Which of the following statements is true regarding the effect of status on group interaction?

Whichof the following is true with regard to groups?

A)A group is characterized by the independence of its members.

B)A group typically lacks definite roles and structures.

C)A group influences our emotional reactions.

D)An informal gathering cannot be considered a group.

E)The membership of a group does not affect how its members treat outsiders.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Our tendency to take personal pride oroffense for the accomplishments of a group is the territory of social identitytheory. Social identity theory proposes that people have emotional reactions tothe failure or success of their group because their self-esteem gets tied intothe group's performance.

Whichof the following is true regarding formal groups?

A)They are natural formations that arise in response to the need for socialcontact.

B)They lack clearly defined structures and roles for their members.

C)They have negligible impact on employee performance and behavior.

D)A group of people who come together to protest against a new law make up aformal group.

E)They are marked by stipulated behaviors in pursuit of organizational goals.

Answer: E

Explanation: E) A formal group is one that is defined bythe organization's structure, with designated work assignments establishingtasks. In formal groups, the behaviors team members should engage in arestipulated by and directed toward organizational goals.

Aninformal group is characterized by the ________.

A)stipulation of expected behaviors by the organization

B)predetermined designation of tasks of members

C)pursuit of particular organizational goals

D)fulfillment of the need for social contact

E)creation of timelines and rationale

Answer: D

Explanation: D) An informal group is neither formallystructured nor organizationally determined. Informal groups are naturalformations in the work environment that appear in response to the need forsocial contact.

Whichof the following differentiates between formal and informal groups?

A)The timeline of reference for formal groups is greater than that for informalgroups.

B)The impact of formal groups on organizational performance is less than that ofinformal groups.

C)Formal groups pursue the goal of social contact, while informal groups havedefinite organizational goals to attain.

D)Formal groups are typically smaller in size when compared to informal groups.

E)Formal groups involve clearly defined tasks and roles, while informal groupsare neither formally structured nor organizationally determined.alternamM

Answer: E

Explanation: E) A formal group is one that is defined bythe organization's structure, with designated work assignments establishingtasks. An informal group is neither formally structured nor organizationallydetermined.

Ourtendency to take personal pride or offense for the accomplishments of a groupwe are a part of is the territory of the ________ theory.

A)social exchange


C)social identity



Answer: C

Explanation: C) Our tendency to take personal pride oroffense for the accomplishments of a group is the territory of social identitytheory.

Whichof the following is true with regard to the social identity theory?

A)It proposes that members take personal pride in accomplishments but dissociatefrom the group in the event of any offenses or failures.

B)It proposes that people have emotional reactions to the failure or success oftheir group because their self-esteem is tied into the group's performance.

C)It proposes that people develop only one social identity in childhood thatbecomes more defined and concrete in the course of their lives.

D)It proposes that social identities can never be detrimental as they have noeffect on how members of an ingroup view members of an out-group.

E)It proposes that members of an ingroup are viewed as being homogeneous, whilemembers of an out-group are seen as being heterogeneous.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Social identity theory proposes thatpeople have emotional reactions to the failure or success of their groupbecause their self-esteem gets tied into the group's performance.

________is defined as the tendency to see members of the group of which we are a partof as better than other people.

A)Ingroup homogeneity


C)Ingroup favoritism

D)Black sheep effect

E)Hindsight bias

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Ingroup favoritism means we see members ofour ingroup as better than other people, and people not in our group as all thesame.

AtMilton farms, where a large part of the management comes from the samesociocultural background, many employees of diverse ethical or cultural originsare hired only to ensure legal compliance with laws relating to diversity atthe workplace. The company's day-to-day functioning leaves much to be desiredin terms of promoting diversity. Recently, the owner's cousin was promoted tothe post of a branch manager while three suitable candidates hailing fromdifferent cultures were blatantly overlooked. This is an example of ________.

A)social loafing

B)ingroup favoritism


D)contrast bias

E)social exchange

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Ingroup favoritism means we see members ofour ingroup as better than other people, and people not in our group as all thesame.

AaronDias was working on the last shift for the day at All Needs, a retail storeowned by an Asian man, when he opened the cash register and stole some moneythinking that nobody would witness him stealing. However, one of the customerswatched him steal the money and reported it to the manager the next day, andAaron was terminated. Subsequently, the manager became extremely strict withall his Caucasian employees and was often heard abusing them by saying,"You guys are all the same." This scenario depicts ________.

A)social loafing

B)ingroup favoritism


D)contrast bias

E)social exchange

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Ingroup favoritism means we see members ofour ingroup as better than other people, and people not in our group as all thesame.

Similarityis a characteristic under the social identity theory that manifests itself inthe ________.

A)tendency of ingroup members to notice and emphasize identities that reflect howdifferent they are from other groups

B)tendency of people who have greater uniformity in values and characteristics tohave greater group identification as well

C)tendency of people to link themselves to high-status groups in an attempt todefine themselves favorably

D)tendency of people to use the group as a means of understanding who they areand how they fit into the world

E)tendency of ingroup members to prefer and endorse the products, ideas, andaspects of someone else's culture over their own

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Similarity is a characteristic under thesocial identity theory that manifests itself in the fact that people who havethe same values or characteristics as other members of their organization havehigher levels of group identification.

Inthe context of the social identity theory, distinctiveness refers to the________.

