Which of the following statements is true regarding the responsibilities of a reviewer quizlet?




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    SUNY - Geneseo - Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research

    Terms in this set (30)

    Which of the following is represents plagiarism?

    Presenting someone else's ideas or words and claiming them as one's own.

    Which of the following is the primary criterion for authorship?

    Having made a significant intellectual contribution to the work.

    Which of the following statements is true regarding authorship practices?

    Both within and between disciplines, practices differ with regard to who should be included as an author, and in what order they should be listed.

    Which of the following is true regarding authors who seek to publish the same content in multiple papers?

    If the same content s used in multiple papers, it is essential that this information be properly disclosed to journal editors and other relevant entities.

    Which of the following most accurately describes the practice of ghost authorship?

    It is a situation where the individual who wrote the manuscript is not listed as an author.

    Which of the following is a key reason why international collaborations can be challenging?

    The collaborators may have different disciplinary and cultural backgrounds and practices.

    The most important factor in determining whether a research collaboration will be successful is:

    Whether there is ongoing communication among the team members about their goals and responsibilities.

    In any collaboration, data ownership is typically determined by:

    The type and source of funds used to support the project.

    Which of the following is true regarding academic-industry collaborations?

    The industry sponsor typically owns the data from research that it funds.

    What is the main function of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 as it relates to academic institutions?

    It allows institutions to have control over the intellectual property from federally-funded research.

    If a friendship with an applicant could interfere with a hiring decision, this is typically referred to as:

    A personal conflict of interest.

    The entity that normally is supposed to determine whether an academic researcher's conflict of interest can be managed is:

    A conflict of interest committee

    If researchers allow their moral or other personal beliefs to influence their objectivity, this is most likely an example of:

    A conflict of conscience

    The main focus of NIH's conflict of interest policy is:

    Financial conflicts of interest

    Which of the following most accurately describes a conflict of commitment?

    It occurs when outside activities interfere with obligations to one's primary employer.

    Which of the following is most likely to own the data resulting from a research project?

    The organization that receives federal funding for a project.

    What is the primary responsibility of oversight bodies (such as an IRB or IACUC)?

    To determine compliance with regulatory requirements, including those relating to protecting research subjects.

    Which of the following is true regarding the reporting of research results?

    Clear specification of the methods and procedures used is essential.

    Which of the following is true regarding data analysis?

    Data analysis methods should usually be specified in advance before a study begins.

    In the research context, the term validity most commonly refers to:

    Whether operationalized terms actually measure what they purport to measure.

    The main reason that the Royal Society of London developed the modern form of peer review was to:

    Control the quality of published papers.

    Which of the following is true regarding the traditional peer review process:

    Under single-blind review, the identity of the author is revealed to the reviewer.

    Which of the following statements most accurately describes the review process for grant proposals?

    Funding agencies usually have committees, often with external reviewers, that assess the quality of the proposal.

    Which of the following statements is true regarding the responsibilities of reviewers?

    Reviewers should identify the positive and negative aspects of a manuscript, and indicate where improvements are needed.

    The two main criteria that the National Science Foundation (NSF) uses to evaluate grant proposals are:

    Intellectual merit and broader impact.

    According to U.S. Federal Research Misconduct Policy, which of the following is considered to be research misconduct?


    Which type of research misconduct most likely occurred if someone intentionally removes data points from the data set in order to generate a deceptive conclusion?


    Which of the following is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct?

    Good mentoring

    Which of the following is true regarding the U.S. Federal Research Misconduct Policy?

    To have a misconduct finding, the action must have been committed intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly.

    According to the U.S. Federal Research Misconduct Policy, fabrication involves:

    Making up data or results and recording or reporting them.

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