Which of the following statements regarding competitive marketing intelligence is true

A ________ is a process that determines what information marketing managers need and then gathers, sorts, analyzes, stores and distributes relevant and timely marketing information to users.

A) primary data collection system

B) secondary data collection system

C) Competitive intelligence system

D) marketing Research project

E) marketing information system

E) Marketing Information Systems


What are the 3 important components of a basic Marketing Information Systems (MIS)?

A) competitive intelligence, internal records, and all sale personnel

B) existing data, marketing researchers to gather more data, and the technology to convert those data into information

C) managers at all levels, corp. culture and internal data

D) Data, computer hardware/software, and outputs for marketing decision markers

E) information resources, technical experts, and marketing managers

D) Data, computer hardware/software, and outputs for marketing decision markers

Frito-Lay's ________ gathers daily sales data and sorts it by product line and by region. The marketing managers use the data to evaluate the market share of different Frito-Lay products compared to one another and to competing snack foods in each region where the company does business.

A) case study

B) acquired database

C) syndicated research

D) marketing information systems

E) marketing intelligence system

D) marketing information systems (MIS)

Data such as which of a company's customers buy which products, which items the company has in stock and when the company ships items to its customers are all examples of _________.

A) marketing intelligence

B) acquired data points

C) external primary data

D) marketing research

E) Internal company data

A(n) _________ is an internal corporate communication network that uses Internet technology to link company departments, employees and databases.

A) social network

B) affiliate program

C) horizontal user network

D) intranet

E) marketing decision support system

Which of the following is NOT a major data source for a marketing information system (MIS)?

A) internal company data

B) marketing intelligence

C) marketing research

D) acquired databases

E) modeling software

Managers at a discount retailer's headquarters would ___________ to access up-to-the-minute sales information obtained from the store's case registers around the country in order to detect problems with products, promotions, and even the firm's distribution systems?

A) a company intranet

B) secondary data

C) a predicition market

D) marketing intelligence

E) sampling

What is the method called in which marketers collect available information about what is going on in the world that is relevant to their business?

A) a marketing decision support system

B) marketing management

C) longitudinal research

D) a marketing intelligence system

E) data mining

D) a marketing intelligence system

Which of the following statements regarding marketing intelligence is true?

A) Marketing intelligence is privately held information

B) Most companies collect marketing intelligence on an annual or semi-annual basis

C) All marketing intelligence is free

D) Most marketing intelligence is publicly available information

E) Marketing intelligence gathering is more focused on gaining insights into consumer activities than competitors' activities

D-Most marketing intelligence is publicly available information

Which of the following is NOT considered a course of marketing intelligence?

A) distributors

B) industry trade publications

C) Customers

D) causal research

E) Activities of competitors

________ is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data about customers, competitors, and the business environment to improve marketing effectiveness.

A) marketing research

B) marketing management

C) competitive intelligence

D) marketing intelligence

E) internal marketing

What kind of research is general information collected by specialized firms on a regular basis and then sold to other firms?

A) syndicated research

B) custom research

C) competitive research

D) perceptual tracking

E) marketing decision suppost research

A company reports on consumers' perceptions of more than 1,700 performers for companies that are interested in using a performer in their advertising . This type of report is an example of ______________.

A) syndicated research

B) custom research

C) case study research

D) exploratory research

E) primary research

Nielsen compiles ratings of the tv shows and then sells the information to many firms. Nielsen conducts ___________.

A) custom research

B) case study research

C) syndicated research

D) exploratory research

E) ethnographic research

________ is research a single firm conducts to provide answers to specific questions.

A) syndicated research

B) custom research

C) consumer data

D) perceptual tracking

E) internal data

A marketing decision support system (MDSS) is a(n) _________.

A) basic system used by companies that don't have the resources to develop a marketing information system

B) popular syndicated research report purchased by major media companies

C) sophicated information system that allows marketing managers to use statistical and modeling software tools.

D) type of custom research report often called for in the marketing research process

E) data warehouse used to suppose a marketing information system

C) sophicated information system that allows marketing managers to use statistical and modeling software tools.

A(n) _______ can use multidimensional scaling to create perceptual maps.

A) intranet analysis

B) marketing information system

C) data warehouse

D) Marketing Decision Support Systems (MDSS)

E) competitive intelligence system

D) Marketing Decision Support Systems (MDSS)

A marketing manager would most likely use _____________ to find out how many consumers stay with his brand and how many switch, and thus project market shares over time?