A)tendency of people who have greater uniformity in values and characteristics tohave greater identification as well

B)tendency of people to link themselves to high-status groups in an attempt todefine themselves favorably

C)tendency of people to use the group as a means of understanding who they areand how they fit into the world

D)tendency of ingroup members to prefer and endorse the products, ideas, andaspects of someone else's culture over their own

E)tendency of ingroup members to notice and emphasize identities that reflect howdifferent they are from other groups

Answer: E

Explanation: E) In the context of the social identitytheory, distinctiveness refers to the tendency of ingroup members to notice andemphasize identities that reflect how different they are from other groups.

Statusis a characteristic under the social identity theory that reflects the________.

A)tendency of people to use the group as a means of understanding who they areand how they fit into the world

B)tendency of people who have greater uniformity in values and characteristics tohave greater identification as well

C)tendency of people to link themselves to groups of higher social standing in anattempt to define themselves favorably

D)tendency of ingroup members to prefer and endorse the products, ideas, andaspects of someone else's culture over their own

E)tendency of ingroup members to notice and emphasize identities that reflect howdifferent they are from other groups

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Status is a characteristic under thesocial identity theory that reflects the tendency of people to link themselvesto groups of higher social standing in an attempt to define themselvesfavorably.

Uncertaintyreduction is a dimension of the social identity theory that manifests itself inthe ________.

A)tendency of people who have greater uniformity in values and characteristics tohave greater identification as well

B)tendency of people to use the group as a means of understanding who they areand how they fit into the world

C)tendency of people to link themselves to groups of higher social standing in anattempt to define themselves favorably

D)tendency of ingroup members to prefer and endorse the products, ideas, andaspects of someone else's culture over their own

E)tendency of ingroup members to notice and emphasize identities that reflect howdifferent they are from other groups

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Uncertainty reduction refers to howmembership in a group also helps some people understand who they are and howthey fit into the world.

Whichof the following represents the second stage in the five-stage groupdevelopment model?






Answer: C

Explanation: C) Storming is the second stage in thefive-stage group development model. The storming stage is one of intragroupconflict. Members accept the existence of the group but resist the constraintsit imposes on individuality.

Whichof the following stages of the five-stage group development model ischaracterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the group's purpose,structure, and leadership?





Answer: C

Explanation: C) The first stage, forming, is characterizedby a great deal of uncertainty about the group's purpose, structure, andleadership. Members "test the waters" to determine what types ofbehaviors are acceptable.

Thesecond stage of the five-stage group development model is characterized by________.

A)uncertainty about the purpose, structure, and leadership of the group

B)cohesiveness and close relationships among members of the group

C)strong feelings of group identity among members of the group

D)intragroup conflict within the group

E)pride in the accomplishments of the group

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The second stage, called the stormingstage, is one of intragroup conflict. Members accept the existence of the groupbut resist the constraints it imposes on individuality. There is conflict overwho will control the group.

Bythe end of the stage of ________, a relatively clear hierarchy of leadershipwithin the group is established.






Answer: B

Explanation: B) The second stage, called the stormingstage, is one of intragroup conflict. Members accept the existence of the groupbut resist the constraints it imposes on individuality. There is conflict overwho will control the group. When this stage is complete, there will be arelatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group.

Duringthe third stage of group development, ________.

A)conflicts over leadership are common

B)the group demonstrates cohesiveness

C)intragroup conflicts occur

D)members resist the constraints the group places on them

E)groups disband

Answer: B

Explanation: B) In the third stage, close relationshipsdevelop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness. There is now a strong sense ofgroup identity and camaraderie.

Whichof the following statements is true regarding the norming stage of groupdevelopment?

A)According to the five-stage group development model, this is the second stagein the group development model.

B)This stage is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about the group'spurpose, structure, and leadership.

C)During this stage, members accept the existence of the group but resist theconstraints it imposes on individuality.

D)During this stage, the group develops a common set of expectations of whatdefines correct member behavior.

E)During this stage the group completes the task at hand.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The norming stage is the third stage inthe group development process. In this stage, close relationships develop andthe group demonstrates cohesiveness. There is now a strong sense of groupidentity and camaraderie. This norming stage is complete when the groupstructure solidifies and the group has assimilated a common set of expectationsof what defines correct member behavior.

Whenthe group energy is focused on the task at hand and the group is fullyfunctional, it is said to be in the stage of ________.






Answer: E

Explanation: E) The fourth stage of the five-stage groupdevelopment model is performing. The structure at this point is fullyfunctional and accepted. Group energy has moved from getting to know andunderstand each other to performing the task at hand.

Whichof the following statements is most likely to be true regarding the performingstage?

A)The performing stage is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty about thegroup's purpose, structure, and leadership.

B)During the performing stage, there is conflict over who will control the group.

C)The performing stage involves members trying out different behaviors in orderto understand which behaviors the group considers acceptable.

D)For permanent work groups, performing is the last stage in development.

E)During the performing stage, members accept the existence of the group butresist the constraints it imposes on individuality.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The fourth stage of the five-stage groupdevelopment model is performing. The structure at this point is fullyfunctional and accepted. Group energy has moved from getting to know andunderstand each other to performing the task at hand. For permanent workgroups, performing is the last stage in development.

Whichof the following is true with regard to the five-stage group development model?

A)All permanent groups pass through the five stages of this model of groupdevelopment successively.

B)For temporary work teams, the performing stage is the last stage of groupdevelopment.

C)The model assumes that employees are functioning at their most effective levelbeginning in the first stage.

D)A positive social focus may aid a group in reaching the performing stage morerapidly.

E)Groups proceed through the stages of group development in similar speed andtimelines.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Many interpreters of the five-stage modelhave assumed a group becomes more effective as it progresses through the firstfour stages. It has been noted that groups proceed through the stages of groupdevelopment at different rates. Those with a strong sense of purpose andstrategy rapidly achieve high performance and improve over time, whereas thosewith less sense of purpose actually see their performance worsen over time.Similarly, groups that begin with a positive social focus appear to achieve theperforming stage more rapidly.

