Which Organizational Behavior perspective discusses inputs, outputs, and feedback

Which Organizational Behavior perspective discusses inputs, outputs, and feedback


Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1.Which of these statements about the field of organizational behaviour is FALSE?



Organizational behaviour scholars study individual, team and structural characteristics that influence

behaviour within organizations.


Leadership, communication and other organizational behaviour topics were not discussed by scholars

until the 1940s.

C. Organizational behaviour emerged as a distinct field around the 1940s.

D. The field of OB has adopted concepts and theories from other fields of inquiry.

E. OB scholars study what people think, feel and do in and around organizations.

2.Which of these statements about the field of organizational behaviour is TRUE?

A. Organizational behaviour emerged as a distinct field during the 1980s.


The origins of some organizational behaviour concepts date back to Plato and other Greek


C. Information technology has almost no effect on organizational behaviour.


The field of organizational behaviour relies exclusively on ideas generated within the field by

organizational behaviour scholars.

E. The origins of organizational behaviour are traced mainly to the field of economics.

3.In the field of organizational behaviour, organizations are best described as:

A. legal entities that must abide by government regulations and pay taxes.

B. physical structures with observable capital equipment.

C. social entities with a publicly stated set of formal goals.

D. groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

E. any social entity with profit-centred motives and objectives.

4.Organizational behaviour knowledge:

A. originates mainly from models developed in chemistry and other natural sciences.

B. accurately predicts how anyone will behave in any situation.

C. is more appropriate for people who work in computer science than in marketing.

D. helps us to understand, and influence the behaviours of others in organizational settings.

E. None of the answers apply.

5.Which of these statements about the field is FALSE?



Organizational behaviour scholars study individual, team and structural characteristics that influence

behaviour within organizations.

B. The field of OB has adopted concepts and theories from other fields of inquiry.

C. Organizational behaviour emerged as a distinct field around the 1940s.


Given the specific utility of the field, OB is useful for the managers in the organizations and not the


E. OB scholars study what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.

6.According to the author of Canadian Organizational Behaviour, organizational behaviour knowledge:

A. should never be used to influence the behaviour of other people.

B. should be used mostly by managers and senior executives.

C. should never replace your commonsense knowledge about how organizations work.

D. is relevant to everyone who works in organizations.


should never be used to influence the behaviour of other people and should be used mostly by

managers and senior executives.

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What are the perspectives of organizational behavior?

There are four core elements of organizational behavior: people, structure, technology, and external environment. These factors work into the two different perspectives of OB: internal and external.

What are the 4 types of organizational behavior?

The four elements of organizational behavior are people, structure, technology, and the external environment.

In which approach of organisational behavior the proportion of output to input is studied?

Productivity Approach Productivity which is the ratio of output to input is a measure of an organization's effectiveness. It also reveals the manager's efficiency in optimizing resource utilization.

What are the 4 elements of organizational behavior explain with examples?

But regardless of how much material there is, there are four key elements to keep in mind when applying organizational behavior theory to the workplace. They are people, structure, technology, and environment.