Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its link to the theory used in the study?

Which part of research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its link to the theory used in the study? a. recommendation of the study
b. research implications
c. summary of findings
d. research limitations

Which part of research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and its link to the theory used in the study?

Answer: b. research implications

Research Implications

The research implications are the conclusions you draw from your findings and explain how the findings may be relevant to policy, practice, or theory. They are specific recommendations for additional research on the subject.

What are some research implications?

For example, if your research is based on the effects of a specific drug on diabetic patients, your research implications could highlight how administering that drug helps or does not help the patients and further suggest measures for drug regulation.

How do you write Practice Implications?

For each implication, write a paragraph or two of discussion. In each paragraph, state the Implication for Practice and refer to a finding from your research. Then, provide a discussion demonstrating how the practice could be implemented or how a specific audience will benefit.

Read here about the methodological implications in research: brainly.ph/question/11443064


Which part of the research conclusion refers to the logical relation of the current findings and link to the theory used in the study?

Research Implications are important content of your conclusion. It refers to the logical relations and their result in a given situation. The conclusions you draw from the findings, how you linked those to a specific theory or practice comprises the implication of the study.

What is the purpose of the theoretical implication in your conclusion part of the research study?

Answer: Research implications suggest how the findings may be important for policy, practice, theory, and subsequent research. Research implications are basically the conclusions that you draw from your results and explain how the findings may be important for policy, practice, or theory.

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper?

Conclusion. As you conclude your research paper, you should succinctly reiterate your thesis statement along with your methodology and analyzed data – by drawing all these elements together you will reach the purpose of your research, so all that is left is to point out your conclusions in a clear manner.

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper Brainly?

Which of the following parts of a research paper should be in the concluding part of the research paper? Summary of research methodology, scope and limitations, and recommendations.


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