Whichof the following statements is true with regard to the punctuated-equilibriummodel of group development?

A)It applies to all permanent work groups.

B)It follows the five stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, andadjourning.

C)It does not consider the changes in patterns of group activities in response todeadlines and time constraints.

D)It involves the two strategies of groupthink and groupshift to break out of thephases of inertia.

E)It characterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed withbrief revolutionary changes.

Answer: E

Explanation: E) The punctuated-equilibrium modelcharacterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed withbrief revolutionary changes triggered primarily by members' awareness of timeand deadlines.

TabbyTolman is a project coordinator at Tristar Solutions. Whenever a new projectcomes her way, she holds a project meeting and follows it up with repeatedmeetings to address any concerns the team members may have and to monitor theirprogress. However, with the peak of the business season arriving, she has beenholding just one project initiation meeting for every project to save on time.She has become increasingly worried about the team's progress with no inputscoming from the members, and she has had no time to check with them. With twoweeks left to go for a high priority project of a month's duration, she has nowbegun to see some work coming through and is relieved. This developmentreflects that the group is at the stage of ________.


B)inertia following the first meeting

C)second phase of inertia before the group's last meeting


E)transition following the halfway mark in the timeline"

Answer: E

Explanation: E) In the punctuated-equilibrium model, atransition takes place exactly when the group has used up half its allottedtime, and this transition initiates major changes.

Thefirst phase of group development for temporary groups involves ________.

A)the phase of inertia before transition

B)the determination of the group's direction

C)the transition to plan the major changes

D)a period of accelerated activity

E)the adoption of new perspectives

Answer: B

Explanation: B) In the punctuated-equilibrium model, thefirst step involves a meeting which sets the group's direction and then aframework of behavioral patterns and assumptions through which the group willapproach its project.

Thedetermination of the behavioral patterns and assumptions through which thegroup approaches the project is a function of the ________ phase in thepunctuated-equilibrium model.





E)first meeting

Answer: E

Explanation: E) In the punctuated-equilibrium model, thefirst step involves a meeting which sets the group's direction and then aframework of behavioral patterns and assumptions through which the group willapproach its project.

Whichof the following represents the major determinants of group development andfunctioning as depicted by the punctuated-equilibrium model?

A)better perspectives and patterns

B)group solidarity and collectivist goals

C)promotion of diversity

D)deadlines and time constraints

E)role perception and expectation

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The punctuated-equilibrium modelcharacterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed withbrief revolutionary changes triggered primarily by members' awareness of timeand deadlines which serve as the major determinants of the group structure anddynamics.

Roleperception is defined as ________.

A)the way others believe we should act in a given context

B)our view of how we are supposed to act in a given situation

C)the existence of roles that are at variance with one another

D)the socially defined position or rank given to group members by others

E)the degree to which members are motivated to stay in the group.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Role perception is an individual's view ofhow he or she is supposed to act in a given situation.

JaniceCooper has recently joined a hospital as a part of the internship programprescribed by the nursing school she attends. Janice, who was inspired to takeup this profession by the story of Florence Nightingale, has very strong idealsabout how she should behave as a nurse. She feels that as a nurse she must begentle, pleasant, and caring at all times so she can serve her patients well,and she often goes to great lengths as an intern by putting in extra hours atthe hospital and so on. The scenario reflects Janice's ________.

A)role fuzziness

B)role ambiguity

C)role conflict

D)role perception

E)role status

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Role perception is an individual's view ofhow he or she is supposed to act in a given situation. Janice's behavior as anurse is guided by her perception of how she should act in this profession.

Role________ is defined as the way others believe you should act in a givencontext.






Answer: B

Explanation: B) Role expectations are the way othersbelieve you should act in a given context.

Mostpeople assume that police officers should behave in a lawful manner, refrainfrom demonstrating favoritism to any particular group, and do their best touphold the law. Which of the following terms best represents these beliefs?



C)role expectation

D)uncertainty reduction

E)dispersion of responsibility

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Role expectations are the way peoplebelieve others should act in a given context. This example shows the roleexpectations that most people have of a police officer.

When________, the result is role conflict.

A)compliance with one role aids our performance in another role

B)compliance with the group is an attempt to understand who we are and how we fitinto the world

C)compliance with the group is marked by a tendency to notice and emphasize thoseaspects of the group that are distinctive

D)compliance with one role requirement may make it difficult to comply withanother

E)compliance with the group is strengthened by members who have similar valuesand characteristics

Answer: D

Explanation: D) When compliance with one role requirementmay make it difficult to comply with another, the result is role conflict. Atthe extreme, two or more role expectations can be mutually contradictory.

Michaelis devout and very active in his church. He is also a very dedicated employee.His manager offers him a promotion, but the new role will require him to workSundays. Michael would like the promotion but realizes that it would force himto miss some church activities. In this situation, Michael is most likely toexperience ________.

A)role conflict

B)social loafing


D)role fuzziness


Answer: A

Explanation: A) When compliance with one role requirementmay make it difficult to comply with another, the result is role conflict.Michael is experiencing conflict between his role as a church member and hisrole as an employee.

Whichof the following represents the acceptable standards of behavior within a groupthat are shared by the group's members?






Answer: B

Explanation: B) Norms represent the acceptable standardsof behavior shared by group members that express what they ought and ought notto do under certain circumstances.

Whichof the following is an example of performance norms?