A) modeling software

B) syndicated research

C) cross-sectional research

D) exploratory research

E) competitive intelligence

Which of the following is a question that a marketing manager would use an MDSS rather an MIS to answer?

A) What were our company sales of each of our products during the past month?

B) What are the best media for reaching a high percentage of have users to our product?

C) What changes in sales are happening in our industry?

D) If we change our media schedule by replacing a certain media buy with a new media buy, will we reach more users of our product?

E) What are the demographic characteristics of consumers whose purchase patterns are changing the most?

D- If we change our media schedule by replacing a certain media buy with a new media buy, will we reach more users of our product?

To take advantage of the massive amount of data now available, sophicated analysis techniques called _____________ are becoming a priority for many firms.

A) data mining

B) prospecting

C) cold calling

D) data warehousing

E) data tallying

The process through which analyst sift through massive amounts of available data to identify unique patterns of behavior among different customers groups is called __________.

A) causal research

B) custom research

C) longitudinal research

D) data warehousing

E) data mining

A company that compiles and uses large amounts of data to understand its customers is likely to have a(n) _________ to store and process its data.

A) distribution center

B) data warehouse

C) competitive intelligence center

D) custom research project

E) marketing research dept

Cellular providers who have begun signing deals with business partners wanting to market products based on specific phone users' locations and calling habits are participating in a new trend called __________.

A) telemarketing

B) data warehousing

C) reality mining

D) virtual mining

E) prediction marketing

Which of the following are NOT one of the 4 main applications of data mining for marketers?

A) Customer retention

B) Customer acquisition

C) Customer Abandonment

D) Competitive intelligence

E) market basket analysis

Through the data mining application of _________, marketers identify big-spending customers and target them for specials that other customers won't receive.

A) customer retention

B) customer acquisition

C) customer abandonment

D) competitive intelligence

E) market basket analysis

Companies are most likely to use data mining results identifying unprofitable customers for ________.

A) customer retention

B) customer loyalty

C) customer acquisition

D) customer abandonment

E) market baskey analysis

Which of the following is a true statement about the steps in the marketing research process?

A) The research design should be determined before the problem.

B) The last step is to analyze and intrepet the data.

C) The first step is selecting a method of data collection.

D) The first step is defining the research problem.

E) The data must be collected before the sample can be designed.

D-The first step is defining the research problem.

The first step in the marketing research process is to ___________.

A) determine how data will be collected

B) select samples

C) clearly understand the information needed by customers

D) set the mission statement for the research

E) determine a research design

C) clearly understand the information needed by customers

The marketing research process step of defining the research problem has 3 components: specifying the research objectives, identify the customers population of interest and ____________.

A) placing the problem in an environmental context

B) determining a budget for the research process

C) selecting mgr. responsible for analyzing the data

D) determining whether primary data will be needed

E) deciding whether to hire a marketing research agency or to conduct the research in-house

A) placing the problem in an environmental context

Which component of the marketing research process determines the consumer population that a company will study?

A) the research design

B) the sampling method

C)The research objective

D) the collection method

E) the sampling design

C) The research objective

The second step of the marketing research process is to ___________.

A) define the problem

B) select the primary data collection method

C) determine the sampling method

D) calculate the budget

E) determine the research design

E) determine the research design

Which of the following specifies exactly what information marketers will collect and what type of study they will do?

A) the research objective

B) the environmental context

C) the sampling method

D) the data collection method

E) the research design

Data that has been collected for some other purpose than to answer the question at hand is called ____________.

A) primary data

B) secondary data

C) mined data

D) experimental data

E) ethnographic data

LexisNexis and Dialog are two companies that provide _____________.

A) primary data

B) secondary data

C) reality mining data

D) causal research designs

E) questionnaire designs

Which of the following is information gathered directly at hand from respondents in order to specifically address a question at hand?

A) ethnographic observation

B) experimental hypotheses

C) primary data

D) secondary data

E) internal data

Marketers would be most likely to use _________ to come up with ideas for new strategies and opportunities or to get a better understanding of a problem they are currently experiencing with a product.

A) experimental research

B) experiential research

C) exploratory research

D) causal research

E) secondary research

Which of the following is most likely to involve in-depth surveying or observation of a few consumers who fit the profile of the "typical" customer?

