Which of the following underlying emotions is commonly seen in an avoidant personality disorder?

1) Personality disorders (PD) consist of a loosely-bound cluster of sub-types. Which of the following common features are evident in PD?

Nội dung chính

  • What are personality disorders?
  • What are the most common types of personality disorders?
  • Examples of odd/eccentric (Cluster A) personality disorders
  • Examples of dramatic/erratic (Cluster B) personality disorders
  • Examples of anxious/inhibited (Cluster C) personality disorders
  • Treatment for personality disorders
  • Which of the following is a symptom of avoidant personality disorder?
  • What are three symptoms of avoidant personality?
  • Which behaviors are expected in patients with avoidant personality disorders?
  • What happens in the brain with avoidant personality disorder?

2) Which of the following is the most well-known of the Personality disorders ?

3) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of individuals with paranoid personality disorder

4) An Individual with a schizotypal personality disorder will usually exhibit which of the following characteristics?

5) Which of the following is a subtype of Dramatic/Emotional Personality Disorders (Cluster B)

6) The term 'sociopath' or 'psychopath' is sometimes used to describe which type of personality disorder

7) An individual with narcissistic personality disorder will routinely overestimate their abilities and inflate their accomplishments, and this is characterized by which of the following?

8) The apparent lack of empathy and the tendency to exploit others for self-benefit, has lead psychologists to compare narcissistic personality disorder with which one of the following?

9) Which of the following are considered to be the main features of avoidant personality disorder?

10) Some clinicians have come to believe that antisocial personality disorder and social phobia are both components of a broader spectrum called:

11) An Individual with Dependent Personality Disorder will exhibit which of the following?

12) An Individual with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder will exhibit which of the following characteristics?

13) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a risk factors for personality disorders ?

14) The formalistic similarities between Cluster A disorders and schizophrenia have led researchers to argue that they are part of a broader

15) According to psychodynamic theory which of the following is NOT deemed to be characteristic of the parents of an individual with paranoid personality disorder

16) Antisocial Personality Disorder is closely associated with criminal and antisocial behaviour. Because of this, considerable effort has been invested in attempting which of the following?

17) Personality disorders are an enduring patterns of behaviour that persist from childhood into adulthood and because of this fact, one of the best predictors of APD in adulthood is a diagnosis of

18) Behaviour of individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder often appears impulsive and unpredictable due to switching quickly and unpredictably between:

19) More recent research has linked Borderline Personality Disoder (BPD) with bipolar disorder, and the two are often comorbid. Some individuals with BPD belong to a broader:

20) Evidence suggests that individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder have a number of brain abnormalities that may give rise to impulsive behaviour. There is evidence for dysfunction in brain:

21) According to psychodynamic theory individuals are sometimes motivated to respond to the world through the perspectives they have learnt from important other people in their developmental past. This is called:

22) Psychodynamic theories of personality disorders that individuals with weak egos engage in a defence mechanism called:

23) Narcissistic personality disorder is also closely associated with antisocial personality disorder (APD),. Which of the following is not a way in narcissistic individuals will regularly act:

24) Which of the following is not usually associated with Avoidant Personality Disorder?

25) Which of the following is a particular example of psychodynamic treatment which attempts to strengthen the individual's weak ego so that they are able to address issues in their life without constantly flipping from one extreme view to another:

26) There is one particular form of therapy that has been successfully used to treat individuals with personality disorders and involves providing them with insight into their dysfunctional ways of thinking, and is designed to provide them with the necessary skills to overcome these problematic ways of thinking and behaving. Which of the following is this therapy ?

27) Cognitive behavioural therapy may be used to treat an individual with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder by challenging:

28) In the treatments of individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder a therapist may change dysfunctional schemata by:

29) Which of the following could be described as a stage of schemata therapy for personality disorder?

30) Which of the following is not a DSM-IV-TR criterion for schizoid personality disorder?

What are personality disorders?

For people without a personality disorder, personality traits are patterns of thinking, reacting, and behaving that remain relatively consistent and stable over time. People with a personality disorder display more rigid thinking and reacting behaviors that make it hard for them to adapt to a situation. These behaviors often disrupt their personal, professional, and social lives.

What are the most common types of personality disorders?

Generally, personality disorders are divided into 3 subtypes (or clusters), and include the following:

Cluster A: odd/eccentric
Cluster B: dramatic/erratic
Cluster C: anxious/inhibited

Examples of odd/eccentric (Cluster A) personality disorders

  • Paranoid personality disorder. People with this disorder are often cold, distant, and unable to form close, interpersonal relationships. They are often overly suspicious of their surroundings without good reason. People with paranoid personality disorder generally can't see their role in conflict situations. Instead, they often project their feelings of paranoia as anger onto others.

  • Schizoid personality disorder. People with this disorder are often cold, distant, introverted, and have an intense fear of intimacy and closeness. People with schizoid personality disorder are absorbed in their own thinking and daydreaming. Because of this, they exclude themselves from attachment to people and reality.