A)dress codes

B)rules in informal groups

C)assignment of difficult jobs, pay, and equipment

D)distribution of pay

E)the manner in which a job must be done

Answer: E

Explanation: E) One of the most common types of norms is aperformance norm, which provides explicit cues about how hard members shouldwork, what the level of output should be, how to get the job done, what levelof tardiness is appropriate, and the like. These norms are extremely powerfuland are capable of significantly modifying a performance prediction basedsolely on ability and level of personal motivation.

The________ norms dictate behavior such as with whom group members eat lunch andfriendships on and off the job.


B)social arrangement




Answer: B

Explanation: B) The social arrangement norms dictatebehavior like friendships and informal norms at work.

Alocal government work crew cleans up parks and other public spaces. In thiscrew, the dirtiest jobs are generally given to the newest members, while themore senior members of the crew tend to do little except draw their pay. Whichof the following classes of norms encompasses arrangements like this?

A)performance norms

B)appearance norms

C)resource allocation norms

D)reference norms

E)leisure norms

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Resource allocation norms dictateassignment of difficult jobs and distribution of resources like pay orequipment. The example demonstrates an application of resource allocation.

________refers to the adjustment of one's behavior to align with the norms of thegroup.






Answer: D

Explanation: D) Conformity refers to the adjustment ofone's behavior to align with the norms of the group.

Theimportant groups to which an individual belongs or hopes to belong are known as________ groups.






Answer: B

Explanation: B) Reference groups are groups in which aperson is aware of other members, defines himself or herself as a member orwould like to be a member, and feels group members are significant to him orher.

JonasWilkes has struggled for many years with tight finances at home. Throughoutschool and college, he worked really hard, earned the best grades, and preparedhimself for a better life. By a better life, he meant a house in the uptownWellington Road and a membership in the Diamond District Club where heenvisions himself playing golf on weekends. The residents of Wellington Roadand the members of Diamond District Club serve as a ________ for him.

A)nominal group

B)organizational group

C)control group

D)intervention group

E)reference group

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Reference groups are groups in which aperson is aware of other members, defines himself or herself as a member orwould like to be a member, and feels group members are significant to him orher.

Whichof the following terms best represents voluntary actions that violatesignificant organizational norms and, in doing so, threaten the well-being ofthe organization or its members?

A)undue hardship

B)deviant workplace behavior

C)antidiscrimination and retaliation

D)progressive discipline

E)wrongful termination

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Deviant workplace behavior (also calledantisocial behavior or workplace incivility) is voluntary behavior thatviolates significant organizational norms and, in doing so, threatens thewell-being of the organization or its members.

Whichof the following is true with regard to deviant workplace behavior?

A)It is involuntary in nature.

B)Widespread deviant workplace behavior depends on the accepted norms of thegroup.

C)It has a negligible adverse impact on organization as it is accepted by someemployees.

D)Research on deviance at the workplace has shown that employees operatingindividually engage in more deviant behaviors than those who function as a partof groups.

E)Leaving work early is an example of a property-related deviant workplacebehavior.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Like norms in general, individualemployees' antisocial actions are shaped by the group context within which theywork. Evidence demonstrates deviant workplace behavior is likely to flourishwhere it's supported by group norms.

Statusrefers to the ________.

A)impact that support of group norms has on workplace civility

B)adjustment of one's behavior to align with the norms of the group

C)socially defined position or rank given to groups or group members by others

D)existence of roles that are at variance with one another

E)acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the group'smembers

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Status refers to the socially defined position or rank given togroups or group members by othersFragmen

Accordingto status characteristics theory, which of the following factors does notdetermine status?

A)control over the resources needed by the group

B)contribution to goals

C)ability to conform to group norms



Answer: C

Explanation: C) According to status characteristicstheory, status tends to derive from one of three sources: the power a personwields over others; a person's ability to contribute to a group's goals; and anindividual's personal characteristics (special talent, intelligence, money, ora friendly personality).

Whichof the following statements is true regarding the effect of status onconformity pressure?

A)High-status individuals are often given less freedom to deviate from norms thanare other group members.

B)People in high-status jobs have especially negative reactions to socialpressure exerted by people in low-status jobs.

C)Lower-status people are better able to resist conformity pressures than theirhigh-status peers.

D)Groups exert equal conformity pressure on all individuals regardless of theirstatus.

E)Compared to high-status members, low-status members are given a wider range ofdiscretion as long as their activities aren't severely detrimental to groupgoal achievement.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) High-status individuals are often givenmore freedom to deviate from norms than are other group members. People inhigh-status jobs (such as physicians, lawyers, and executives) have especiallynegative reactions to social pressure exerted by people in low-status jobs. Forexample, physicians actively resist administrative decisions made by lower-ranking insurance company employees.

Whichof the following statements is true regarding the effect that size of the grouphas on the performance of the group?

A)The size of the group does not affect the group's overall behavior.

B)Evidence indicates that larger groups are faster at completing tasks thansmaller ones.

C)Compared to smaller groups, larger groups are better at problem solving.

D)If the goal of the group is fact-finding, then smaller groups are moreeffective than larger groups.

E)Evidence indicates that individuals perform better in larger groups than insmaller ones.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The size of the group affects the group'soverall behavior. The evidence indicates smaller groups are faster atcompleting tasks than larger ones and that individuals perform better insmaller groups than in larger ones. Compared to smaller groups, larger groupsare better at problem solving. If the goal of the group is fact-finding, largergroups should be more effective.

Whichof the following terms indicates the tendency of individuals to spend lesseffort when working collectively?


