Which of the following statements is true regarding clients with personality disorders?


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Which of the following statements is true regarding clients with personality disorders?

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2. The nurse knows that which one of the following statements is true about stress and anxiety? A) All people handle stress in the same way. B) Stress is a person's reaction to anxiety. C) Anxiety occurs when a person has trouble dealing with life situati D
The student nurse correctly identifies that which one of the following statements applies to the parasympathetic nervous system? A) It is activated during the alarm reaction stage. B) It is activated during the resistance stage. C) It is activated during B
6. A client says to the nurse, “I just can't talk in front of the group. I feel like I'm going to pass out.” The nurse assesses the client's anxiety to be at which level? A) Mild B) Moderate C) Severe D) Panic C
7. A student is preparing to give a class presentation. A few minutes before the presentation is to begin, the student seems nervous and distracted. The student is looking at and listening to the peer speaker and occasionally looking at note cards. When t B
9. Which of the following statements about the use of defense mechanisms in persons with anxiety disorders are accurate? Select all that apply. A) Defense mechanisms are a human's attempt to reduce anxiety. B) Persons are usually aware when they are using A,C,D,F
Which one of the following can be a positive outcome of using defense mechanisms? A) Defense mechanisms can inhibit emotional growth. B) Defense mechanisms can lead to poor problem-solving skills. C) Defense mechanisms can create difficulty with relations D
11. Which of the following best explains the etiology of anxiety disorders from an interpersonal perspective? A) Anxiety is learned in childhood through interactions with caregivers. B) Anxiety is learned throughout life as a response to life experiences. A
12. Which of the following theories about anxiety is based upon intrapsychic theories? A) A person's innate anxiety is the stimulus for behavior. B) Anxiety is generated from problems in interpersonal relationships. C) A nurse can help the client to achie A
13. Which of the following are interpersonal theories regarding the etiologies of major anxiety disorders? Select all that apply. A) Sigmund Freud's theory B) Henry Stack Sullivan's theory C) Hildegard Peplau's theory D) Pavlov's theory B,C
16. A client experiences panic attacks when confronted with riding in elevators. The therapist is teaching the client ways to relax while incrementally exposing the client to getting on an elevator. This technique is called A) systematic desensitization. A
Which techniques would be most effective for a client who has situational phobias? Select all that apply. A) Flooding B) Reminding the person to calm down C) Systematic desensitization D) Assertiveness training E) Decatastrophizing A,C
Which of the following statements about the assessment of persons with anxiety and anxiety disorders is most accurate? A) When an elder person has an onset of anxiety for the first time in his or her life, it is possible that the anxiety is associated wit A
The nurse enters the client's room and finds the client anxiously pacing the floor. The client begins shouting at the nurse, “Get out of my room!” The best intervention by the nurse would be to A) approach the client and ask, “What's wrong?” B) call for h D
Which of the following are cognitive–behavioral therapy techniques that may be used effectively with anxious clients? Select all that apply. A) Positive reframing B) Decatastrophizing C) Assertiveness training D) Humor E) Unlearning A,B,C,E
25. When a client is experiencing a panic attack while in the recreation room, what interventions are the nurse's first priorities? Select all that apply. A) Provide a safe environment. B) Request a prescription for an antianxiety agent. C) Offer the clie D
26. A client is learning to cope with anxiety and stress. The expected outcome is that the client will A) change reactions to stressors. B) ignore situations that cause stress. C) limit major stressors in his or her life. D) avoid anxiety at all costs. A
A client asks how his prescribed alprazolam (Xanax) helps his anxiety disorder. The nurse explains that antianxiety medications such as alprazolam affect the function of which neurotransmitter that is believed to be dysfunctional in anxiety disorders? A) C
The nurse is educating a client and family about managing panic attacks after discharge from treatment. The nurse includes which of the following in the discharge teaching? Select all that apply. A) Continued development of positive coping skills B) Weani A,D,E
Which of the following are reasons that the nurse must understand why and how anxiety behaviors work? Select all that apply. A) To provide better care for the client B) To help understand the role anxiety plays in performing nursing responsibilities C) To A,B,E
28. Which techniques are important for nurses caring for clients with personality disorders to use in order to effectively provide care? Select all that apply. A) Discuss feelings of anger or frustration with colleagues to help them recognize and cope wit A,C
27. Which challenges are posed when working with clients with personality disorders? Select all that apply. A) Clients with personality disorders are obviously unable to function more effectively. B) It can take a long time to change their behaviors, atti B,C,D,E
26. A female client with borderline personality was formerly cooperative with the treatment regimen. Suddenly, the client believes the staff is working against her and is refusing all interaction and participation in treatment. The nurse feels very frustr B
