Which of the following statements is true concerning planning in dynamic environments?

To grasp a technology, it's best to start with the basics. Take this brief cloud computing quiz to gauge your knowledge of providers, deployment models and other 101-level topics.

Cloud computing is a popular technology model in which a provider hosts IT resources and delivers them to users via a network connection.

Almost all cloud offerings provide self-service capabilities for end users, scalability to meet dynamic computing needs, resiliency to keep workloads running and pay-per-use pricing. Differences show up, however, in the numerous deployment models and services from which an enterprise can choose. A foundational knowledge of cloud computing helps enterprises to make informed adoption decisions.

Assess your knowledge of general cloud concepts with this brief cloud computing quiz.

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1.(单选题) The effect of planning on managers is that it forces them to ________. A、 generate higher profits B、anticipate and respond C、to change eliminate uncertainty D、 work at cross purposes

2.( 单 选 题 ) Which one of the following is true of the impact of formal planning on organizational performance? A、Formal planning is associated with positive financial results. B、 Organizations that formally plan invariably outperform those that don't plan. C、 The amount of planning done is more important to high performance than the quality of planning and implementation. D、 Companies can start seeing the impact of formal planning on performance about a year after starting the planning process.

3.( 单 选 题 ) When formal planning fails to lead to higher performance, which one of the following is most likely to be the reason for the failure? A、 A participative style of planning was used. B、 Managers were allowed too much autonomy. C、 The company emphasized the control function over other functions. D、 External forces constrain managers' options.

4.(单选题) Which aspect of planning refers to documents that outline how results are to be achieved? A、 goals B、 plans C、 objectives D、performance guidelines

5.(单选题) Goals are different from plans because ________. A、 goals identify specific steps that the organization needs to achieve, and plans identify the overall mission of the organization B、goals describe financial objectives, and plans describe objectives related to social responsibility C、 goals are important only for small companies, and plans are important only for large companies D、 goals are desired outcomes, and plans describe how those outcomes will be accomplished

6.(单选题) If top management set a goal that each store in the company should have sales equal to or greater than $100 per square foot per day, this would be an example of ________. A、 a strategic plan B、 a directional plan C、 a financial goal D、 a strategic goal

7.(单选题) Nike, Inc. is a sportswear and equipment manufacturer that serves a multitude of sports disciplines. Which one of the following statements from Nike would be the best example of a strategic goal? A、 a ten percent increase in average annual sales B、 a seven percent increase in average annual income C、 achieving a return on investment of 17 percent D、 accelerating growth through focused execution

8.(单选题) An organization's ________ goals are official statements of what an organization says, and what it wants its stakeholders to believe its goals are. A、 stated B、 real C、 authentic D、 implicit

9.(单选题) Which one of the following is the best indicator of an organization's real goals? A、 organizational members' actions B、 mission statement C、 annual reports D、 stock valuation

10.(单选题) Organizational plans can be classified on the basis of their ________. A、 usefulness B、 frequency of use C、 suitability D、 attainability

11.(单选题) Strategic plans are usually ________. A、 short term, directional, and standing B、 short term, directional, and standing C、 long term, directional, and single use D、 long term, specific, and standing

12.(单选题) Operational plans are usually ________. A、 short term, directional, and standing B、 short term, specific, and standing C、 long term, directional, and single use D、 long term, specific, and standing

13.(单选题) Mr. Slabaugh wants to formulate a plan that lays out general guidelines for his employees and leaves room for interpretation. Which one of the following types of plans would best suit his requirement? A、informal

C、 It can result in the formation of a means-ends chain. D、 Goals set are invariably easily accomplished.

21.(单选题) A problem associated with traditional goal setting is that ________. A、 the narrowly defined goals inhibit a manager's ability to interpret them B、 the high degree of reliance on employees for developing goals is not suited to many situations C、 clarity is lost as the goals make their way down from the top of the organization to lower levels D、it promotes the growth of a flatter organizational structure and threatens organizational efficiency

22.(单选题) ________ is a process of setting mutually-agreed upon goals and using those goals to evaluate employee performance. A、 Management by objectives B、 Management by walking around C、 Management by observation D、Management by exception

23.(单选题) Bonnie is discussing with her subordinate, Julie, the types of projects Julie would like to work on in the coming year. They are setting goals and determining what success would look like. Bonnie and Julie are engaged in ________. A、 performance planning B、 strategic planning C、 management by observation D、 management by objectives

24.(单选题) Bill has been working his plan for about three months. He is now discussing his progress with Jim, his supervisor. If Bill and Jim are using the MBO planning process, this discussion is called ________. A、 performance feedback B、 redirection of goals C、 advise and adjust D、the milestone checkpoint

25.(单选题) When uncertainty is high, plans should be ________ and ________. A、 specific; flexible B、 directional; standing C、 short-term; directional D、 general; informal

26.(单选题) Which one of the following is true of the traditional approach to planning? A、 Plans are developed by organizational members at the various levels. B、 This approach makes managerial planning thorough, systematic, and coordinated.