A) data mining

B) syndicated research

C) exploratory research

D) causal research

E) descriptive research

Which type of research generates nonnumeric results that provide detailed verbal or visual information about consumers' attitude?

A) data mining

B) qualitative research

C) quantitative research

D) causal research

E) descriptive research

A company utilized ________ when it asked consumers to indicate how they feel about panty hose.

A) exploratory research

B) causal research

C) case study research

D) ethnography

E) descriptive research

Which of the following are true about focus groups?

A) They are typically conducted in mall settings.

B) They are a type of descriptive research.

C) They are type of one-on-one interview.

D) They are used to gather exploratory data.

E) They do not use a discussion leader.

A(n) ______ is a comprehensive examination of a particular firm or organization.

A) focus group

B) case study

C) longitutindal study

D) expert panel

E) ethnographic study

Which of the following methods of gathering exploratory data was derived from anthropology?

A) focus groups

B) one-on-one interviews

C) case studies

D) longitudinal studies

E) ethnography

Using _______, some marketing researchers participate in real-life consumer activities to get an understanding of how consumers actually use products.

A) mechanical observation

B) ethnography

C) focus groups

D) face to face interviews

E) telephone interviews

Focus groups have become one of the major marketing research tools for getting insight into consumer thoughts and feelings. However, a researcher relying solely on focus groups would likely be most concerned about which of the following?

A) finding a convenience sample

B) generalizing the results to the rest of the population

C) administering the questions

D) orchestrating cooperation among participants

E) Generating qualitative data

Once a company has conducted exploratory research and reviewed the resulting data, its next step is most likely which of the following?

A) conduct descriptive research

B) calculate the representative sample size

C) identify secondary data sources

D) select a primary data collection method

E) conduct qualitative research

Descriptive research using a _______ design tracks the responses of the same sample of respondents over time.

A) latitudinal

B) cause and effect

C) longitudinal

D) cross-sectional

E) hierarchical

Marketers use _________ when they want to determine if a change in one thing is responsible for a change in something else.

A) ethnography

B) predictive techniques

C) descriptive research

D) causal research

E) exploratory research

Researchers design _______ to test predicted relationships among variables in a controlled environment.

A) longitudinal assessments

B) statistical models

C) multidimensional scales

D) experiments

E) perceptual maps

Your text describes the two main primary data collection methods as __________.

A) descriptive and exploratory

B) causal and descriptive

C) survey and observation

D) direct and indirect

E) impersonal and personal

C) survey and observation

Which of the following best explains the goal of neuromarketers?

A) using subliminal messages to influence consumer decisions

B) collecting data about responses to advertising and products by scanning consumers' brains

C) observing and tracking consumer behavior on the internet

D) designing marketing research experiments using the internet

E) analyzing data from various sources to answer complex "what if" questions.

Of the following, which type of data collection method is likely to have the lowest response rate?

A) mail questionnaires

B) focus groups

C) online focus groups

D) case study

E) face to face interview

Which of the following is NOT a survey method for data collection?

A) online questionnaires

B) mail questionnaires

C) mail intercepts

D) observations

E) face to face interviews

Which of the following data collection methods is generally the least flexible?

A) phone interviews

B) face to face interviews

C) mail questionnaires

D) online questionnaires

E) mall intercepts

Which data collection method for marketing research is flexible, allows for explanation of difficult questions, and lends itself to showing products and other visual materials?

A) face to face interviewing

B) online questionnaires

C) telephone interviewing

D) ethnographic research

E) mail questionnaires

A) face to face interviewing

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of online questionnaires?

A) speed

B) low costs

C) almost instantaneous results

D) control over who respondents are

E) no geographic restrictions

Telemarketing has had the greatest impact on which of the following data collection methods?

A) mail questionnaires

B) online questionnaires

C) mall intercepts

D) telephone interviews

E) face to face interviews

A questionnaire that asks respondents whether they "strongly agree", "somewhat agree", "somewhat disagree", or "strongly disagree" is most likely a(n) ________.

A) unstructured questionnaire

B) online questionnaire

C) mail questionnaire

D) moderately structured questionnaire

E) completely structured questionnaire

E) completely structured questionnaire

__________ is a type of data collection in which the researcher simply records the consumer's behaviors.

A) mail intercept

B) observation

C) survey

D) focus group

E) neuromarketing

Which of the following is a primary data collection method that relies on nonhuman devices to record consumer behavior?

