Which of the following was an economic effect on Europeans as a result of the Columbian Exchange?

 1. Was the Columbian Exchange a benefit to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas? Why or why not?

The Columbian exchange was not a benefit to the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. This is due to the fact that the major part of the exchange was the exchange of new diseases that contributed to the decimation of the largest percentage of the population of the indigenous people. Though they received new animals like sheep, horses, pigs and others, the negative impact of the new diseases like smallpox, measles, mumps, typhus and others were great. In fat close to five million natives were killed by these diseases as their bodies were new to these pathogens. 

 2. Describe how TWO of the following elements of the Columbian Exchange impacted the lives of Europeans, Indigenous Americans and Africans: tobacco, potatoes, sugar cane, Christianity, smallpox, coffee, gold. 

               Tobacco being one of the crops that was used in the New World had a lot of impacts to not only the Europeans but also the naives and the Africans. A general impact was the millions of deaths that was and is till witnessed across the globe. The natives, Europeans and Africans died of respiratory diseases that were caused by smoking tobacco. The Europeans, however, took advantage of it by exporting it to Europe after gaining some popularity thus acting as cash crop. The Europeans were enriched by tobacco and the economy of Europe was boosted by the import of tobacco from the New World. The Natives and the Africans were used as slaves to work on the tobacco plantations thus having a negative impact. This is due to the decimation of the natives due to slavery and the forceful transfer of Africans from Africa to the Americas for deadly enslavement.

               Smallpox too had impacts on the Europeans, the natives and the Africans. It remained one of the major killers since the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the New World to around 18th century. However, the impact on the natives was too much since it wiped up to ninety percent of their population. The Africans were not spared too. Though, for the Africans, the disease became more rampant during the age of colonization. Fortunately, vaccines had been developed leading to a reduced impact on the Africans. 

 3. In addition to your response to question #2, how else did the Columbian Exchange benefit Europe?

               Since the Columbian exchange involved the exchange of crops like corn, cassava, bananas and other food crops, the Europeans were able to get improved diet and enough food that led to a population increase in the continent. The introduction of such crops of potoatos ensures that harvest was almost throughout the year while others like corn were drought resistant; these had a huge psotivee impact on the entire Europe. Also the economy of Europe was enhanced as trade flourished since the New World acted as the source of raw materials for the industries in Europe especially after the industrial revolution while the Americas and Africa served as the source of market. The Triangular Trade was the trade that saw the exchange of goods and slaves from Africa to the Americas via Europe and vice versa. This trade saw a lot of European merchants gain a lot of wealthy as middlemen and transporters. The Europeans also migrated in large numbers to the Americas with the intention of finding gold, glory and spreading the word of God. 

                Also, some goods like skins from animals and fur together with the natural resources found in the new world served to improve the economy of Europe greatly. Colonization and capitalism were also spurred making the Europeans the richest and with the largest empires on earth. The population of Europe was able to move to the New World becoming farmers and businessmen who sent some resources back to their empires. The Great Britain for example was able to become the World's superpower until after the World Wars; this was due to the Columbian exchange.

It is however, unfortunate that the Europeans themselves fought for territorial possessions in the Americas leading to deadly and costly wars like the French Indian wars that left Britain heavily indebted. The Europeans too had a share of their diseases from the New World. Such diseases as syphilis and tuberculosis were acquired by the Europeans. 


Nunn, N., & Qian, N. (2010). The Columbian exchange: A history of disease, food, and ideas. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(2), 163-88.

Merritt, J. E. (1960). The triangular trade. Business History, 3(1), 1-7.

What was an economic result of the Columbian Exchange?

They not only changed cuisine and culture but resulted in major economic and environmental shifts. This is because many of the new crops, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, and cassava, were calorically rich and quickly became staple crops.

How did the Columbian Exchange affect European economy?

The Columbian Exchange caused population growth in Europe by bringing new crops from the Americas and started Europe's economic shift towards capitalism. Colonization disrupted ecosytems, bringing in new organisms like pigs, while completely eliminating others like beavers.

Which of the following was a result of the Columbian Exchange?

What were some positive and negative results of the Columbian Exchange? positive-European/African foods introduced and American food to Europe/Africa. negative-Native Americans and Africans were forced to work on plantations. Diseases were also exchanged!

What was an economic result of the Columbian Exchange quizlet?

What was an economic result of the Columbian Exchange? A European dominated global trade network. What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe? The population of Europe increased with the introduction of new foods.