C、 Plans created through this method are seldom written down. D、 Formal planning departments are rarely used in this approach.

27.(单选题) When lower-level managers and employees are involved in the planning process, ________. A、 the documents they create are rarely reviewed B、 the plans take on a life of their own C、 their job satisfaction increases but productivity suffers objective D、 they see the plans as more than just something written down on paper

28.(单选题) How can managers effectively plan when the external environment is continually changing? A、 They should discontinue formal planning. B、 They should set general, but rigid plans. C、 They should be ready to change directions if environmental conditions warrant. D、 They should continue to follow the set organizational plans as persistence will eventually pay

29.( 单 选 题 ) Which one of the following statements is true of planning in dynamic environments? A、 Organizations should follow a pyramidal structure when operating in uncertain environments. B、 Organizations must discontinue formal planning in such a scenario. C、 To be useful in a dynamic environment, plans need to be specific and unchanging. D、 Flatter organizational hierarchies are necessary for planning in uncertain environments.

30.( 单 选 题 ) ________ involves the theft of proprietary materials or trade secrets by any means. A、Corporate espionage B、 Business intelligence C、 Data mining D、 Data aggregation

31.(单选题) Software and other ________ can help managers to make sense of ________. A、 technology; qualitative information B、 interactive dashboards; internal reports C、 planning approaches; strategic plans D、digital tools; big data

32.( 单 选 题 ) Future factories may have equipment that sends data about itself to the ________ so managers can receive updates even when they are away from the equipment. A、 Internet of the Future B、 security monitoring company C、 Internet of Things D、 Internet of Data

considered a resource? A、 a patent for a special design feature B、 a method of production not used by competitors C、 strongly positive reviews from existing customers D、membership in RVIA, the industry association

8.(单选题) An organization's financial, physical, human, and intangible assets are known as its ________. A、 resources B、 capabilities C、 strengths D、 core competencies

9.(单选题) Harness International, a global wiring harness company, allows each customer to access its engineering drawings on the company's extranet, speeding up the design process for every project. Harness would consider this to be a(n) ________. A、 resource B、 capability C、 competitive advantage D、 opportunity

10.( 单 选 题 ) The major value-creating capabilities of the organization are known as its ________. A、 strengths B、 competitive advantages C、 core competencies D、 resources

11.(单选题) The combined external and internal analyses are called ________. A、 competitor analysis B、 industry analysis C、 market analysis D、 SWOT analysis

12.(单选题) After the SWOT analysis is complete, managers are ready to ________. A、 begin production B、 identify competitors C、 formulate strategies D、 review the analysis

13.(单选题) Top-level managers are responsible for ________ strategies. A、 tactical B、 corporate C、 competitive

D、 functional

14.(单选题) What are the three main types of corporate strategies? A、 stability, focus, and turnaround B、 growth, stability, and renewal C、 growth, cost leadership, and differentiation D、 stability, differentiation, and focus

15.( 单 选 题 ) An organization that grows using ________ focuses on its primary line of business and increases the number of products offered or markets served in this primary business. A、 diversification B、 horizontal integration C、 vertical integration D、 concentration

16.( 单 选 题 ) Hendricks Ceramics sells items it buys from ceramic factories. If it were to purchase one of these factories, it would be engaging in ________ integration. A、 forward vertical B、 backward vertical C、 horizontal D、 concentrated

17.(单选题) Joe's Hardware bought Moe's hardware on the other side of town. This is an example of ________. A、 backward integration B、 forward integration C、 lateral integration D、 horizontal integration

18.( 单 选 题 ) ________ takes place when a company combines with other companies in different, but associated, industries. A、 Stabilized diversification B、 Horizontal integration C、 Vertical integration D、 Related diversification

19.(单选题) When an organization continues serving the same clients by offering the same product or service, maintaining market share, and sustaining the organization's current business operations, it is following a ________ strategy. A、 renewal B、 stability C、 retrenchment D、 growth

that point, Polaroid would be considered a ________ in the BCG matrix.

Dog 26. ( 单 选 题 ) Managers should "milk" cash cows for as much as they can, limit any new investment in them, and use the large amounts of cash generated to invest in ________ and ________.


stars; question marks


(单选题) A ________ describes how a business will compete in its primary market.

competitive strategy

  1. (单选题) Bixler Corporation boasts that it has the fewest warranty claims in its industry. We can infer from this that ________.