  • Schizotypal personality disorder. Similar to those with schizoid personality disorder, people with this disorder are often cold, distant, introverted, and have an intense fear of intimacy and closeness. Yet, with schizotypal personality disorder, people also show disordered thinking, perception, and ineffective communication skills. Many symptoms of schizotypal personality disorder look like schizophrenia, but are less intense and intrusive.

Examples of dramatic/erratic (Cluster B) personality disorders

  • Borderline personality disorder. People with this disorder are not stable in their perceptions of themselves. They have trouble keeping stable relationships. Moods may also be inconsistent, but never neutral. Their sense of reality is always seen in "black and white." People with borderline personality disorder often feel as though they lacked a certain level of nurturing while growing up. As a result, they constantly seek a higher level of caretaking from others as adults. This may be achieved through manipulation of others, leaving them often feeling empty, angry, and abandoned. This may lead to desperate and impulsive behavior.

  • Antisocial personality disorder. People with this disorder characteristically disregard the feelings, property, authority, and respect of others for their own personal gain. This may include violent or aggressive acts involving or targeting other individuals, without a sense of regret or guilt for any of their destructive actions.

  • Narcissistic personality disorder. People with this disorder present severely overly-inflated feelings of self-worth, grandness, and superiority over others. People with narcissistic personality disorder often exploit others who fail to admire them. They are overly sensitive to criticism, judgment, and defeat.

  • Histrionic personality disorder. People with this disorder are overly conscious of their appearance and are constantly seeking attention. They also often behave dramatically in situations that don't warrant this type of reaction. The emotional expressions of people with histrionic personality disorder are often judged as superficial and exaggerated.

Examples of anxious/inhibited (Cluster C) personality disorders

  • Dependent personality disorder. People with this disorder rely heavily on others for validation and fulfillment of basic needs. They often can't properly care for themselves. People with dependent personality disorder lack self-confidence and security, and have a hard time making decisions.

  • Avoidant personality disorder. People with this disorder are very sensitive to rejection. Because of  this, they avoid situations with any possible conflict. This reaction is fear-driven. People with this disorder become disturbed by their own social isolation, withdrawal, and inability to form close, interpersonal relationships.

  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. People with this disorder are adverse to change. They are bothered by a disrupted routine due to their obsession for order. They have anxiety and trouble completing tasks and making decisions. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder often become uncomfortable in situations that are beyond their control. They have trouble maintaining positive, healthy interpersonal relationships as a result.

Treatment for personality disorders

Specific treatment for each personality disorder will be determined by your healthcare provider based on your age, overall health, and medical history.

Personality disorders are often hard to treat. They may need long-term attention to change the inappropriate behavior and thought patterns. Treatment may include:

  • Medicine (although medicine may not be used correctly and has limited effectiveness)

  • Psychological treatment (including family involvement)

People with personality disorders may need to try a number of therapists and types of therapies before they find a combination that works.

Which of the following is a symptom of avoidant personality disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition, inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection. Yet the symptoms involve more than simply being shy or socially awkward.

What are three symptoms of avoidant personality?

The following is a list of common symptoms associated with avoidant personality disorder:.

A need to be well-liked1 .

Anhedonia (lack of pleasure in activities).

Anxiety about saying or doing the wrong thing..

Anxiety in social situations..

Avoiding conflict (being a "people-pleaser").

Which behaviors are expected in patients with avoidant personality disorders?

People with avoidant personality disorder may be unwilling to get involved with people unless they are certain of being liked, be preoccupied with being criticized or rejected, or may view themselves as not being good enough or socially inept.

What happens in the brain with avoidant personality disorder?

For avoidant personality disorder, some of the most prominent risk factors include: Brain abnormalities. People with avoidant personality disorder experience intense bursts of anxiety, which are connected to neurological deficiencies in areas of the brain involved in stress response and emotional control.

Which underlying emotion is commonly seen in an avoidant personality disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder: People with this condition have chronic feelings of inadequacy and are highly sensitive to being negatively judged by others. Though they would like to interact with others, they tend to avoid social interaction due to the intense fear of being rejected.

What are three symptoms of avoidant personality?

The following is a list of common symptoms associated with avoidant personality disorder:.
A need to be well-liked1.
Anhedonia (lack of pleasure in activities).
Anxiety about saying or doing the wrong thing..
Anxiety in social situations..
Avoiding conflict (being a "people-pleaser").

Which of the following is a symptom of avoidant personality disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition, inadequacy, and sensitivity to negative criticism and rejection. Yet the symptoms involve more than simply being shy or socially awkward.

Which behaviors are expected in patients with avoidant personality disorders?

People with avoidant personality disorder may be unwilling to get involved with people unless they are certain of being liked, be preoccupied with being criticized or rejected, or may view themselves as not being good enough or socially inept.