B)collective efficacy

C)social loafing


E)social facilitation

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Social loafing is the tendency forindividuals to expend less effort when working in a group than when workingindividually. Group performance increases with group size, but the addition ofnew members has diminishing returns on productivity.

Whenfaced with a number of tight deadlines, Mandy Moore often delegates workcollectively. Recently she chose some fairly experienced employees to work on ahigh-priority project. She was heartened to see that the selected group ofemployees was having numerous meetings and working hard. However, when she wentto check on their progress at the halfway mark in the project schedule, she wasshocked to see how little the team had done in the past three weeks. Thisscenario reflects ________.


B)collective efficacy

C)social loafing


E)ingroup favoritism

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Social loafing is the tendency forindividuals to expend less effort when working in a group than when workingindividually. Group performance increases with group size, but the addition ofnew members has diminishing returns on productivity.

Whichof the following is a contributing factor with regard to social loafing?

A)difficult task assignments

B)high collective efficacy

C)severe time constraints

D)dispersion of responsibility

E)heavy workload

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Social loafing is the tendency forindividuals to expend less effort when working in a group than when workingindividually. One explanation for social loafing is the dispersion ofresponsibility. Because group results cannot be attributed to any singleperson, the relationship between an individual's input and the group's outputis clouded. Individuals may then be tempted to become free riders and coast onthe group's efforts.

Whichof the following is an effective means of countering social loafing?

A)increasing the rewards the group is given if it succeeds

B)increasing the amount by which the group's progress is monitored

C)ensuring that individual contributions to the group's outcome are identified

D)increasing the size of the group

E)increasing the group's workload

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Since group results cannot be attributedto any single person, the relationship between an individual's input and thegroup's output is clouded. Individuals may then be tempted to become freeriders and coast on the group's efforts. To avoid this, individual efforts in agroup's outcome should be identified.

Whichof the following is true with regard to social loafing?

A)Social loafing decreases when rewards are added for collective performance ofthe group.

B)Social loafing reflects the drastic rise in employee performance when employeeswork collectively.

C)Social loafing involves the cumulative rise in productivity when teams increasein size.

D)Social loafing is a result of the emphasis on individual outcomes over sharedoutcomes.

E)Social loafing is witnessed less in collectivist cultures where people takepride in group performance.

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Social loafing appears to have a Westernbias. It is consistent with individualistic cultures, such as the United Statesand Canada, that are dominated by self-interest. It is not consistent withcollective societies, in which individuals are motivated by ingroup goals.

ICEis a non-profit organization that runs awareness campaigns and researchprograms that provide data to initiate the process of legislative changes onvarious aspects of the environment like forest cover, nuclear fuel, endangeredspecies and others. The ICE operates through networks of grass-root levelresearchers who are grouped into flexible project teams whose roles and dutieschange with each new project. The ICE believes its employees to be like family,and an informal environment pervades its functioning without any compromisesbeing made in the efficiency. Recently, the project manager of the rainwaterharvesting pilot project in the suburbs has been informed of two delays in theproject. When the third extension request came to him, he looked into thematter by speaking individually with the five team members. Which of thefollowing complaints by the team members, if true, would indicate the presenceof social loafing in the team?

A)A team member complained that the residents of the suburb in which they wereworking were uncooperative and did not accept their most cordial requests forhelping in data collection.

B)Nancy, one of the new team members, reported that she felt the team was notcohesive enough.

C)Two of the most experienced employees on the team reported having to shoulder adisproportionate amount of the current workload and asked for an internal transfer.

D)The scarcity of funds was one of the major concerns that all the team membersmentioned.

E)The team members were dissatisfied with the compensation package as they feltthey were putting in a lot of work and being paid relatively less.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) The fact that a team member complainedthat the residents of the suburb in which they were working were uncooperativehints at an external cause for lack of performance and does not indicate socialloafing. The fact that one of the new team members reported that she felt theteam was not cohesive enough does not indicate social loafing; social loafingis typically a product of excessive cohesiveness. The fact that two of the mostexperienced employees on the team reported having to shoulder adisproportionate amount of the current workload does indicate the presence ofsocial loafing. One explanation for social loafing is the dispersion ofresponsibility. Because group results cannot be attributed to any singleperson, the relationship between an individual's input and the group's outputis clouded. Individuals may then be tempted to become free riders and coast onthe group's efforts. The scarcity of funds for the project is an externalfactor and cannot directly explain their bad performance. The fact that theteam members were dissatisfied with the compensation package does not indicatethe presence of loafing, especially since two employees have been working hard.

________refers to the degree to which members are attracted to each other and motivatedto stay in the group.


B)Social dominance




Answer: D

Explanation: D) Cohesiveness refers to the degree to whichmembers are attracted to each other and motivated to stay in the group.

Whichof the following statements is true regarding the effect of group cohesivenessand performance norms on group productivity?

A)When cohesiveness is low and performance norms are also low, productivity willbe high.

B)The productivity of the group is affected by the performance norms but not bythe cohesiveness of the group.

C)If cohesiveness is high and performance norms are low, productivity will behigh.

D)If cohesiveness is low and performance norms are high, productivity will below.

E)When both cohesiveness and performance norms are high, productivity will behigh.

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Studies consistently show that therelationship between cohesiveness and productivity depends on the group'sperformance-related norms. If performance-related norms are high, a cohesivegroup will be more productive than will a less cohesive group. If cohesivenessis high and performance norms are low, productivity will be low. Ifcohesiveness is low and performance norms are high, productivity increases, butless than in the high-cohesiveness/high-norms situation. When cohesiveness andperformance-related norms are both low, productivity tends to fall into thelow-to-moderate range.

