Which of the following terms refers to a branch of the social sciences dealing with aging and the elderly?

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Terms in this set (50)

Sociologists argue that stages of life are

socially constructed

Which term refers to a branch of the social sciences dealing with aging and the elderly?


In Japan, a very low birthrate has resulted in

the proportion of Japan's population over the age of sixty-five is increasing faster than in any other country

Which of the following terms refers to the average life span of a country's population?

life expectancy

What percentage of the 62,000 centenarians in the United States (people aged 100 years or older) are women?

82 percent

Which one of the following statements is correct?

Seventy-two percent of elderly men live with a wife; just 42 percent of elderly women live with a husband

In 1987, Congress passed legislation that

required employers to phase out mandatory retirement policies

Portraying elderly people as a whole as senile, rigid, or old-fashioned is an example of


Which of the following concepts refers to social inequality among various age categories within a society

age stratification

Which of the following terms refers to assisting in the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease?


Which term refers to rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members?


Which of the following defines people's responsibilities to uphold public order?

criminal law

The Federal Bureau of Investigation compiles an annual publication of crime reports from police departments across the country, called

Crime in the United States: Uniform Crime Report

Comparing victimization survey responses to police reports shows that about what percentage of serious crime is known to police?

about half of violent crime and one-third of property crime

Research analyzing the link between crime and social class shows that most arrests for street crime are of

people of lower social position

In terms of absolute numbers, most crimes involve offenders who are


Which term refers to the violation of the law by young people?

juvenile delinquency

Our society's use of due process, involving police, courts, and punishment, to enforce the law. is called

the criminal justice system

Which term refers to subsequent offenses committed by people previously convicted of crimes?

criminal recidivism

Which theory states that crime and other deviance results not so much from what people do as from how others respond to those actions?

labeling theory

What concept refers to the biological distinction between females and males?


The story of sexual activity among students at the high school in Jefferson City, Missouri, shows

that about half of the sexually active students were "chained together" through a few sexual partners

Sexual activity may involve human biology, but sociologists focus on the fact that it is also guided by

human culture

Research suggests that sexual orientation

is primarily innate or based in human biology

The muxe of central Mexico are transgendered people, a fact that reminds us

that a society can recognize more than two gender categories

Homophobia refers to

hostility to people thought to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual

Unwanted comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature constitute

sexual harassment

In 1972, Congress passed Title IX of the Higher Education Amendment, which

banned sex discrimination in schools, colleges, and universities receiving federal funds

How many different sexually transmitted diseases are reported in the United States?

more than fifty

Which of the following refers to a viewpoint that sees a pattern of bias that treats heterosexuality as the norm, while stigmatizing anyone who differs from this norm as "queer?"


A drug is any chemical substance, other than food or water, that

affects the mind or body

In 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

outlawed the manufacture and sale of alcohol across the country

Jorge has a beer or a glass of wine with dinner from time to time because these drinks taste good with the food and make him feel relaxed. His behavior illustrates which reason for using drugs (in this case, alcohol)?


Which term means using any illegal substance or to using a legal substance (such as a prescription drug) in a way that violates accepted medical practice?

drug abuse

The most widely used drug in the United States is probably


In the United States, which of the following is, by far, the single greatest preventable cause of death?

cigarette smoking

Which term refers to having at least five drinks in a row for men, or four drinks for women, at least once in the past two weeks?

alcohol addiction

When family members try to earn extra money, hide evidence of accidents, or directly provide drugs to an abuser in an effort to "keep the peace," they are engaged in


According to government reports, about what percentage of convicted jail inmates were under the influence of some alcohol when they committed their crimes?

61 percent

The Fair Sentencing Act, passed in 2010, was enacted to

reduce the disparity in sentencing for crack possession versus cocaine possession

About what percentage of the adult population in the United States suffers from a mental illness at some point in their lives?


Health is defined by the World Health Organization as

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

An illness that has a long-term development is called

a chronic disease

What is the term for a medical care system in which the government owns and operates most medical facilities and employs most physicians?

socialized medicine

When it comes to the health of the overall population, in comparison with most other high-income nations, the United States ranks


About what percentage of the U.S. population has no medical coverage?

15 percent

The leading cause of death among African American men aged fifteen to thirty-four is


Gender affects the health of men and women in which of the following ways?

U.S. culture's definition of masculinity places men at higher risk for accidents, violence, and suicide

Our culture's tendency to define women in terms of physical attractiveness

can lead to eating disorders, which in turn cause other serious health problems

In 1990, which act of Congress outlawed discrimination against people with disabilities in employment and public accommodations, including hotels, theaters, restaurants, and stores?

the Americans with Disabilities Act

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Which of the following terms refers to the average lifespan of a country's population?

The term “life expectancy” refers to the number of years a person can expect to live. By definition, life expectancy is based on an estimate of the average age that members of a particular population group will be when they die.

Which concept refers to social inequality among age categories within a society?

Age stratification based on an ascribed status is a major source inequality, and thus may lead to ageism. Ageism is a social inequality resulting from age stratification. This is a sociological concept that comes with studying aging population.

Which of the following concepts refers to the average life span of a country's population quizlet?

Related questions Life expectancy refers to the average years of life one can expect to live, whereas maximum life span refers to the maximum number of years a given species is expected to live.

What is Gerontology quizlet?

Gerontology. The study of aging or the aging process; multidisciplinary in nature.