25. Upon admission, a client with a personality disorder identified the following as areas of concern for which the client would like help. According to studies, which will most likely be addressed by the health-care team? A) Psychological distress B) Sel A
24. A nurse is teaching a client with borderline personality disorder to reshape thinking patters. Which is an example of a cognitive restructuring technique that would be helpful for this client? A) When negative thoughts begin, tell yourself “stop.” B) C
23. The nurse teaches an antisocial client to take a time-out in his room when challenged by another person instigating an argument. What is the main reason for the time-out? A) It allows time for the instigator to leave the area. B) It allows adequate sp D
Which are important in the limit-setting technique to deal with manipulative behavior? Select all that apply. A) Stating the behavioral limit B) Identifying the consequences if the limit is exceeded C) Identifying the expected or desired behavior D) Provi A,B,C
The nurse is talking to a client with schizoid personality disorder about finding a job. Which suggestion by the nurse would be most helpful? A) “Being a loner really limits your employment opportunities.” B) “Maybe your friend could see if there is a nig D
20. A client with dependent personality disorder has a goal to increase her problem-solving skills. Which client behavior would indicate progress toward meeting that goal? A) Asking questions B) Being polite C) Controlling emotional outbursts D) Requestin A
19. Which nursing interventions are most important in a plan of care for a client with histrionic personality disorder? Select all that apply. A) Teach social skills. B) Assist the client to eliminate passive behavior. C) Provide factual feedback about be A,C
18. When planning care for a client with passive-aggressive personality disorder, the nurse will need to include interventions for which behavior? A) Avoidance of anxiety-provoking situations B) Compulsive needs for perfection and praise C) Dependence on D
17. When establishing a relationship with a client who has borderline personality disorder, which is most important for the nurse to do? A) Aggressively confront the client about boundary violations. B) Limit interactions to 10 minutes at a time. C) Respe C
16. A client with borderline personality disorder says to the nurse, “I feel so comfortable talking with you. You seem to have a special way about you that really helps me.” Which would be the most appropriate response by the nurse? A) “I'm glad you feel B
15. Which is the main reason why the periodic team meetings are important when caring for a client with antisocial personality? A) The team needs to consider updating treatment recommendations as the client improves. B) Rotating team members need to be ap D
14. A client with antisocial personality disorder is begging to use the phone to call his wife, even though it is against the unit rules. The client begs, “It is just this once, and she will be so hurt if I don't call her.” Which would be the most appropr C
Which of the following is a realistic outcome for the care of a person with a personality disorder? A) Outcomes that focus on satisfaction with daily life B) Outcomes that focus on the client's perception of others C) Outcomes that focus on increased clie D
The nurse is teaching a client with schizoid personality to function more comfortably with others in the community. Which nursing intervention would be effective to improve the client's social skills? A) Teach the client to make necessary requests in writ A
11. The nurse is teaching a client with paranoid personality disorder to validate ideas with another person before taking action on him. Which is the best rationale for this intervention? A) It will assist the client to start basing decisions and actions A
10. The nurse is planning the type of approach that will be most effective in developing a therapeutic relationship with the client. The nurse should use a matter-of-fact approach with clients with which types of personality disorders? Select all that app A,B,D
9. Which of the following is a psychosocial explanation for the development of personality disorders? A) Highly self-directed people reflect uncooperativeness and intolerance. B) Cooperative people become increasingly helpless over time. C) Failure to com C
A person with temperament traits of high harm avoidance would most likely suffer from which personality disorder? A) Schizoid B) Avoidant C) Narcissistic D) Antisocial B
Which term describes the extent to which a person considers himself to be an integral part of the universe? A) Cooperativeness B) Self-directedness C) Self-transcendence D) Character C
What would the nurse expect to assess in a client with narcissistic personality disorder? A) Genuine concern for others B) Mistrust of others C) Grandiose and superior self-concept D) Dependence on others for decision making C
Which thought process would cause a client with antisocial personality disorder to want to do everything for himself? A) Belief in his own self-worth B) Inability to delay gratification C) Rewards for competitive behavior D) Sense of mistrust of others D
4. A nursing student appears to cooperate with the group but does not complete agreed upon tasks at the appropriate time repeatedly and then display negativity. The nursing student may be showing signs of which personality disorder or behavior? A) Paranoi D
3. Which would most likely be a type of behavior that would be manifested by a client who has histrionic personality disorder? A) Insisting that others follow the rules of the unit B) Wondering why others are being friendly to her C) Having a tantrum if n C
2. Of the following personality disorders, which are most likely related to lack of caring about others? Select all that apply. A) Schizotypal personality disorder B) Borderline personality disorder C) Antisocial personality disorder D) Narcissistic perso A,C,D