A) mechanical observation

B) mall intercepts

C) ethnography

D) unobtrusive measurements

E) case studies

________ is less expensive, faster and more flexible than other methods of data collection.

A) mail surveying

B) telephone surveying

C) the mall intercept

D) the focus group

E) online data collection

E) Online data collection

Disadvantages of ________ are that hackers can influence research and competitors can learn about marketing firms' plans.

A) mail surveys

B) telephone surveys

C) mall intercept

D) focus groups

E) online research

________ are a method for tracking what computer users do at various Web sites and which sites they visit.

A) projective techniques

B) people meters

C) predictive techniques

D) cookies

E) search engines

Predictive technology used by e-marketrs relies on ____________.

A) sophisticated brain scans revealing consumers' reactions to advertisements and products

B) collecting data through people meters

C) collecting qualitative information through online questionnaires

D) drawing generalizations from professional respondents

E) tracking the shopping patterns of large numbers of people

E) tracking the shopping patterns of large numbers of people

Which of the following groups currently oversees the development and maintenance of standards to protect the privacy of internet users?

A) US Dept of Justice

B) Interstate Commerce Commission

C) Federal Communication Commission

D) Federal Trade Commission

E) Internet Industry

_______ is the extent to which research actually measures what it was intended to measure.

A) flexibility

B) validity

C) responsiveness

D) reliability

E) representativeness

_________ is the extend to which research measurement techniques are free of errors.

A) flexibility

B) validity

C) responsiveness

D) reliability

E) representativeness

Children are difficult subject for market researchers because they have poor recall and often do not understand the questions they are asked. This brings into question the _________ of the survey.

A) flexibility

B) sampling

C) responsiveness

D) reliability

E) representativeness

_________ is the process of selecting respondents for a survey.

A) sampling

B) prospecting
C) modeling

D) surveying

E) representation

The two main types of samples used by researchers are _____________.

A) reliable and non-reliable

B) probability and nonprobability

C) valid and invalid

D) static and dynamic

E) longitudinal and latitudinal

B) probability and non probability

Which of the following is true about a probability sample?

A) The observation method is used to select people who appear most willing to participate

B) convenience is the key determinant of who participate

C)A researcher uses personal judgement to select participants

D) Every member of the population is included in the sample.

E) Each member of the population has some known change of being included in the same.

A _______ sample is a type of probability sample in which a researcher divides the population into segments that relate to the study's topic.

A) systematic

B) convenience

C) stratified

D) quota

E) simple random

What is a major drawback of probability sampling?

A) it can be time consuming

B) the sample is proportionate to the population

C) the most difficult population from which to obtain information is chosen

D) everyone has an equal change of selection

E) marketers must rely on the judgement of the researcher in respondent selection

A) It can be time consuming

Which of the following is true about a non probability sample?

A) The hierarchical sampling method is used to select people who appear most willing to participate.

B) Representativeness is the key determinant of who participates

C) A researcher uses personal judgement to select participants.

D) Every member of the population is included in the sample

E) Each member of the population has some change of being included in the sample.

A survey questioned men and women to determine how each group felt about low-fat foods advertising on tv. The results from male and female respondents were examined separately to see if their responses were difficult. The research results were analyzed using _______.

A) ethnographic techniques

B) single-source data methods

C) cross-tabulation

D) standard correlation calculations

E) projective techniques

In general, a research report will NOT include _____________.

A)an executive summary of the report that covers the high points of the total report

B) a description of the research methodology

C)a discussion of the results of the study, including tabulations, cross tabulations and additional statistical analysis

D) a discussion of limitations of the study

E) a situation analysis

A cosmetic company asked 293 women who were wearing their StayColor line of cosmetics to rub their cheeks against their shirts using "the pressure they use when caressing someone else's face." The company was conducting _____________.

A) syndicated research

B) custom research

C) Case study research

D) secondary research

E) none of the above

RBC Royal Bank wanted to evaluate the financial value of its substantial personal customer base to determine which type of customers were the most valuable to the bank. To do this, the bank looked at revenues and expenses from each of it's financial products, including loans and credit card usage. To identify and then analyze this information, the bank utilized the MIS analysis technique called ___________.

A) data warehousing

B) marketing research

C) probability sampling

D) data mining

E) marketing basket analyzing

Tabak catalog retailer studies about 3,500 variables over the lifetime of a customer's relationship. Through ________, it has found that customers who change residences are 3 times more likely than customers who don't move as frequently to buy tables, fax machines, and decorative products but are no more likely to buy jewelry or footwear.

