Which parts of the body assessed by the nurse would confirm a diagnosis of frostbite quizlet

1. Metabolic acidosis

RATIONALE: Deep and rapid respirations are characteristic of Kussmaul's respirations. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg. Kussmaul's respirations, low blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, and headache are manifestations of metabolic acidosis. Therefore, the nurse suspects that the patient has metabolic acidosis. Signs of metabolic alkalosis include tetany, nausea, and vomiting. Although headache and hypotension are seen in respiratory acidosis, nausea, vomiting, and rapid respirations are not observed. Respiratory alkalosis is characterized by tetany, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting.

4. Extracellular fluid volume deficit

RATIONALE: Patients with burns are susceptible to third-space shifts, resulting in extracellular fluid volume deficit. Extracellular fluid volume deficit is characterized by poor skin turgor, decreased urine output, a rapid and thready pulse, and restlessness. Hyperkalemia is characterized by weakness, irregular pulse, and paresthesias. Hyperphosphatemia is characterized by numbness and tingling, hyperreflexia, tetany, and seizures. Metabolic acidosis is characterized by drowsiness, confusion, decreased blood pressure, dysrhythmias, nausea, and vomiting.

Which part of the body is most vulnerable to frostbite in a superficial injury quizlet?

Frostbite is damage to skin and tissue caused by exposure to freezing temperatures – typically any temperature below -0.55C (31F). Frostbite can affect any part of your body, but the extremities, such as the hands, feet, ears, nose and lips, are most likely to be affected.

Which signs and symptoms are observed in human body with a decrease in body temperature?

Slurred speech or mumbling..
Slow, shallow breathing..
Weak pulse..
Clumsiness or lack of coordination..
Drowsiness or very low energy..
Confusion or memory loss..
Loss of consciousness..

Which client body temperatures are indicative of moderate hypothermia?

Hypothermia can be further defined based on core temperature as mild (32-35C), moderate (28-32C), severe (<28C), with some experts also categorizing certain individuals with profound (<24C) hypothermia.

Which would the nurses immediate interventions be for the client with moderate hypothermia?

CORRECT: During moderate hypothermia, core rewarming methods (e.g., warm IV fluids, heated oxygen, heated gastric lavage) should be initiated prior to external rewarming methods (e.g., heating blankets, warm packs) to prevent “after-drop”.