1. Which disorder is characterized by pervasive mistrust and suspiciousness of others? A) Paranoid personality disorder B) Schizoid personality disorder C) Histrionic personality disorder D) Dependent personality disorder A
18. The student nurse correctly identifies that which one of the following statements is true regarding clients with OCD? A) Since the client is aware that his or her behavior is bizarre, the client should just stop the behavior. B) Clients with OCD seem B
17. Which of the following are important for the nurse to remember when teaching relaxation and behavioral techniques to a client with OCD? Select all that apply. A) It is important to teach the client to use relaxation techniques when the client's anxiet A,B,C
16. Which of the following is the desired outcome for a client with OCD? A) That the client will no longer experience any signs or symptoms of OCD B) That the client will no longer experience anxiety C) That the OCD symptoms no longer interfere with the c C
15. The nurse is providing education to a group of persons from several community agencies about hoarding by elder persons. Which of the following is important for the nurse to emphasize? A) Treatment will likely start to be effective in the short term. B C
14. Which of the following is essential for the nurse to communicate to the client with OCD and to the client's family? A) The client's diagnosis should be kept secret from everyone outside the immediate family and friends. B) The importance of medication B
13. Which of the following treatment modalities is most effective for OCD? A) Behavioral techniques B) Medication C) Behavioral techniques and medication D) Ignoring it C
Before eating a meal, a client with obsessive–compulsive disorder must wash her hands for 14 minutes, comb her hair for 114 strokes, and switch the light off and on 44 times. When evaluating the progress of the client, what is the most important treatment B
Which of the following interventions by the nurse will increase the client's sense of security? A) Allowing the client to perform the rituals B) Distracting the client from rituals with other activities C) Encouraging the client to talk about the purpose A
Which of the following is an important part of therapeutic communication for clients who have OCD? A) To encourage the client to keep the obsession secret. B) To encourage the client to discuss his or her obsession with the nurse. C) The nurse must have t B
9. Which of the following is the most important variable in determining the likelihood of success in improving life for a client with OCD? A) The client must be willing to make changes in his or her behavior. B) The client must acknowledge that the behavi A
8. Which of the following would be appropriate outcomes for a client with OCD? Select all that apply. A) The client will stop engaging in the compulsive activity. B) The client will spend less time performing rituals. C) The client will complete daily rou B,C,E
7. Which of the following statements about the typical history of illness that would be assessed in a client who has OCD is consistent with OCD? A) OCD usually requires hospitalization. B) OCD treatment is usually outpatient. C) OCD only affects the clien B
6. The nurse is aware that a person who repeatedly seeks cosmetic surgery to correct a perceived flaw in his or her appearance may have which of the following disorders? A) Hoarding disorder B) Body dysmorphic disorder C) Pyromania D) Body identity integr B
5. The student nurse correctly identifies that which of the following are characteristics of hoarding disorder? Select all that apply. A) Excessive acquisition of animals or apparently useless things B) Cluttered living spaces that become uninhabitable C) A,B,C
4. The nurse correctly identifies that which of OCDs self-soothing behaviors may involve self-destruction of the body of a person who has OCD? Select all that apply. A) Dermatillomania B) Trichotillomania C) Onychophagia D) Kleptomania E) Oniomania A,B,C
3. The nurse is caring for her first client with obsessive–compulsive disorder. During the treatment team meeting, the nurse shares her frustration as to the client's inability to stop washing his hands. The nurse manager offers which one of the following D
2. Which of the following are features of the thinking of a person who has OCD according to the cognitive model? Select all that apply. A) The person with OCD employs a minimalist approach to all aspects of his or her life. B) The person with OCD believes B,D,E
The nursing student correctly identifies which of the following statements are true of the etiology of OCD? Select all that apply. A) The cognitive model for OCD etiology focuses on childhood and environmental experiences of growing up. B) The etiology of A,B,E

What is an example of a personality disorder?

An example is borderline personality disorder, where the person is emotionally unstable, has impulses to self-harm, and has intense and unstable relationships with others.

How to recognize personality disorder?

Some signs that a person has a personality disorder include:.
frequent mood swings..
extreme dependence on other people..
narcissism (extreme vanity).
stormy personal relationships..
social isolation..
angry outbursts..
suspicion and mistrust of others..
difficulty making friends..

Which of these personality disorders describes people who are perfectionistic and preoccupied with details rules and schedules?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control (with no room for flexibility) that ultimately slows or interferes with completing a task. Diagnosis is by clinical criteria.

Can you treat personality disorders?

Certain types of psychotherapy have shown to be effective for treating personality disorders. Ideally, during psychotherapy, an individual can gain insight and knowledge about their disorder, what is contributing to symptoms, and get to talk about thoughts, feelings and behaviors.