Which of the following would be the best source of information regarding a Congress members position on a particular bill quizlet?





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Terms in this set (34)

According to Madison, what does people's self-interest lead to?

A) Altruism
B) Public Good
C) Powerful Government
D) Factions

D) Factions

Although most Americans have little interest in politics, most of us encounter or are affected by politics...

A) yearly
B) monthly
C) weekly
D) daily

D) daily

Because public goods can be underproduced in a free market, they are often provided by:

A) Political parties
B) charity
C) government
D) religion

A) Political Parties

Generally, Americans tend to be moderate on_____________ issues.

A) foreign policy
B) domestic policy
C) most
D) few

C) most

Redistributive tax polices and few restrictions on individual behavior are generally tenets of the ___________ party.

A) republican
B) democratic
C) libertarian
D) pro-life

B) democratic

THe fact that an individual is better off when refusing to cooperate leads to

A) terrorism
B) tyranny
C) collective-action problems
D) public administration

C) collective-action problems

The legalization of marijuana in a number of states in 2012 should be seen as a victory for the __________ party.

A) republican
B) democratic
C) Libertarian
D) pro-life

C) libertarian

What are the two broad purposes of all forms of government?

A) to provide order and promote the general welfare
B) federalism and checks and balances
C) to provide order and create a more perfect union
D) federalism and the general welfare


What did Aristotle call a "government ruled by the many" ?

A) monarchy
B) aristocracy
C) polity
D) democracy


Which term describes giving each branch of government power over the other two?

A) separation of powers
B) checks and balances
C) federalism
D) plutocracy


WHich term describes the inability to get individuals to cooperate to achieve a common goal?

A) positive externality
B) the Samaritan's dilemma
C) collective-action problem
D) principal-agent problem


Why do politicians have a hard time resolving the issue of abortion?

A) politicians don't listen to the people
B) the parties are divided on what the policy should be
C) politicians don't know what their constituents views are
D) the country is divided on what the politicy should look like


Rules, such as those regulating debate in the Senate or limiting who can vote in elections, serve as evidence that __________.

A) politics is understandable
B) politics is conflictual
C) political process matters
D) politics is everywhere people have different interests


Democrats tend to favor __________ tax policies and are __________ inclined to regulate industry.

A) redistributive; more
B) conservative; more
C) redistributive; less
D) conservative; less
E) regressive; less


Which issue is commonly associated with the culture wars?

A) the national debt
B) environmental regulation
C) affirmative action the tax code
D) same-sex marriage


An individual who opposes government social welfare policy and supports the legalization of drugs is most likely a __________.

A) libertarian
B) socialist
C) democrat
D) republican
E) centrist


Which type of equality is not typically agreed upon in American politics?

A) equality of opportunity
B) equality before the law
C) political equality
D) one person, one vote
E) material equality (equal income)


What did James Madison argue was "worse than the disease"?

A) giving too much power to state legislatures
B) allowing people to have too much freedom, which would lead to chaos
C) giving up liberty to get rid of conflict
D) allowing politicians to exercise their judgment rather than listen to the people
E) taking cod liver oil to treat various ailments


Which of the following would be the best source of information regarding a Congress member's position on a particular bill?

A) a podcast produced by a person on the Congress member's staff
B) an article in a national newspaper written by a staff reporter covering Washington, D.C.
C) a blog post written by an organization that will be affected by the bill
D) an interview with the Congress member on a cable news segment
E) a campaign advertisement paid for by a political opponent


How were members of Congress selected under the Articles of Confederation?

A)by the state governor
B)by the state legislature
C)by the state supreme court
D)by popular election by random lot


What power did the president have under the Articles of Confederation?

A)power to raise an army
B) power to veto congressional legislation
C) power to negotiate foreign agreements
D) power to nominate federal judges
E) There was no president under the Articles of Confederation.


Who is the philosopher who argued that without government, life would be "nasty, brutish, and short"?

A) Thomas Hobbes
B) John Locke
C) Baron de Montesquieu
D) Thomas Paine
E) Thomas Jefferson


At the American Founding, what is the best way to describe the economic inequality among classes and the economic diversity among regions?

A) high inequality / high diversity B) high inequality / low diversity
C) low inequality / high diversity
D) low inequality / low diversity
E) none of the above


Madison argued that the best way to prevent the tyranny of factions was to ____________ .

A) outlaw political parties
B) establish a strong national government
C) have various groups compete against one another in the government
D) establish strong local governments
E) try to ensure that all people were equal


The Great Compromise provided solutions to which issue?

A) balancing majority rule with minority rights
B) allocating power between big and small states
C) allocating power between the legislature and executive
D) allocating power between national and state governments
E) determining how to handle slavery


How are executives chosen in most other established democracies?

A) by popular election
B) by electoral college
C) through selection by the judiciary
D) through selection by the legislature
E) by the United Nations


The outcome of the Three-Fifths Compromise was that each enslaved person counted for three-fifths of a person for the purposes of ____________ and ____________ .

A) voting; taxation
B) congressional representation; taxation
C) voting; congressional representation
D) taxation; congressional appropriations
E) congressional representation; agricultural subsidies


What group was concerned about the Constitution's provisions for the strength of the president and the lack of specific guarantees of civil liberties?

A) Tories
B) Unionists
C) Federalists
D) Antifederalists
E) Free Soilers


A series of arguments originally published in New York newspapers supported the Constitution and outlined the political theory behind it. What are these assembled works called?

A) Pickwick Papers
B) Federalist Papers
C) Antifederalist Papers
D) Common Sense
E) The Second Treatise of Government


The "necessary and proper" clause gives flexibility to which part of government?

A) the president
B) the Supreme Court
C) the bureaucracy
D) the Congress
E) interest groups


Which branch has the fewest explicit powers?

A) the president
B) the Supreme Court
C) the bureaucracy
D) the Congress
E) the people


Which of the following negative powers does the president enjoy?

A) the power to veto legislation
B) the power to freeze judicial salaries
C) the power to review the constitutionality of a law
D) the power to impeach federal justices
E) the power to dissolve Congress and call new elections


Which route for proposing a constitutional amendment has been used for all successful amendments to date?

A) approval by two-thirds of the members of Congress
B) approval by a national convention
C) approval by two-thirds of the state legislatures
D) approval by the Supreme Court
E) approval by the president


After an amendment is successfully proposed, what step must occur for it to become part of the Constitution?

A) signature by the president
B) approval by a popular vote
C) ratification by three-fourths of the states
D) nullification by all 50 state legislatures
E) a national referendum vote


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Which of the following would be the best source of information regarding a Congress member's position on a particular bill? B) an article in a national newspaper written by a staff reporter covering Washington, D.C.