Which one of the following examples best illustrates piaget’s concept of object permanence?


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Which one of the following is an example of maturation? gaining weight from age two to three
The role of cultural tools in cognitive development involves, according to Vygotsky, both real and symbolic tools
According to Piaget, the process of searching for a balance between cognitive schemas and environmental information is called equilibration
The role of "private speech" in Vygotsky's view is to guide one's activities in solving a problem
Which one of the following statements best reflects Piaget's position on the question of speeding up cognitive development? acceleration is both inefficient and useless
Messages sent by releasing chemicals that jump across synapses involve neurons
Janie was having difficulty deciding how to organize her defense for the debate competition.She prepared several hypothetical arguments that her opponents might raise, and how she might reply. What cognitive stage of Piaget's theory does this illustrate? formal operations
According to Piaget, the foundation for development in all humans is supplied by maturation
Which of the following pairs of factors that influence thinking is thought by Piaget to be genetic or inherited tendencies? adaptation and organization
According to Piaget, people pass through the four stages of cognitive development in the same sequence
If John is introduced to the concept of fractions today, he will not be able to start adding and subtracting them tomorrow. What general principle of development is illustrated? development takes place gradually
Which one of the following is the clearest example of Piaget's concept of assimilation? Looking at a worm and thinking that it is a snake.
What is the hallmark of Piaget's stage of formal operations? hypothetical-deductive reasoning
An increasingly influential view of cognitive development proposed by Vygotsky is based on culture and socioculture theory
The two processes involved in adaptation are assimilation and accommodation
Jeannie observed rocks sinking in water and said, "I already knew that. All rocks sink." Then she saw a piece of pumice floating on water and was told that pumice is rock..she was asked again and replied "most do". In Piaget's terms, she used... accommodation
Vygotsky's view of cognitive development differs from Piaget's in the importance and emphasis placed on a person's interpersonal interactions
All developmental theories have the following general principle in common development is gradual
Nathan is shown two balls of clay that he identifies as equal in quantity. When one of the balls is then rolled into a sausage, Nathan says that piece (i.e., sausage) now has more clay. In what stage of development is he likely to be? preoperational thought
In Piaget's theory, an understanding of object permanence is acquired during what period of development? sensorimotor
Children experiencing the Eriksonian conflict of trust vs. mistrust are in Piaget's ____ stage sensorimotor
Erikson interprets development based on the perspective of the _____ theory psychosocial
What of the following sayings best conveys a child's thinking before the notion of object permanence is acquired? "out of sight, out of mind"
Michelle covers her own eyes because she thinks her friends will not see her when playing a game of hide-and-seek. What stage of Piaget's cognitive theory does this account best illustrate? sensorimotor
teacher pours juice from a larger glass into two tiny glasses, and the child beams, happy now that he has "more juice." What cognitive stage (Piaget's theory) does the account best illustrate? preoperational thought
Application of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development concept would include making new tasks slightly beyond the student's current level of ability
Researchers have found the best time for a child to learn a second language on his/her own is early childhood
Erikson interprets development from the perspective of what theory? psychosocial
According to Erikson, if a child fails to resolve a crisis at an early stage, the child is apt to encounter problems with resolutions of later crises
The way that children resolve the autonomy vs. shame and doubt crisis influences their later sense of confidence in their own abilities
The school and the neighborhood first become highly important influences during what Eriksonian stage? industry vs. inferiority
Christine can't decide what she wants to persue when she graduates from high school this year. "Life is so confusing," she thinks to herself. "Perhaps it is best not to think about these decisions at all." Christine is experiencing identity diffusion
The difference between self-concept and self-esteem is that self-concept is a cognitive structure while self-esteem is an affective reaction
Research suggests that the relationship between self-esteem and success in school is a positive relationship
Woolfolk has suggested that self-esteem is probably increased the most by demonstrating competence in valued knowledge domains
Based on recent studies, which of the following children is likely to have the greatest difficulty with assessing the intention of others? Enid, an aggressive three-year-old
Frank said, "If I were starving, I'd steal a loaf of bread, but it would be wrong and against the law." What level of moral reasoning does Frank demonstrate? conventional
Research has shown that students who watch others behaving aggressively become more aggressive
Psychologists disagree about the commonly held belief that parents are the major influence on their children. What is the basis of this disagreement? peer influences
Relational aggression involves threatening or damaging social relationships
According to Woolfolk, one of the best ways to prevent cheating in a classroom is to make every attempt to avoid placing learners in high-pressure situations
Piaget's basic blocks of thinking and memory are schemas
Andre is having difficulty with the idea that the "amount" of some substance stays the same regardless of its shape or the number of pieces into which it is divided. The concept he struggles with is called conservation
Which of the following concepts undergirds Vygotsky's perspective on learning? culture and language
The zone of proximal development is the area where students may solve a problem with support
People's sense of self, what their existence means, and what they want in life best describes their... self-concept
the production of new neurons is called neurogenesis
tiny spaces between neuron cells are called synapses
these measurements assess electrical activity of the brain through the skull or scalp as people perform activities such as reading event-related potential measurements
these scans can track brain activity under different conditions Positron-emission tomography
this term, in its most general definition, refers to certain changes that occur in human beings between conception and death development
refers to changes in the way an individual relates to others social development
refers to changes in thinking, reasoning, and decision making cognitive development
refers to changes that occur naturally and spontaneously and that are, to a large extent, genetically programmed maturation
according to Piaget, these are the basic building blocks of thinking schemes
this takes place when we use our existing schemes to make sense of events in our world assimilation
this involves trying to understand something new by fitting it into what we already know assimilation
this occurs when we must change existing schemes to respond to a new situation accommodation
this is the act of searching for a balance equilibration

What is Piaget object permanence?

Object permanence involves understanding that items and people still exist even when you can't see or hear them. This concept was discovered by child psychologist Jean Piaget and is an important milestone in a baby's brain development.

Which of the following best describes object permanence?

Object permanence describes a child's ability to know that objects continue to exist even though they can no longer be seen or heard.

What is object permanence in child quizlet?

Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be observed (seen, heard, touched, smelled or sensed in any way).

What is object permanence quizlet the ability to?

Terms in this set (24) Define object permanence. The ability to understand that an object continues to existence in time and space in the absence of visual perception.


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