A) data mining

B) prospecting

C) sampling

D) latitudinal research

E) customer acquistion

A catalog retailer studies about 3,500 variables over the lifetime of a customer's relationship. It has found that customers who cahnge residences are 3 times more likely than customers who do not move as frequently to buy tables, fax machines, and decorative products but are no more likely to buy jewelry or footwear. By using data analysis to determine which promotion to target to customers who have recently moved, this catalog retailer has engaged in _____________.

A) customer retention

B) customer acquisition

C) customer abandonment

D) customer accrual

E) market baskey analysis

To determine what type of infomation to add to its Website inorder to attract more visitors, an Internet company could look at a survey by the AOL/Roper Starch Cyberstudy, which showed the primary activities Americans most likely to engage in when surfing the Internet. This study is an example of ____________.

A) ethnographic data

B) a secondary data source

C) a primary internal data source

D) data mining

E) a primary external data source

Which of the following is NOT an example of a secondary data source for a company researching whether it should open a casino near St. Louis, Missouri?

A) US Census reports on St. Louis growth patterns

B) A survey commissioned by the company asking St. Louis residents about their gambling habits.

C) the stockholders' report froma casino that currently operates in St. Louis

D) a trade organization report on the tourism industry in Missouri

E) an academic study of the growth of online gambling activities

A market research bureau semiannually conducts national surveys of more than 25,000 consumers who complete monthly logs detialing their purchases of products. Many companies subscribe to the bureau's report publication to learn of the findings of these surveys. This information can be classified as __________.

A) primary data

B) secondary data

C) minded data

D) experimental data

E) cross-tabulated data

A group of investors wants to bring a minor league baseball team to a community of 100,000 to create hometown spirit and offer a new form of family entertainment. The group surveyed people in the community to see if they would attend the games, how frequently they would attend, and whether the location of the proposed baseball stadium was acceptable. This survey is an example of __________.

A) data mining

B) a secondary internal source

C) longitudinal data

D) a primary data source

E) a secondary external source

A city hired a resesarch company to survey spring break vacationers to learn about this market. One of the questions asked was, "If you were able to hang out on the beach with any celebrity, who would she or he be?" This type of question is a means for gathering __________.

A) qualitative data

B) ethnographic observations

C) cross tabulated data

D) quantitative data

E) longitudinal data

Six women were invited to participate in a discussion on motels, hotels and resorts. A discussion leader first asked them what differentiated motels, hotels and resort accommodations. Then she asked them to identify all the amenditieis they expect to find in overnight accommondations. These 6 women and their leader participated in a(n) _________.

A company did a comprehensive examination of how pit crews in an auto race work to quickly get a racecar into the pit area, gas the car, perform other maintenance, and get the car back on track. The company wanted to see if it could adapt some of the teamwork techniques used by pit crews to speed up its order processing. The company conducted a(n) _________.

A) focus group

B) concept test

C) case study

D) worker intercept

E) ethnographic study

A trained researcher was paid to visit a home with 3 preschoolers everyday for 2 weeks to observe the children's bath time. This is an example of _______.

A) focus group

B) experimental research

C) a case study

D) descriptive research

E) ethnograph

During one day researchers counted the number of out-of-state cars parked in an outlet mall parking lot at 10 AM and 4 PM. The gathering of this quantitative data is an example of descriptive research using _________.

A) a heirarchical format

B) a cross- sectional design

C) latitudinal tracking

D) a longitudinal design

E) ethnography

Every six months, Doug is asked to fill out a survey which asks when he expects to buy a new vehicle and what type and model he plans to purchase. Doug, along with a group of consumers with similar buying habits, has been participating in this survey for the last eight years. The gathering of this quantitative data is an example of descriptive research using ________.

A) a heirarchical format

B) a cross sectional design

C)latitudinal tracking

D) a longitudinal design

E) ethnography

An independent grocer who wants to konw if cocktail and tarter sauce will sell better if the two products were moved form the salad dressing section of the store to a display next to the seasfood selection would most likely use ________ research.

A) longitudinal

B) exploratory

C) latitudinal

D) ethnographic

E) causal

Prior to setting up its Thanksgiving Turkey Hotline, a company conducted one-on-one disccusions with a small number of new and experienced cooks to determine what type of questions it should be prepared to answer. In reasearch terms, this company conducted ________.