Bixler's quality is a competitive advantage

  1. ( 单 选 题 ) When the price of beef skyrockets, consumers switch to pork and chicken. This demonstrates ________.

the threat of substitutes

  1. (单选题) A cost leadership strategy requires a firm to ________.

maintain the lowest cost structure

  1. (单选题) Apple is an example of a company that was ________. distinguishing itself from its competitors

  2. ( 单 选 题 ) Which of the following strategies involves a cost advantage or a differentiation advantage in a narrow segment?

focus strategy


(单选题) A firm that is '"stuck in the middle'" cannot develop ________.

a cost or differentiation advantage

  1. Functional-level strategy directly supports the ________.

competitive strategy

  1. (单选题) Who targets a narrow market segment with customized products?

a focuser

  1. ( 单 选 题 ) ________ is the ability to recognize major external changes, to quickly commit resources, and to recognize when a strategic decision is not working.

Strategic flexibility

  1. ( 单 选 题 ) An Internet-based knowledge management system that shortens customer response times would be an e-business technique that contributes to the competitive advantage of a ________.


  1. (单选题) An important part of customer service is ________.

giving customers what they want

(单选题) Recognizing the increase in birth rates since 1946, and disliking the task of changing his grandchildren's diapers, Victor Mills began developing a disposable diaper. Pampers were introduced to consumers in 1961. Mills saw opportunity in ________. changes in demographics 10. (单选题) Which one of the following would most likely be a source for ideas for the would-be entrepreneur? personal interests and hobbies 11. ( 单 选 题 ) Dharma is examining her financial position, the market for her proposed new product, the types of ownership available to her, and the tax laws for her area to determine whether she should go forward with her new business. Dharma is conducting a ________ feasibility study 12. (单选题) Before launching his new venture, Doyle is studying the potential competitors for his new product. He will want to find an answer to which one of the following questions? What competitive advantage do they have? 13. ( 单 选 题 ) Which one of the following items is found in the financial data section of the business plan? pro forma cash flow analysis 14. (单选题) Farrah has created a computer-generated mockup of her new product for inclusion in the ________ section of her business plan. supporting documentation 15. (单选题) The first organizing decision that an entrepreneur must make is the ________. form of legal ownership 16. (单选题) In a sole proprietorship, profits are ________. taxed as the owner's personal income 17. (单选题) Gaston knows he cannot be physically present at his new restaurant every hour it is open, so he has decided to share management responsibility and profits equally with two others. Gaston has formed a ________. general partnership 18. (单选题) Hortense and a few of her family members want to launch a new venture but don't want to place their personal assets at risk. For this privilege they are willing to incur the higher taxes associated with the ________ form of organization. C corporation 19. ( 单 选 题 ) Ignacio knows he cannot pay what the "big boys" pay, so he decides instead to emphasize the ________ his company offers.

learning opportunities and recognition 20. ( 单 选 题 ) "There is absolutely no reason why I, the founder of this enterprise, should be making the choice of floor cleaner. The housekeepers know what works and what doesn't. Let them choose." So said Juan, owner of Miller's Office Cleaning. Juan's comment indicates he believes in . employee empowerment 21. (单选题) Sam Walton knew exactly how he wanted his business to operate. He saw WalMart as the cost leader in the discount department store industry. He took every opportunity to emphasize his corporate goals to his employees and became literally a cheerleader at store meetings. We would consider Sam Walton to be a(n) ________ leader. visionary 22. ( 单 选 题 ) Karlee, a production worker, is working on a project with employees from accounting, purchasing, engineering, and customer service. Karlee is part of a ________ team. cross-functional team 23. (单选题) Lucien has just received an offer from a major retailer wanting to carry his products. But Lucien doesn't have enough production capacity to keep up with their demand. A question common to entrepreneurs in his situation is "" Where can I get the money I need for expansion? 24. (单选题) Lucille's venture is finally taking off. To make sure the business grows as she would like, Lucille should consider ________. investing in extensive training for her employees 25. (单选题) Michael has a sense that his business isn't doing as well as it should but he isn't sure what to look for to confirm his suspicions. Which one of the following could be a signal that the business is in trouble? tolerance of work incompetence 26. ( 单 选 题 ) Nadine is ready to retire after many years building her business. Another entrepreneur has indicated an interest in buying it so Nadine must set a selling price. Which one of the methods below should she use? the sum of all assets currently on the balance sheet less all liabilities (outstanding debt)

Which of the following describes management function of planning?

Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives.

Which of the following is the best description of environmental scanning?

7.1. Environmental scanning involves what might best be described as intelligence gathering. It involves examining data on the external environment and on the internal environment for the purpose of identifying forces for change, often in the form of problems, potential problems, or opportunities.

Which of the following best defines the term planning quizlet?

Which of the following best defines the term planning? It involves defining the organization's goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate work activities.

Which of the following defines planning?

Planning involves setting objectives and deciding in advance the appropriate course of action to achieve these objectives so we can also define planning as setting up of objectives and targets and formulating an action plan to achieve them.