Which of the following terms describes news shows that combine entertainment and news? quizlet

Which of the following statements is true about media?

Film and radio displaced print media in the early twentieth century.
The radio has supplanted the Internet as the most popular medium of communication in the world today.
Following World War II, cable television became the dominant form of communication.
Radio, television, and print media remain important to American politics and government.
Beginning about 1950, the circulation of the newspaper began to decline steadily.





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Terms in this set (35)

Which term refers to the irresponsible and sensationalist approach to news reporting that characterized journalism that helped precipitate the Spanish American War?

Yellow Journalism

Which of the following notable publishers practiced yellow journalism?

-Joseph Pulitzer
-William Randolph Hearst

Which of the following best describe President Franklin D Roosevelt's methods of communicating with his constituents on the radio?

-He used fireside chats when he addressed his listeners
-He was a master communicator who cultivated a personal relationship with his listeners

Which of the following best describes civil discourse?

Sharing viewpoints and articulating personal opinions on public issues

How do blogs affect the traditional media establishment?

Blogs shape the media establishment

Which of the following resulted from the explosion of the new media?

-Consolidation of the newspaper industry
-A steady decline in newspaper readership
-A dramatic decrease in the number of daily newspapers

Which of the following do most individuals use as their primary sources of information?

-The Internet

Who has often been responsible for reporting on current events in American politics?

The media

What is the critics' opinion on how broadband giants would be able to use their market power to control information or to favor certain clients online?

Critics charge that congressional passage of legislation supporting the service providers would destroy the neutrality and openness of the Internet

Which element of political communication has the Internet enhanced where other media outlets had little impact?


Which of the following were results of the radio revolution?

Radio enhanced the relationship between politicians and their constituents, as it allowed listeners to hear the voices of their elected leaders

Which of the following typified families who could not afford a radio?

They would often spend evenings at the homes of friends or neighbors who owned radios

Newspaper and television stations rely on ___________ for their revenues, which motivates them to use neutrality as a guiding principle to attract the largest number of readers or viewers.


With more and more news sources, which of the following have resulted?

Narrow casting

Media performs these political functions:

-Provide political information
-Help us to interpret events and policies and influence agenda setting in the national political arena
-Provide a forum for political conversations
Socialize children to the political culture

Which of the following is an example of new media?

Political blog

The requirement that stations holding broadcast licenses present controversial issues of public importance and do so in a manner that is honest, fair, and balanced is known as the ___________.

Fairness doctrine

Match each term with the scenario that best fits it.

-Framing: In the 2008 Presidential campaign, the media initially covered the race for the Democratic nomination by accentuating the gender of Senator Clinton.
-Public Agenda: In 2013, 2 issues that caught the public eye were health care and same-sex marriage
-Priming: The media influence the setting of the public agenda by using their coverage to bring particular policies on issues to the public agenda, such as same-sex marriage

Which of the following media are subject to government regulation?


Many conservatives point to studies indicating that a majority of newsroom reporters identify themselves as:

Liberal or Democrat

What is the phenomenon of large corporations buying smaller ones so that there are fewer and fewer company's products available?


Which of the following roles has the media played throughout US history?

-Setting the political agenda
-Shaping public policy

When television was introduced and an audience could see the candidates on a fairly regular basis, it was almost mandatory for them to be __________, the term used to describe someone who looks good on television.


In 1830, when more Americans could read, and breakthroughs in technology occurred, a new kind of newspaper was introduced, called the _____________, because it sold for a penny.

Penny Press

How did the rise of cable television and the Internet change politics?

-Americans now consume news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
-Public policy and government officials came under great scrutiny
-The public had access

Match the statistics with the correct survey findings.

-46% - thought the news media were too liberal
-37% - thought the media were "just about right" ideologically
-13% - believed the news media were too conservative

Which of the following terms represents news shows that combine entertainment and news?


The practice of limiting access to a website unless users pay a fee or purchase a subscription is known as a ____________.

Digital paywall

At the turn of the the 20th century, journalists began to engage in serious criticism and explication of corruption in government and industry, a practice called ____________.


Which figures reflect the societal changes in modern newsrooms?

-More than 1/3 of all newsroom supervisors are women
-About 2/5 of all layout and copy editors are women

Historically, which of the following was a notable exception to the one-way flow of media information to the consumer?

A letter to the editor

Which of the following technologies increased the access of rural communities to television news in the 1970s?

The proliferation of cable television

Identify all of the following media forums in which conversations can take place about politics.


Which of the following media forums is the most dominant entertainment and socialization medium for young children?

-They exhibit bias in their reporting
-They exhibit bias in their selection of what issues to cover
-They favor one side of an issue (or one politician) over another

Which of these resulted from the 1996 Telecommunications Act?

-Competition was allowed in the communications industry
-New options were presented to consumers about local and long-distance telephone service, Internet access, and cable and satellite television

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Which of the following terms describes news shows that combine entertainment and news?

Infotainment (a portmanteau of information and entertainment), also called soft news as a way to distinguish it from serious journalism or hard news, is a type of media, usually television or online, that provides a combination of information and entertainment.

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Convergence. The merging of various forms of media that share resources or perform the same task. EXAMPLES OF CONVERGENCE. -Newspapers.

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Which of the following best describes the political functions of mass media? They help us interpret events and developments. They provide us with information about politics.

Which of the cable news networks most fully treats news as a form of entertainment quizlet?

act as advocates for particular viewpoints. Which of the cable news networks most fully treats news as a form of entertainment? CNN.


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