Which of the following statements is true about physical development throughout early adulthood quizlet?

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A Psychological Perspective Second Edition By Martha Lally and Suzanne Valentine-French

Terms in this set (56)

Which of the following describes the difference between the authority stage and the interpretative stage of parenthood?

parental role changes from creating rules and guiding behavior, to helping their children interpret their social experiences

Which of the following describes a global trend in marriage?

individuals are marrying later or not at all.

Which of the following is true about attachment styles?

they can change with time and experience

What does "emerging adulthood" describe?

a prolonged transition period into early adulthood

According to Levinson's theory, which of the following is the major source of motivation for young adults?

a mental image of the future

According to Erikson's theory, what does intimacy involve?

What does intimacy involve, according to Erikson's theory?

caring for another and sharing one's self

Which of the following skill sets have employers indicated that current college graduates might be lacking?

Which of the following have employers suggested may be lacking from current college graduates?

Professionalism and work ethic

With all races combined, how does the college graduation rate compare between men and women?

How does the college graduation rate compare between men and women, when race is not considered?

women are slightly more likely to have graduated from college than men

What does dialectical thought involve?

synthesizing viewpoints to create new ideas

What is the defining characteristic of formal operational thought?

What is a key feature of formal operational thought?

the ability to think abstractly

Abstract Thinking

What is the most common male factor in infertility cases?
What is most likely to facilitate infertility in men?

low sperm production

Which of the following risky behaviors has been identified as a key influence on the occurrence of violent deaths in early adulthood?

substance abuse

Which of the following is a major risk associated with weight gain during early to middle adulthood?

Weight gain during early- to middle adulthood has been found to be most closely associated with which type of health concern?

Chronic Disease

When Cece graduates from high school, she's determined to take all of the required classes to become an occupational therapist. Which developmental task is Cece fulfilling?

establishing a career

According to Havighurst (1972), one of the key developmental tasks of early adulthood is

achieving autonomy

We learned about sexual responsiveness and reproduction in early adulthood in the United States today. It is true that:

many couples seeking infertility treatments pay most of the cost themselves

If Gabe, a 23-year old musician, is interested in seeking out a romantic partner and having a committed relationship, which developmental task is he beginning to fulfill?

finding intimacy

Which of the following accurately describes normal physical development during the early part of early adulthood (early twenties)?

reproductive system, motor ability, strength, and lung capacity are at their best

Postformal thought

Postformal thought is practical, realistic and more individualistic, but also characterized by understanding the complexities of various perspectives.

Compared to adolescents' formal operational thought, adults' postformal operational thought tends to:

be based more on practical experience

Some have proposed that adults may develop an advanced way of thinking called dialectical thinking. What characterizes dialectical thinking?

considering opposing ideas, bringing them together, and forming a new idea

Recent data on educational attainment in early adulthood show that:

More than half of 18-24 year olds graduating HS in 2017 enrolled in college in 2017

about 2/3 of 18-24 year olds graduating high school in 2017 were enrolled in college.

Based on what we have learned from research on the relationship between education and work, which one of the following statements is true?

On average, Americans 25 and older who have bachelor degrees or higher level degrees earn more money than their peers who do not haave the same level of education.

What is one way that postformal thought differs from formal thought?

it is more individualistic

According to Perry's scheme, what is the order of the progressive types of cognition that are prevalent during early adulthood?

Perry noted that over the course of students' college years, cognition tended to shift from DUALISM (absolute, black and white, right and wrong type of thinking) to MULTIPLICITY (recognizing that some problems are solvable and some answers are not yet known) to RELATIVISM (understanding the importance of the specific context of knowledge—it's all relative to other factors)

Which of the following describes the emphasis of most postformal thought theories?

Adults' ability to tolerate ambiguity, accept contradictions, and find new problems.

How does the dialectical thought of adulthood differ from the dichotomous thought of adolescence?

Which of the following describes a key difference between dialectical thought and dichotomous thought?for

It is more complex.

during adolescence, individuals tend to engage in a more simple form of thought, in which events, people, situations, etc. are viewed in dichotomous ways such as good or bad.

What general change has occurred since 1940 in the percent of the American population age 25 and older that has completed a high school or higher level of education?

It has increased.

Josh likes Morgan because he thinks that Morgan likes him. Which principle of attraction does this example best illustrate?


Bella is reading about Sternberg's triangular theory of love in class and she decides to apply this theory to figure out what kind of love relationship she has with her boyfriend. If Bella's assessment is accurate and her relationship includes intimacy, passion, and commitment, then what type of love is it?

Consummate Love involves intimacy, passion, and commitment

You and your friends are watching a movie together and one of the main characters keeps having the same problems in relationship after relationship. She wants to get closer to the other person but seems to scare him away. She gets angry that he's not meeting her needs and she's always afraid he's going to break up with her. Based on what you've learned about attachment theory in adulthood, you explain that:

Anxious-Resistant Attachment style includes wanting to get closer but fearing abandonment

Porter and Trinity are in 3rd grade together and sit next to each other every day at lunch.


Taylor and Aaron have been dating for 6 months and everything is going well, but they are not yet exclusive.


Jon met Shaquallah at a party and was instantly attracted to her.


Luciana and Jonte have lived together for 10 years and are best friends.


Marty and Suzy have been married for 50 years, but rarely talk and live on opposite sides of the house.


Dominic and Tara fell in love at first sight and got married two weeks later.


Based on the norms and trends in dating, cohabitation, and marriage in the United States, which one of the following statements is true?

The median age for marriage in the U.S is in the late 20s

Aniah and Devon are a married couple who live in the United States and they have just had a baby boy. Based on what you have been learning about parenting:

Aniah and Devon are in the nurturing stage of parenthood according to Galinksy

Janae and Elliot have a relationship in which physical attraction and sexual arousal are prevalent. According to Sternberg's theory of love, their relationship would be said to have a high level of which component of love?


Which of the following describes a current trend in cohabitation and marriage?

How has the prevalence of cohabitation and marriage changed in recent years?

Cohabitation has been increasing, but marriage has decreased

What are the three main categories of influences on parent behavior?

Parent characteristics ; child characteristics ; contextual and sociocultural characteristics

Which of the following describes a change that has occurred in recent times in regard to dating and going on dates?

Dates have become less formal

Which of the following attachment styles is characterized by a lack of involvement in one's intimate relationships, as well as an unwillingness to depend on others or be depended on?


"I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often, love partners want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being"

Which of the following is a key characteristic of emerging adulthood?


When an individual is committing to an occupation, further defining goals, and seeking intimate relationships, which of Levinson's stages is he/she in?

Which of the following themes is characteristic of Levinson's theory?

age 30 transition

What did Erikson suggest should be established before the intimacy vs. isolation crisis can be overcome successfully?


Which of the following racial groups had the highest percentage of individuals enrolled in college in October 2017, according to US Census data?


What is most likely to facilitate infertility in women?

ovulation disorder

What is the most common cause of death during early adulthood?

unintentional injury

Which of the following statements describes physical development during the stage of early adulthood?

it begins at peak but starts to decline

According to the developmental tasks described by Havighurst (1972), young adults may be starting to

form intimate relationships

Which of the following is a key influence on adult relationships, according to attachment theory?

styles of caregiving

Cynthia and Katie have a relationship that is high in physical attraction and sexual arousal. Which component of love would Sternberg's theory suggest is present in their relationship?


Which of the following describes the main point of Arnett's theory of emerging adulthood?

a new life stage has emerged between adolescence and adulthood

Which of the following themes is characteristic of Levinson's theory?

completing the age 30 transition

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What physical developments occur during early adulthood?

By the time we reach early adulthood, our physical maturation is complete, although our height and weight may increase slightly. Those in their early twenties are probably at the peak of their physiological development, including muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning.

What is early adulthood quizlet?

A transition that takes place from around 16-24. Young adulthood. Stage in around 20s and 30s.

Which of the following is the leading cause of death for individuals during early adulthood quizlet?

The leading cause of death during early adulthood is cancer.

Which of the following is a key characteristic of emerging adulthood quizlet?

Five features make emerging adulthood distinctive: identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood, and a sense of broad possibilities for the future.