________is defined as the extent to which members of a group are similar to, ordifferent from, one another.






Answer: B

Explanation: B) Diversity is a property of groups thatmeasures the degree to which members of the group are similar to, or differentfrom, one another.

Whichof the following is an advantage of group decision making when compared toindividual decision making?

A)increased ambiguous responsibility

B)increased conformity pressures

C)increased diversity of views

D)increased dispersion of accountability

E)increased pace of decision making

Answer: C

Explanation: C) By aggregating the resources of severalindividuals, groups bring more input as well as heterogeneity into the decisionprocess. They offer increased diversity of views. This opens up the opportunityto consider more approaches and alternatives.

When________ is of importance in decision making, group decisions are preferred toindividual decisions.

A)acceptance of solution



D)clear responsibility


Answer: A

Explanation: A) Groups lead to increased acceptance of asolution. Many decisions fail because people don't accept the solution. Groupmembers who participated in making a decision are more likely toenthusiastically support the decision and encourage others to accept it. Groupdecisions are generally more accurate than the decisions of the averageindividual in a group but less accurate than the judgments of the mostaccurate. So in terms of accuracy, groups do not offer any unique advantageover individuals.

Whencompared to individual decision making, group decision making has adisadvantage in the area of ________.



C)acceptance of final solutions



Answer: D

Explanation: D) When evaluating the effectiveness andefficiency of group decision making, speed of decision making is an area whereindividuals fare better.

________is defined as a phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides therealistic appraisal of alternative courses of action.


B)Social loafing

C)Ingroup favoritism

D)Cyber loafing


Answer: E

Explanation: E) Groupthink is defined as a phenomenon inwhich the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternativecourses of action.

SoniaSoans is corporate trainer. One of her favorite ways to start a trainingprogram is to present a case study and encourage members to think of the casein depth and discuss it amongst each other. Using the results of the activity,she understands the baseline measures of the group's functioning. During one ofher recent sessions, she observed that the group came to a consensus veryquickly. However, when asked to present their views, the team members were nottoo confident and appeared to be under an illusion of unanimity. From thisscenario, we can say that this group experienced ________.



C)role conflict


E)social loafing

Answer: D

Explanation: D) Groupthink relates to norms and describessituations in which group pressures for conformity deter the group fromcritically appraising unusual, minority, or unpopular views.

Whichof the following steps can be taken by a manager to minimize groupthink?

A)increase the group size

B)encourage group leaders to develop a stronger sense of group identity

C)prevent all team members from engaging in a critical evaluation of ideas at thebeginning

D)ask the group members to first focus on the positives of an alternative ratherthan the negatives

E)seek input from employees before the group leader presents his or her opinions

Answer: E

Explanation: E) In order to minimize groupthink, managersshould encourage group leaders to play an impartial role. Leaders shouldactively seek input from all members and avoid expressing their own opinions,especially in the early stages of deliberation. In addition, managers shouldappoint one group member to play the role of devil's advocate; this member'srole is to overtly challenge the majority position and offer divergentperspectives.

Indiscussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution, groupmembers tend to exaggerate the initial positions they hold. This phenomenon iscalled ________.

A)social desirability bias


C)halo effect

D)social loafing

E)ingroup favoritism

Answer: B

Explanation: B) In discussing a given set of alternativesand arriving at a solution, group members tend to exaggerate the initialpositions they hold. This phenomenon is called groupshift. Group discussionleads members toward a more extreme view of the position they already held.Conservatives become more cautious, and more aggressive types take on morerisk.

Groupshiftis seen when ________.

A)group members view themselves in better light when compared to members of theout-group

B)group members tend to exaggerate the initial positions they hold whendiscussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution

C)group members notice and emphasize identities that reflect how different theyare from other groups

D)group members tend to prefer and endorse the products, ideas, and aspects ofsomeone else's culture over their own

E)group members fail to express alternative opinions and deviant views under theinfluence of the norm for consensus

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Groupshift is a change between a group'sdecision and an individual decision that a member within the group would make;the shift can be toward either conservatism or greater risk, but it generallyis toward a more extreme version of the group's original position.

TheHR department at Bailey Services is considering offering telecommuting as anoption to some experienced employees. At a meeting to formalize the move, theheads of the different departments met with Laura Watson, the HR manager.Laura, who thought this meeting would be a short one, was proven wrong when allthe members, who had previously agreed that telecommuting would work in theircompany, began coming up with divergent views. By the end, two divisionsclaimed they had major concerns about allowing employees to telecommute, andthose in favor of it were equally vocal. This scenario depicts the operation of________.



C)role conflict


E)social loafing

Answer: B

Explanation: B) Groupshift is a change between a group'sdecision and an individual decision that a member within the group would make;the shift can be toward either conservatism or greater risk, but it generally istoward a more extreme version of the group's original position.

JoeSullivan and Mark Holland, members of the top management at EuAir, a Europeanairlines, were preparing for a meeting to discuss strategies to combat therecent rise in fuel prices. Before the meeting began, Joe and Mark werediscussing how oil prices significantly impact the health of the world economy.Joe spoke of how higher oil prices since 1999, partly the result of OPEC supplymanagement policies, contributed to the global economic downturn in 2000-2001.Mark agreed but added that the right kind of strategy could help them overcomethis challenge, and that they could even use the situation to hike fares andgenerate additional revenues. Which of the following statements, if true, woulddenote the occurrence of groupshift in Mark's opinions during the meeting?

A)Mark thought that EuAir should suspend some of its less profitable flights inthe short run in favor of the routes that have greater demand among consumers.

B)Mark proposed that this was an opportunity for EuAir to use its brand nameeffectively and diversify into other products and services.