A) focus groups

B) face to face interviews

C) ethnographic research

D) unobtrusive measures

E) observational research

Barry was sitting on a bench near the center of the shopping mall wiating for his wife to finish her shopping when he was approached by a women holding a clipboard and a dress shirt. She asked if Barry had the time to answer a few questions about the shirt. After Barry examined the shirt, the women asked him to assess the quality of the shirt and to state how much he would be willing to pay for the shirt. Barry participated in a(n) _______.

A) focus group

B) observation interview

C) expert panel

D) experimental interview

E) Mall Intercept

A survey about pet ownership used a smaple derived from people who visit a Website and register. This sample would lack _______ because not everyone has internet access.

A) flexibility

B) vailidity

C) responsiveness

D) reliability

E) representativeness

Will has 8 puppies. He is concered his puppies may be infected with parvo, a disease that is deadly in young dogs unless diagnosed and treated early. The cost of the test to determine if a dog has parvo is $59. Will cant afford to have all of his pppies test. However, if one dog tests positive, then Will can assume that all the puppies are infected. If the tested puppy is not infected, then Will can assume that his puppies are healthy. The vet has suggested that Will reach into the pen where the dogs stay and pick up the first puppy that walks into his hand. What kind of sampling technique is the vet suggesting?

A) simple random sampling

B) cluster sampling

C) stratified sampling

D) systematic smapling

E) convenience sampling

A daycare center operator wanted to survey her parents to determine if they were interested in the center providing once-a-month Saturday night care for their children. Rather than survey all 254 paretns, the operator took the list of parents' names and, starting with the third parent's name and surveyed every 12th parent. What type of sampling did the daycare operator use?

A)simple random sampling

B) convenience sampling

C)stratifed sampling

D) systematic sampling

E) non-probability sample

When Gap Inc. was developing the concept for its chain of Old Navy stores, the company gave employees who it the desired Old Navy customer profile $200 a piece. They set them loose on a shopping spree, and then interviewed them about what they had bought so these products would be on the Old Navy shelves when the stores opened. Gap, Inc. utilized what format of participant sampling?

A) probability sampling

B) systematic sampling

C) stratified sampling

D) nonprobability sampling

E) simple random sampling

As part of her summer job, Martina was instructed to collect data from ten people to dtermine how they felt about a number of political issues, including socialized medicine, food stamps, and educational vochers. She asked her father, grandfather, mother, brother, two uncles, and four sorority sisters to answer the survey questions. Marina used a ________ sample.

A) probability

B) convenience

C) stratified

D) systematic

E) simple random

Whether a smple can be categorized as a probability sample or a nonprobability sample depends on the _________ of the sample.

A) validity

B) responsiveness

C) representativeness

D) flexibility

E) reliability

A sign at a Tokyo hotel once read, "You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid," and a dry cleaner in Majorca urged passing customers to "drop your pants here for best results." These are examples of _______ in global markets that international market researchers must consider.

A)technological barriers

B)cultural differences

C)local customs

D) ethnocentric positions

E) language barriers

A sports entertainment co. wants to research how Canadians spend their free time. It is preparing a survey that will be used in all of Canada, including the province of Quebec. Unlike Canadians from other provinces, the people of Quebec primarily speak French. The reaserchers are planning to use English and French versions of the survey. in preparing the surveys, they should use ___________.

A) back translation

B) nonprobability sampling

C) probability sampling

D) syndicated research

E) cross tabulation

What is competitive marketing intelligence used for?

Competitive marketing intelligence gives your company the competitive edge by gaining a clearer picture of the larger market. The purpose of competitive marketing intelligence is to understand customers and their consumer behavior better than your competitor.

Which of the following is not considered a source of marketing intelligence?

6) Which of the following isNOTconsidered a source ofmarketing intelligence? A) suppliersB) resellersC) key customersD) causal researchmarketing research objectivesE) activities of competitorsAnswer:D.

Which of the following statements about marketing research in small businesses and nonprofit organizations is correct?

Which one of the following statements about marketing research in small businesses and nonprofit organizations is correct? The research methods of small businesses and nonprofits are less complex and less costly, but they still must be conducted carefully.

Which of the following is true with regard to market segmentation?

Which of the following is true with regard to a market segment? A market segment consists of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts.