Freeze First Column in the Freeze Panes menu.

c. Duplicate worksheets must also be able to have their first columns frozen.

Which of the following procedures is not a way to sort a table by the contents of one column?

a. Click the Sort button in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab.
b. Click an AutoFilter button in the total row.
c. Click an AutoFilter button in the field names row.
d. Click the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab.

b. Click an AutoFilter button in the total row.

Which of the following is a valid reason for converting a table to a range?

a. To clear the sorting criteria and start over.
b. To prepare for deleting a column.
c. To prepare for importing new data from a non-Excel file.
d. To prepare to change its conditional formatting.

c. To prepare for importing new data from a non-Excel file.

Which of the following statements describes the difference between an Auto Outlined worksheet and a worksheet with multiple groups?

a. There is no difference between an Auto Outlined worksheet and a worksheet with multiple groups.
b. Only an Auto Outlined worksheet may contain total rows.
c. An Auto Outlined worksheet contains only one button for collapsing and expanding.
d. Only a multi-grouped worksheet can cluster rows and columns.

a. There is no difference between an Auto Outlined worksheet and a worksheet with multiple groups.

Which of the following is a correct reference to the cell in the Total Sale column on the rightmost side of a table called Auction Items?

a. Table[Auction Items(Total Sale)]
b. Auction Items(Total Sale)
c. Auction Items[#Totals]
d. #Totals[Total Sale]

c. Auction Items[#Totals]

Which of the following procedures is not a way to filter a table by the contents of one column?

a. Click the criterion button on the slicer.
b. Right-click the cell whose contents you want for the criterion and click Filter in the menu.
c. Click the Filter button in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab.
d. Click the AutoFilter button in the total row at the bottom.

d. Click the AutoFilter button in the total row at the bottom.

Which of the following attributes is not a potential criterion for an AutoFilter sort?

a. Font color
b. Font style
c. Cell color
d. Cell icon

Which of the following statements describes the difference between an AutoFiltered range of records in a list and a table?

a. There is no difference between an AutoFiltered range of records in a list and a table.
b. A table maintains its sort order after you close and then open it again.
c. A table given a title enables its field names to be used in formulas in place of cell references.
d. A table enables special subtotal functions for total rows.

c. A table given a title enables its field names to be used in formulas in place of cell references.

Which of the following characters would not appear on an outline symbol or control for grouped or outlined data?

a. +
b. @
c. 2
d. –

Which of the following statements describes the reason you would want to record a macro with absolute references rather than relative references?

a. You want to preserve the integrity of any cells referenced by formulas in the macro.
b. You want the values of any cells copied to the macro to be accurate.
c. You want the results of any formulas produced by the macro to be accurate.
d. You want the macro to reproduce its results in the same place each time.

d. You want the macro to reproduce its results in the same place each time.

Which of the following does Excel not provide features for importing data?

a. An active database
b. A Web page
c. A Web search
d. An XML file

Which of the following functions automatically counts cells that meet multiple


Which of the following functions automatically counts cells that meet a specific condition?


In the formula =SUMIFS(C5:C16, F5:F16, “<=60”, B5:B16, “>200000”), which of the following is the range of cells to be added?

a. =C5:C16
b. =F5:F16
c. =B5:B16
d. =C5:F16

Which of the following functions returns one value if a condition is true and a different value when the condition is not true?

a. AND
b. OR
c. IF
d. SUM

Which of the following functions returns a value if all conditions are met?

a. AND
b. OR
c. IF
d. SUM

Which of the following functions searches for a value in the first column of Table array and returns a value in the same row from Col_index_num?

c. MID

Which of the following functions converts text from uppercase to title case?


Which of the following functions joins two or more text strings into a single text string?

a. AND
b. MID

Adding, deleting, and viewing comments are performed from the commands on which ribbon tab?

a. Comments
b. Review
c. File
d. View

The Protect Workbook button is on which ribbon tab?

a. Comments
b. Review
c. File
d. View

Which of the following is not an option in the Comments group?

a. New Comment
b. Delete
c. Track Changes
d. Edit Comment

Which of the following cannot be used to turn on track changes?

a. The Track Changes button
b. The Share Workbook button
c. The Protect Sheet button
d. The Protect and Share Workbook button

c. The Protect Sheet button

Which of the following is not on the Review tab?

a. Track Changes button
b. Share Workbook button
c. Protect Cells button
d. Protect and Share Workbook button

Which of the following functions allows you to have Excel place a random number between 10000 and 99999 in a cell?

a. RAND()
b. RANDBETWEEN(10000,99999)
c. BYCHANCE(10000,99999)
d. RANDOM(10000,99999)

b. RANDBETWEEN(10000,99999)

Which of the following actions cannot be performed with comments?

a. You can format the text using a different color.
b. You can change the background comment box color.
c. You can prevent the disclosure of the name of the user who made the comment.
d. You can hide the comment.

b. You can change the background comment box color.

Which chart type appears on a worksheet with other data?

a. Chart sheet
b. Embedded
c. PivotChart
d. Mixed

Which part of a chart do you click when you want to select the entire chart?

a. Chart area
b. Plot area
c. Chart title
d. Legend

Which of the following is not found in the Illustrations group on the Insert tab?

a. WordArt
b. Shapes
c. Online Pictures
d. SmartArt

The Crop tool is found on which of the following ribbon tabs?

a. Drawing Tools Format
b. Insert
c. Picture Tools Format
d. Home

Which of the following statements describes the difference between auto filtered range of records in a list and a table?

Which of the following statements describes the difference between an AutoFiltered range of records in a list and a table? There is no difference between an AutoFiltered range of records in a list and a table. A table maintains its sort order after you close and then open it again.

Which of the following statements describes a reason as to why you would need to copy a worksheet within a workbook?

Which of the following statements describes a reason as to why you would need to copy a worksheet within a workbook? It lets you reuse formats and formulas in a new sheet.

Which of the following functions automatically counts cells that meet a specific condition?

The COUNTIF Function[1] will count the number of cells that meet a specific criterion.

Which of the following functions returns one value if a condition is true and different value when the condition is not true?

Syntax. Use the IF function, one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false.