C)Mark agreed with Joe's opinion that providing the best service possible, evenif it meant incurring a loss in the short run, would be the best strategy.

D)Mark proposed that the prices be hiked and additional customer service measuresbe included so costumers have the best experience flying with EuAir.

E)Mark encouraged the top-management team to consider laying off surplus employeesand rightsizing EuAir to enhance its efficiency and lower costs.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The fact that Mark thought that EuAirshould suspend some of its less profitable flights in the short run, in favorof the routes that have greater demand among consumers, does not indicategroupshift as it does not strengthen his prior view. The fact that Markproposed that this was an opportunity for EuAir to use its brand nameeffectively and diversify into other products and services does not representgroupshift as it does not strengthen his prior view. The fact that Mark agreedwith Joe's opinion that providing the best service possible, even if it meantincurring a loss in the short run, would be the best strategy is contrary tohis prior view and does not indicate groupshift. The fact that Mark proposedthat the prices be hiked and additional customer service measures be includedrepresents an extreme version of his previously held opinion and thus denotesgroupshift. The fact that Mark encouraged the top-management team to considerlaying off surplus employees does not strengthen his prior view and cannotrepresent groupshift.

JoeSullivan and Mark Holland, members of the top management at EuAir, a Europeanairlines, were preparing for a meeting to discuss strategies to combat therecent rise in fuel prices. Before the meeting began, Joe and Mark werediscussing how oil prices significantly impact the health of the world economy.Joe spoke of how higher oil prices since 1999, partly the result of OPEC supplymanagement policies, contributed to the global economic downturn in 2000-2001.Mark agreed but added that the right kind of strategy could help them overcomethis challenge, and that they could even use the situation to hike fares andgenerate additional revenues. Which of the following statements, if true, wouldweaken the argument that Mark experienced groupshift in the meeting?

A)Mark argued that implementing a price rise was necessary to recover the costsin operating the flights.

B)Mark stated that the company should increase operations but at lower fares sothey can regain control over the market share.

C)Mark believed that most of their clientele was not price sensitive.

D)Mark stated that oil suppliers were going to pressure them even more in thefuture and the company had to resort to alternatives like bio fuels.

E)Mark recommended that the company should establish a fuel hedging contract withits key suppliers to ensure protection from fuel price rises.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The fact that Mark argued thatimplementing a price rise was necessary to recover the costs in operating theflights does strengthen his prior view and represents groupshift. The fact thatMark stated that the company should increase operations but at lower fares iscontrary to his previously held view and weakens the argument that heexperienced groupshift. The fact that Mark believed that most of theirclientele was not price sensitive is aligned to his view of increasing pricesand does not weaken the possibility of groupshift. The fact that Mark felt thatthe company had to resort to alternatives like bio fuels does not strengthen orweaken his argument in favor of price rise. The fact that Mark recommendedestablishing a fuel hedging contract with its key suppliers to ensureprotection from fuel price rises does not impact his view on hiking fares andthus does not weaken the argument that he experienced groupshift.

JoeSullivan and Mark Holland, members of the top management at EuAir, an Europeanairlines, were preparing for a meeting to discuss strategies to combat therecent rise in fuel prices. Before the meeting began, Joe and Mark werediscussing how oil prices significantly impact the health of the world economy.Joe spoke of how higher oil prices since 1999, partly the result of OPEC supplymanagement policies, contributed to the global economic downturn in 2000-2001.Mark agreed but added that the right kind of strategy could help them overcomethis challenge, and that they could even use the situation to hike fares andgenerate additional revenues. Which of the following statements, if true, woulddenote the occurrence of groupshift in Joe's opinions during the meeting?

A)Joe proposed that the company should invite price quotes from new suppliers toreduce their dependence on their current fuel suppliers.

B)Joe determined that the best strategy would be to slash prices and minimize allfringes that are used for customer service.

C)Joe convinced the top management team to decrease the capacity of the flights.

D)Joe recommended that the prices for business class fares be increased as theyrepresent a less price-sensitive group of customers.

E)Joe claimed that aviation fuel was their second largest expense and this wasthe time to contemplate obtaining a few futures contracts with suppliers.

Answer: B

Explanation: B) The fact that Joe proposed that thecompany should invite price quotes from new suppliers to reduce theirdependence on their current fuel suppliers does not represent an extreme versionof his prior view. The fact that Joe felt that the best strategy would be toslash prices and minimize all fringes that are used for customer servicerepresents an extreme version of his prior view and denotes groupshift. Thefact that Joe convinced the top management team to decrease the capacity of theflights does not indicate groupshift as it is not a stronger manifestation ofhis previous views on hiking fares. The fact that Joe recommended that theprices for business class fares be increased is contrary to his previous viewand does not indicate groupshift. Joe's proposal of obtaining futures contractsdoes not strengthen or weaken his argument against hiking fares and thus doesnot represent groupshift.

JoeSullivan and Mark Holland, members of the top management at EuAir, a Europeanairline, were preparing for a meeting to discuss strategies to combat therecent rise in fuel prices. Before the meeting began, Joe and Mark werediscussing how oil prices significantly impact the health of the world economy.Joe spoke of how higher oil prices since 1999, partly the result of OPEC supplymanagement policies, contributed to the global economic downturn in 2000-2001.Mark agreed but added that the right kind of strategy could help them overcomethis challenge, and that they could even use the situation to hike fares andgenerate additional revenues. Which of the following statements, if true, wouldweaken the argument that Joe experienced groupshift during the meeting?

A)Joe stated that the company should cut expenditures on other areas likemarketing and advertising instead of hiking fares to retain their currentprofit margins.

