Which of the following terms is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed immobile and generally religiously dictated quizlet?

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intro sociology Homework, Quiz

Terms in this set (47)

Which of the following describes a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power?
A: esteem
B: mobility
C: slavery
D: social inequality

D: social inequality

In Karl Marx's view, the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops
A: bourgeois consciousness.
B: false consciousness.
C: class consciousness.
D: caste consciousness.

C: class consciousness.

Which of the following were viewed by Max Weber as analytically distinct components of stratification?
A: conformity, deviance, and social control
B: class, status, and power
C: class, caste, and age
D: class, prestige, and esteem

B: class, status, and power

Which sociological perspective argues that stratification is universal and that social inequality is necessary so that people will be motivated to fill socially important positions?
A: the functionalist perspective
B: the conflict perspective
C: the interactionist perspective
D: the labeling perspective

A: the functionalist perspective

British sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf viewed social classes as groups of people who share common interests resulting from their authority relationships. Dahrendorf's ideology aligns best with which theoretical perspective?
A: the functionalist perspective
B: the conflict perspective
C: the interactionist perspective
D: sociocultural evolution

B: the conflict perspective

The respect or admiration that an occupation holds in a society is referred to as
A: status.
B; esteem.
C: prestige.
D: ranking.

C: prestige.

Approximately how many people in the United States live below the poverty line established by the federal government?
A: 5 percent
B: 10 percent
C: 15 percent
D: 25 percent

C: 15 percent

Which sociologist has applied functionalist analysis to the existence of poverty and argues that various segments of society actually benefit from the existence of the poor?
A: Émile Durkheim
B: Max Weber
C: Karl Marx
D: Herbert Gans

D: Herbert Gans

A measure of social class that is based on income, education, and occupation is known as
A: the objective method.
B: stratification.
C: socioeconomic status.
D: The open system.

C: socioeconomic status.

A plumber whose father was a physician is an example of
A: downward intergenerational mobility.
B: upward intergenerational mobility.
C: downward intragenerational mobility.
D: upward intragenerational mobility.

A: downward intergenerational mobility.

______________________________ is the most extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals or groups.


In the __________________________________________ system of stratification, or feudalism, peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection and other services.


Karl Marx viewed __________________________________________ differentiation as the crucial determinant of social, economic, and political inequality.


_____________________ is the term Thorstein Veblen used to describe the extravagant spending patterns of those at the top of the class hierarchy.

Conspicuous consumption

___________________________ poverty is the minimum level of subsistence that no family should be expected to live below.


__________________ poverty is a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom of a society, whatever their lifestyles, are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison with the nation as a whole.


Sociologist William Julius Wilson and other social scientists have used the term __________________________________________ to describe the long-term poor who lack training and skills.


Max Weber used the term __________________________________________ __________________________________________ to refer to people's opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable life experiences.

life chances

An open class system implies that the position of each individual is influenced by the person's __________________________________________ status.


___________________________ mobility involves changes in social position within a person's adult life.


Functionalist Perspective
Stratification exists because it benefits society in general by rewarding occupations vital to group welfare. The system of rewards motivates competent people to sacrifice to become doctors and lawyers.


Conflict Perspective
Stratification is viewed as the exploitation of many while rewarding the few. Stratification is an unjust system inflicted on society by those with power and wealth in order to maintain their own interests.


Interactionist Perspective
Interactionists are interested in the importance of social class with regard to an individual's lifestyle. For example, not only do the very rich buy more than they need or can use (conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure), but many also try to keep the lower class "away" or "under control."


By the 1980s, I had largely disappeared. I rule by outsiders. I occur when a foreign power maintains political, social, economic, and cultural domoination over a people for an extended period.


I am generally associated with Hinduism in India and other countries. I tend to be fixed and immobile. I am a hereditary rank that is usually religiously dictated.


I am associated with the work of Max Weber. In the United States, I result from membership particularly in influential groups. I am the ability to exercise will over others.


I determine which individuals and families will be eligible for certain government benefits. I am a money income figure that is adjusted annually to reflect the consumption requirements of families based on their size and composition. I am a commonly used measure of absolute poverty.

Poverty line

I am imprecisely defined. I maintain stable stratification hierarchies and patterns of class divisions. I am a social ranking based primarily on economic position.

Social class


A group of people who have a similar level of wealth and income.


Hereditary systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that tend to be fixed and immobile

Closed system

A social system in which there is little or no possibility of individual mobility.

Objective method

A technique for measuring social class that assigns individuals to classes on the basis of criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence.

Open System

A social system in which the position of each individual is influenced by his or her achieved status.


The ability to exercise one's will over others.

Social mobility

Movement of individuals or groups from one position of a society's stratification system to another.


A structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society.


An inclusive term encompassing all of a person's material assets, including land and other types of property.

Status group refers to
Select one:
a. people who share a similar level of wealth and income.
b. people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position.
c. members of a class who have a subjective awareness regarding their common vested interests and need for collective political action to bring about social change.
d. a feudal class.


Max Weber defined ________ as the ability to exercise one's will over others.
Select one:
a. control
b. status
c. class
d. power


Every evening at a neighborhood bar, the clientele—which consists of construction workers, police officers, plumbers, and factory workers—watches sports events on the big screen television set and play pool. The people who hang out in this bar are an example of a
Select one:
a. status group.
b. power group.
c. class.
d. caste.


Which of the following types of stratification systems required peasants to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection and other services?
Select one:
a. caste
b. class
c. estate
d. slavery


A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power is called
Select one:
a. socialization.
b. status.
c. social structure.
d. social inequality.


An inner-city youth spends many hours in the neighborhood playground shooting baskets on the basketball court and engaging in every game that he can play. His skills become outstanding, and he receives a college scholarship and then signs a lucrative contract to play in the National Basketball Association. This is an example of
Select one:
a. vertical mobility.
b. ascribed status.
c. horizontal mobility.
d. structural mobility.


Which of the following terms refers to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?
Select one:
a. tenures
b. slavery
c. castes
d. feudalism


Max Weber uses the term class to refer to people who share a similar level of
Select one:
a. culture.
b. wealth and income.
c. power.
d. esteem.


In Karl Marx's view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a
Select one:
a. bourgeoisie consciousness.
b. class consciousness.
c. false consciousness.
d. caste consciousness.


Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of stratification?
Select one:
a. class, caste, and power
b. class, status, and power
c. class, caste, and age
d. class, prestige, and esteem


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