Which of the following statements is most consistent with the phylogenetic tree shown?

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A group of students summarized information on five great extinction events.

The figure shows a table with 3 columns and 6 rows. The top row contains the labels from left to right: column one, Mass Extinction; column two, Time of Extinction; column three, Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Mass Extinction: End of the Ordovician period; Time of Extinction: four hundred forty-three million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Trilobites, brachiopods, echinoderms, and corals. Row three: Mass Extinction: End of the Devonian period; Time of Extinction: three hundred fifty-four million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Marine families on tropical reefs, corals, brachiopods, and bivalves. Row four: Mass Extinction: End of the Permian period; Time of Extinction: two hundred forty-eight million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Trilobites, mollusks, brachiopods, and many vertebrates. Row five: Mass Extinction: End of the Triassic period; Time of Extinction: two hundred six million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Mollusks, sponges, marine vertebrates, and large amphibians. Row six: Mass Extinction: End of the Cretaceous period; Time of Extinction: sixty five million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Ammonites, dinosaurs, brachiopods, bivalves, and echinoderms.

The students are sampling a site in search of fossils from the Devonian period. Based on the chart, which of the following would be the most reasonable plan for the students to follow?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Which of the following best explains the differences in the armor of the Lake Washington stickleback population summarized in Figure 1 ?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Prior to 1960, Lake Washington was highly polluted and underwater visibility was limited to one or two meters. In the late 1960s, a large cleanup effort reduced pollution, resulting in visibility that increased to six to seven meters by 1976. Which of the following best explains how the change in underwater visibility affected armor plating in Lake Washington sticklebacks between 1957 and 1976?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Evolution of a new trait typically takes many generations. Yet a dramatic shift in the extent of armor plating in the Lake Washington stickleback population occurred in the 50 years following the cleanup of the lake. Which of the following best describes the mechanism of the rapid evolution of the armor phenotype in the Lake Washington sticklebacks?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


The phylogenetic trees in Figures 2 and 3 depict two different phylogenies of the same populations of sticklebacks. Which of the following questions will best help determine which tree represents the most accurate phylogeny?

Rhagoletis pomonella is a parasitic fly native to North America that infests fruit trees. The female fly lays her
eggs in the fruit. The larvae hatch and burrow through the developing fruit. The next year, the adult flies emerge.

Prior to the European colonization of North America, the major host of Rhagoletis was a native species of
hawthorn, Crataegus marshallii. The domestic apple tree, Malus domestica, is not native to North America, but was
imported by European settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

When apple trees were first imported into North America, there was no evidence that Rhagoletis could use them
as hosts. Apples set fruit earlier in the season and develop faster, where hawthorns set later and develop more

Recent analysis of Rhagoletis populations has shown that two distinct populations of flies have evolved from the
original ancestral population of flies that were parasitic on hawthorns. One population infests only apple trees, and
the other infests only hawthorns. The life cycles of both fly populations are coordinated with those of their host trees.
The flies of each population apparently can distinguish and select mates with similar host preferences and reject
mates from the population specific to the other host tree. There is very little hybridization (only about 5 percent)
between the two groups.

Initially, which of the following isolating
mechanisms is likely to have been the most
important in preventing gene flow between
the two populations of Rhagoletis?

Rhagoletis pomonella is a parasitic fly native to North America that infests fruit trees. The female fly lays her
eggs in the fruit. The larvae hatch and burrow through the developing fruit. The next year, the adult flies emerge.

Prior to the European colonization of North America, the major host of Rhagoletis was a native species of
hawthorn, Crataegus marshallii. The domestic apple tree, Malus domestica, is not native to North America, but was
imported by European settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

When apple trees were first imported into North America, there was no evidence that Rhagoletis could use them
as hosts. Apples set fruit earlier in the season and develop faster, where hawthorns set later and develop more

Recent analysis of Rhagoletis populations has shown that two distinct populations of flies have evolved from the
original ancestral population of flies that were parasitic on hawthorns. One population infests only apple trees, and
the other infests only hawthorns. The life cycles of both fly populations are coordinated with those of their host trees.
The flies of each population apparently can distinguish and select mates with similar host preferences and reject
mates from the population specific to the other host tree. There is very little hybridization (only about 5 percent)
between the two groups.

Matings between individuals from the
two populations of Rhagoletis produce hybrid
flies that appear to be healthy and have normal
life spans. The eggs laid by these hybrid flies,
however, hatch less often than those of flies from
either of the two populations. What isolating
mechanism seems to be important in this hybrid

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.

The figure shows a table with 2 columns and 9 rows. The top row contains the column labels: column one: Species Compares; column two: Number of Differences. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Species Compared, Humans dash Chimpanzees; Number of Differences, zero. Row three: Species Compared, Humans dash Rhesus monkeys; Number of Differences, one. Row four: Species Compared, Humans dash Horses or donkeys; Number of Differences, seven. Row five: Species Compared, Humans dash Cows or pigs or sheep; Number of Differences, seven. Row six: Species Compared, Humans dash Rabbits; Number of Differences, seven. Row seven: Species Compared, Mammals dash Birds and reptiles; Number of Differences, ten dash fifteen. Row eight: Species Compared, Mammals das Fish; Number of Differences, eighteen dash twenty. Row nine: Species Compared, Animals dash Plants; Number of Differences, forty-five dash forty-eight.

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.


Interpretation of the data supports which of the following statements?

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.

The figure shows a table with 2 columns and 9 rows. The top row contains the column labels: column one: Species Compares; column two: Number of Differences. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Species Compared, Humans dash Chimpanzees; Number of Differences, zero. Row three: Species Compared, Humans dash Rhesus monkeys; Number of Differences, one. Row four: Species Compared, Humans dash Horses or donkeys; Number of Differences, seven. Row five: Species Compared, Humans dash Cows or pigs or sheep; Number of Differences, seven. Row six: Species Compared, Humans dash Rabbits; Number of Differences, seven. Row seven: Species Compared, Mammals dash Birds and reptiles; Number of Differences, ten dash fifteen. Row eight: Species Compared, Mammals das Fish; Number of Differences, eighteen dash twenty. Row nine: Species Compared, Animals dash Plants; Number of Differences, forty-five dash forty-eight.

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.


Which of the following phylogenetic trees can be supported by the data?

A group of students summarized information on five great extinction events.

The figure shows a table with 3 columns and 6 rows. The top row contains the labels from left to right: column one, Mass Extinction; column two, Time of Extinction; column three, Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Mass Extinction: End of the Ordovician period; Time of Extinction: four hundred forty-three million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Trilobites, brachiopods, echinoderms, and corals. Row three: Mass Extinction: End of the Devonian period; Time of Extinction: three hundred fifty-four million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Marine families on tropical reefs, corals, brachiopods, and bivalves. Row four: Mass Extinction: End of the Permian period; Time of Extinction: two hundred forty-eight million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Trilobites, mollusks, brachiopods, and many vertebrates. Row five: Mass Extinction: End of the Triassic period; Time of Extinction: two hundred six million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Mollusks, sponges, marine vertebrates, and large amphibians. Row six: Mass Extinction: End of the Cretaceous period; Time of Extinction: sixty five million years ago; Organisms Greatly Reduced or Made Extinct: Ammonites, dinosaurs, brachiopods, bivalves, and echinoderms.

The students are sampling a site in search of fossils from the Devonian period. Based on the chart, which of the following would be the most reasonable plan for the students to follow?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Which of the following best explains the differences in the armor of the Lake Washington stickleback population summarized in Figure 1 ?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Prior to 1960, Lake Washington was highly polluted and underwater visibility was limited to one or two meters. In the late 1960s, a large cleanup effort reduced pollution, resulting in visibility that increased to six to seven meters by 1976. Which of the following best explains how the change in underwater visibility affected armor plating in Lake Washington sticklebacks between 1957 and 1976?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


Evolution of a new trait typically takes many generations. Yet a dramatic shift in the extent of armor plating in the Lake Washington stickleback population occurred in the 50 years following the cleanup of the lake. Which of the following best describes the mechanism of the rapid evolution of the armor phenotype in the Lake Washington sticklebacks?

The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish found in both marine and freshwater environments. Marine stickleback populations consist mainly of individuals with armor-like plates covering most of their body surface (completely plated). Approximately 10,000 years ago, some marine sticklebacks colonized freshwater environments. After many generations in the freshwater environments, the freshwater stickleback populations lacked the armor plating (low plated) typical of marine stickleback populations.

Over the period between 1957 and 2005, one freshwater population, in Lake Washington, a lake in a coastal region of the northwestern United States, changed from having a majority of individuals of the low-plated phenotype to having more individuals of the completely-plated phenotype than of the low-plated phenotype. Figure 1 shows the distribution of plated phenotypes in Lake Washington sticklebacks at four time points between 1957 and 2005.


A single gene, ectodysplasin (EDA), is thought to be responsible for the variation in the number of armor plates in sticklebacks. Figure 2 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing DNA sequences of the EDA gene from a number of stickleback populations with low-plated or completely plated phenotypes. Figure 3 shows a phylogenetic tree constructed by comparing the sequences of 25 genes that were randomly selected from the same populations as shown in Figure 2. In both figures, shaded populations display the completely plated phenotype.


The phylogenetic trees in Figures 2 and 3 depict two different phylogenies of the same populations of sticklebacks. Which of the following questions will best help determine which tree represents the most accurate phylogeny?

Rhagoletis pomonella is a parasitic fly native to North America that infests fruit trees. The female fly lays her
eggs in the fruit. The larvae hatch and burrow through the developing fruit. The next year, the adult flies emerge.