B)Joe stated that hiking prices would lead to losing market share to the low-costairlines which already controlled half the market.

C)Joe stated that precise methods of fuel filling and consumption must beimplemented to efficiently use their current supply of fuel.

D)Joe suggested adding a fuel surcharge to all tickets for commercial flightswith immediate effect.

E)Joe proposed the usage of direct and higher altitude routes that would curtailfuel consumption.

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The fact that Joe stated that the companyshould cut expenditures on other areas like marketing and advertising does notstrengthen or weaken his opinion of hiking fares. The fact that Joe stated thathiking prices would lead to losing market share to the low-cost airlines whichalready controlled half the market is more aligned with his prior view and doesnot weaken the argument that he experienced groupshift. The fact that Joestated that precise methods of fuel filling and consumption must be implementeddoes not strengthen or weaken his argument against hiking prices. The fact thatJoe suggested adding a fuel surcharge to all tickets for commercial flightswith immediate effect is contrary to his previous views on hiking fares andweakens the argument that he experienced groupshift. The fact that Joe proposedthe usage of direct and higher altitude routes that would curtail fuel consumptiondoes not strengthen or weaken his views against hiking fares.

Groupthinkis most commonly seen in the group decision-making approach using ________.

A)reference groups

B)nominal groups


D)interacting groups

E)electronic meeting groups

Answer: D

Explanation: D) The most common form of group decisionmaking takes place in interacting groups. Members meet face-to-face and rely onboth verbal and nonverbal interactions to communicate. Interacting groups oftencensor themselves and pressure individual members toward conformity of opinion.

Likemany other marketing strategy specialists, Mark Fritz relies heavily oncreativity and originality. Members of his team are selected on the basis oftheir ability to think divergently, and Mark often conducts activities toensure that this ability is developed. For instance, before any new project,Mark invites his team to sit together and churn out possible ideas about thenew product, its theme, and ways in which it can be projected best in themarket. These sessions usually provide him with a bank of potential ideas fromwhich the team selects some strong concepts and develops them into a campaign.To encourage freedom in these sessions, Mark has a no-evaluation policy. Thisis an example of ________.

A)ingroup favoritism




E)social loafing

Answer: C

Explanation: C) This is an example of brainstorming.Brainstorming is an idea-generation process that specifically encourages anyand all alternatives while withholding any criticism of those alternatives.

Whichof the following statements is true regarding brainstorming?

A)Brainstorming encourages criticizing an idea as early as possible.

B)Brainstorming overcomes the problem of "production blocking."

C)Brainstorming can overcome the pressures for conformity.

D)Research consistently shows that a group in a brainstorming session generatesmore ideas than an individual working alone.

E)Brainstorming fails to develop group cohesiveness.

Answer: C

Explanation: C) Brainstorming can overcome the pressuresfor conformity that dampen creativity by encouraging any and all alternativeswhile withholding criticism. Research consistently shows individuals workingalone generate more ideas than a group in a brainstorming session. One reasonfor this is "production blocking." When people are generating ideasin a group, many are talking at once, which blocks the thought process andeventually impedes the sharing of ideas. Brainstorming develops groupcohesiveness.

Agroup decision-making method in which individual members meet face-to-face topool their judgments in a systematic but independent fashion is the ________technique.A)reference groups

B)nominal groups


D)interacting groups


Answer: B

Explanation: B) The nominal groups' technique is a groupdecision-making method in which individual members meet face-to-face to pooltheir judgments in a systematic but independent fashion.

Forseven years, Bonnie Patterson has been a manager at Wayne and Watson, a legalconsultancy firm. A good part of her workday involves holding meetings, and shelikes to follow a well-defined schedule. For this reason, members of her teamreceive the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, followed by some time tocontemplate the issue at hand individually. Subsequently, the team memberspresent their ideas one after the other, the group discusses them together, andlastly, a ranking is done to choose the most favored idea. This represents the________ approach of group decision making.


B)reference group


D)nominal group


Answer: D

Explanation: D) The nominal group technique restrictsdiscussion or interpersonal communication during the decision-making process,hence the term nominal. Group members are all physically present, as ina traditional committee meeting, but they operate independently.

HubertGray needs an instruction manual developed for his new product. This is thelast step of the project and he has severe budget constraints. He needs a smallteam of technical writers to work together closely to write the manual onfairly short notice. He needs them to communicate ideas quickly, creatively,and affordably. Which of the following group techniques should Hubert consider?

A)nominal and electronic


C)brainstorming and electronic

D)electronic and interacting

E)interacting and brainstorming

Answer: E

Explanation: E) Hubert needs a group with high creativity,high cohesion, and low expense. He should choose either interacting orbrainstorming techniques to get his task completed. Nominal techniques,although high in creativity and affordability, are slow and only moderatelycohesive. Electronic techniques are slow and expensive and have zero cohesion.

Which of the following statement is true regarding the effect that size of the group?

Compared to smaller groups, larger groups are better at problem-solving; this statement is true regarding the effect that the size of the group has on the performance of the group as a larger group have more employees who share the different skill sets; as a result, this would be helpful in any problem-solving.

Which of the following is true regarding formal groups?

Which of the following is true regarding formal groups? They are natural formations that arise in response to the need for social contact. They lack clearly defined structures and roles for their members.

What term defines how others believe a person should act in a given situation?

Social proof is a psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation.

Which of the following terms indicates the tendency of individuals to spend less effort?

Which of the following terms indicates the tendency of individuals to spend less effort when working collectively? Social loafing is the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working in a group than when working individually.


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