Which organization issues and enforces regulations pertaining to employee safety in the workplace

OSHA's mission is to ensure that employees work in a safe and healthful environment by setting and enforcing standards, and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. Employers must comply with all applicable OSHA standards. They must also comply with the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act, which requires employers to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards.

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Federal regulatory agency that is concerned with the regulation of sterilization equipment


The federal non-regulatory agency that issues recommendations on health and safety


Professional Organization for dentists


Federal regulatory agency that enforces regulations that pertain to employee safety


Premier resource for safety and infection prevention information in dentistry

N losh

Is the federal agency that is responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury


Federal regulatory agency that deals with the issues of concern to the environment or public Safety

P h a c

The main Federal agency responsible for public health in Canada

Which agency makes recommendations for infection control guidelines practice it in dentistry?

CDC develops evidence-based recommendations to guide infection prevention and control practices in all settings in which dental treatment is provided.

What is a federal regulatory agency that is concerned with the regulation of sterilization equipment?

In general, EPA regulates disinfectants and sterilants used on environmental surfaces, and not those used on critical or semicritical medical devices; the latter are regulated by FDA.

Which is a function of regulatory agencies?

Regulatory agencies deal in the areas of administrative law, regulatory law, secondary legislation, and rulemaking (codifying and enforcing rules and regulations, and imposing supervision or oversight for the benefit of the public at large).

Which agency determines the safety and efficacy of disinfectants used in the dental office?

Liquid sterilant chemicals and high-level disinfectants intended for use on critical and semi-critical medical/dental devices and instruments as well as hand antiseptics (handwash or handrub agents) are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


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