Prior to the European colonization of North America, the major host of Rhagoletis was a native species of
hawthorn, Crataegus marshallii. The domestic apple tree, Malus domestica, is not native to North America, but was
imported by European settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

When apple trees were first imported into North America, there was no evidence that Rhagoletis could use them
as hosts. Apples set fruit earlier in the season and develop faster, where hawthorns set later and develop more

Recent analysis of Rhagoletis populations has shown that two distinct populations of flies have evolved from the
original ancestral population of flies that were parasitic on hawthorns. One population infests only apple trees, and
the other infests only hawthorns. The life cycles of both fly populations are coordinated with those of their host trees.
The flies of each population apparently can distinguish and select mates with similar host preferences and reject
mates from the population specific to the other host tree. There is very little hybridization (only about 5 percent)
between the two groups.

Initially, which of the following isolating
mechanisms is likely to have been the most
important in preventing gene flow between
the two populations of Rhagoletis?

Rhagoletis pomonella is a parasitic fly native to North America that infests fruit trees. The female fly lays her
eggs in the fruit. The larvae hatch and burrow through the developing fruit. The next year, the adult flies emerge.

Prior to the European colonization of North America, the major host of Rhagoletis was a native species of
hawthorn, Crataegus marshallii. The domestic apple tree, Malus domestica, is not native to North America, but was
imported by European settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

When apple trees were first imported into North America, there was no evidence that Rhagoletis could use them
as hosts. Apples set fruit earlier in the season and develop faster, where hawthorns set later and develop more

Recent analysis of Rhagoletis populations has shown that two distinct populations of flies have evolved from the
original ancestral population of flies that were parasitic on hawthorns. One population infests only apple trees, and
the other infests only hawthorns. The life cycles of both fly populations are coordinated with those of their host trees.
The flies of each population apparently can distinguish and select mates with similar host preferences and reject
mates from the population specific to the other host tree. There is very little hybridization (only about 5 percent)
between the two groups.

Matings between individuals from the
two populations of Rhagoletis produce hybrid
flies that appear to be healthy and have normal
life spans. The eggs laid by these hybrid flies,
however, hatch less often than those of flies from
either of the two populations. What isolating
mechanism seems to be important in this hybrid

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.

The figure shows a table with 2 columns and 9 rows. The top row contains the column labels: column one: Species Compares; column two: Number of Differences. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Species Compared, Humans dash Chimpanzees; Number of Differences, zero. Row three: Species Compared, Humans dash Rhesus monkeys; Number of Differences, one. Row four: Species Compared, Humans dash Horses or donkeys; Number of Differences, seven. Row five: Species Compared, Humans dash Cows or pigs or sheep; Number of Differences, seven. Row six: Species Compared, Humans dash Rabbits; Number of Differences, seven. Row seven: Species Compared, Mammals dash Birds and reptiles; Number of Differences, ten dash fifteen. Row eight: Species Compared, Mammals das Fish; Number of Differences, eighteen dash twenty. Row nine: Species Compared, Animals dash Plants; Number of Differences, forty-five dash forty-eight.

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.


Interpretation of the data supports which of the following statements?

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.

The figure shows a table with 2 columns and 9 rows. The top row contains the column labels: column one: Species Compares; column two: Number of Differences. From top to bottom, the data is as follows: Row two: Species Compared, Humans dash Chimpanzees; Number of Differences, zero. Row three: Species Compared, Humans dash Rhesus monkeys; Number of Differences, one. Row four: Species Compared, Humans dash Horses or donkeys; Number of Differences, seven. Row five: Species Compared, Humans dash Cows or pigs or sheep; Number of Differences, seven. Row six: Species Compared, Humans dash Rabbits; Number of Differences, seven. Row seven: Species Compared, Mammals dash Birds and reptiles; Number of Differences, ten dash fifteen. Row eight: Species Compared, Mammals das Fish; Number of Differences, eighteen dash twenty. Row nine: Species Compared, Animals dash Plants; Number of Differences, forty-five dash forty-eight.

A scientist used the amino acid sequence of cytochrome c in different species to consider evolutionary relationships.

The data below summarize the number of differences in the amino acid sequences of cytochrome c found in selected species.


Which of the following phylogenetic trees can be supported by the data?

Which of the following features would be used to construct a phylogenetic tree?

A phylogenetic tree may be built using morphological (body shape), biochemical, behavioral, or molecular features of species or other groups. In building a tree, we organize species into nested groups based on shared derived traits (traits different from those of the group's ancestor).

Which type of data provides the most accurate and reliable evidence to construct phylogenetic trees or Cladograms?

Molecular data typically provide more accurate and reliable evidence than morphological traits in the construction of phylogenetic trees or cladograms.

What type of event is usually associated with each branch on a phylogenetic tree?

Each branch point (also called an internal node) represents a divergence event, or splitting apart of a single group into two descendant groups. At each branch point lies the most recent common ancestor of all the groups descended from that branch point.

Which of the following best explains the mechanism that maintains reproductive isolation between goats and sheep?

Which of the following best explains the mechanism that maintains reproductive isolation between goats and sheep? Gene flow is prevented because the two species belong to different trophic levels and therefore do not share a food source. Habitat isolation creates a prezygotic barrier between the two species.